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WRITING FILM / BOOK REVIEWS: Content + Expressions

①TITLE: Name of the film / book

②Introduction: a description of the subject.
Book: What kind of book is it (Genre: thriller / historical novel / science fiction, etc.)? Is it
different in any way from other books of this type?

It is published/ illustrated by... It is a beautifully written novel...

Play / Film / TV programme: Genre - What is it about? Is there anything special / unusual
about the production? Where/ Which channel or platform is it on? Are there any well-known
actors? Who is the director/ producer? Is it part of a series? …

….. a science-fiction/thriller/comedy… The film is directed / produced by...

It stars … / The role of X is played by ...

③Plot: What happens? Where and when is the story set? Remember to use present tenses and
passives. Give a BRIEF outline but don’t go into detail or give the ending away!

The book/film is set in ... It portrays/ shows/ describes/ tells the story of/ deals with ...
The plot centres on / revolves around ...

④A general consideration of the subject:

Comment on the successful and unsuccessful features giving reasons for your comments.

Play / film / TV programme: What’s the most outstanding element in the film/series? Was
the acting convincing? Was it well directed?
Book: How good is the characterisation? Comment on as many aspects as you can (style,
translations, …)

Adjectives: amusing appalling awful brilliant dramatic dreadful dreary dull witty
excellent superb fascinating fast-paced gripping hilarious humorous outstanding tedious
excruciating compelling implausible appealing action-packed…………………..

X gives a superb/ thrilling/ disappointing……. performance ...

⑤A recommendation & personal opinion:

Who do you feel the film/book will appeal to? Why/ Why not others? Your conclusion should
contain a judgment/ recommendation, backed up by good reasons.

It is extremely readable / quite heavy ... I found the plot rather weak / unconvincing…. I
can thoroughly recommend ... / it to anyone who is interested in …
One particular strength/ weakness of the film / book is …
I would strongly advise you not to buy/see it. / I would definitely give it a miss.
Do not be put off by the title / critics / cover …
It will have you roaring with laughter … It’s a definite must-see.

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