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(9) Using the formula for the gradient ofa straight line, we have ‘690000 ~ 85000 1980 ~ 1850 ‘m= 10700) (6) Using our answer to pat (a), we have y = 107002 +. We need to find the value ofc Substituting 2 = 1880 and y = 85000, we got 85000 0700 > 1830 +6 19496000 (4) Substituting x = 2000 into Adam's model, we get ‘10700 x 2000 ~ 19500000 1900000 (©) (@) Using the G.D.C., we find @ =081) (f Substituting 2 = 2000 into Chuck's model, we get 9050 x 2000 ~ 16100000 = 2000000 (2) Two possible reasons: ey AL AL AL (ay AL im) AL (ny AL AL oy RL RL (9) The information provided means the sine rule ean be applied. cm so(A09) sar) 732” «20.62 an) sega) = SNEAT) 1 (7.82 x sin (58.37°) sonnet (SE) ony Ron IVUD) a (©) To apply the area ule for triangles, we equre two sie gts and the angle between them. We have BAO = 58.3 (given) and AOE 17.50" (from part (a)) Given that the ange sum ofa tangle I 180°, we can work out ABO. We have ABO = 180- AOB- BAO amieciase aan see a ¥ranjanspncoean) _ Geran] a Cee Ut el atta lad age ale AL ‘ Eva 28 ap cao a (Ts 3.0Tm) AL (0) Takings nth ofa CD an iting by he with fc aera mee 08 weave 7 8375, (M1) a {€) The area ABCD is the dtference between the area of triangle AOB and the area of sector COD, We have the area of triangle AOB from part (b).Using the formula for the area of a sector, we have ony any ny AL (There wil be 4 players om are CD and so 7 players remaining to defend area ABCD. Taking the area of ABCD and dividing by 7, we have srs. ony AL (0) Oneach set of branches, the probabilities must ad up to 1. Hence we have does not Go postive have the < ‘a5 _— tests postive te branches in the tree diagram, we have () (i Following the appropri ‘P(uot have virus" test negative) = 0.97 «0.99 (i) Using the formula for independent events, we have (oth not have virus and test negative) ~ 0.9608 > 0.9608 ©) (0 The probability ofan incorrect results the sum of + the probability ofnot having the virus and testing positive and * the probability ofhaving the virus and testing negative. Wehave incorrect result) = 0,97 x 0.01 + 0.08 0.05 (i) We multiply the number ofstalT by the probability of an incorrect result. Aa any AL m1) AL (sn) (m1) AL on) AL (@ Given that it is known that none of the mathematics faculty have the virus, the probability that a randomly elected member tests positive is 97 x 001 = 0.0007 Wehave © A fixed numberof trials (14 faculty members) Bach tril is independent (valid assumption) © Bach trial has 2 outeomes (ithe test positive or test eave) © Constant probability (p = 0.0007) "Therefore all the criteria fr binomial dstsibution are met. “Let X represent the number of fruity members who test postive, We have that X'~ (14, 0.0097) P(X ~ 0) ~ binomPdf(14,0.0007,0) (ray (any (wn) AL (e) Weave P(X >3)=PUSX <1) = binomCaf(14, 0.0097, 4,14) on easy =omme a (0) We have an arithmetic soquonce with fist term u; = 100and d = 15 on) Using the formal forthe eighth term ofan arithmetic sequence we have wanda 104715 on) = 205 a (b) Using the forma fo the sum of 12 terms, we have sa = 2 @ x 100+ (12-1) «18) ony = 2100 at (6) Using the formula forthe sum of 12 terms, with instead of15 for the common difference, we form the equation (200 +114) = 2500 any k= 1970 sing DC] ay al (8) We have s geometric sequence with mj = 110 and r~ 008. ony ‘Using the formula forthe welth term of geometric sequence, we have = 110 « 0.98! ony a 8808 aL (c) Let be the common ratio ofthe goometrc sequence with first term 1a = 110 and twelfth term a < 85, Thus, sing the form for the ‘owelfth term, we form the inequality 110 < 85 Using the merical solver on the G.D.C. we ean slve the equation 110! = 86, finding that r 0.9768. ny Hence to satisfy the inequality 110 <1" < B5, we must have r < 0.9768 cay "The value m we requite willbe equal to (1 r) = 100. We have (10.9768) x 100 = 2.32 ony AL }) es ca a (Gi) Let the height of the backyard be h, then the height of the swimming pool is h ~ 6. We now need an expression for h in terms of z. Given tha setae s 00m we cans heft are tang to male an oqo tng hand, Weare ny aan a (Ags sings maar ae oa wing, we ase a Ac (0) tsingour pat om part (i) and sbsitaing 68 place of A, web ois 18 ae 10 (at 6482 = 9182 — 32° — 5400 Be" — 2702 + 5400 = (M1)

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