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Running head: Research Requirements: Scientific Method 1

Research Requirements: Scientific Method

University of the People

SOC 1502 Organizational Behavior

Finn Moon

15th April 2024

Research Requirements: Scientific Method 2

Research Requirements: Scientific Method

First Three Steps of the Scientific Method

1. Ask a Question: The first step is to identify and define a question that arises from

an observed phenomenon or a specific area of interest (Little, 2016).

2. Do Background Research: This involves gathering existing information related to

the question to understand the current state of knowledge and to identify gaps (Little, 2016).

3. Formulate a Hypothesis: Based on the gathered information, propose a testable

hypothesis that offers a potential explanation or solution to the identified question (Little, 2016).

Applying the Scientific Method: Tribalism in Kenya

1. Ask a Question

The initial step in the scientific method involves identifying and defining a question

based on observations. In the context of tribalism in Kenya, a relevant question could be: What

are the primary social and economic impacts of tribalism on community development in Kenya?

2. Do Background Research

To understand the existing knowledge surrounding tribalism in Kenya, it is essential to

review both recent articles and foundational texts. To understand the dynamics and effects of

tribalism, I would look into several key sources:

• Achiba, G. A., & Lengoiboni, M. N. (2020). Devolution and the politics of

communal tenure reform in Kenya. African Affairs, 119(476), 338-369.

• Ajulu, R. (2002). Politicised ethnicity, competitive politics and conflict in

Kenya: A historical perspective. African Studies, 61(2), 251-268.

Research Requirements: Scientific Method 3

• Finkel, S. E., & Smith, A. E. (2011). Civic Education, Political

Discussion, and the Social Transmission of Democratic Knowledge and Values in

a New Democracy: Kenya 2002. American Journal of Political Science, 55(2),


• Gutiérrez-Romero, R. (2013). Decentralisation, Accountability and the

2007 MP Elections in Kenya. The Journal of Development Studies, 49(1), 72–94.

• Masakhalia, A. E. (2011). Focus on tribalism in Kenya. OpenDemocracy.

• Materu, S. F. (2015). The post-election violence in Kenya.


• Nyaura, J. E. (2018). Devolved ethnicity in the Kenya: Social, economic

and political perspective. European Review of Applied Sociology, 11(16), 17-26.

• Roessler, P. (2016). Ethnic politics and state power in Africa: The logic of

the coup-civil war trap. Cambridge University Press.

• Wanjohi, A. M. (2014, October 24). Effects of tribalism in Kenya. Kenya

Projects Organization.

• Whitaker, B. E., & Giersch, J. (2009). Voting on a constitution:

Implications for democracy in Kenya. Journal of Contemporary African Studies,

27(1), 1–20.

3. Formulate a Hypothesis
Research Requirements: Scientific Method 4

The hypothesis could be: If tribalism is reduced through targeted community integration

projects and enhanced governmental policy reforms, then community development in Kenyan

regions will improve, as measured by increased economic activity and reduced inter-tribal


Research Design Proposal Letter

Name Withheld

Director of Research Grants

National Science Foundation

2415 Eisenhower Avenue,

Alexandria, VA 22314

April 15, 2024

Subject: Proposal for Funding: Sociological Study on the Impact of Tribalism on

Community Development in Kenya

Dear Name Withheld,

I am writing to request funding for a comprehensive sociological study on the impact of

tribalism on community development in Kenya. This project aims to explore how tribal

affiliations influence social and economic interactions among communities and the potential

pathways to mitigating adverse effects through policy and community-based initiatives.

Background and Significance

Research Requirements: Scientific Method 5

Recent studies have highlighted tribalism as a significant factor affecting political

stability, economic development, and social cohesion in Kenya. Despite Kenya's diverse ethnic

tapestry, tribalism continues to be a pivotal force impacting political allegiance and social

cohesion. Our research intends to delve deeper into these dynamics by examining the tangible

impacts of tribalism on community development and identifying effective strategies for fostering

national unity.

Research Objectives and Hypothesis

Our primary objective is to evaluate the socio-economic consequences of tribalism on

Kenyan communities. We hypothesize that reducing tribalism through community integration

and policy reforms will lead to improved community development. This hypothesis will be tested

by analyzing economic indicators and social cohesion metrics in diverse tribal regions.


The study will employ mixed methods, including qualitative interviews with community

leaders and quantitative analysis of economic data across different tribal regions. This multi-

faceted approach will enable a thorough understanding of the complexities involved in tribal


Contribution to Sociological Knowledge

The results of this study will contribute significantly to sociological literature by

providing empirical evidence on the effects of tribalism and offering insights into effective

strategies for promoting social integration. Furthermore, the findings could inform policymaking

at both local and national levels in Kenya.

Research Requirements: Scientific Method 6

Budget and Timeline

I am requesting a grant of $20,000 to cover data collection, participant compensation, and

analysis. Funding will enable me to deploy a team of skilled researchers and utilize sophisticated

tools to ensure comprehensive and unbiased results. A detailed budget and timeline are attached

for your review.

In conclusion, I believe that this project aligns with the goals of [Name of the Grant

Organization] to promote social justice and community development. The results of this study

will not only add to the scholarly discourse on tribal dynamics but will also offer practical

recommendations for enhancing socio-political integration in Kenya. Your support can make a

pivotal difference in our pursuit of a deeper understanding and effective solutions for one of the

most pressing issues facing Kenyan society today.

I appreciate your consideration of our proposal and look forward to the possibility of

contributing to impactful sociological research with your support.


Name Withheld

Sociology Student

University of the People

Email Withheld

Contact Withheld
Research Requirements: Scientific Method 7


Achiba, G. A., & Lengoiboni, M. N. (2020). Devolution and the politics of communal tenure

reform in Kenya. African Affairs, 119(476), 338-369.

Ajulu, R. (2002). Politicised ethnicity, competitive politics and conflict in Kenya: A historical

perspective. African Studies, 61(2), 251-268.

Finkel, S. E., & Smith, A. E. (2011). Civic Education, Political Discussion, and the Social

Transmission of Democratic Knowledge and Values in a New Democracy: Kenya 2002.

American Journal of Political Science, 55(2), 417–435.

Gutiérrez-Romero, R. (2013). Decentralisation, Accountability and the 2007 MP Elections in

Kenya. The Journal of Development Studies, 49(1), 72–94.

Little, W. (2016). Introduction to Sociology. BCcampus.

Masakhalia, A. E. (2011). Focus on tribalism in Kenya. OpenDemocracy.

Materu, S. F. (2015). The post-election violence in Kenya.


Nyaura, J. E. (2018). Devolved ethnicity in the Kenya: Social, economic and political

perspective. European Review of Applied Sociology, 11(16), 17-26.

Roessler, P. (2016). Ethnic politics and state power in Africa: The logic of the coup-civil war

trap. Cambridge University Press.

Research Requirements: Scientific Method 8

Wanjohi, A. M. (2014, October 24). Effects of tribalism in Kenya. Kenya Projects Organization.

Whitaker, B. E., & Giersch, J. (2009). Voting on a constitution: Implications for democracy in

Kenya. Journal of Contemporary African Studies, 27(1), 1–20.

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