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In the paper SAT I found it easier to go back and read the passages more thoroughly and

answer the questions more confidently. While with the digital SAT with all of the passage being
on one side of the screen and the questions right next to it it became a little harder to focus on
the passages because some of the questions look easy to solve so I kept switching back and
forth between the two. Annotations on the two tests were not that different to me mainly
because I highlighted for my annotations. I also found that my time taking the tests were
different. I took more time on the paper than the digital.
In your class I did okay not scoring too low like staying around 75 ish mainly to do with late
work. which seems to be a trend in some classes in Q1 so to fix this issue i have to just turn in
my work on time. My grades in other classes are low to high 80’s. I'm doing pretty well on this
first Q in my humble opinion though it could be better late work was a big part of why but also
just having a hard time understanding some of the material.
A good way for me to strive for all A’s in the second Q is by generally just getting my work
turned in. I was getting high grades on the work but the late point deduction really hurt the
grade. If the work turned in on time this Q i could be looking at a nice spread of mid to low 90’s
with some high 80’s mixed in mainly to pre ap algebra. So what i'm getting at is if turn my work
in on time I'd be in a better place academically.

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