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This study followed the post of Noel Deyzel, an influencer on the platform Instagram to

see what it is about his content that has led to his large following. The findings of this study have

shown several critical points about the rhetoric of his post. Noel Deyzel’s use of satire and

open-hearted advice videos allows the audiences to grow a parasocial relationship, making them

more likely to support him as a creator through liking posts or purchasing his products.

The most popular theme found in Noel Deyzel’s recent one hundred posts was the theme

of satire, appearing in 46% of videos. The frequency of satire is important because it not only

allows Noel to gain followers from the comedic videos but also allows younger audiences to

relate to him, explaining the presence of young men in his fanbase. Noel’s openness and funny

personality while talking about his past is an important factor when attempting to grow closer to

his audience.

The growth of the parasocial relationship between his followers and Noel is also

impacted by the self-disclosure used in his statements and advice. With statements and advice

being 27% of the content posted in the last hundred videos, it allows the audience to commonly

see Noel in a friendly and welcoming manner. Hyosun Kim talks about this saying that

“self-disclosure helps create a sense of authenticity and strong psychological connections with

followers” (418). The presence and frequency of these welcoming, audience-engaging videos

lead to stronger parasocial relationships within Noel’s community.

Appearing in 23% of videos, Ryse is also a common subject in Noel Deyzel’s content.

While it is not always addressed to the audience, the consumption of the product or display of it

in the background still gives it exposure to the audience. The common appearance of Ryse in

these videos can impact an audience more than expected. David Silvera says that “77 % of

consumers would take action following an earned endorsement or recommendation from family,
friends, or online user review,” meaning that the appearance of a brand in Noel’s videos and his

endorsement might affect thousands of fans into buying products just because they enjoy his

content. The parasocial relationships formed from his satirical and self-disclosing videos may not

just benefit the growth of his channel, but the growth of his bank account as well.

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