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Project Based Learning

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Idham Kholid,M.Ag.

Created by:

Mas Alif Aji Praja 2211040198

Nia Elisa Yanti 2211040095




All Praise we pray to Allah SWT due to His grace a guidance, the author can complete
the assignment of Methodology in TELF entitled “Project Based Learning” in accordance with
agreed time. In writing this paper, the author tries to explain the material as optimally and
effectively as possible, in order make it easier for readers to understand the essence of this

However, the author realizes that this paper is still far from being perfect in term of
sentence structure and grammar. Because in fact perfection belongs solely to Allah SWT.
Therefore, the author accepts and appreciates readers who are willing to provide suggestions and
constructive criticism, to improve this paper. The author sincerely hopes that this paper can be
useful for readers. Aamiin.

In the end, the authors would like to thank all those who have contributed to the
completion of this paper.

Bandar Lampung



METHODOLOGY IN TEFL.............................................................................................1

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION........................................................................................1

A. Background......................................................................................................................1

B. Problem Formulation......................................................................................................1

C. Purpose.............................................................................................................................2

BAB II DISCUSSION..........................................................................................................3

A. Definition of Project Based Learning............................................................................3

B. Characteristic of Project Based Learning.....................................................................4

C. Principles Of Project Based Learning...........................................................................6

D. Strategy Of Project Based Learning..............................................................................7

E. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Project Based Learning......................................8

CHAPTER III CONCLUSION........................................................................................10



A. Background

Historical review in Ulrich (2016) stated that the concept of a project-based learning
comes from the great ideas of an academic and philosopher, John Dewey. He argued
that students could gain practical and efficient knowledge when experiencing and
practicing things related to real life context. Dewey’s concept is known further as
“Learning by doing”. In addition, Dewey also proposed that experience is the best way
for students to gain knowledge.

John Dewey’s theory has been widely developed in various learning concepts; one
of which is a project-based learning initiated . Project-based learning was further
developed in a variety of language learning researches. The research results identified
an improvement in vocabulary acquisition, grammatical understanding, and students’
reading and writing skills.

Meanwhile, based on the research results conducted by the Buck Institute for
Education (BIE), it revealed that project-based learning could direct students to
achieve 21st-century skills, namely 4C skills (Communication, Collaboration, Critical
Thinking and Problem Solving, and Creativity and Innovation), character values and
higher-order thinking skills. Therefore, we can assume that the implementation of
project-based learning in language will promote students to have effective
communication skills, both speaking and writing skills.

B. Problem Formulation

1. What is Definition of Project Based Learning?

2. What are Characteristics of Project Based Learning?
3. What are Principles of Project Based Learning?
4. What are Strategy of Project Based Learning?
5. What are Advantages and Disadvantages of Project Based Learning?

C. Purpose

1. Know The Definition Of The Project Based Learning.

2. Know The Characteristics of Project Based Learning.

3. Know The Principles of Project Based Learning .

4. Know The Strategy of Project Based Learning.

5. Know The Advantages and Disadvantages of Project Based Learning.


A. Definition of Project Based Learning

Project-based learning (PBL) is a student-centered pedagogy that involves a

dynamic classroom approach in which it is believed that students acquire a deeper
knowledge through active exploration of real-world challenges and
problems.Students learn about a subject by working for an extended period of
time to investigate and respond to a complex question, challenge, or problem.It is
a style of active learning and inquiry-based learning. PBL contrasts with paper-
based, rote memorization, or teacher-led instruction that presents established facts
or portrays a smooth path to knowledge by instead posing questions, problems, or
Project-based learning is a comprehensive perspective focused on teaching
by engaging students in investigation. Within this framework, students pursue
solutions to nontrivial problems by asking and refining questions, debating ideas,
making predictions, designing plans and/or experiments, collecting and analyzing
data, drawing conclusions, communicating their ideas and findings to others,
asking new questions, and creating artifacts."The basis of PBL lies in the
authenticity or real-life application of the research. Students working as a team are
given a "driving question" to respond to or answer, then directed to create an
artifact (or artifacts) to present their gained knowledge. Artifacts may include a
variety of media such as writings, art, drawings, three-dimensional
representations, videos, photography, or technology-based presentations.
Another definition of project-based learning includes a type of instruction
where students work together to solve real-world problems in their schools and
communities. This type of problem-solving often requires students to draw on
lessons from several disciplines and apply them in a very practical way and the
promise of seeing a very real impact becomes the motivation for learning. In
addition to learning the content of their core subjects, students have the potential
to learn to work in a community, thereby taking on social responsibilities.

The meaning of project based learning according to experts is as follows.
According to Goodman and Stivers, this is a teaching approach that is built on
learning activities and real tasks that provide challenges for students related to
everyday life to be solved in groups. According to Made Wena, this is a learning
model that provides educators with the opportunity to manage learning in the
classroom by involving project work. According to Grant, it is a learning model
that is centered on students to carry out an in-depth investigation of a topic.
According to Afriana, it is a learning model that is student-centered and provides
meaningful learning experiencees for students. According to Fathurrohman, this is
a learning model that uses projects or activities as a learning tool to achieve
competency in attitudes, knowledge and skills.1

B. Characteristic of Project Based Learning

PJBL is a tactic of an innovative learning mechanism that focuses on
contextualized learning through hands-on activities and focuses more on
contextual learning through complex activities. The focus of the learning model
lies on the mechanics of principles and concepts. The focus of the learning model
lies on the mechanics of the principles and concepts at the core of a scientific
study, engaging learners in tracking problem-solving and other meaningful
experimental activities, providing opportunities for students to conduct their own
activities in designing their own knowledge bridges, and students to conduct their
own activities in designing their own knowledge bridges, and climaxing to
produce their products . PjBL has a great opportunity to track learning
experiments that are more meaningful and interesting to students.2
The project-based study model is supported by constructive learning
theory. Constructivism is a theory of learning to attract broad support that rests
on the idea that students build their own mind sets in the study of their own
experiences. The opportunity to express ideas, interact with the opinions of
others, and reflect on one's own experiences and the ideas of others is a form of

Trianto, Model Pembelajaran Terpadu: Konsep, Strategi, dan Implementasinya dalam
Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KPS). (Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, 2012), page. 51-53
Dehdashti,A.,Mehralizadeh, S., & Kashani, M. M. (2013). Incorporation of project-based
learning into an occupational health course. Journal of Occupational Health, page 76.
individual empowerment. others, is a form of individual empowerment. The
reciprocal process with peers helps the process of constructing science
(meaning-making process). In this view, social trading plays an urgent role in the
unit of cognition that is formed.3
The project in PJBL is a concept from the core of the material, not a
complement curriculum. In Project Based Learning, projects are tactics learning;
experienced students and study of the core material of a science study through
projects. Projects in PJBL are focused on periodic problems, which can
encourage students to undergo (hard study) the concepts and principles of
learning conceptualized by the project. The definition of the project (for students)
should be made in such a way that there is communication between the activity
and the conceptual reasoning behind it which is expected to develop into a more
complete, broader and deeper one. In general, this is done with reference to
 According to Erdogan & Bozeman, characteristics of learning
project based, namely:
1. Students are able to provide decisions and design work construction
2. Make problems and solutions not predetermined
3. Students design the final process to achieve the goal
4. Learners are responsible for the management of the science received
5. Students reflect (evaluate) periodically
6. Students regularly look back at what they designed
7. The final result is innovation and product, a reflection of its quality
8. The classroom has a climate that tolerates mistakes and change5
 According to Efstratia, reports the type of experimental results of The
Autodesk Foundation about the character of PJBL. The results of the research
are telling that PJBL is a type of learning model that has the characteristics,
1. Students make responses and make decisions from the conceptual

Brunner, H., & Sievi, R. (1987). Asymmetric catalyses. XXXIII. New optically active
phospholanes derived from tartaric acid. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, page 80
Thomas, J.W, Review of Research On Project_Based Learning, (New York: McGraw Hill Companie, 2000), page.34
Erdogan, N., & Bozeman, T. D. Models of project based learning, 2015, page. 31
2. The existence of problems or challenges posed to students
3. Students design a process to create a solution to a problem or challenge
4. Students are collectively responsible for solving problems and
management of received knowledge.
5. The reflection and evaluation process is carried out periodically.
6. Students continuously reflect on ongoing activities
7. The capacity of the final results of study activities in the form of
products will be evaluated qualitative and continuous
8. Class conditions are conducive to mistakes and innovation6

C. Principles Of Project Based Learning

Wena states that as a learning strategy, PJBL has several principles, with
details, namely:
1. Centralistic Principle
This principle emphasizes that project work is the essence of the
curriculum universally. This strategy is a central study tactic, where
students mind study the main concepts of science through periodic
project studies. In PjBL, projects are learning strategies where students
experience and study core (core) material from a scientific discipline.
2. Principle of Motivational or Guidance Questions
This principle explains that project tasks work on “questions or
problem” which can motivate students to strive to obtain core concepts of
the study of certain materials. Interrelationship between knowledge
conceptual and real activities can be found through asking questions by
presenting the problem in the form of a weak concept.
3. Concept of Constructive Investigation
This principle refers to studies in achieving the goals of
independence (inquiry), construction and measurement (resolution). In
tracking It includes the design process, decision making,

Efstratia, D, Experiential Education through Project Based Learning. Procedia - Social
and Behavioral Sciences, 2014, page.24
problems,problem solving, discovery model. In addition, there is a new
design process and science recap
4. Principle of Autonomy
The Autonomy Principle of PJBL is said to be a multidisciplinary
principle to be able to carry out the study process of learning, namely
learning freely according to needs, working with a minimum of carrying
out the material and being responsible answer. Therefore, in the LKS,
practical work instructions and others the like is not included in the PJBL
5. Realistic Principle
This principle emphasizes that the project is a real learning model
process not like the cycle at school. PjBL gave a real suggestive response to
students for topics, assignments (exams),and the context of work
togetherness, products, customers and product quality.7

D. Strategy Of Project Based Learning

Learning strategies in Project Based Learning as developed by The George Lucas
Educational Foundation consist of :
1. Start with essential questions
Pick a topic that fits real world realities and get started with an in-depth
investigation. Essential questions are asked to elicit students' knowledge,
responses, criticism and ideas regarding the project theme that will be raised.
2. Planning project work rules
Planning contains the rules of the game, selecting possible activities
supports in answering essential questions, by the way integrate as many
subjects as possible, as well as knowing the tools and accessible materials to
help complete the project.
3. Create an activity schedule
Educators and students collaboratively prepare activity schedules in
completing the project. This schedule is prepared to find out how much the
length of time required to complete the project.

Wena, M, Strategi Pembelajaran Inovatif Kontemporer, (Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, 2019), page.78
4. Monitoring the progress of student projects.
Educators are responsible for monitoring activities students while
completing the project. Monitoring is carried out with how to facilitate
students in each process.
5. Assessment of students' work results
Assessments are carried out to help educators in measuring achievement of
standards, plays a role in evaluating the progress of each each student,
providing feedback about the level of understanding that students have
achieved, helps educators in compiling next learning strategy.
6. Evaluation of students' learning experiences
At the end of the learning process, educators and students carry out
reflection on the activities and results of projects that have been carried out.
Process Reflection is carried out both individually and in groups. At this stage
Students are asked to express their feelings and experiences
while completing the project.8
E. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Project Based Learning
a. Advantages of Project Based Learning (PJBL)
According Luhman explains several advantages of learning strategies
Problem Based Learning, including the following:
1. Increased is Motivation
Project-based learning can increase student learning motivation.
Matter. This is evident from several research reports on based learning
project that states that students become very diligent, try hard in
completing the project, students feel more passionate about the process
learning. Apart from that, it was also noted that there was a delay in
aspects Student attendance has been greatly reduced.
2. Increased problem-solving ability
There are sources reflecting that the ecosystem learns in strategy
Implementation PJBL can improve skills in solving problems, making
learners more interactive and can solve complex problems.

Trianto Ibnu Badar Al-Tabany, Mendesain Model Pembelajaran Inovatif, Progresif dan
Kontekstual: Konsep, Landasan, dan Implementasinya pada kurikulum 2013( kurikulum tematik
Integratif), (Jakarta: Kencana, 2014), h. 42.
3. Improved by library research skills
Project-based learning will require students to own the ability to
receive news through various informants (information),so this will result
in increasing students' skills information search matters.
4. Increased Collaboration
Collaborative work is needed in project studies for students and
requires communication skills. Small cooperative study, evaluation,
online system crossover is the main requirement.
5. Increased by Resource-management skills
A neatly conceptualized PjBL will have a responsive impact on
students studies and experiments to coordinate projects, and make
relocations time on all sources for completion.9
b. Disadvantages of the Project Based Learning Model
As a learning model, of course it is a learning-based model Projects
(Project Based Learning) also have learning disadvantages project-based (Project
Based Learning) is:
1. Allow plenty of time to resolve problems and produce products.
2. Requires sufficient costs.
3. Requires teachers who are skilled and willing to learn.
4. Requires adequate facilities, equipment and materials.
5. Not suitable for students who give up easily and don't have the
required knowledge and skills.
6. Helps involve all students in working groups.

Luhman, N, The Experimental education think Project Based LearningTitle (PjBL). La
Sociedad de La Sociedad, April, 2006, page.65.

A. Conclusion
Project-based learning (PBL) is a student-centered approach where students explore
real-world challenges and problems to acquire a deeper understanding. It involves active
learning, inquiry-based methods, and non-trivial problem-solving. Students ask questions,
analyze data, communicate findings, and create artifacts. PBL emphasizes the authenticity
of research and encourages collaboration. It also helps students develop problem-solving
skills and social responsibilities by applying lessons from various disciplines to solve
practical problems in their schools and communities.
PJBL is an innovative learning mechanism that emphasizes contextualized learning
through hands-on activities. It focuses on the mechanics of principles and concepts,
engaging learners in problem-solving and experimental activities. Constructivism theory
supports this project-based learning approach, as it allows students to build their own
understanding through expressing ideas, interacting with others, and reflecting on their
experiences. Social trading also plays a crucial role in the formation of cognition.


Trianto. 2012. Model Pembelajaran Terpadu: Konsep, Strategi, dan Implementasinua dalam

kurikulum tingkat satuan pendidikan (KPS). Jakarta: Aksara

Dehdashiti A Mehralizadeh,S & Kashani,M.M.2013. Incorporation of project-based learning intan

occupational health

Brunner, H., & Sievi, R.1987. Asymmetric catalyses. XXXIII. New optically active

phospholanes derived from tartaric acid. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry

Thomas, J.W. 2000. Review of Research On Project_Based Learning

Erdogan, N., & Bozeman, T. D. 2015. Models of Project Based Learning

Efstratia, D. 2014. Experiential Education through Project Based Learning. Procedia - Social

and Behavioral Sciences.

Wena, M. 2019. Strategi Pembelajaran Inovatif Kontemporer. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.

Luhman, N. 2006. The Experimental education think Project Based LearningTitle (PjBL). La

Sociedad de La Sociedad

Trianto Ibnu Badar. 2014. Al-Tabany, Mendesain Model Pembelajaran Inovatif, Progresif dan

Konsep, Landasan, dan Implementasinya pada kurikulum 2013(kurikulum tematik

Integratif).Jakarta: Kencana.


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