Shadow of The Demon Lord Cheat Sheet by DannyLeeGrimes

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The Shadow of the Demon Lord - Quick Reference p1


A sleeping creature is prone and
Challenge Roll 1d20 + attribute modifier (+) Asleep unconscious. Another creature withing
boons  or (-) banes.
Roll 10+ succeeds for all basic challenges. reach can use an action to wake it up.
Attack Same as challenge roll, but must A blinded creature cannot see.
be ≥ opponent’s defense or relevant attribute. Surroundings as totally obscured. Attack
Roll rolls against take 1 boon vs Defense or
BOONS/BANES / CORE 32 Agility. Sight perception automatically fail.
Boons and Banes are situational modifiers which apply to Speed becomes 2.
challenge and attack rolls. Each cancels the other out in a ATTACK AN ATTRIBUTE CORE 51 A charmed creature sees the source of the
ratio of 1 boon  : 1 bane. Charmed affliction as a trusted friend and ally and
Str or Agi Attack vs. higher of target’s Str or cannot choose to target them.
Roll a d6 for each boon; the highest roll Disarm Agi. Apply 2 banes to attempt if unarmed.
from the boons is added to the d20. All other  Creature can’t use actions or move. Each
dice are discarded. Short Range. Int Attack vs. target’s Int. fast turn, the compelling creature can force
Distract Target makes next Attack/Challenge roll Compelled the compelled creature to move or use an
Boons  Boons are positive. You can gain boons for action. The compelling creature makes all
roleplaying, relevant professions & items, and that round with 2 banes.
decisions for the compelled creature.
when allies use the Help Action. Each instance Str or Agi Attack vs. target’s Str if Grabbed.
can grant multiple boons (per GM) Escape Gets free and moves up to half Speed Dazed A dazed creature cannot use actions.
without triggering Free Attack A deafened creature cannot hear. Listen
Like boons but subtracted from the roll.
Not directly opposed but boons/banes may Short Range. Agi Attack vs. target’s Per. Deafened perception challenge rolls automatically
apply. 2 boons on the next Attack you make vs. result in failure.
Banes  Banes are negative. Banes are assigned by Feint target’s Def or Agi before round ends OR A defenseless creature cannot defend itself.
GM for many reasons or may be the result of your movement does not trigger Free Its Defense is 5, it cannot use actions, and
certain actions, items, spells. Each instance Attacks from target for 1 round.  Defenseless its challenge rolls using attributes result in
can grant multiple banes (per GM) Str or Agi Attack vs. target’s Agi. If already failure. The creature can perceive and can
Grab Grabbed target, this is automatically make Perception challenge rolls.
ACTIONS CCORE 48 successful. A diseased creature makes all attack and
Diseased challenge rolls with 1 bane.
Knock Down Str Attack vs. target’s Agi with 1 bane/boon
Attack Attack target with weapon or attack spell. per Size diff. Knocks target Prone. / A fatigued creature makes all attack and
Fatigued challenge rolls with 1 bane.
Cast a Str Attack vs. target’s Str. Only on Grabbed
Cast a non-attack spell. A frightened creature makes all attack and
Utility Spell Pull target of your Size or smaller. Move up to
half Speed taking them with you. Frightened challenge rolls with 1 bane. Cannot take a
Prolong certain spells or effects. If you fast turn.
Str Attack vs. target’s Str with 1 bane/boon
Concentrate take damage or gain Insanity, make Will
challenge roll, lose concentration on Shove per Size difference. Moves them away 1 If grabbed creature’s Size is equal or smaller
failure. yard +1 yard per Str modifier. / than the grabbing creature, the grabbed
creature cannot move away. If grabbed
All attacks against you suffer 1 bane and all Move up to Speed and make one melee Grabbed creature’s Size is larger than the grabbing
Defend Challenge rolls resist attacks made with 1 Attack, Knock Down, or Shove. All Attacks/ creature, when the grabbed creature
boon. Charge Challenges you make have a 1 bane penalty moves, the grabbing creature can choose to
End an Effect End an ongoing effect. until the end of the round.  move with it, or end the grab.
Per Challenge to find a hidden object An immobilized creature has Speed 0 and
including traps. Per Attack vs. Agi of
SOCIAL CONFLICT FR 10 cannot benefit from bonuses to Speed.
Immobilized Creatures make attack rolls against with
hidden creature to spot hidden creature. Composure. Will - Ins. Number is max influence you can
Find 1 boon.
Can Guess the Location and try to strike a take before changing attitude.
totally concealed opponent with a 3 bane Influence. “Damage” done in social combat. When An impaired creature makes all attack rolls
penalty. Impaired and challenge rolls with 1 bane.
Influence meets total Composure, your attitude shifts one
Int Challenge to provide a 1 boon bonus to column on the Attitude table below. A poisoned creature makes all attack rolls
Help a target within 5 yards, on the next Attack/ Poisoned and challenge rolls with 1 bane.
Magic. Telepathy spells (DLC 41) see Demon Lord’s
Challenge roll they make that round.  Companion) and similar powers can grant advantages in A prone creature lies on the ground. Other
Agi Challenge. Requires Heavily Obscured social combat. creatures can move through its space. While
or Three-Quarter Cover or better. Also prone, the creature can crawl or move to
Hide SOCIAL ACTIONS stand up. When prone make Str and Agi
adds 1 boon to Attacks vs. the Def or Agi of Prone
targets that cannot see you.  Befriend:​Will vs. Will. +1 boon to social rolls  rolls with 1 bane. Creatures withing reach
Deceive:​Int Attack vs. target’s Int. make attack rolls with 1 boon, thoe out of
Describe a Trigger Action. Take Action with
Prepare Intimidate:​ Will or Str Attack vs. target’s Will. reach make attack rolls vs. Defense with
1 boon when triggered.  1 bane. /
Reload Ready ammunition. Persuade:​Will Attack vs. target’s Will
Taunt:​ Int Attack vs. target’s Will. A slowed creature can take only a slow turn,
Move away up to half Speed. Does not Slowed its Speed is halved, and it cannot benefit
Retreat from increases to Speed.
trigger a Free Attack.
SOCIAL ATTITUDE FR 10 Stunned creature can’t move or use actions.
Rush Move up to twice Speed. Stunned Automatically fail any challenge rolls.
Attack Helpful Friendly Neutral Unfriendly Hostile Creatures make attack rolls with 1 boon. 
Int Challenge with 1 bane if the target is
Stabilize Dying . Success heals 1 damage. Befriend 3 boons 1 boon — 1 bane 3 banes A surprised creature cannot use actions,
Drink/administer a potion, retrieve an Surprised move, and automatically fails any challenge
Use an Item object, light a torch, etc. Deceive 2 boons 1 boon — 1 bane 2 banes rolls.
Intimidate 3 boons — — — 1 bane An unconscious creature is unable to act,
CORE = SHADOW OF THE DEMON LORD CORE RULEBOOK move, or perceive its surroundings. The
Persuade 2 boons 1 boon — 1 bane 2 banes Unconscious creature’s Defense is 5. It cannot use actions
DLC & DLC 2 = DEMON LORD COMPANION & DEMON LORD COMPANION 2 or move, and all its challenge rolls result in
OP = OCCULT PHILOSOPHY, FR = FORBIDDEN RULES Taunt 2 banes 1 bane — 1 boon 2 boons failure.

Shadow of the Demon Lord is a trademark of Schwalb Entertainment. This cheat sheet with permission by @dannyleegrimes from Delvingwood. Big shout out to Jay Robinson at for inspiration.
The Shadow of the Demon Lord - Quick Reference p2


Each player must choose to go Fast or Slow. Cumbersome.​ Attack with 1 bane.
Fast. Players go first, Monsters & NPC’s follow​. Either can Defensive +#.​ Add the number to your Defense.
Move—OR—take and Action, not both. Spell
Finesse.​Choose Str OR Agi for Attack roll. d20 + (Int/Will modifier) vs Target Number
Slow. Players go first, Monsters & NPC’s follow​. Either can (TN) - usually Defense
Misfire.​Attack roll is 0 or less, weapon misfires. Roll d6: Check
Move—AND—take and Action. Even number, weapon misfire! Can be fired again after 1
End of Round.​Certains actions and effects may be minute using tools to clear barrel and repair weapon. Odd LEARNING SPELLS
resolved. Ongoing effects are tracked. number, weapon explodes causing you 2d6 damage. As you learn spells you will often be offered a choice to
discover a tradition—or—learn a new spell.
Range. Weapon’s length of range.
ATTACK ROLLS CORE 31 Discovering Traditions. List the new tradition and choose
Reach + #.​Add the number to your reach. one rank 0 spell.
Melee d20 + Str modifier Reload.​Weapon must be loaded. Learning Spells. Choose one spell from a discovered
Ranged/ Size 1.​ Minimum Size 1 to wield. tradition and whose rank is equal to or lower than your
d20 + Agi modifier
Finesse Power score.
Uses [ammunition]. Weapon uses ammo.
MELEE ATTACK OPTIONS CORE 50 Exchanging Spells. When you learn a new spell, you can
Thrown.​ Can be thrown as a ranged attack. exchange a spell you have previously learned for another
Driving You and target move yards equal to Str spell of the same or lower rank. OP 7
Attack mod. In same direction. DAMAGE & HEALING CORE 39
Increase reach 1 yard. When you take damage, your damage score goes up, Number of castings are for each spell per day.
your Health does not go down.
Shifting Your Move does not trigger free attacks Power 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
from thetarget until the end of the Amount ≥ Half Health. Injured. Notify the GM.
Attack round. Amount = Health. Incapacitated. 0 1 — — — — — — — — — —
Dead. Taking further Damage after being Incapacitated. 1 2 1 — — — — — — — — —
Unbalancing If target is your Size or smaller, it must Instant Death. You die if the damage equal to Health 2 3 2 1 — — — — — — — —
make an Agi Challenge. Failure: Falls from a single source.
Attack Prone. 3 4 2 1 1 — — — — — — —
Two Weapon Attacks. DISABLED 4 5 2 2 1 1 — — — — — —
Disabled characters are defenseless.
One Target. Attack with main hand weapon and 2 bane At the end of each round you are disabled, roll a d6. On a 5 6 3 2 2 1 1 — — — — —
penalty. If it hits, both weapons hit, but off-hand weapon 1, you start dying. On a 6, you heal 1 damage and become 6 7 3 2 2 2 1 1 — — — —
just adds its normal unmodified damage die to total. impaired for 1 minute. Other numbers no effect. 7 8 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 — — —
Two Targets. Attack with main hand weapon vs. one If after 3 consecutive rounds you are still disabled, you 8 9 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 — —
become unconscious for 1d3 hours and stop making the 9 10 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 —
target. Attack with off-hand weapon against another fate roll. At the end of this time, you heal 1 damage and
target, each with 3 banes. become impaired for 1 minute. 10 11 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1
Shield Attack. If you attack with a shield lose defensive DYING FRIGHTENING &
benefit for rest of the round. Dying characters are unconscious.
At the end of each round you are dying, roll a d6. On a 1, HORRIFYING CREATURES CORE 214
Free Attacks you die. On a 6, you become disabled. Other numbers no When you encounter a frightening creature, make
Once per round, you can make a free melee attack vs. any effect. a Will challenge roll to avoid being frightened for a
creature moving out of reach, unless: number of rounds = 1d3 + your Insanity.
1) They are using the Retreat Action to move away. Rest for at least 8 hours once per 24 hours. When you encounter a horrifying creature, make a
2) Tney are using the Escape Action from a grab. Rest heals Healing Rate damage. Will challenge roll to avoid gaining Insanity.
If rests full 24 hours, regains double Healing Rate. Regardless of the roll’s outcome, all attacks against
RANGED ATTACK OPTIONS CORE 51 If Rest period is wasted if interrupted more than 1 minute. horrifying creatures gain 1 bane.
Choose specific body location. Attack
Called Shot with 2 banes. Has additional effect created ILLUMINATION CORE 43 INSANITY & CORRUPTION CORE 35
by GM. Lit. Sighted creatures can see everything in a lit area
Attack with 1 bane. Attack target beyond that’s within its field of view and not hidden. Darkness You gain Insanity when you experience terrible things;
Distance Shot weapon’s range up to twice weapon’s becomes shadows within a distance of a light source you gain Corruption when you do terrible things.
range. equal to twice the light’s radius. Insanity. When you gain Insanity, you become frightened
Shadows. Shadows form the border between light for rounds = your Insanity total. When frightened, all rolls
Staggering Attack with 2 banes. If target is your Size get a bane and you cannot take fast turns.
or smaller, it must make an Agi Challenge. and darkness. Indirect illumination, faint glows, and
Shot: Failure: Falls Prone.  moonlight create areas of shadow. An area of shadows is When your Insanity = your Will, you may go mad; inform
partially obscured. the GM. You can reduce Insanity by resting, taking quirks,
RANGE & DISTANCE CORE 43 Darkness. This is the total absence of light. An area of going mad, and through magic.
darkness is totally obscured. Corruption. When you gain Corruption, roll 1d20. If result
You Yourself
is < your Corruption, you gain a Mark of Darkness. If your
Reach Size, Minimum 1 yard. (Str or Agi) vs Agi if COVER & HIDING IN SHADOWS CORE 43 Corruption is 4+, you experience negative effects.
target is unwilling. ½ Cover.​1 bane
Short 5 yards ¾ cover.​2 banes
Medium 20 yards Partially obscured (or in shadows) 1 bane Spend a point of Fortune to:
Long 100 yards Heavily obscured​2 banes Create Success.​ Turn a failure into a success.
Extreme 500 yards Totally obscured (or in darkness): 3 banes and must Grant Boons.​Add 2 boons to anyone’s d20 roll.
guess the target’s location Roll High. Replace a d6 result, for you or another, with a 6.
Sight Whatever can be seen
Total cover.​Automatic failure
House rule. Medium range weapons targeted at long
range take 1 bane.
Shadow of the Demon Lord is a trademark of Schwalb Entertainment. This cheat sheet with permission by @dannyleegrimes from Delvingwood. Big shout out to Jay Robinson at for inspiration.

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