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Numerology/Astrology Profile of Selina Helena Maria Regeer

Based on Birth Date: 27/8/2002

Numerology Profile According Chaldean/Vedic/Cheiro


Complete Numerology Reading

Life Path And Radical Numbers

Your Life Path Number is - 3 31-03-2024 23 56
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You are a moody person, who often ignores own responsibility and believes to go easy
with any situation. You have the great quality of creativity and self-expression, and most
writers, artists, actors, singers, designers, brokers and publishers are born with the life
path number three.
You think positively about life, have the desire for luxurious life and of course, you
spend life with luxury and harmony. As you are so positive, you do not plan your future
seriously, therefore not so lucky in money matters. You are a social person and may get
huge fame for your work.
Your first-period cycle runs from age 0 to 33; Your second-period cycle runs from age
34 to 60, And your third-period cycle runs from age 61 to onward. The ruling planet is
Jupiter for this number, which brings success from 32th year.

Your radical/birthday number (मूलांक) is - 9

The number 9 is ruled by Mars. You are known as a great human, courageous and a
person, who is not afraid to take risks. You always help others, even if your enemy
wants help from you. You are a trustworthy person and you do blind trust in others
which often harm your feelings. You are a hard worker, impatient, generous and angry.
Your lucky gemstones are Ruby and Red coral.
Your lucky number is 9 & your lucky dates are 6,9,14,15,18,24,27
Your important years are 9th, 12th, 18th, 21th, 27th, 30th, 36th, 45th, 54th, 63th
Your lucky colors are red and pink. Lucky days are Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
Your favorable careers are garments, industry, medical.

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Important Years According To Numerology

Important events such as marriage, birth of your child, starting your job or business
etc., in your life may happen between:
August 2005 to August 2006 (Age - 4)
August 2020 to August 2021 (Age - 19)
August 2025 to August 2026 (Age - 24)
August 2026 to August 2027 (Age - 25)
August 2028 to August 2029 (Age - 27)
August 2032 to August 2033 (Age - 31)
August 2040 to August 2041 (Age - 39)
August 2047 to August 2048 (Age - 46)
August 2052 to August 2053 (Age - 51)
August 2053 to August 2054 (Age - 52)
August 2055 to August 2056 (Age - 54)
August 2059 to August 2060 (Age - 58)
August 2067 to August 2068 (Age - 66)
August 2074 to August 2075 (Age - 73)
August 2079 to August 2080 (Age - 78)
August 2080 to August 2081 (Age - 79)

Some years of childhood have been taken out. These important events are generally
good, we try our best to anticipate some years, what were or what may happen to you.
These predictions are anticipated only, but according to Chaldean numerology above,
years are important to you. If your life path number, or birthday number and year single
digit number are the same, then that year brings more fortune and success. Suppose,
2033 and your life path/birthday number are the same, then 2033 is called a more
fortunate year. 31-03-2024 23 56
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How did we calculate these years?
You were born in 2002; Find out the sum of the year until it reaches from number 1 to 9.
Sum of 2002 is 4, so add 2002+4=2006 (August 2005 to August 2006 falls between
age 4)
Again, the sum of 2006 is 8, so add 2006+8=2014 (August 2013 to August 2014 falls
between age 12)
The same method will be repeated to find out important years from birthday to birthday. 31-03-2024 23 56
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Personal Year Numerology - How will the upcoming years be?

Your Personal Year Number for 2024 is 7 - Read below the forecast for the current
year 2024

According to your personal year number 7, this is the seventh year of a 9 years cycle.
This means Introspection Time, Self Analysis, Refine Talent. The year of
introspection, you tune yourself as the philosophical and spiritual person. You want to
learn new aspects of life, so you have the desire to develop new talent and refine old
talents. You want to be free from all types of responsibilities this year. This is a good
time for financial success and you can make good plans for the future in this year,
because this time you have greater capability to research and analyze the things and

Your Personal Year Number for 2025 is 8 - Read below the forecast for the next
year 2025

According to your personal year number 8, this is the eighth year of a 9 years cycle.
This means Achievement Time, Material Gain, Busy Time. As you have read the
bold notes, this year is one of the strongest times in a financial and personalization
manner. You find yourself as a successful person in the society and work area. This is
the time to get material and financial gain from the work you are doing from the last
some years. This is the time for achieving your goals. Although, you feel like a leader,
but a very busy person who is unable to find time for himself/herself.

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Chaldean Name Numerology Reading

Compound Name Number/Namank (Numerology Total of Your Name) - 73

What is a destiny number? The main name number is known as Destiny or

Expression number. This is the number, which describes who you are and what you are
or what you become. This is referred to as destiny and your life's purpose.
Name Destiny/Expression Number or Namanak: 1
According to Chaldean numerology, your Destiny/Expression number is 1. The Sun
rules the number 1. The 1 means Leader, Independent, Creative.
You are influenced by the qualities of planet Sun, like firmly determined, brave, and
leadership qualities. You are an original thinker and originator of all actions. You have
the quality to control everything around you. Sometimes, you become stubborn and
angry when things do not happen according to your desires. You are a real and original
thinker, creative, and dominant person. You may play a good role as an inventor,
leader, explorer, and head of the family. Number one represents the card Magician –
The Purpose.




1 31-03-2024 23 56
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What is a Soul Urge number? The Heart Desire number is known as Soul Urge
number also. The number is calculated from vowels in a name. This is the number,
which describes your inner potentials, inner likes and dislikes, inner resources. In
simpler words, what you are actually by your inner core, what your inner desire, which
you kept private from others.
Soul Urge/Heart Desire Number: 9
According to the vowels in your name, Soul Urge number is 9. The 9 means
Knowledgeable and Desire of humanity. Mars influences the Soul Urge number nine,
therefore, you have a deep desire to serve humanity and the world with your knowledge
and experiences without expecting anything. You tend to be a courageous person for
taking risks.

What is a Dream number? Personality number is known as Dream or Inner-Dream

number also. The number is calculated from consonants in a name. This is the number,
which describes your personality, indeed your first impression on others. In the simpler
words, this describes how and what you present yourself to the world. This is your outer
personality, which may be different from your inner soul.
Name Dream/Personality Number: 1
According to the consonants in your name, your Dream/Personality number is 1. The 1
means Impressive as courageous, Daring and Aggressive. The dream number 1 is
ruled by the Sun. So, your personality is influenced by the Sun. You tend to be
confident, strong and independent. Your dream is to be a leader among the people. You

9 and aggressive during the first impression.

present yourself as courageous, daring 31-03-2024 23 56
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Cheiro Compatibility between Birthday and Main Name

According to the Cheiro numerology method, the birthday and life path numbers are the
important one, which influences a person's life. The second core number is a destiny
name number. This is important to know, whether these core numbers are compatible
or not, according to Cheiro numerology.

Comparison of Birth Date and

Compatibility Percentage
Name Numbers

Birthday AND Destiny Number Somewhat incompatible

9 AND 1 35%

Life Path AND Birthday Number Best Compatible

3 AND 9 95%

Average Between Birthday And

Name Number 31-03-2024 23 56
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Chaldean Compatibility Between Life Path and Name Numbers

If your life path number and name numbers (Destiny, Soul urge, and dream number)
are not compatible with each other, you may face burdens, sorrows and failure.
Because, each number has its own behavior and pattern to drive you, as you know
each number is ruled by a certain vibration of a particular planet.

You cannot change the birth date, but you can change your name to avoid conflict of
numbers for better luck. The higher the percentage you get, the lesser the need to
change the name.

Comparing of Life Path And Name

Compatibility Percentage

Life Path AND Destiny Number Best Compatible

3 AND 1 95%

Life Path AND Soul Urge Number Best Compatible

3 AND 9 95%

Life Path AND Personality Number Best Compatible

3 AND 1 95%

Average Between Birth Date And

Name Numbers

Some numerologists rely on Chaldean and some trust on Cheiro. If we take both the
Cheiro and Chaldean method to calculate final and most reliable compatibility between
name and birth date then it will be 83% 31-03-2024 23 56
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Western Astrology Profile - Sun Sign Prediction According B'Date

Sun Sign: Simply, the Sun exists in a zodiac sign called the Sun sign. The Sun is
known for inner Soul, so the Sun (Soul) exists in which sign, the Soul is influenced by
the lord planet of the sign and the traits of the sign reflected in the soul.

Your sun sign is Virgo

You are influenced by Mercury who is the lord of the Virgo zodiac. You are versatile,
talented and a good communicator. You have a shy nature and are often disturbed in
the crowd, thus you are not so confident, you are always searching for faults in others.
But, you were born a genius who can learn anything easily, and executes the plans
systematically. You are known for your loving nature to your spouse and friends.
Sometimes, you work like a workaholic and harm your health. You present yourself as a
sensitive and clever person.

Zodiac Sun Sign - Virgo Zodiac Symbol - Maiden

Lord Planet - Mercury Merits - Female, Trader (Vaisya)

Sun Sign Date - August 23 To

Lucky Days - Wednesday, Sunday
September 22

Lucky Metal and Color - Gold and

Compatible Direction - South
Green 31-03-2024 23 56
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Indian Astrology Profile - Moon Sign Predictions According Name

Your name Moon sign is Aquarius

Element air, ruled by the Saturn, communicative, sociable, independent, demanding,
progressive, resisting change, resourceful, inventive and humanitarian
You have a philosophical outlook, patience and perseverance and want to serve and
help others. You make every effort to earn money and fame. You are highly sympathetic
and generous. You are very friendly and compassionate in the society, but lazy and
lethargic. You often worry and do blind faith in others and neglect your enemy and
health. Often, you are misunderstood and disappointed in love. You believe in the
essential goodness of humanity and react real mercy to poor people. You are collectors
of things for the future and like fine arts and music. You are a shy person in the crowd
when it's time to show your talents.

Zodiac Moon Sign - Aquarius Zodiac Symbol - Water Bearer

Lord Planet - Saturn behavior - Cruel (Tamoguni)

Moon Sign Alphabet - Gu, Ge, Go, Constellation - Dhanishtha,

S, Si, Su, Se, So, D Satbhisha, Purvabhadrapad

Compatible Direction - West Lucky Days - Friday, Saturday

Gemstone - Blue Sapphire in Middle Compatible Signs - Taurus,

Finger Capricorn, Pisces 31-03-2024 23 56
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Famous persons who were born with your birthday number 9

Famous Person Birthday Birthday Number

The Great Khali 27 Aug. 9
Salman Khan 27 Dec. 9
Nelson Mandela 18 July 9
18 Feb. 9
Leo Tolstoy 9 Sep. 9

Just For Fun - How Old You Are Today on 31/3/2024

21 Years 7 Months 4 Days old OR
259 Months 4 Days old OR
1126 Weeks 5 Days old OR
7887 Day old OR
189311 Hours old OR
11357303 Minutes old OR
681436823 Seconds old

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