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Name - Saptarshi Dutta

Roll - 13030820006
Subject - Natural Language Processing
Topic - Explain Sentence Segmentation and POS Tagging with example
Subject Code - PECAIML801A

Sentence Segmentation:
Sentence segmentation, also known as sentence boundary detection, is the process of
identifying the boundaries of sentences within a text. This task is crucial for various
natural language processing (NLP) applications, as most NLP algorithms and models
operate on a sentence-by-sentence basis. In English and many other languages,
sentences are typically separated by punctuation marks such as periods, question
marks, and exclamation marks. However, these punctuation marks can be ambiguous in
certain contexts, making sentence segmentation a challenging task.

Example: Consider the following text:

"Hello, how are you? I hope you are doing well!"

A sentence segmentation algorithm would correctly identify two sentences in this text:

1. "Hello, how are you?"

2. "I hope you are doing well!"

Sentence segmentation can be achieved using various techniques, including rule-based

methods and machine learning-based approaches. Rule-based methods rely on
predefined rules to identify sentence boundaries based on punctuation marks,
capitalization, and other linguistic features. Machine learning-based approaches, on the
other hand, use statistical models trained on annotated text corpora to predict sentence

Part-of-Speech (POS) Tagging:

Part-of-speech tagging, or POS tagging, is assigning grammatical tags to words in a
sentence based on their syntactic roles. These tags categorize words into parts of
speech such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, conjunctions, prepositions,
and interjections. POS tagging is a fundamental task in NLP and is the basis for many
downstream NLP tasks, such as parsing, information extraction, and machine
Example: For the sentence "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog," a POS
tagging algorithm would assign the following tags:

● "The" (Determiner)
● "quick" (Adjective)
● "brown" (Adjective)
● "Fox" (Noun)
● "jumps" (Verb)
● "over" (Preposition)
● "the" (Determiner)
● "lazy" (Adjective)
● "dog" (Noun)

POS tagging can be achieved using various techniques, including rule-based taggers,
which use handcrafted rules to assign tags based on the word's context, and statistical
taggers, which use machine learning models trained on annotated corpora to predict
tags. The accuracy of POS tagging depends on factors such as the complexity of the
language, the quality of the tagset, and the size and quality of the training data.

In summary, sentence segmentation and POS tagging are fundamental tasks in NLP
that play a crucial role in various applications. Sentence segmentation involves
identifying sentence boundaries in a text, while POS tagging involves assigning
grammatical tags to words in a sentence. Both tasks are essential for processing and
analysing textual data in NLP.

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