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01/04/2024, 16:39 IB Mathematics AI SL Prediction Exam - May 2024 Paper 2

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May 2024 - Paper 2

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Question 1

[Maximum mark: 15]

The following table shows the population of Philadelphia, correct to three significant figures, according
to census data. The data is recorded at thirty-year intervals.

Adam creates a linear model by finding the equation of the line passing through the points (1830, 85000)
and (1980, 1690000).

(a) Calculate the gradient of the line passing through these two points. [2]

(b) (i) Interpret the meaning of the gradient in the context of the question.

(ii) State appropriate units for the gradient. [2]

(c) Find the equation of the line. Give your answer in the form y = mx + c. [2]

(d) Use Adam's model to estimate the population of Philadelphia in the year 2000. [2]

Chuck obtains a model for the data by using linear regression.

(e) (i) Find the equation of the regression line y on x.

(ii) Find the value of Pearson's product-moment correlation coefficient, r. [3]

(f) Use Chuck's model to estimate the population of Philadelphia in the year 2000. [2]

Chuck uses his model to predict the year when the population of Philadelphia will first reach 2500000. 1/8
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(g) State two reasons why Chuck's prediction may not be valid. [2]

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Question 2

[Maximum mark: 17]

The diagram shows a football pitch from above, as Oliver is about to take a free kick. Oliver is at point
O, and is aiming to kick the football between the goalposts, indicated by point A and point B. The width
of the goal is 7.32 metres. OB = 20.62 metres and BA^ O is 58.37∘ .

^ B. Give your answer to 2 decimal places.

(a) Calculate the size of AO [3]

(b) Calculate the area of triangle AOB. [4]

At the moment the free kick is taken, no opposing player is allowed within 10 metres of the point from
which the free kick is taken. The opposition decide to attempt to block Oliver's shot by lining up players
between Oliver and the goal. This is shown in the following diagram as the arc CD. 2/8
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(c) Calculate the length of arc CD. [2]

Each player in the defending team is approximately 80 centimetres wide.

(d) Determine the minimum number of players that should be positioned on arc CD to fully block
Oliver's shot. [2]

(e) Calculate the area ABCD, the area that can be defended between Oliver and the goal. [4]

There are 11 players on a football team. Apart from the players lined up on arc CD, the remaining
players will defend area ABCD.

(f) Determine the amount of area each of these remaining players will be responsible for defending
individually. [2]

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Question 3

[Maximum mark: 17]

A large international school tests their teaching staff for a virus that is prevalent in the community. They
interpret a positive test result as meaning a staff member has the virus. A negative result means that
they do not.

The probability that a staff member has the virus is estimated to be 0.03.

If a staff member has the virus, the probability that they will test positive is 0.95.

If a staff member does not have the virus, the probability that they will test negative is 0.99.

(a) Using the given information, copy and complete the following tree diagram. [2] 3/8
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(b) (i) Determine the probability that a randomly selected staff member does not have the virus and
tests negative.

(ii) If two staff members are selected at random, calculate the probability that both staff members
do not have the virus and both test negative. [4]

(c) (i) Calculate the probability that a randomly selected staff member will receive an incorrect test

(ii) The entire staff of 220 are tested. Calculate the expected number of staff members that will
receive an incorrect result. [5]

The mathematics faculty has 14 members. It is known that none of the mathematics faculty members
have the virus.

(d) Calculate the probability that none of the mathematics faculty will test positive. [4]

(e) Determine the probability that more than 3 mathematics faculty members will test positive. [2]

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Question 4

[Maximum mark: 15]

Sarah has started a 12 week training program to improve her cycling. She plans to cycle 100 kilometres in
the first week and, in each subsequent week, cycle 15 kilometres further than she did the week before.

(a) Calculate the distance she will cycle during the eighth week. [3]

(b) Calculate the total distance she will have cycled by the end of the training program. [2]

Sarah's coach tells her she should have cycled 2500 kilometres by the end of the training program, so
Sarah decides to increase her cycling distances. She still plans to cycle 100 kilometres in the first week,
but in each subsequent week, she will cycle k kilometres more than she did the week before.

(c) Calculate the minimum integer value of k required for Sarah to reach the target of 2500 kilometres
in 12 weeks. [3] 4/8
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As part of her training, each week Sarah performs a one kilometre time trial, in which she aims to cycle
one kilometre as fast as she can. Sarah's time decreases by 2% each week. In the first week, her time is
exactly 110 seconds.

(d) Calculate Sarah's time in the 12th week. [3]

Sarah's goal is to cycle one kilometre in less than 85 seconds by the end of the training program. To do
this, she needs to decrease her time by at least m% per week from her time of 110 seconds in week one.

(e) Find the minimum value of m so that Sarah reaches her goal. [4]

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Question 5

[Maximum mark: 16]

Danyon has a backyard that consists of a triangular swimming pool, of area Am2 , and concrete tiling
surrounding it. His triangular backyard has a total area of 900m2 .

The width of the concrete tiling, from east to west, on both sides of the pool, is such that the horizontal
distance from the corner of the backyard to the corner of the pool is 3m.

The height of the concrete tiling, from north to south, is 2m on the south side and 4m on the north side
of the pool.

The width of Danyon's backyard, from east to west, is x metres, 6 < x < 300.

(a) (i) Write down the width of the swimming pool in terms of x.

(ii) Find an expression for the height of the swimming pool in terms of x.

5400 [5]
(iii) Hence show that A = 918 − 3x − .​ 5/8
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(b) Find possible heights and widths of Danyon's backyard if the area of the swimming pool is 648m2 . [4]

(c) (i) Find an expression for .

(ii) Hence find the value of x that maximises the area of the swimming pool.

(iii) Find the maximum possible area of the swimming pool. [7]

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