SupplierWeb Toolkit 04.20.2023

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SupplierWeb Toolkit

Topics covered

SupplierWeb overview Manage capabilities

Critical tasks (your checklist) Capability attestation details
Sign in sign in help Manage skills
Dashboard Skill attestation details
Self-serve help Manage roles and rates
Manage users and access Rate attestation details
Edit profile (basic info) Add data using bulk upload
Edit contact information Invoice management
Contact types Sustainability resources
Resilience Onboarding new accounts
Edit business classifications Completing the Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)
**Fiscal year-end deadlines (April-June, 2023)**
Welcome to SupplierWeb
A central location for suppliers to manage their information and act on steps required to do business with Microsoft

Use SupplierWeb for these critical tasks
This checklist highlights important actions to set up and manage your account.
Critical actions
❑ Sign in to SupplierWeb using the email address that received the invitation
❑ If new, complete the onboarding activities prompted in SupplierWeb
❑ Add authorized users and at least one backup admin
❑ Add the critical account contacts highlighted in the contact types
➢ Note: Admins must add a person as both contact and authorized user for them to access SupplierWeb
❑ Review your business and diversity classifications for accuracy, and address any certification needs
❑ Attest to your company’s capabilities to promote your visibility in search results
❑ Attest to your company’s skills to promote your visibility in search results
❑ Provide role and rate information to promote your visibility for potential opportunities

Recommended actions
❑ Review the guided tours and self-serve resources to learn more about SupplierWeb
❑ Customize your dashboard to highlight the information most important to you
❑ Add other contact types for ongoing communications, requirements, and needs
Sign in
1 digital

3 page


Sign in help


Tip: Supplier ID can be found next to the selected supplier name (ex. 0001112222)

*User permissions may vary for different supplier accounts

These selections will impact the data displayed
An onboarding selection must be made for new account setup
Self-serve help and resources


Manage users and their access

Roles and permissions for “General SupplierWeb Access” Roles and permissions for “Invoice Management”
➢ Admin: Read/write access, manage SupplierWeb users, limit 3 per supplier ID ➢ Admin: View and submit invoices, or add and remove invoice users
➢ Reader: Read only ➢ User: View and submit invoices
➢ Contributor: Read/write access to all profile, transaction, and banking information ➢ None: User has no permissions for this access type
➢ Profile Manager: Read/write access to profile and sourcing info except invoice, tax, and banking
➢ None: User has no permissions for this access type
*Must be admin user to view or edit the user list
Manage users and their access (continued)

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User role and permissions are applied at the supplier ID (account) level. Important: For business continuity, ensure at least two (2) admin users for each
supplier account and access type (general vs. invoice).
If your organization has multiple supplier IDs, it may be necessary to add a user to
multiple accounts.
Managing users – Additional details

Important information to know about managing users in SupplierWeb

Security codes and verification, including 2-step authentication and Microsoft Authenticator app
Edit profile: Basic information

Note: Supplier Type is intended for business-specific use and will not be leveraged by all suppliers *Must be admin, contributor, or profile manager user
Edit profile: Basic information (continued)

Capability attestation

3 Edit

Edit profile: Contact information

Updated directly in SupplierWeb (steps 3, 4) Note: The same contact can be added for multiple contact types (ex. primary, SCoC).
Primary, Legal, SCoC Compliance, Sustainability Compliance, Diversity, Enterprise Resilience Multiple points of contacts can also be added for a single contact type.
Resource Manager (MCS use), Contract Signatory (MCS use)

Updated via links (step 5) Important: Contacts do not have access to SupplierWeb. See “manage users” to learn how to add access.
Accounts Receivable, SSPA Compliance *Must be admin, contributor, or profile manager user
Edit profile: Contact types
This list will help you understand the available contact types and how each is used.
➢ Contacts are not granted access to SupplierWeb. See manage users to learn how to add a contact as a SupplierWeb user.

Used for supplier relationship management (SRM) related communications
Business point of contact*
Used for purchase order (PO) communications
Accounts receivable*
Used for accounts receivable (AR, A/R) communications (tax, invoice, etc.)
Compliance – SCoC*
Used for communications related to supplier code of conduct (SCoC)
Compliance – SSPA
Used for communications related to Supplier Security and Privacy Assurance (SSPA)
Compliance – Diversity
Used for communications related to diversity
Used for sourcing events
Used for legal communications
Used for sustainability communications
Contract signatory
Used by Microsoft Consulting Services (MCS) suppliers as contract signatory for MCS contracts
Resource manager
Used by Microsoft Consulting Services (MCS) suppliers to identify the supplier resource manager
Enterprise resilience
Individual responsible for business resilience, business continuity, and disaster recovery of contracted services to Microsoft
*Critical or required contact type
Edit profile: Resilience (not visible to all suppliers)

Due date is displayed for assessments that are in
progress or scheduled

At Microsoft we recognize that the unexpected can and does occur - from simple situations to Important: Ensure at least one Enterprise Resilience contact has been added to
major outages. This assessment provides insights into your company's resilience capability to manage this process. See “contact information” to learn more.
provide its services to Microsoft despite unexpected challenges.

Enterprise resilience was formerly known as EBCM (Enterprise Business Continuity Management)

* Must be admin, contributor, or profile manager user

Edit profile: Business classifications (US-based accounts only)

The United States Government requires Microsoft obtain timely and accurate supplier self-attestation of Important: We trust our suppliers to provide honest and timely status.
business size prior to initial procurement award and requires its US-based small business suppliers to re- Misrepresentation may result in offboarding from Microsoft Supplier programs,
attest on an annual basis thereafter. By confirming status on an annual basis, we intend to reasonably termination of funded award(s), and/or civil or criminal penalties imposed by the
ensure the validity of our annual supplier spend reporting submitted to the United States Government. United States Government

This process supports US-based accounts only *Must be admin, contributor, or profile manager user
Edit profile: Capability attestation

bulk upload

How this supports you Important: Microsoft runs on trust. We trust our suppliers to provide an honest
Microsoft uses capability data to identify potential supplier matches to business needs. self-attestation of their true knowledge, expertise, and experience as it relates to
each capability outlined in the assessment. Overstating your capabilities could put
Visibility to your end-to-end capabilities helps increase the likelihood that you are
your company at risk for being removed from a given category.
invited to participate in RFPs that match your capabilities.
This information should be kept up-to-date and reviewed frequently.
* Must be admin, contributor, or profile manager user
Capability attestation details
Important information about attesting to your organization’s capabilities
How capability information will be used
Microsoft uses capability attestations to identify and recommend potential suppliers for participation in RFPs. This information can help increase visibility to your company’s
capabilities in our internal searches.
Capability attestations are not required, but your company may be overlooked for potential business opportunities if all attestations are set to “does not perform” (the default).

Do not attest to the capabilities of subcontractors or affiliates

Capability attestations should only reflect your company’s in-house capabilities (services performed and/or delivered by your own employees). Do not attest to the capabilities of
a subcontractor or affiliate company.

Capability attestations are applied to a single supplier account (supplier ID)

If your company does business with Microsoft using multiple supplier accounts, you will need to complete the capability attestations for each of them as appropriate. If a
Microsoft account (supplier ID) supports multiple geographical locations, you should reflect all capabilities of all locations for that account.

This replaces the category certification exercise done in the past. How is it different?
The old certification process for capability attestations was manual, done annually, and was limited to a subset of suppliers. The new SupplierWeb functionality enables all
suppliers to manage their company’s capabilities directly and as often as needed.
Edit profile: Skill attestation

bulk upload

How this supports you

Important: Microsoft runs on trust. We trust our suppliers to provide an honest
Microsoft uses skill data to identify potential supplier matches to business needs.
self-attestation of their true knowledge, expertise, and experience as it relates to
Visibility to your end-to-end skills and capabilities helps increase the likelihood that each capability outlined in the assessment. Overstating your skills could put your
you are invited to participate in RFPs that match your capabilities. company at risk for being removed from a given category.
This information should be kept up-to-date and reviewed frequently.
* Must be admin, contributor, or profile manager user
Skill attestation details
Important information about attesting to your organization’s skills
How skill information will be used
Microsoft uses skill attestations as a secondary search filter to identify and recommend potential suppliers. This information can help increase visibility to your company’s
capabilities in our internal searches. Skills attestations are not tied to a category.
Skill attestations are not required, but your company may be overlooked for potential business opportunities if all attestations are set to “none” (the default).

Skill assessment topics (“skill areas”)

Microsoft uses skill assessments in four (4) topics or “skill areas”
1. Functional: A comprehensive set of technical skills and proficiencies across multiple areas and disciplines
2. Industry: Your company’s level of expertise across various industry verticals (i.e., financial services, manufacturing, retail, automotive, energy, public sector, healthcare, etc.)
3. Competitor Knowledge: Your company’s level of competitor knowledge related to various third-party software applications and cloud solutions.
4. Program Languages: Your company’s level of programming expertise related to various industry standard programing languages.

Standard skill levels

Microsoft uses five (5) skill level classifications
1. None: Lacks awareness and/or knowledge associated with this topic or skill
2. Foundational: Initial understanding of this topic or skill, but with limited or no exposure or experience in customer environment
3. Intermediate: Has used the skill or knowledge of the topic in customer environments, but has not yet used it regularly or with repeated success
4. Advanced: Fully trained and competent in the topic or skill. Has demonstrated experience in its application with repeated success using it to deliver on projects. Uses the topic
or skill on a regular basis and stays knowledgeable of business, technical, and other challenges, as well as critical success factors related to it.
5. Expert: An acknowledged leader in the use and implementation of the topic or skill, with multiple instances of successful implementation, including success stories on complex
projects. Seen as a resource to teach and coach others on the topic or skill.
Edit profile: Manage roles and their hourly rates

2 Select

bulk upload

Information to note when submitting rates Important: Rate submissions are not intended to replace or supersede pricing in an existing
➢ You will be able to submit new rate information for each fiscal year between April-June. rate card addendum and/or Statement of Work
➢ Rates should only be submitted for roles and levels your company can support. If you
do not have a resource that meets criteria for the level, leave that field blank (NA). *Microsoft fiscal year (FY) is July 1 to June 30. FY24 begins July 1, 2023.

Must be admin, contributor, or profile manager user

Rate attestation details
Important information about submitting your organization’s hourly rates (“rate card”).
How rate card information will be used
Microsoft uses rate cards to identify and recommend potential suppliers for business opportunities and RFPs. This information can help increase your company’s visibility in our
internal searches. Rate submissions may also be used by Microsoft as a baseline to negotiate and execute a multi-year rate card addendum.
Rate cards are required for certain categories if your company has attested to capabilities in that area. Your company may be overlooked for potential business opportunities if this is not

Standard role levels

Microsoft uses industry standard level classifications, aligned to years of experience by role:
1. Level 1 is a junior level resource with 1 to 3 years of experience
2. Level 2 is a mid-level resource with 3 to 5 years of experience
3. Level 3 is a senior level resource with 5 to 10 years of experience and can manage a small team
4. Level 4 is a lead level resource with 10 to 15 years of experience and can manage a large team
5. Level 5 is an expert/mentor level resource with 15+ years of experience
Note: Microsoft has purposely elected to exclude certain levels for some roles in the Rate Assessment.

Rate card categories

Rate card submissions are required in certain categories where Microsoft uses industry standard resource titles, level classifications, and pricing to determine “not-to-exceed” pricing
Events Marketing Professional Services Technical Services Other

• Event Creative and Production • Market Research • Back-office Services: Finance, Ops • Content Services ECIF – Restricted category
• Event Demand Generation and • Marketing Services and Procurement • Data Management and Analytics
Sponsorship Sales • Retail Services • Learning • Datacenter Ops, Physical Security,
• Event Logistics and Management • Video Production • Consulting and Advisory Services Critical Environment
• Event Tools, Registration and Services • Telesales • Hardware Development Lifecycle
Technical Services • Enterprise Services (MCS and • Service Engineering (DevOps)
• Event Venues, Site Selection, Food Premier) – Restricted category • Technical Development
and Beverage • Test and Lab Operations
Edit profile: Add data using bulk upload

2 From Capability, select Download Capabilities.xlsx

to save a copy of the template

3 Complete and save a copy of the template

4 elect Upload Capabilities Excel, then follow the

prompts to add your saved .xlsx file

5 Repeat this process to upload Skills and Rates

Important: Do not make any changes to the template columns or format.

Data should be added to the template without any other changes.

* Must be admin, contributor, or profile manager user

Invoice management

Sustainability Resources (not visible to all suppliers)

Microsoft is committed to becoming carbon negative by 2030 and welcomes Important: Ensure the correct Sustainability Compliance contact is listed on your account to
suppliers on this journey. Sustainability resources are intended for supplier use in receive important sustainability communications.
compliance with Supplier Code of Conduct sustainability requirements. See "Edit profile: Contact information" to learn more.
Onboarding a new account

slide 4

5 Monitor progress as you complete all

sections and acknowledgements

Information you will need to complete the new profile application Helpful tips
Basic organization information - If applicable, use your IRS-registered organization name. If applicable, use your IRS-registered organization name for a smooth setup
Questionnaire details about conflict of interest, information security, and company size Electronic banking is Microsoft’s preferred payment method for fastest turnaround
Tax and business classification information
Banking details *Important: The contact on this email has been automatically added as the admin user.
Completing the Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)

Details Important: The Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) is a mandatory step in the onboarding process.
➢ This section will only appear if the Microsoft requestor has indicated that you do not It is required for all suppliers.
have an existing NDA in place.
➢ An admin user can sign the NDA or can assign it to another contact in their company,
per step 4.

* Must be admin user

Onboarding at Microsoft

• The steps required will vary based on circumstances, location, and partner. Not every step is applicable for all suppliers.
• A signed NDA is required prior to any discussions regarding Microsoft business.
• Ongoing compliance and legal requirements may be addressed on a periodic or yearly basis, depending on the scope of
work awarded.
• Payments are released, according to payment terms, after the invoice has been approved
Firm Deadline: Nothing processed after 5PM PDT will post in FY23

FY23 Year End Guideline Dates: Items processed after these dates will be at risk for FY23 posting

Accounts Payable
(AP) Dates
invoice management

Fiscal Year 2023

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