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Ethnic Diversity in a College


Introduction to Sociology 1502-01: University of the People

AY2024-T4: Introduction to Sociology

Professor: Finn Moon

April 17th, 2024

Ethnic Diversity in a College

The scientific method is a systemic approach used by scientists in search of ways to learn about
the world around us to answer questions through observation and experiments. The first three
steps of the scientific method are crucial in laying the groundwork for any research project. This
procedure consists of making observations, formulating hypotheses, and designing experiments,
which leads to additional observations, hypotheses, and experiments in repeated cycles
(Libretexts, 2020).

Step 1. Make an observation - The process begins with the curious mind asking a question
about something observed, for instance -: who, what, when how, why, which, or where?

Step 2. Research - It’s essential to understand what has already been discovered about the
topic. This involves reviewing scientific literature, including articles, books, and credible online
resources, to gain insights to avoid duplicating results.

Step 3. Formulate a Hypothesis - Based on the background research, the next step is to make a
hypothesis about the answer to the initial question. The hypothesis should be specific and
testable, providing a clear statement that can be supported or refuted through research.

Example Study: Ethnic Diversity in College Campuses

Question: How does ethnic diversity within college campuses e.g. (University Of the People)
impact students' academic performance and social integration?

Research: “Diversity and Higher Education: Theory and Impact on Educational Outcomes”
by (Gurin et al., 2000).

“Effects of Racial Diversity on Complex Thinking in College Students” by (Antonio et al., 2004).

Does diversity make a difference? Three research studies on diversity in college classrooms by
(Maruyama et al., n.d.).
Formulated Hypothesis: Students who study in ethnically diverse college environments are
likely to have higher levels of performance and social integration skills compared to those in less
diverse environments.

Research Design Letter

John Doe

University Of the People

Smith Street New York

17th April 2024

MacKenzie Scott

BMCC (Borough of Manhattan Community College)

199 Chambers St, New York, NY 10007, USA.

Dear Mackenzie Scott,

I am writing to request funding for a sociological study entitled “The Impact of Ethnic Diversity
on Academic Performance and Social Integration in College Campuses.” This research aims to
explore how the ethnic composition of student bodies influences students’ academic outcomes
and their integration into the social fabric of the campus.

The significance of this study lies in its potential to inform educational policy and campus
diversity initiatives. By understanding the dynamics of ethnic diversity, colleges can implement
strategies that not only enhance academic performance but also foster a more inclusive and
supportive environment for all students.
Our research will employ a mixed-method approach, combining quantitative analysis of academic
performance metrics with qualitative interviews to capture the nuanced experiences of students
from diverse backgrounds. The findings of this study promise to contribute valuable insights into
the existing body of sociological work on diversity in education, offering evidence-based
recommendations for enhancing student outcomes and campus life.

I believe that the results of this study will be of great interest to educators, policymakers, and the
broader academic community, providing a deeper challenge of ethnic diversity in higher

Thank you for considering my proposal. I am confident that with your support, we can shed light
on this important issue and make a meaningful contribution to the field of sociology and the
future of higher education.


John Doe

In conclusion, our proposed study, ‘The Impact of Ethnic Diversity on Academic Performance
and Social Integration in College Campuses,’ is poised to offer substantial contributions to our
understanding of diversity in educational settings. By employing a rigorous mixed-method
approach, we will be able to provide a well-rounded analysis of the role that ethnic diversity
plays in shaping students’ experiences and outcomes.

Antonio, A. L., Chang, M. J., Hakuta, K., Kenny, D. A., Levin, S., Milem, J. F., Stanford
University, University of California at Los Angeles, University of Connecticut, Claremont
McKenna College, & University of Maryland at College Park. (2004). Effects of racial diversity
on complex thinking in college students. In PSCI (Vol. 15, Issue 8, pp. 507–507).


Gurin, P., Dey, E. L., Hurtado, S., & Gurin, G. (2002). Diversity and Higher Education: Theory
and Impact on Educational Outcomes. Harvard Educational Review, 72(3), 330–
367. https://doi.org/10.17763/haer.72.3.01151786u134n051

Libretexts. (2020, August 11). 1.4: The scientific Method - how chemists think. Chemistry


Maruyama, G., PH. D., & Moreno, J. F. (1999). University faculty views about the value of
diversity on campus and in the classroom. In University of Minnesota, Harvard Graduate School
of Education, & Educating All of One Nation, Educating All of One Nation.

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