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Thoughts About Nature

Table of Contents
Important notes about this book.........................................................................3
Message from the Author....................................................................................3
Thought 1: Mirrored Hearts.....................................................................................4
Default Settings....................................................................................................4
The molecule of more..........................................................................................5

My story about nature started when I was on my way to school as usual. And I
saw a scene that I couldn’t get out of my mind. That scene got me thinking about
how all organisms are like each other. And I found that all organisms share their
goals, dreams, fears, and feelings.
I lived my entire life without having the problem of overthinking. But only one
quick scene I saw from the school bus window caused me to suffer from
overthinking every night. I spent more than six months trying to figure out the
answer to one question which is "Why?".
You’re maybe wondering what scene led to all of this. And it was a very usual
scene. I bet you see it every day too. The scene was just two cats fighting over a
piece of meat they found in the rubbish.
I know that you think that I am crazy to have a lot of thoughts about such a
normal scene that all humans have seen at least once in their lives. But trust me,
your first impression will change totally after you finish reading this book.
But let me tell you my first impression about this scene. I thought about why
two members of the same type (they’re both cats) are fighting over a small piece
of meat. Are they really fighting because they’re afraid of being hungry. Or this
fight is not about hunger, and it has a bigger goal.
But let me tell you my first impression of this scene. I thought about why two
members of the same type (they’re both cats) were fighting over a small piece of
meat. Are they fighting because they’re afraid of being hungry? Or is this fight not
about hunger, and it has a bigger goal?
And since I like reading about history, I started reading books about famines
that happened in the world. And I found that in the present, there are major
famines happening in Africa although there is an abundance of food. And, most of
these countries are resource rich.

Homeless cats suffer from a lack of food. And that was why those two cats
were fighting over a small piece of meat. And a lot of people (especially in Africa)
suffer from a lack of food also. That’s why the continent that is most affected by
terrorism is Africa.
I spent a hundred days thinking about a lot of thoughts. In those days, I linked
a lot of situations that happened in the society of humans and their analogs in the
society of animals. I decided to write down these thoughts in this book and share
them with you.

Important notes about this book

 Although you can read each thought in this book separately, I recommend
that you read this book in order.
 All the names of the characters and places that are mentioned in this book
are fictional and aren’t related to the real world in any way.
 All the ideas written in this book are my personal thoughts and they are
ideas that I figured out during a hundred-day period. They are not absolute
facts but opinions that are debatable and potentially wrong.
 Although this book is not scientific research, I wrote my resources in the last
pages of this book.

Message from the Author

I understand that most of you feel like the topic of this book is boring. I have
hated books talking about nature my entire life. But I promise you that you will
change your mind and you will find the behaviors of animals interesting. I
deliberately authored this book without using complex terms so all of you can
understand my thoughts clearly.
That’s my message. I wish you an enjoyable experience with my thoughts ;)

Thought 1: Mirrored Hearts
How All Organisms share the same feelings, fears, and desires

The universe is a very complex integrated system. It's integrated because it

has all the resources that its members need. And it's complex because it has
many other integrated systems within it.
One of the main things that makes Earth special is that it has a lot of events
happening in its systems. That's because it has living organisms who are always
using the resources of it. And of course, one of the main things that makes those
organisms special is that they can also produce resources. And Earth is a decent
place to live in because it's always in a continuous evolution.
There are so many natural systems on Earth that it won't be enough for us to
discuss them all in one book. We will discuss two types of living organisms on
Earth, and we will discover how they all despite their differences share the same
fears, desires, and feelings.

Default Settings

All organisms have default settings once they’re born. Default settings are
feelings, desires, and fears that a newborn organism has without being taught by
an adult one. Think about all organisms has the desire to survive even if they
don’t understand what death is. Think about young dears once they see a lion
running towards them, they run away because they don’t want to die. Think
about babies once they get sick, they cry because they want to survive, and they
want to feel okay. Those are examples of a default setting which is “fear of
Another example of default settings is “Hunger and Thirst”. This is one of the
simplest examples of default settings. I had a cat for a while and I noticed that
when I forgot to feed her, she mowed so loud to remind me that she was hungry.
Another experience I had was when my brother was young, my mom forgot to
breastfeed him. So, he cried loudly to remind us that he was hungry. I searched
more on the internet about that subject, and I found out that all organisms feel
hunger and thirst and they work hard all the time to avoid these feelings.
The last example I am going to mention is “Attachment and bonding”. That is
that many animals exhibit natural tendencies to form bonds and seek comfort
from caregivers just like what humans do. Animals and humans both seek stability
through building relationships with other members of their own type.
I mentioned some examples but there’re a lot more examples that we can’t
cover in one book. But I think you got the idea of what a default setting is.
I know some of you now think that this topic is normal and that the last few
paragraphs were boring. But that was only an introduction that will help you
understand the rest of the ideas that I will cover. And that will help you explain the
following ideas easily.

The molecule of more

The molecule of more by Daniel Z. Lieberman and Michael E. Long is one of

my favorite books. It mainly talks about the molecule called “Dopamine” which
organizes feelings, desires and fears in organisms.
Dopamine doesn’t work alone of course because it contributes with a lot of
neurotransmitters and specific regions in the brain of the organism to perform
advanced operations. But Dopamine is one of the most important molecules that
exist in the brain and that affects our lives in a lot of ways.
Dopamine exists in all humans and in all animals. Although its functions differ
from one animal to another depending on the animal’s complexity level. But its
functions are similar. And we can summarize them in controlling feelings, fears,
and desires.
Let me give you an example on this, when you feel hungry, Dopamine amount
increases in your brain which motivates you to cook or to bring food from the
kitchen. That’s one of the main functions of Dopamine: Motivation.


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