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There are 8 planets in our solar system,

They all revolve around the sun.

Let's learn about all the different planets,
sing along and have some fun!

The first planets name is mercury,
it's the closest one to the sun.
It’s the second hottest planet in the solar system.
And it's smaller than everyone.

The second planet's name is Vibrant Venus,
it's the brightest planet that can be found.
It’s the hottest planet in our solar system
and it's too hot for anyone.

The third planet is Mother Earth,
It’s the planet that we live on,
It’s the only planet that has organic life,
So lets all just get along.

The fourth planets name is marvelous Mars,
the colour of this planet is red.
It has the highest mountain our solar system.
a volcano named Olympus Mons.


The fifth plants name is Jupiter.
it's covered by so many clouds,
it has a big red spot that's a wild storm.
And it’s the biggest planet that can be found.

The sixth planets name is Swirly Saturn
And it is the colour brown.
It has 8 outer rings that are extremely thin,
They’re made of dust and icy chunks.

The seventh planet is called Uranus
And it’s the coldest one,
Peoples often call me the icy Planet
And that isn’t really fun.

The eighth planets name is Noble Neptune,
It has 16 moons.
Neptune is the colour blue,
It’s the furthest one from the Sun.

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