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Nature, Sources, Contents, and

Problems of Official Statistics in

selected sector.

There are four types of records: Official records, transitory record,
non-record, and personal records. Some records are for a short
amount of time, and some records have record have long retention
Official statistics are “statistical data collected and used by government
agencies” to make decisions about society and the economy. Official
statistics are a type of secondary quantitative data and are one of the
main methods needed for research.
Official statistics are typically used to describe the economic , social,
and environmental conditions of a country. They can include things like
population data, economic indicators, health statistics, education
statistics, crime Statistics, and environmental statistics.
This sector includes things like gross domestic product,
unemployment rates, and other economic indicators.
It is the usually the most commonly

Official statistics is favored by the government agencies as it allows us
to spot trends, find the correlation and make generalizations. As they
allow the research to remain detached so there is less room for the
subjective bias of the researcher to interfere with the research process.
Official statistics covers a wide range of data including (but not limited
 Birth rates
 Marriage rates
 Death rates
 Crimes rates
 Unemployment/Employment rates, and
 Suicide rates

Nature of official statistics in selected sector

When it comes to official statistics, there are a variety of methods and
procedures that government and other organizations use to collect and
analyze data these can vary depending on the sector, the data that is
being collected and the specific needs of the organization. In general,
however, here are some common practices that are used in official
statistics. For example, many organizations use surveys, questionnaires,
and interviews to collect data. They may also use administrative
records, such as government records of business records, to
supplement the data that they collect once the data is collected, it is
then analyzed and presented in a variety of ways.
For example, many organizations use sampling methods to collect
data. This involves selecting a sample of individuals or businesses from
a larger population, and then collecting data from that sample the data
from the sample is them used to make generalizations about the larger
population anther common method is data coding, which involves
assigning numerical values to the data is collected. This allows the data
to be analyzed using statistics methods. There are many other
procedures and methods that are used in official statistics, but these
are just a few examples.
Data processing as an important part of official statistics involves
cleaning and organizing the data that has been collected this can
involve things like removing duplicate data, correcting errors the and
organizing the data into the format that is easy to analyze it can also
involve combining data from different sources to create a more
comprehensive dataset. Once the data has been processed, it can then
be analyzed using a variety of statistical methods. These methods can
be used to answers specific question about the data, or to make
predictions about future trends.

Sources of Official Statistics;

Data for statistical purposes may be drawn from all type of sources.
Statistical agencies choose the source with regard to quality, timeliness,
costs and burden on respondents.
1. Statistical surveys;
Statistical survey is a method of gathering data by asking
questions to a representatives sample of the population. It is a
way to collect information abut a group of people without having
to ask everybody in the group. The goal of the statistical survey is
to get an accurate picture of the population as a whole the
sample of the people who are surveyed needs to be
representative of the population.
The three most common surveys are mail surveys, telephone
surveys, and personal interview surveys. All of these involve the
use of a questionnaire, for which a large body of knowledge exists
concerning the phrasing, sequencing, and grouping of questions.

2. Administrative records;
Administrative data are information collected by government or
the private sector organizations as part of their ongoing
operations. Examples include Record of births and death,
taxation record, records about the flow of goods and people
across borders, and data collected by satellites.

Problems of Official Statistics ;

The problems associated with official statistics in selecting sectors
can vary, but here are some common challenges:

1. Sampling Bias: Official statistics may suffer from sampling bias if

the chosen sectors are not representative of the entire population.
This can lead to inaccurate conclusions about the broader economy
or society.

2. Data Accuracy and Completeness: In certain sectors, obtaining

accurate and complete data can be challenging. Inaccuracies or
missing information may compromise the reliability of official

3. Definition and Classification Issues: The definition and

classification of sectors can be subjective and may change over time.
Inconsistencies in how sectors are defined or classified can affect the
comparability of statistical data.

4. Data Collection Methods: The methods used to collect data from

selected sectors may not be standardized or may not capture the
nuances of those sectors accurately. This can result in a lack of
precision in the statistics.

5. Timeliness of Data: Official statistics may not always be up-to-date

due to delays in data collection, processing, and reporting. This can
hinder the ability to make informed decisions in a timely manner.

6. Resource Constraints: Limited resources, both financial and

human, may impact the depth and breadth of data collection efforts
within selected sectors. This can affect the overall quality of the
7. Technological Challenges: Advancements in technology may
outpace the capabilities of statistical systems, leading to difficulties
in harnessing new data sources or adopting more efficient data
collection methods.

Addressing these challenges requires continuous improvement in

data collection methodologies, collaboration with relevant
stakeholders, and a commitment to ensuring the accuracy and
representativeness of statistical information.

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