The Importance of Phonetics-Final

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Amanda E.

LAPU: Pastor Smarr
Phonetics- PHO-NET-ICS

What is Phonetics and why is it Phonetics is the study of speech(P. N. (2019).

important in developing language?

How does phonetics affect speech? Understanding phonetics is essential for

accurately recognizing and differentiating
speech sounds. By grasping the distinct
articulatory traits and acoustic characteristics
of various phonetic elements, people can
adeptly perceive and comprehend spoken
language(Aiken. (2023, July 13).
The importance of Phonological Awareness
Phonetics contributes to the development of
phonological awareness, which is the ability to recognize
and manipulate the sounds of language. Phonological
awareness skills, such as identifying rhymes, segmenting
words into phonemes, and blending phonemes to form
words, are essential for literacy development, spelling,
and decoding written words(C. C., & Portraits. (2021,
November 26).

Using games such as ZINGO in the classroom, can

provide student with the opportunity to form words
using phonetics.
How does understanding phonetics effect speech ?
Understanding phonetics helps individuals produce speech sounds accurately and fluently. By learning the
articulatory mechanisms involved in producing different phonemes, individuals can improve their
pronunciation and intelligibility when speaking in their native language or when learning a new
language(C. C., & Portraits. (2021, November 26).

Proficiency in phonetics enhances language comprehension by facilitating the recognition of words and
understanding of spoken sentences. Clear articulation and accurate pronunciation contribute to effective
communication and comprehension in both oral and written forms(C. C., & Portraits. (2021, November 26).
Why is phonetics important to those learning a new/second
For individuals learning a second language,
phonetics provides valuable insight into the
sound system of the target language. By
mastering the phonetic aspects of
pronunciation, learners can reduce their
accents and achieve greater fluency and
communicative competence in the second
language(Aiken. (2023, July 13).
Resources to aide in phonetics
Phonetics contributes to the development of
phonological awareness, which is the ability to
recognize and manipulate language sounds.
Phonological awareness skills, such as identifying
rhymes, segmenting words into phonemes, and
blending phonemes to form words, are essential for
literacy development, spelling, and decoding
written words(Speech, Language and Literacy:
Phonological Awareness. (n.d.).
I. Aiken. (2023, July 13). The Significance of Phonetics in Linguistics: Breaking Down
Language Sounds. Retrieved from TCL Lab website:
II. P. N. (2019). Phonetics | linguistics | Britannica. In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved
III. C. C., & Portraits. (2021, November 26). Importance of Phonetics and Phonology.
Retrieved from Bridgewater Psychology & Learning Center website:
IV. Speech, Language and Literacy: Phonological Awareness. (n.d.). The Innovation School.
Retrieved April 15, 2024, from

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