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Introduction and Literature Review Section

Although I have never directly received feedback for my introduction, I
have noticed some problems with my introductions that could be revised.
A common thing I’ve noticed while reviewing my work is how my
introductions may contradict information later in my papers. This occurs
because I do my introductions before the body paragraphs meaning that it
might slightly go off-topic. One way I can fix this is by doing my
introduction after my body paragraphs or rewriting them after the body
2. Methods Section
The feedback I received on my method section primarily consisted of
formatting and grammar problems. So many problems, or some things are
frequent throughout my work, and I have been working to try and reduce
whether they are a product of poor revision or miss checking my paper it
would be beneficial for me to reduce the number of them. Before
submitting my final draft, I intend to go back and scan my paper several
times for formatting issues or grammatical problems.
3. Results Section
For my results section, I received several points of feedback, including
formatting, grammar, and citations. I put the coding results too close to an
example. I was citing, confusing readers on which topic was being cited. I
also didn’t have a lot of information when creating my research results, so
I was told that it would be beneficial to get more information. I have
already begun the process of getting more information by analyzing
comments from the posts, studying, and searching for more codes to
categorize the videos. By doing this, and fixing the grammatical and
formatting issues my research section should be close to finished.
4. Discussion Section
From the feedback I received on my discussion section introduction, I was
told I could benefit from more detail that helped me reach my conclusion. I also
should try not to end my paragraphs with sentence citations, but instead
elaborate on the quotes after them to give more information to the audience. In
my discussion section, I also mentioned lots of quantitative data, but never really
related it back to my research question. Besides my second paragraph being a
mess, the rest of my work was clear according to the feedback. Moving forward I
could benefit strongly from rewriting my second paragraph or focusing on making
my quantitative data impact what I was trying to say about my research question.
Besides my second paragraph being a mess, the rest of my work was clear
according to my feedback.

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