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NAME is always willing to par2cipate in class and uses her deep-thinking skills when solving

math problems. She is strong in mul2plying and dividing frac2ons by whole numbers as well as
mul2plying and dividing whole numbers by decimals. She can also convert words into an
equa2on and an equa2on into words. NAME always completes her homework to the best of her
ability and asks ques2ons when she has them.
Goal: A goal I have for NAME is to read each word problem closely to figure out what we are
trying to solve for. This will help her to form an equa2on or create a diagram to find the correct

NAME oFen par2cipates in class discussions and uses her deep-thinking skills when solving
problems. She has strong skills in mul2plying and dividing frac2ons by other frac2ons or whole
numbers, as well as conver2ng words into numerical equa2ons. She is typically strong at reading
story problems closely and crea2ng a matching equa2on to solve. NAME typically has her
homework done on 2me, with some of her work shown.
Goal: A goal I have for NAME is to show all her work on exit 2ckets, homework, and
assessments. I have talked to her about the importance of showing work so we can see what
went wrong if the answer is incorrect. This will also help her to prac2ce explaining her
mathema2cal thinking!

NAME has a lot of mathema2cal knowledge that he contributes to the classroom community.
He is always willing to ask and answer ques2ons, as well as par2cipate in group ac2vi2es. He
has strong skills in using the reciprocal property with division including frac2ons, as well as
conver2ng words into a numerical expression. NAME seems to lean towards using the strategy
of mul2plying frac2ons by a mul2ple of 10 to solve division problems including decimals. His
homework is always done to the best of his ability.
Goal: A goal I have for NAME is to read story problems closely. NAME seems to be confident in
using mathema2cal strategies, but is con2nuing to improve with understanding exactly what he
is solving for.

S NAME is a strong mathema2cian with a lot of great ideas to share with her peers. NAME oFen
asks deep mathema2cal ques2ons and can connect new content with content we have already
learned. She seems to prefer using the standard algorithm when solving problems including
frac2on mul2plica2on and division. She also understands the reciprocal property and how to
convert words into a numerical expression. NAME always completes her homework to the best
of her ability, and always shows her work.
Goal: A goal that I have for NAME is to con2nue par2cipa2ng in mathema2cal conversa2ons
with her peers. I think she has a lot to contribute to their learning!

NAME always completes her homework on 2me and pays close aMen2on to whole group and
small group instruc2on. She understands the reciprocal property and seems to lean towards
that strategy when solving problems including mul2plica2on or division of frac2ons. When
working with division and mul2plica2on of decimals, she seems to lean towards conver2ng the
decimals into frac2ons before mul2plying across to solve. NAME is willing to ask ques2ons when
she has them, as well as work with her peers to build mathema2cal knowledge.

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