Science Matter Unit Plan

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Grade: 5 Unit: Matter

Dates: March 4-April 18

16-17 days teaching (1 hour 15 minute lessons)

GLO: Matter: Understandings of the physical world are deepened by investigating matter and energy.
GQ: How can states of matter and other physical properties be explained using the particle model of matter?
LO: Students investigate the particle model of matter in relation to the physical properties of solids, liquids, and gases.

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Lesson SLO(s) Assessment Key Knowledge Key Questions related Learning Activities Equipment/
Students are Gaining to this Lesson

Lesson 1 Represent F: All matter is made up of What is matter? Get to know you Projector to laptop
solids, liquids, observation/co small particles set up
Get to know you activities
and gases nversation What is a solid, a liquid, - something to learn names Sticky notes
using the Particles of matter are and a gas?
- 5 minutes of questions
particle model Whiteboards always moving Index cards
of matter. What does the
Exit Slip Particles of matter have organization of matter look Cool hook/demonstration
spaces between them like in a solid, a liquid, and Lego
a gas? Solid bigger than
Pre Assessment Activity a cup
- How can states of matter and other
Particle Water
physical properties be explained
using the particle model of matter? Lego
Liquid Powerpoint/Lesson
Gas What is matter?
solid , liquid, gas identification
(actions when pictures are shown)
Properties of solids, liquids, and
gasses (try to put this ball in that
Organization of matter in solids,
liquids, gasses

Matter Organization Activity

Students become particles

Solid, Liquid, Gas (rock paper

scissors game)

Exit Slip

Lesson 2 Relate the F: Particles of matter are What is the proximity of Review/Hook Plain pieces of
movement Observation/ always moving particles in a solid and paper
“Rip up this paper”
and conversation how do they move?
arrangement In solids, the particles are
organize into solid, liquid, and projector/laptop
of particles to whiteboards? close together and vibrate What is the proximity of gas
the state of in place. particles in a liquid and Solid, Liquid, Gas (rock paper
matter. F:  how do they move? scissors game)
observation/ In liquids, the particles are
Describe the conversation separated by spaces and What is the proximity of
impact that can slide past each other. particles in a gas and how
attractive Exit Slip  do they move? Movement and arrangement
forces have In gases, the particles are (organized, disorganized) of
on the separated by large spaces What are attractive forces? particles in solid, liquid, gas
movement and are constantly moving
and in all directions. How do attractive forces
arrangement impact the arrangement Activity
of particles in Attractive forces between and movement of particles Matter organization again, this
solids, liquids, particles are strongest in in a solid, liquid, and gas? time with movement
and gases. solids and weakest in
Attractive forces between particles are
strongest in solids and weakest in
Lesson 3 Review/Flex Review/ Work time
Day Make a poster

Talk about Plasma

Lesson 4 Review/Flex S: Intro/Review (wordwall review
day of worksheet/
with Reid’s class, something
outcomes short
covered so assignment on
else with Melhoff’s?) video
far what we’ve review?
learned so far

Talk about Plasma

Gavin has asked about it a few
times-what is it?

Continue Working on Poster

(Reid’s class will likely need
more time because they are
missing some of science on

Observation of Properties of
Solids, liquids, and gasses?

Scavenger Hunt Review Game

Different clues throughout the
room with different questions,
record your response to the
question on your paper

“Oobleck Science
If you tap, slap or hit the surface of Oobleck it will feel hard,
because it forces the cornstarch particles together and
increases it’s viscosity. However, if you slowly press your
hand into the mixture your hand slides in as easily as
through water. Moving slowly gives the cornstarch particles
time to move out of the way. Oobleck and other
pressure-dependent substances (like Silly Putty or
quicksand) are not liquids in the normal sense of how water
and oil are liquids. They are known as non-Newtonian fluids.
The name comes from a Dr. Seuss book called Bartholomew
and the Oobleck and we have a special Oobleck activity
celebrating that book that also uses Lego. So fun!”

2 Cups of Cornstarch
1 Cup Warm Water
A Few Drops of Food Coloring
(optional but awesome!)
Large Bowl or Pie Plate

Exit Slip
On forces between

Lesson 5 Measure the S: Physical properties of What is Mass? Dropping water on Penny Balance
mass of Mass lab matter include:
Forces inbetween water Scales
solids and reflection state
liquids using Mass
How do I use a molecules
a balance balance scale? Lab handout
scale and SI Mass is the amount of Demo: Dropping the Ball pages
units. matter in a solid, liquid, or What are the proper (Ninja resource)
SI units for mass? Objects

SI units of mass include Mini Lesson (solids and
grams and kilograms. Matter has different properties liquids to
(we will be learning about these weigh)
SI units are abbreviated
for convenience, including
g:grams for quite a few days) (mass,
kg: kilograms
volume, density, compressibility)
mL: millilitres
L: litres
What is mass? (the amount of
matter in a solid, liquid, or gas

SI units are grams and kilograms

(bring weights) (g, kg)

Experiment/Lab: Finding the

(Ninja resource)

Lab Reflection
Lesson 6 Measure the F: Volume is the amount of What is volume? Recap Mass
Mass mass of space a solid, liquid, or
What is the definition?
solids and Exit slip gas takes up.
liquids using 
How do I measure
a balance SI units of volume of a volume? Guess the mass
scale and SI liquid include millilitres and Random objects-guess the mass
units. litres. How does mass
relate to volume? Demo: Changing Volume
Measure the
volume of (Ninja resource)
liquids using
appropriate Lesson
What is volume?
and SI units.
How do I measure volume?
How does mass relate to

Experiment/Lab: Sink It
(Ninja resource)
Lesson 7 Measure the S: Volume is the amount of What is volume?
Volume volume of Volume lab space a solid, liquid, or
liquids using reflection gas takes up.
How do I measure
instruments SI units of volume of a volume?
and SI units. liquid include millilitres and
litres. How does mass
relate to volume?
Lesson 8 Measure the Review/more activities with mass
Mass and mass of
and volume
Volume solids and
liquids using
a balance Cooking and Baking
scale and SI Measurement:
Materials: Recipes for simple dishes or
Measure the baked goods, measuring cups and
volume of spoons, kitchen scale.
liquids using Procedure: Have students follow recipes
appropriate to cook or bake dishes while paying
instruments attention to the mass of ingredients.
and SI units. Introduce them to the concept of
measuring ingredients by mass rather
than volume. Encourage them to
compare the mass of different
ingredients and discuss why precise
measurements are important in cooking
and baking.

Lesson 9 Measure the Balloon Rockets Experiment:

Mass and mass of
solids and Materials: Balloons, string, drinking straws, tape,
Volume small objects of different masses (e.g., paperclips,
liquids using
a balance Procedure: Have students create balloon rockets by
scale and SI attaching a string to two points and threading a
units. straw through the string. Tape a balloon to the straw
and inflate it. Add small objects of varying masses
to the balloon rocket to see how mass affects the
distance traveled when the balloon is released.
Measure the Measuring Volume with
volume of
Measuring Cups: Demonstrate
liquids using
how to use measuring cups to
instruments find the volume of the rice or
and SI units. beans container by transferring
its contents to another container
with known measurements.
Lesson 10 Directly S: lab Density is a comparison of What is density? Experiment/Lab:
Density compare the reflection the mass of a solid, liquid,
density of or gas to its volume.
solid objects
How do I compare the
that have the density of different Lesson
same volume. solid objects that What is density?
have the same Explain the outcomes of the lab

Lesson 11 Directly S: The greater the mass of a What is density? Demo: Density Tower Tall container
Density compare the Density lab solid, liquid, or gas as
density of reflection compared to its volume, Items for
liquids. the higher its density.
How do I compare the density tower
 density of different (honey, dish
Density can be described liquids? soap, water, oil,
comparatively using the Stations (mini experiments) etc…)
phrases denser and less
Compare the density of different
Density can be directly
compared by determining:

the relative mass of

objects with the same
if a liquid sinks or floats
when added to another
Lesson 12 Review/Flex Scavenger Hunt Review Game
Density Day (maybe
Different clues throughout the
switch order
room with different questions,
with next
record your response to the
question on your paper
Lesson 13 Relate S: Density can be directly How can the densities of Root beer floats?
densities of worksheet/ compared by determining: solids, liquids, and gasses
Lava Lamp Activity? (chatgpt)
solids, liquids, assignment be related using the
and gases the relative mass of particle model of matter?
using the objects with the same
particle model volume
of matter. if a liquid sinks or floats
when added to another
Lesson 14 Compare the S: Compressibility is the What is compressibility? Demo (lab?): Squish it
compressibilit compressibility ability of a liquid or gas to
(ninja resource)
y of air and lab/reflection reduce in volume when How is the compressibility
water. of water and air different?
Why can air be compressed
under pressure.
more using what we know about
the PMofM?
Lesson 15 Project Final Project/Activity
Particle model of matter
Teams complete a series of
challenges that demonstrate
their learning?

Each team creates a “coach” (a

poster they can use throughout
the olympics that summarizes
their learning this unit)
Lesson 16 Project Particle model of matter
Lesson 17 Project Work Time/Final Activity
Lesson 18 Project Work Time/Final Activity

Learning Assessments
Outcomes Title Exit Slip Whiteboards/ Observation/ Experiment Reflections Worksheets/other Project
other displays Conversation assignments
Type F F F F/S F/S S

Weighting N/A N/A N/A 40% 20% 40%

(5 x 8% each) (2 x 10% each)
Represent solids, liquids, and * * * *
gases using the particle model *

of matter.
Relate the movement and * * *
arrangement of particles to the *

state of matter.
Describe the impact that * * * *
attractive forces have on the
movement and arrangement of
particles in solids, liquids, and

Measure the mass of solids * * * * *

and liquids using a balance
scale and SI units.
Measure the volume of liquids * * * *
using appropriate instruments
and SI units.
Directly compare the density * * *
of solid objects that have the
same volume.
Directly compare the density * * *
of liquids.

Relate densities of solids, * * * * *

liquids, and gases using the
particle model of matter.
Compare the compressibility * * *
of air and water.
Practise safe and appropriate * * *
use of materials, tools, and

Questions: particle model of matter olympics review or assessment?

I feel like I’m getting so hung up in the assessment of it all

Object Height (cm) Length (cm) Width (cm) Volume (㎤)

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