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An Evolution is


rise 2Edit
Evolutionary Creator Kit
By Ralf Mayenberger @WuDeRPG
Intention The 3-Act Structure
RISE was created for you, RISE is built on a 3-Act
the one that loves creating structure that guides the
new characters and never story and the character
gets to play them, the one evolution.
that enjoys getting to know
their characters, the sucker Act 1
for coming of age stories.
You meet your character
You are at the center of this
in Act 1 and introduce both
Creator Kit, because you
story and group dynamic.
want to create with growth
in mind, growth for your Act 2
character and your story.
In Act 2 your character
It started with the idea to evolves and learns to use
recreate the plot of the Rise skills. You establish your
of the Planet of the Apes story and group dynamics.
movie in a game, but none
of the existing systems fit Act 3
my wish to grow within the
story - and before I knew it, The story culminates in
I was playing with the idea Act 3 and your characters
of my own system that does are tested.
just that.

This is what RISE is!

The focus of RISE is on During the 3 Acts of your
the characters and we will game the characters will
introduce the individual evolve: Characters start
components based on your with Attributes in Act 1,
evolving connection with gain Skills in Act 2 and are
your characters. challenged when tasked to
use their limited Resources
& Attempts in Act 3:

Act 1

Act 2

Act 3
& Attempts

Attributes - Act 1 Attribute Points
When you meet your We propose using a Dice
character in a RISE game, Pool (p. 8) and have all
you meet them in a very raw Attributes start at 1. When
and broad way represented creating characters, players
by only 3 Attributes. We get to distribute a number
went with the obvious of points on the Attributes.
choices to keep it simple! A good number here is 3-5,
depending on difficulty.

You use your BODY to accomplish your goal

You use your MIND to accomplish your goal

You use your CONNECTIONS to accomplish your goal

Skills - Act 2 Specific Skills
As you get to know your Each Attribute has one
character better, you will game specific skill. In Rise
encounter the skills of your of the Apes, these skills are:
character. There are 3 skills
• Tools (physical)
for each Attribute, 2 of
• Language (mental)
them are generic skills, 1 is
a game specific skill: • Teamwork (social)
These skills make sense in
Rise of the Apes, but a skill
Physical like Tools might not make
Strength - actions that call sense in your game.
for brute force
Agility - actions that call for Find something that
you to be nimble captures the essence of
your game and provides
Mental more depths to gameplay.
Knowledge - actions that
require learned knowledge Skill Points
Awareness - actions that
require perception / wisdom In the beginning of Act 2,
we propose to distribute
Social the Attribute points to the
Interaction - actions that ask associated skills. Example:
for communication 3 points could be spread
Intuition - actions that ask 1/1/1, 2/1/0 or 3/0/0.
for your insights

Resources & Attempts
Resources - Act 3 challenge and provide
them with the resources to
While Act 1 was about overcome your test.
meeting your character and
Act 2 focused on evolving
your character, Act 3 will
test your character and
push them to their limits.
Each of the 3 Resources
For this, RISE introduces
is limited by Attempts. A
3 Resources based on the
good number of Attempts
3 Attributes and a limited
is 5. This gives the players
number of Attempts to use
opportunities to try out
these resources.
things and experiment, but
In Act 3 we hand the reins still conveys urgency.
for your design completely
For each Attempt:
over to you. We provide
rules and some advice for • roll the associated
Attempts, but Resources Attribute
need to fit in with the theme • color in one box - no
of your game. matter the outcome
If your Physical Resource
Act 3 is the final act in represents Health think
your game, the culmination about how you track this.
of the characters efforts - We suggest failed Attempts
and here they will test their lead to a loss of Health.
limits. You will create the
Rise of the Apes
We mentioned the first Act 3 is Tactical Combat -
RISE game Rise of the Apes the Apes trying to pass the
before. To give you a better bridge to freedom while
idea how we used the idea the humans try to catch/kill
of RISE in a game, here is them. Limited Resources
what we did in Rise of the and Attempts foster the
Apes as an example: feeling we look for in
Tactical Combat and draw
Act 1 is a Heist - the Apes out tactical decisions!
breaking out of the Lab:
scheming, taking action, Rise of the Apes uses the
escaping! 3 Attributes is all following 3 Resources:
you need to play a Heist.
Anything more would just Toughness
slow you down.
Toughness represents both
Act 2 is Survival - the Health and any Physical
Apes running wild in the reserve of the Ape.
city using their skills to Tactic
make it to the bridge. Skills
are imperative in an act Tactic represents planning
focusing on Survival and it and Mental decisions that
lead into action.
allows the players to get to
know their Apes better. Command

Command represents Social

engagement to guide and
lead fellow Apes

Proposed Dice Mechanics
RISE is built on the idea We do, however, have
of evolution within a game. our own idea which dice
This evolution is clear in the mechanics work really well
3 Acts and you can use this with RISE. This section has
as basis for any number of our suggestions. Feel free
games of use this on top of to use any of them for your
existing games. game.

Rolling Dice Difficulty

For Actions roll a dice Count all dice with 4+
pool: You start with 1d6 (4 and above)

+ Add as many dice as 1 Die: Success with a

your Attribute/Skill score Complication

+ Add one die if your 2 Dice: Success, plain

Action receives an Assist and simple

In Rise of the Apes we 3 Dice: Success with a

included mechanics that Benefit
granted additional dice
6 6 or 6 6 6 = Great
from Specials like Sparks,
Bonds and the Strength of
the Group (more on this on p.

1 1 = Failure with a

14). Benefit
Complications are additional obstacles to overcome,
Benefits are advantages that help you in your situation.

More Mechanic Options
Our proposed mechanics You still use six-sided
for RISE are a variation of dice and roll a dice pool just
the mechanics of Lasers as before, but you only read
and Feelings by John the single highest result.
Harper. But there are other
styles that work well with And of course you still
this system. Maybe you get to enjoy our snake eyes
prefer playing ... rules, because it is always
fun to get something cool
Blades in the Dark out of a spectacular failure!

Rolling Dice Difficulty

For Actions roll a dice Count only the highest
pool: You start with 1d6 die result Blades

+ Add as many dice as 6: Success! Multiple 6s

your Attribute/Skill score is a Critcal Success

+ Add one die if your 4 + 5: Partical Success

Action receives an Assist with Complications

+ Additional dice from 1 - 3: Failure! Things

Specials like Sparks/Bonds go poorly
Complications are additional obstacles to overcome,
Snakes Eyes + Critical Successes give additional Benefits!

Old School Mechanics
Want to go a bit more Barbarian Special
Old School? Check out ...
Now the big reason we like
Barbarians of Barbarians of Lemuria Style
Lemuria Style: is, you get to add up to 2
Attributes or Skills to your
You only roll 2d6 and add 2d6 if you can justify why this
the numbers together - but makes sense! This is a fun
you get to add the points opportunity for players to
you have in your Attributes get creative and to get into a
in Act 1 or Skills in Act 2. light-hearted argument with
their GM!

Rolling Dice Difficulty

For your Actions you Add everything together:
always roll 2d6 - always! (2d6 + Attribute/Skill + Bonus)

+ Add your Attribute/

9+: Success!
Skill score to the result

+ Add another Attribute/


3 - 8: Failure!
Skill if you can justify it

+ Add a +1 Bonus from

1 1: Failure + Benfit!
Specials like Sparks/Bonds

In this mechanic style both Players and GM roll dice!

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Something more Savage
Do you like the idea of a Again, you (and the GM)
volatile system that allows roll 2d6, add the result and
for things to get wild add your Attributes score in
quickly. Check out ... Act 1 or your Skills in Act 2,
success is measured in
Savage Worlds Style: increments of 4 for levels of

Rolling Dice Difficulty

For your Actions you
Level 1 (4 - 7) Easy
always roll 2d6 - always!

+ Add your Attribute/

Level 2 (8 - 11) Medium
Skill score to the result

+ Add a +1 Bonus from

Level 3 (12 - 15) Hard
Specials like Sparks/Bonds

Level 4 (16 - 19) Very

6 --> EXPLODE!
Hard Check

Re-roll every 6 you roll + Level 5 (20+) Extremly

count each 6 to your result Hard Check
Add everything together:
1 1: Failure + Benfit!
(2d6 + Attribute/Skill + Bonus)

In this mechanic style both Players and GM roll dice!

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Opposing Dice Rolls
How about a bidding We suggest you read the
mechanic? Check out ... rundown of this mechanic
in D. Vincent Baker’s Dogs
Dogs in the Vineyard in the Vineyard to get the
Style full experience.

Rolling Dice Bidding
For Actions roll a dice Raise = bid sum of 2 dice
pool: You start with 2d6 + description of action
+ Add as many dice as See = bid to match Raise
your Ability/Skill score + description of reaction
+ Add one die if your Player starts bidding
Action receives an Assist with a Raise
+ Add one die from Rival Sees the bid - then
Specials like Sparks/Bonds rival gets to Raise
GM rolls 4d6 (easy), 5d6 Player Sees rivals bid -
(medium) or 6d6 (hard) then gets to Raise again
Both sides Roll all dice + Continue until one side is
keep them in front of them out of dice to See or Raise
How it goes: State the Goal of your Action, roll your dice
pool and start bidding: Raise with a bid of 2 dice and
describe what you do. Now your rival decribes how they
react and match your bid to See. Then the rival Raises and
describes their action and you See and describe your
reaction. Continue until one side is out of dice or folds.
Discard used dice. To Escalate the situation start over.

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Act Transitions
When it comes to the Clocks
transition between the
individula Acts, there are Clocks work different. To
various ways you can create a clock, draw a circle
accomplish them. and devide it in as many
sections as you want:
These transitions will help
set the tone of your game,
so think about what you
want to accomplish with
them. We suggest to do Act 4, 6 or 8 sections to be
Transitions using either: filled in after certain trigger
moments. These could be:
• Goals or
• Clocks • Player Actions or
Goals • Interactions with
predefined story
Goal as a marker for a
Transition simply means the Once a trigger is set off,
Players need to complete a color in one section of your
Goal which will trigger the clock and repeat until the
Transition. We mentioned clock is full.
Rise of the Apes already,
and it Act Transitions based
on Goals: escape the Lab;
reach the Bridge. Simple! Once the clock is full,
start the next Act.

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Add-Ons & Campaigns
We mentioned Sparks, Playbooks
Strength and Bonds as
sources for extra dice in Playbooks, pregenerated
Rise of the Apes. So, what Character-Types with Ability
are they? scores and Sparks that give
your Players a direction, are
Sparks another idea you could use.
We call Special Abilities Campaign Play
Sparks to emphasize the
moment of evolution. They RISE games set up their
express aspects of each characters in 3 Acts, but you
character. If you include can play campaigns, too!
Special Abilities or Moves
in your game, give them a Either, you follow the 3
fitting name! Act structure with all limits:

• Act 1: only Attributes

Strength & Bonds
• Act 2: add Skills
We created a Strength • Act 3: use Attempts &
Tracker for Rise of the Apes Resources
to turn the movies mantra Or use the 3 Acts as story
Apes Togethe Strong into scturcture without limiting
a game mechanic. Apes players. Tip: Use Attempts
gain Strength by numbers & Resources only in Act 3 to
or creating lasting Bonds give the players an exciting
with the other Apes. In your climax for their story ark!
game, this could be Assets.
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Final Words
Go and create! Thanks
We hope we inspired you This is always a special
create something amazing. part in booklets because it
Feel free to “steal” ideas provides a unique peak into
and build amazing worlds the design process.
on them!
I want to thank my family
Fonts for letting me spend all this
time on my hobby making
We used a total of 6 up things for strangers.
different fonts ifor RISE: They also provide feedback
and their own perspectives
Cover: Revolution
on sensitive topics.
Titles: Marker Felt
Another thanks goes to
Body: Avenir Next
Kade and Ryan who stoicly
6: Dicier - Speak the Sky let me bombard them with
Rise of the Apes related: half-finished texts and half-
Planet of Apes baked layout ideas and
who provide invaluable
Images feedback on mechanics,
design and sensitivity.
We used modified royalty
free pictures and icons from And thanks to the great
Google Fonts. support from indie creators
worldwide that encouraged
us to create a 2nd Edition.
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rise Give Credit where Credit Is Due

This is our license philisophy and always will be!
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