Using Internal Traffic Control Plans To Prevent Construction Worker Injuries and Fatalities in Work Zones Blogs CDC

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Using Internal Traffic Control Plans to Prevent Construction Worker Injuries and Fatalities in Work Zones | Blogs | CDC

12/04/2024, 2:33 PM

NIOSH Science Blog

NIOSH Science Blog

Using Internal Tra5c Control Plans to Prevent

Construction Worker Injuries and Fatalities in Work
April 10,
10, 2024
2024 by
by Amber
Amber Trueblood,
Trueblood, David
David Fosbroke,
Fosbroke, Ryan
Ryan R.
R. Papariello,
Papariello, Nancy
Nancy Romano,
Romano, Scott
Scott BreloM,
BreloM, Scott
Scott Earnest,
Earnest, Douglas

Struck-by injuries are the leading cause of nonfatal injuries

and second most common cause of fatalities among
construction workers. From 2011 to 2022, there were 1,462
fatal occupational injuries that occurred at road construction
sites .[1] Of these, 68% (n=1,000) were among workers in the
construction industry (See [gure) followed by workers in
transportation and warehousing (11%; n=168) and
professional and business services (9%; n=132) industries.
Forty-four percent of the occupational fatalities at road
construction sites (n=650) involved a worker struck-by a
vehicle in a work zone. 1

National Safety Stand-Down to

Prevent Struck-by Incidents
The National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Struck-by
Incidents is being held during this year’s National Work Zone
Awareness Week, April 15-19, 2024. The week will kick oM
with a Stand-Down on Monday, April 15 in Mobile Alabama at
1:30 pm. Watch on YouTube.

A webinar, Developing and Enforcing Internal Tra5c Control

Plans, will be held on Thursday April 18, 2024, at 2:00 pm
Eastern (1 hour) (REGISTER HERE). The webinar will include a
panel of experts who will discuss practical and real-world
issues related to use of Internal Tra5c Control Plans (ITCP) to
help protect workers in roadway work zones. National Work
National Work Zone Awareness Week Stand-Down. Photo from Zone Awareness Week is an annual campaign highlighting
NWZAW the risks faced by both workers and motorists in these
dangerous work sites. A key message of National Work Zone
Awareness Week is for all drivers to use extra caution and reduce speed in work zones. The National Safety Stand-Down…Fatalities%20in%20Work%20Zones&deliveryName=USCDC_170-DM126206 Page 1 of 6
Using Internal Traffic Control Plans to Prevent Construction Worker Injuries and Fatalities in Work Zones | Blogs | CDC 12/04/2024, 2:33 PM

to Prevent Struck-by Incidents focuses on the construction workers who are exposed to struck-by hazards from the
general motoring public and the construction equipment that is operated within the work zone. Read on to learn more
about reducing struck-by hazards for workers within the work zone through the implementation of an ITCP.

Overview of ITCPs
A temporary tra5c control plan describes how a work zone should be designed to ensure the safety of the motoring
public traveling through the work zone. However, temporary tra5c control plans do not address construction equipment
and vehicles within the workspace – these types of hazards are addressed in an ITCP.

An ITCP is a tool that can be used to coordinate and control the jow of construction vehicles, equipment, workers, and
others entering and operating within the work zone. The purpose of an ITCP is to separate—to the extent possible—
vehicles and equipment from on-foot workers and to prevent struck by incidents. ITCPs establish procedures tailored to
the unique dynamics of construction activities within the work zone. A well-developed and clearly communicated worksite
ITCP creates a safer work environment and prevents property damage and project delays.

A recent review of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Fatality Assessment and Control
Evaluation (FACE) reports highlighted the importance of ITCPs.[2] In that review, among 75 reports investigating 78
roadway work zone fatalities, 41 (55%) incidents were directly related to construction vehicles and equipment operating
inside the work zone. These incidents included equipment running or backing over victims and victims being caught in or
between equipment. The authors discuss the potential for ITCPs to prevent fatalities that occurred within the work zone.

Regulations and Guidance for Work Zones

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Manual on Uniform Tra5c Control Devices establishes national uniform criteria
for the use of tra5c control devices to meet the needs and expectations of road users on roadways open to public travel.
The manual is referenced in the OSHA regulation for construction signs, signals, and barricades (1926 Subpart G)
speci[cally related to tra5c control signs, devices, and signaling in work zones. The Department of Transportation’s
Federal Highway Administration provides additional regulations that contain important worker safety directives.
Subparts J and Subpart K (23 CFR 630) describe situations where positive separation between workers and motorists
should be used, proper work zone access and egress design, procedures for employing uniformed law enforcement
o5cers to control speeds, and required training for those who make critical safety decisions related to work zone

A10.47-2021 Work Zone Safety for Roadway Construction

The American National Standard Institute and American Society of Safety Professionals A10.47 is a national consensus
safety standard that provides guidance for employers engaged in construction, utility work, and maintenance or repair
activities on any area of a highway. The guidance applies to construction activities for any size company working on public
and private highways or roadways. It applies to daytime, lowlight, and night-work conditions. Section 6.5 of this standard
provides language on development of ITCPs.

Developing an ITCP
Resources are available to help contractors and project managers develop ITCPs for all types of work. For example, the
American Road and Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA) provides an in-depth guide called Developing ITCPs for
Work Zones. In this guide, ARTBA provides eight steps for developing an ITCP:

1. Identify project and ITCP scope…Fatalities%20in%20Work%20Zones&deliveryName=USCDC_170-DM126206 Page 2 of 6
Using Internal Traffic Control Plans to Prevent Construction Worker Injuries and Fatalities in Work Zones | Blogs | CDC 12/04/2024, 2:33 PM

2. Determine the construction sequence during the project

3. Determine locations and safe movements for vehicles, equipment, and workers within each operation and draw the
basic work area diagram(s)
4. Determine vehicle and equipment movements to and from each operation
5. Determine safe movements for workers to/from and within each operation
6. Assess and resolve potential conjicts between internal tra5c and workers on foot
7. Identify individuals who will need to understand and perform their work under the ITCP
8. Develop the ITCP communication, monitoring, and enforcement plan

Materials on developing and using ITCPs are also available in a booklet from the Laborers’ Health & Safety Fund of North
America and partners which provides an ITCP checklist and other user-friendly materials.

Sample ITCP
ITCP Diagram

Adapted from a diagram developed as part of a NIOSH research project on preventing worker injuries from operating construction vehicles and
equipment during hot-mix asphalt paving operations.…Fatalities%20in%20Work%20Zones&deliveryName=USCDC_170-DM126206 Page 3 of 6
Using Internal Traffic Control Plans to Prevent Construction Worker Injuries and Fatalities in Work Zones | Blogs | CDC 12/04/2024, 2:33 PM

Communicating an ITCP
Once the ITCP is developed, it must be
communicated to all employees at the worksite
including construction vehicle drivers entering the
worksite. Communication should occur before
work begins and anytime the ITCP is updated. For
workers on-site, this can be done during pre-shift
huddles or through other worksite
communication to on-site workers throughout the
workday. For drivers who will be arriving at the
worksite this should occur at the start of their day,
at an oM-site staging area (e.g., at the batch plant
when trucks are loaded), or upon arrival.

We Want to Hear From

How will your workplace increase awareness of work zone safety during this year’s National Work Zone Awareness Week?

If you work in a roadway work zone, how are ITCPs used in your workplace?

Amber Trueblood,
Trueblood, DrPH,
DrPH, is
is the
the Director
Director of
of the
the Data
Data Center
Center at
CPWR –– The
The Center
Center for
for Construction
Construction Research
and Training.

avid Fosbroke
Fosbroke is
is aa Research
Research statistician
statistician with
with the
NIOSH Division
Division of
of Safety
Safety Research,
Research, Surveillance
Surveillance and
and Field
Investigations Branch
Branch atat NIOSH.

Ryan R.
R. Papariello,
Papariello, GSP,
GSP, is
is the
the Safety
Safety &
& Health
Health Specialist
Specialist with
with the
the Laborers’
Laborers’ Health
Health &
& Safety
Safety Fund
Fund of
of North

Nancy T.
T. Romano
Romano,, MS,
CSHM, is
is aa Safety
Safety and
and Occupational
Occupational Health
Health Specialist
Specialist and
and the
the FACE
FACE Project
Project O5cer
O5cer in
NIOSH Division
Division of
of Safety
Safety Research.

Scott BreloM,
BreloM, PhD,
PhD, is
is aa Senior
Senior Industrial
Industrial Research
Research Engineer
Engineer in
in the
NIOSH Division
Division of
of Field
Field Studies
Studies &
Engineering and
and the
the Co-Coordinator
Co-Coordinator for
for the
the Construction
Construction Program
Program inin the
the O5ce
O5ce ofof Construction
Construction Safety
Safety and
Health at

G. Scott
Scott Earnest,
Earnest, PhD,
PhD, PE,
CSP, is
is the
the Associate
Associate Director,
Director, NIOSH
O5ce of
of Construction
Construction Safety
Safety and
and Health.

Douglas Trout,
Trout, MD,
MHS, is
is the
the Deputy
Deputy Director,
Director, NIOSH
O5ce of
of Construction
Construction Safety
Safety and
and Health
Health at

Useful Tools and Resources

Websites…Fatalities%20in%20Work%20Zones&deliveryName=USCDC_170-DM126206 Page 4 of 6
Using Internal Traffic Control Plans to Prevent Construction Worker Injuries and Fatalities in Work Zones | Blogs | CDC 12/04/2024, 2:33 PM

Highway Work Zone Safety | NIOSH | CDC

Worker Fatalities and Injuries at Road Construction Sites — Work Zone Safety Information Clearinghouse

Highway Work Zones and Signs, Signals, and Barricades – Overview | Occupational Safety and Health Administration

CPWR Struck-By Hazards

CPWR Data Dashboard


Internal Tra5c Control Planning Instructor Guide – ARTBA 2013

Guidance: Developing Internal Tra5c Control Plans (ITCPs) for Work Zones – ARTBA 2016

Internal Tra5c Control Plans Booklet – Laborers’ Health & Safety Fund of North America

Building Safer Highway Work Zones: NIOSH Document 2001-128

OSHA Instruction – CPL 02-01-054 – Inspection and Citation Guidance for Roadway and Highway Construction Work Zones

Identi[cation of National Work Zone Safety Objectives and Activities: Summary Report. Publication No. FHWA-HOP-22-059

OSHA Quick Card – Work Zone Tra5c Safety

FACE Databases
Databases and
and Videos

NIOSH’s Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation (FACE) Program is a research program designed to identify and study
fatal occupational injuries. The goal of the FACE program is to prevent occupational fatalities across the nation by
identifying and investigating work situation at high risk for injury and then formulating and disseminating prevention
strategies to those who can intervene in the workplace.

NIOSH FACE Work Zone Reports

State FACE Work Zone Reports

Animated videos have been created by ARTBA from FACE investigations during Work Zone incidents. NIOSH FACE
Animated Videos — Work Zone Safety Information Clearinghouse

[1] Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) [2024]. Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (2011 Forward)
Database.…Fatalities%20in%20Work%20Zones&deliveryName=USCDC_170-DM126206 Page 5 of 6
Using Internal Traffic Control Plans to Prevent Construction Worker Injuries and Fatalities in Work Zones | Blogs | CDC 12/04/2024, 2:33 PM

[2] Al-Bayati AJ, et al [2022]. Managing work zone safety during road maintenance and construction activities: challenges
and opportunities. Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction 28(1).

April 10,
10, 2024
2024 by
by Amber
Amber Trueblood,
Trueblood, David
David Fosbroke,
Fosbroke, Ryan
Ryan R.
R. Papariello,
Papariello, Nancy
Nancy Romano,
Romano, Scott
Scott BreloM,
BreloM, Scott
Scott Earnest,
Earnest, Douglas
Construction,, Struck-by
Struck-by injuries

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Page last reviewed: April 10, 2024

Page last updated: April 10, 2024
Content source: Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention…Fatalities%20in%20Work%20Zones&deliveryName=USCDC_170-DM126206 Page 6 of 6

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