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“Speechless” is a gospel musical drama story about a young
girl stepping away from gospel music to pursue hip-hop. In her
pursuit of her dream, she finds herself engaging in various
harmful activities. Despite her efforts, success eludes her
until she eventually leaves behind her only son on earth
before dying.

The story begins with a young man named James returning home
with a joyful smile. Upon entering, he is greeted by his
adopted son, Caleb, who runs towards him, jumps on him with a
smile, hugs him, and then puts Caleb down. Caleb goes to the
TV table, picks up a little Bible with gospel cartoons, brings
it to James, and says,
Dad, look what my grand-mom brought to me as my birthday gift.

James cradled the Bible in his arms as he carried Caleb on his

shoulder. He sat down on the chair with a smile when his wife
came out of the room, asking, “Are you back, baby?” He replied
with a nod, and as he explained the story of Ezra, his wife
sat beside him, listening attentively.

You know, before having you, your mom wasn’t that easy to

The story begins as the church wraps up at 12 pm. Ezra emerges

from the church with her friends. Two choir companions
approach her, saying: “…”

But Ezra, for God sake, can you tell us why you were singing
like that?

Ezra looks at her strangely, saying.

What! What do you mean?

Suddenly her second friend Cassie was replying her very fast.

What do you mean how? Haven’t you notice you were mixing up
some words while we were singing in the choir? Its like you
were into hip hop or something….

Ezra wasn’t listening to Cassie anymore from the moment she

said “What do you”, because all her attention was on a young
boy named Cornelus who was rapping some songs while standing
beside his friends, who were all shouting and clapping. When
Cassie ends up saying 'something', suddenly, both of them
notice she isn’t with them anymore. Clapping their hands
towards her, they said.


Looking directly at them, Ezra said with a mockery face.

Huh! You know what? Wait for me here, I’m coming back.

Then, directly started walking toward Cornelus smiling, when

she reached them, Cornelus directly started changing the
lyrics of his rap smiling at her while she was blushing After
some 2min rapping, he stopped and his friends weren’t happy,
saying 'Awwww…' and Cornelus went to greet her.

Hey‼ what’s your name?

She smiled, saying.

Ezra, you can call me Ezra.

Immediately, he turned to look at his Friends, saying out loud

while her mom was coming out with the Pastor of the church,
sharing words with him saying,’ Thanks a lot man of God while
he was saying to her 'Do not forget to read' At that same
moment, Cornelus after learning Ezra’s name shouted her name
to his friends, saying.
Hey guys! Meet Ezra.

Immediately, Ezra’s friends, her mom and the Pastor who heard
it looked at them strangely while Cassie who knew Ezra’s mom
named Dorothy was standing behind them, made a sign to
Jennifer which Jennifer also turned and looked at Mrs. Dorothy
who was approaching her while saying.


Immediately, Mrs. Dorothy asks them with anger, while standing

behind them.

Can someone just tell me who the hell are they? Cause I can’t
see any form of Christianity them.

Going directly toward Ezra who was already rapping with

Cornelus and his Friends while the Pastor was following her

Mrs. Dorothy, wait‼

While she reached behind her daughter with anger, asking her.

Ezra, can you give me any reason why you are standing beside
these young boys.

Ezra turned looking at her mom, she replied while her friends
and the Pastor were already near her mom.

Mom, I just met them today, but I think I like what they are
doing already.

Her mom looking at her nervously said to Cornelus and his


You guys don’t have any reason to stand in front of the church
doing all this evil things as if nothing was going on between
heaven and hell. Come on, leave this place right now.

Immediately, one of Cornelus friends came toward Dorothy with

anger, shouting at her while Cornelus was holding him back
Who the hell are you? Have you forgotten you don’t own this
town or either the church you are going to?

While Cornelus was holding him back and shouting for him to
calm down, and the Pastor who was already given reasons to
Zach saying.

Young man, be careful of what you say, she might not be the
owner of the church but she is a member of the church which I
represent which means you don’t have any reason to talk to her
this way.

Immediately, Ezra said to Zach.

Since I’m still alive, no one has the right to talk to my mom
this way.

She took her mom and both began to go home while Dorothy said
to the Pastor before going.

Thanks Pastor, see you at Bible study Tomorrow.

Immediately they left, while Cornelus was holding his Friend

Zach saying to him seriously.

Hey! Listen carefully to me, next time, when you speak dirty
words to the mother of my future wife, I promise you, it will
be worst between the both of us, so be careful man.

Hitting him behind his head while going towards their car. The
Pastor and Ezra friends were already far away from them.
When Dorothy opened the door of her House going in with Ezra,
the question she asked Ezra with anger was this.

Since when have you began chatting with people like that?

Ezra turn back look at her mom, putting her bible on the table
asking with a weighty face.

Huh? Like how, mom?

Her mom started going toward the kitchen, taking a cup of water
to drink while saying with a question like expression.

Like people with out a heart, just look on how they were
dressed, with earrings, chains, and some of them were having
their pants down, cigar on their hair as if for them, life has
no meaning to them. Come on Ezra, don’t pretend as if you
didn’t see the same thing I did.

After she finished speaking , she deposited the cup of water on

the table after drinking from it, Ezra took the cup, put the
water into the cup, she quietly said to her mom with a
sensitive face.

Come on mom, they aren’t the first humans to wear such clothes
or having all of these things you just mention.

Immediately, Dorothy said to her very fast while she was going
into her room After drinking the cup of water.


Remember 2nd Corinthians 5:17 which says “Therefore, if anyone

is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the
new is here!”

While on the other side, Cornelus was lying on his car and his
friends were playing basketball, his other friend name Néhémie
ran to him with his football dirty clothes, asking him.

Hey bro! What’s up? Why are you lying here alone why we all
are having some fun over there? Come on.., cheer up.

Immediately, Cornelus sitting up on his car, looked at Néhémie

and said to him.

Néhémie, do you still remember the young girl we saw in front
of the church today?

Thinking very fast, he replied.


Uhuuu..Yep! I do bro, why this question?

He noticed that Cornelus loved her and said.

NÉHÉMIE (Continue)

Do not tell me you're in love with the girl? Ahaaaaaa. My bro,

come on .

Immediately, Cornelus closed Néhémie’s mouth, saying in a

little voice.

Just shut your mouth man, this have to be between you and I.

When he left his mouth, Néhémie said to him.

Okay! Got you man, but the only way to know if she will be
yours is the day, that destiny will make sure you see her
again, if not you are completely wasting your time for

Immediately, Cornelus looked at him strangely as if he knows a

lot, saying to him.

Since you know a lot, then, you'll become my personal

He laid back on his car and Néhémie hit his ass with his hands
running toward the football field to go and play, while the
other side, Mrs. Dorothy was on the phone with her best friend
Natasha. It was already 5pm.

Bae. You know, the right way to bring back your daughter into
the right way is to look for her for a boy friend, if not...
Immediately, Dorothy stopped her saying.

What? A boyfriend? Come on Natasha, my daughter and I are
Christians, so I won’t allow her to put herself into any
relationship because I will like her to take the gospel
seriously, that will really destroy her instead.

After saying that fast, Natasha laughs at her saying.

Ahaaaaaa… Destroy her? Come on Dorothy, can’t you see your
daughter is already 20 Years old? Better for you to look for
her a boy friend who is a Christian. As you said who will love
her and walk with her in the way God want, than to allow her
choose her own men who will lead her into fornication.

Immediately, Dorothy shouted saying to her very fast.

Not while I’m still alive, because I won’t let something like
that happen to her, she was born to be a follower of Christ
not the devil.

Ahaaaaaa….. Then chose for her before its too late.

When Dorothy wanted to reply saying.


Immediately, Ezra comes out from her room, holding her school
books and saying aloud to her mom.

Mom, see you to night, because I’m going to meet Cassie and
Jennifer for us to do some exercises for tomorrow.

Her mom said to Natasha on the phone.

Please hold on, I will be back shortly

And looking directly at the time hanging on the wall of her

house, she said to Ezra very fast.

Wait! Can’t you see its already 5pm? Why not do yours at home
and send them through social media for them to see? Huh?

But mom, that won’t be an exercise for me, since mine will be a
great help for them to gain more point in school, Come on mom

I won’t stay that long, I’ll be back as soon as I finish my

own exercise.

Dorothy waved her hand, a sign she should go saying to her


Ok! Better go before it’s 7pm.

Ezra hugs her mom, smiling and saying to her.

Thanks a lot mom, you’re my hero.

Then she went out from the house running toward the street
while her mom said to herself 'children these days', and that
same moment, Natasha still on the phone shouted to her saying.

Hey Angel! Are you still with me?

She replies
YEA! Bae…..

While Cassie was ushering Jennifer to her room, she said.

Jennie, do you think she really care about working with us on

Jennifer looks at her strangely saying.


Yeah‼! Why not? Why are you thinking this way?

Cassie stood up from the bed where she was lying down, to look
at Jennifer seated on the chair in front of the table saying.

It’s not what I think, its what I do believe, its like she
doesn’t think about us anymore, its like the friendship we had
since we were kids isn’t the same, see, its already 5:30, I’m
sure she wont come anymore.

You know what? Stop having such stupid feelings and have the
faith she will come okay!

Ezra knocking at Cassie door, when suddenly, Jennifer said to

Finally she's here.

At that same moment, Cassie’s mom opens the door. Ezra greets
Hello Mrs. Amber.

With a smile on, Cassie’s mom replies

How are you?

Looking at her with her books in her hands, she says

I’m good. Is she in?

Going back to the kitchen, she replies


She goes to Cassie’s room, opening the door, Cassie questions

her saying.

No way‼! Have you see what time is it?

Ezra, coming in replies very fast.

I know, I just overslept. I’m really sorry girls.

Cassie says back.

But that isn’t any reason for you to come this late.
Jennifer supports Ezra saying to Cassie.

But she has said sorry‼‼ what else?

Ezra quickly replies

Thanks dear, you're an Angel.

Putting her books on the table and she said to them

So what are we starting with?

On the other side, the Pastor and his wife were reading the
bible, when suddenly, the Pastor’s wife whose name is Mrs.
Rebecca seated besides her husband asks him this.

Wilson, you know what?


I do believe, we seriously have to pray for our choir girls,
because if we don’t, the devil might really use one of them.

Really shocked, Pastor Wilson replies to her

God forbid, why are you having such imagination? That isn’t
good at all. We first have to break that word from your
mouth, have you forgotten what Proverbs 12:18 says ? "There
is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue
of the wise brings healing." As Children of God, our tongues
have a lot of power. Which Proverbs 18:21 confirms this
saying, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and

those who love it will eat its fruits, so please, next Time
before saying anything, think twice before saying it.

His wife replies

I pray that like the plants naturally and organically worships
You, let worship naturally ooze out of this choir ministry.
Let our voices echo Your matchless Name so that hearts can be
touched and lives can be filled ; Psalm 96 :12.

While on the other side, Ezra having her two legs on the chair
with a Pen into her mouth thinking while Jennifer asks her

So which letter can we chose here.?

Ezra replies back.

I think letter b, because its given us many reason about what
the question is asking us to do.

She jumps up from her chair asking her friends

Oh my God, what time is it?

Cassie looks at her clock


Jennifer and Ezra jumps from their chairs, carrying their

things and saying at the same time with lot of surprise
dawning on their faces.


Cassie stood up from her own chair going out with them, she
Girls, I think you both really have to go.

Then, when they were already out of the room, Amber, Cassie’s
mom said unto them.
I thought you girls won’t go to your homes again.

Jennifer said to Mrs. Amber.

Good night Mrs. Amber.

While saying that, Ezra was already out going to her house
while Jennifer ran behind her saying.

Hey Ezra, wait for Me.

While following her, Cassie’s mom said to herself with a little

Huh! Youth these days.

Int. Seven pm noon-street.

Ezra walking very fast to her home while Jennifer was running
behind her while saying to her

Hey girl, why so fast? Cant you slow the way you walk?

Ezra nervously replies her

You know yourself its already late and my mom must be waiting
for me right now..

Jennifer replies back to her.

But that doesn’t give you a reason to leave alone just like
that. Come on Ezra..

Cornelus seated on his car with his Friends beside and behind
him. They parked their cars beside Ezra while Cornelus was
saying to them joyfully

Hey‼! Who are we seeing here? Isn’t the beauty sexy girl we met
this afternoon?

Jennifer look at them with a questioning head quickly replying

to them.
Yes she IS, what's your problem into it? Does she own you guys?

Directly, Cornelus look at his Friends strangely before saying

to Jennifer.
Hey! I can’t believe this night we have to Queens on our side,
but lady, as you Can see, I wasn’t questioning you at all, but
to your friend standing beside you, so just give us the way.
Immediately, Ezra turn back looking at them and said with a
little anger.
Hey‼! Do not talk to my friend like that, beside I’m not a
Queen, my name is Ezra.

Immediately, Cornelus stopped driving the car going out while

his Friend Zach shout to him saying.

Hey! Where are you going to?

While trying to go out from the car, Néhémie who was seated
just beside Cornelus directly said to Zach with a little anger.

Get back to the car man.

Directly, he look at Néhémie weightily going back while

Cornelus was already beside Ezra trying to touch shoulder
saying while Ezra removed his hands from her shoulder

Have thought about you, cause ever since WE met this afternoon
I couldn’t stop thinking of you, so tell me, what if you tell
me who your boyfriend is?

Directly, Jennifer reply to him.

Jesus for God’s sake.

Directly, Cornelus laugh at that saying.

Jesus? Come on; Why will it be him?

Ezra replied back.

Because its through Jesus we are still alive today, its through
him that the sun and the moon still shows up in the Sky, cause
he is the only one who created what no body else have on earth.
Even sciences are all going crazy when its all about it, asking
themselves so many questions about God’s creation.

While they continued walking after saying that, Jennifer after

listening to Ezra said
Damn girl, you said it all.

Cornelus stopped them from walking, saying to Ezra while

standing up.
I know, 'God' is the only one behind everything we see or we
don’t see here on earth, but will it be possible you follow me
up to where I’m going right now so that you should be part of
the voters? Cause I’ll be in a competition this night, and if
you add yourself to my friends, I’m sure, I’ll be gaining many
votes to win this competition.

Ezra looking at him strangely,says

Jennifer Said.
No girl. Do not listen to his bullshit, remember, your mom is
at home waiting for you.
Ezra asks him.
While we are talking about competition, what type of
competition is this?

I’m talking about hip hop. What you saw me doing this afternoon
with my friends was me training. So now, its time for me to
show what we did this afternoon over there.

And how much will you people gain if you win?

Jennifer said to Ezra with a lot of surprise on her face

Hey! Come on girl

Ezra turns to look at her smiling and said


At that same moment, Cornelus was already saying.

Forty thousand.

Immediately, Ezra looks at him and said with lot of surprise.

What! Forty thousand? But that's a huge amount.
Behind her, Jennifer was shaking her head, saying to herself.

Forty thousand…

Before shouting at Ezra and saying louder with anger.

Ezra, this man is wasting our time, Come on, let’s leave this
place and go home, its already getting darker than before.

While turning to go, Cornelus said to Ezra

You come with us and if I win, you’ll have your own share in

Ezra stop walking with Jennifer saying.

Hummmm…. How much?

While behind her, Jennifer who was very surprised was saying to
herself again.

Not again.

While at that same moment, Cornelus was replying to Ezra


And Ezra started walking towards him, saying.

Nope, 10k. Five for me, and five for my friend, if not I’ll not

CORNELUS became silent for 1 minute before saying.

Fine, agreed.

Then, both of them shook hands. Ezra started walking with

Cornelus to his car, while behind them, Jennifer was shouting
to her saying.

Ezra, where are you going to?

Ezra shouted back, saying

Are you coming or not?

Jennifer became a little bit angry, saying to herself.

I hope this girl won’t bring me any problem this time.
When Néhémie saw them coming, he became so happy hailing his
friend Zach, he said loudly
Never knew he was so brilliant bro, damn!

Cornelus opened the car and got in, while Ezra went into the
car too at that same moment. Jennifer did the same while a
friend of Cornelus who sat beside Ezra introduce himself
I’m Daniel, nice to meet you.

They greeted each before Cornelus started the car and left,
with seven of them in the car. Cornelus, Ezra, Jennifer,
Daniel, Néhémie, Zach.
On the other side, Ezra’s mom who was reading her bible looks
at her clock hanging on her wall and she saw it was already
getting to eight hours thirty five minutes and she was so
confuse saying to herself

But where did Ezra go to? Have she forgotten, she will be going
to school tomorrow?

While saying so, Cornelus already reaching in front of the

night club, and when Jennifer and Ezra saw this looking to
themselves, Ezra asks Cornelus.

Why didn’t you tell my friend and I we were coming here? I
thought the competition was at your place.

Cornelus stretched his hand toward her, saying while his

friends were running into the night club.

Are you coming with me or not?
Ezra looked her Friend Jennifer strangely before making the
sign of her face as if she doesn’t have any choice than to
follow him, while giving her hand to him, she came out of the
car, and when she was out of the car, she said to Jennifer.

Come on, it wont take that long, After the competition ends, we
take the ten thousand and go.

Jennifer finally came out from the car saying.

As you wish.

Then, as they were going to into the night club, she said to

God, forgive me.

When she saw the door open and people were shouting inside with
joy while listening to some artist singing, she became so
scared saying to Ezra who was already standing in front of the
door of the night club while Cornelus were already in, Jennifer
said to her.
Ezra, I think, I’ll better remain here and wait for you both
to finish what you came here to do before we leave.

Ezra reply back.

Then following Cornelus in, a little fear was showing on her
face, because she where she was going into people were moving,
and many of them were shouting and dancing. when Ezra, Cornelus
and his friends reach in front of the CEO of the night club,
Cornelus directly introduce him to her saying.

Joe, this one of my New friend, her name is Ezra.

Joe stretched his hand to her in greeting, and she stretches

hers too.
I’m Joe

I’m Ezra.

I know.

Then, he hit Cornelus lightly on shoulder, asking him.

Hope you are ready to go on stage?.

Cornelus very happy replies

Of course I am.

Joe made a sign to the DJ who was playing the song and what
happens is that after listening to Joe, he took the Microphone,
and stopped the music saying loudly to the public.
Yoyoyo, Cornelus on the Stage, we are about to blow this shit
right now….

Cornelus took the Microphone, and went on the Stage while the
DJ started playing the beat. Cornelus begins singing and
rapping while the public were all dancing and Ezra was shaking
her head left and right. Outside, Jennifer was going back home
after looking at her watch and seeing it was already too late.
After Cornelus finished singing, he gave the Microphone to the
next artist holding Ezra toward himself as if they were
already dating. she blushes, and asks him with a shaky voice.

Hey‼ what you doing?

Trying to push him back, while he didn’t wanted to let her go.
His friends came to him with joy, greeting him with a handshake
saying 'That was really Dope'; and Cornelus turned to Ezra,

What about you? How was it?

She smiled while saying to him.

Well, I can’t tell, but to be honest, I can do better than

All of them mocked at her saying. ‘ouoououuooaww’; while

Cornelus asks her.
So, you think you Can rap more than me?
And she replies with a smile.

Yea! I can, check me out.

Going toward the DJ, she took his microphone, and he shouted in
What the Fuck?

While he tries to take the microphone from her, Cornelus came

to stop him holding him through his chest and says to him.

Damn man! Calm down

Joe came and Said to DJ.

Just let her be.

The DJ let her be and ending the music while everyone who was
dancing shouted

Oh nooooooooo

While Cornelus came to the DJ saying.

Just play something for her to show us what she can do.
The DJ put a song and she begins to shake her head, and started
rapping, while the public were all happy shaking head with joy
and dancing up and down until the song ends. Everyone was very
happy and clapped for her, while the DJ puts on a different
song for the public to dance. Cornelus held Ezra’s hand taking
her to where she can take a cup of beer to drink. His friends
were running after them, when suddenly, Néhémie jump on
Cornelus shoulders saying with joy.

Men, this bae IS a hoe; damn!

Cornelus with joy also look at him and said.

More than that.

Looking at his other friends, he quickly asks them.

Hey guys, do not tell me you guys didn’t like what she just did
out there?

Looking at Ezra, he said to her

But you never told me you have got such an incredible talent.

While saying that, Ezra who was very excited, says

But you never asked me what I can do.
While replying to that, Cornelus was removing a glass of
whiskey, and when she finished replying, he introduced it to
her while his Friends were looking both of them strangely. Ezra
wanted to Say no, when Cornelus said to her.

Come on, you wont tell me you never taken such before?

She looks at it as a temptation while Zach was saying to her.

What are you waiting for? Aren’t you happy to be with us?

When she wanted to take it, Néhémie immediately took it from

Cornelus hands, saying to him

Man! I think this isn’t a good Idea to offer her that now, it
have to be her own decision not yours.

Ezra took the glass of whiskey from him and she drank it.
Cornelus immediately shouted at her, taking the glass back and
saying aloud.

Nooooooooo… that isn’t how it works, come on.

He puts down the glass while his friends were laughing at her.
On the other side, Mrs. Dorothy is trying to reach Ezra on the
phone and it was ringing in her trouser but she wasn’t
listening to it, and Dorothy calls Cassie’s mom who was already
sleeping, and she wakes up. Checking the time, it was already
1am and answering the phone call she first said to herself.

Not prayer again.

Then she asks Mrs. Dorothy weakly.

Come on, don’t tell me its still another dream you want us to
pray about.

She replies with fear in her voice.

DOROTHY (phone)
Not that, I just wanted to ask if Ezra is sleeping over at your

Amber was so shocked, she replies her quickly

Jesus, she left here since 7pm, how come she hasn’t gotten home
yet? Cassie!!!

Shouting her daughter name louder, she stood up from the bed
while at the same time me ,Dorothy listening to her voice
getting louder through the phone pushes phone from her ears.
Meanwhile, Cassie reaches her mom’s room asking her curiously.

Mom, why are you shouting my name like that ? Is there anything

Amber looking at her strangely asks her while Dorothy was

listening to them on the phone.

Do you have any idea where your friend Ezra went too? Come on,
just take the phone and tell Mrs. Dorothy where she went to.

Taking the phone, Cassie replies

Mrs. Dorothy, to be honest I don’t know where she has gone to
since leaving here with Jennifer at 7pm.

Dorothy said to her very fast.

Wait a minute, when you say, she left there with Jennifer, that
simple means they might be still together somewhere? Just send
me Jennifer’s phone number, I’ll call her now.

Okay ma’am, I’ll send it to you via text right now.

Amber took the phone and said to Dorothy.

But this’s what I have been saying to you since.

With a face as if she understands what Amber was saying, she


Uhuuu‼ Please give the phone to her for her to text me the
phone number.

Replying her quickly.

Uhuuu… yes Queen Elizabeth.

Phone off, Cassie looks at her mom strangely, saying.

Answering back strangely.

Cassie, took the phone from her, and quickly typed the message
with the phone number into it and sent, Dorothy receives it,
saves it to her contact, then calls. The phone rings many rimes
and went off, she calls back twice before Jennifer’s mother
wakes up, and went to Jennifer’s room, to wake her up, saying.

Jenny, your phone has been ringing, can you check who it is?

Wakes up, took the phone and sees it was a strange number and
says to her mom.

Number unknown.

Her mom became shocked and says to her.

Do not answer, that’s how many people die for no Reason

She receives a message from the number saying 'its Ezra mom,
please any idea where she is?
Jennifer became scared and replies

While coming back, I left her with some friends she met this
morning at the church, so be patient, I’m sure she might be
coming back.

Dorothy couldn’t believe what she read, so she calls her back
on phone, she finally answers, and she asks her.

Wait a minute, when you mean she’s with her friends she met
this morning after church, what does that mean? Oh no, Hope she
isn’t with those hypocrites I caught her this afternoon with?
Cause if it’s really what I think, she will hear from me, do
you have any Idea where they took my daughter to?

Behind Jennifer, her mom was telling her not to say anything by
making a sign with her hands. Jennifer replies after seeing her
mom sign.
Sorry Mrs. Dorothy, I don’t really know where they took her to.

Are you sure of what you are saying?

Yea! I am ma’am.

Dorothy became humble, saying.

Okay Jennifer, thanks for the info, and please do not forget to
put my daughter into prayers, she really deserves it.
Okay ma'am.

After, she hangs up, Dorothy is really stressed, so she took

her bible and started reading while Jennifer’s mom looks at her
daughter strangely and her daughter replies


What? 😔

Her mom remains silent and leaves her room. Ezra was chatting
with her new friends while suddenly, Joe came to her and said.

Can we just have a little conversation please?

She looks at her friends while Cornelus said to her to go with

his hands, then she follows Joe into a place where there wasn’t
noise and Joe said to her.

I didn’t know you were such a brilliant and brave girl with
such talent, because I really admired what you did this

Thanks sir.

No.. you don’t have to call me sir, just call me Joe. So why I
brought you here was just to tell you that I really want both
of us to work together.

Like, becoming your manager, for the flow to grow much more
between you and I, and I’ll do my best to put you where you
belong with your talent.

Sorry mate, I’m not interested.

Turning to go, Joe held her back saying.

Hey‼ Wait! Why are you leaving that fast? Have you forgotten
that with the talent you have you can become very rich and
famous? And I am the only one to help you with that.

Like I said, I’m not interested in such things, cause I’m a
child of God.

While she was going, he laughs at her saying.

A child of God doing what in a night club? Ahaaaaaa..

Ezra nervously reaches in front of Cornelus and says to him.

Can I have my own share of the money right now? Because I want
to go back.
Cornelus tries to calm her down saying.

Hey girl, come on, which money are you talking about? And why
do you want to leave right now specially at this time and

No way! Which money how? And you are the one who brought me
here, so you're still the one to bring me back home, whether
you like it or not.

Cornelus turns and looks at his friends, asking them with a

mockery face.
Hey guys, is there any of you who want to go home now?

They looked each other in the eyes before shouting together

'No', before Cornelus looks back at Ezra saying to her.

As you Can see, none of them want to go home now, or… do not
tell me its something you decided yourself because of what Joe
just said to you right there?

She replies back to him with a convincing face saying.

Not at all.

Then Cornelus smiles saying.

So, why going home now? Lets keep having some fun then.
Then he carried the bottle of beer beside his friends and shows
it to her saying.

Néhémie stood up and wanted to say something, but he stops him

and says to Ezra.

What’s wrong to drink this? Come on, just taste it.

She took it and drinks it and he immediately laughs at her

while she was laughing too. Néhémie was looking at them
weightily. On the other side, Dorothy who wasn’t sleeping well
was waking up from her bed to see if her daughter was back but
she wasn’t and she wasn’t returning back to bed until 5am
Here we see Ezra coming out from Cornelus car and Cornelus was
saying to her and she was answering in a little voice. When she
reached in front of the house, she opens the door slowly with
her Key, then got in and took her bag and clothes then ran
toward her friend Jennifer’s place with a taxi. When she
reached Jennifer’s place, she hid behind Jennifer’s windows and
start making some signs until Jennifer turned through the
windows saw her friend and she says in a little voice.

Hey‼! What are you doing here?

She opens her window and Ezra asks her.

Can you please get there and open the door for me please?
Then, Jennifer went slowly for her mom to not hear anything,
opening the door slowly and Ezra gets into the house, then she
went into Jennifer room and Jennifer asks her after smelling
alcohol on her.
No way, do not tell me you drank alcohol over there?

Ezra finding herself so tired and said to her.

Can we please talk about this later in this morning? Because
I’m really tired.

Jennifer took her pillow lying on the floor and saying to her.

No problem, but I wont sleep on the same bed with you, because
you got a bad smell.

Ezra closed her eyes until morning came when Jennifer mom
started knocking at her daughter door which was locked and Ezra
jumps from the bed and Jennifer from the floor. Hiding Ezra in
her toilet and opening the door. Her mom jumps inside the room
asking her with a suspecting face.

Why did you lock the door before sleeping? And beside, why is
your pillow lying on the floor?

Jennifer carries it from the floor saying.

Sorry mom.
You better be. Beside, I’m going to work, just have your school
money for the day and becarefull do not spend it lavishly.

She smiles, takes the Money, and as her mom was going out, she
said to her mom.
Come back early mom.

Ezra came out from the toilet and asks Jennifer slowly.
Is she gone?

Going back to the bed to seat, Jennifer says

Yes! She has left, but hope you wont stay here while I’ll be
going to school?

Ezra shows her the clothes she brought, saying to her

Come on, no…That’s why I brought these.
Jennifer began to undress. On the other side , Cornelus was in
his music studio making some beat with his Friends while
suddenly, Zach approach to him saying.

Wow, such a great beat, I think its for me.

Cornelus look at him with a mockery face replying back so

Come on Zach, you see this, its not for you? But for my

Zach with an angry face Ask him quickly.

What? Come on… how can you just say you made it for someone who
doesn’t know anything about hip-hop?

Cornelus hitting his shoulder, replies

How can you just say she doesn’t know anything about hip-hop?
Didn’t you see what she did last night? Whoop.

Néhémie laughs saying to them both.

Yea, men! She was so incredible, but who taught her how to rap?
She was so super whoa man.

Néhémie and Cornelus began to laugh while Zach was imitating

their way of laughing.
Here we go, we see Ezra coming back home with her bag and books
with a scared look when suddenly, her mom stops her in front of
the door, saying with anger.

Ezra, can you tell me where you are coming from at this time of
the day, after sleeping outside for two days?

She replies cautiously.

Mom, Come on, I didn’t slept outside for two days.

Her mom held her ears, bringing her in with anger, puts her on
the chair and asks her.
With who were you doing sin with yesterday night? Aren’t you
the one who accepted to come back home early yesterday ?

She was replies with tears

I did mom..

So tell me the truth, where did you go to Yesterday?

Leaving her ears, Ezra answers

While coming home, one of my friend which you don’t know called
me on phone asking me to come over and help me listen to some
of her exam just for 15min,so I took the next taxi who came
beside me over my Friend place which it was concluded for me to
stay After I notice she was not knowing anything at all about
chemistry, and also, it was so late that she decided to let me
sleep with her.

Her mom look at her curiously before asking.

Hummm…Hope this isn’t lies, because if tomorrow I Come over
your school and Ask and the girl tells me its fake, you’ll have
me on your back when ever you go or what so ever you do,
beside, how did you get in here to carried your clothes and
books to school?

Ezra became shocked, and ended up saying to her mom.

Well, you have to know that after going out from my friend’s
place, I finally went to Jennifer’s house to take over some of
my clothes there before going to school, mom don’t look at me
like that, I’m a child of God, so I’m not lying to you, Come

Smiling toward her mom who smiles back at her saying.

You are lucky I’m in a good mood right now. Otherwise, I would
be beating you. Besides, you were supposed to call me on the
phone and tell me what the real problem was so that I wouldn’t
be worried anymore. I wanted to call the pastor, but it was
getting late, and I couldn’t because I knew you would be coming
back home.

While on the other side in Cornelus’s studio, Joe was coming

inside the studio with an investor, when they were standing
beside Cornelus who was chatting with Néhémie. Joe laughing
greets them.
Hey guys! What’s up ?
All laughing and greeting like gang stars, Joe introduce the
investor to them name Mr. Lee mon Cyrus.

This is Mr. Lee Mon based in New York but have been to Cameroon
already one month now and he only invests into great talented
people in the show biz.

Néhémie and Cornelus were very happy, Cornelus asks Joe with a
lot of joy showing on his face.

Yo bro‼! You finally did it, so tell us if we can let him
listen to what we got?

Introducing them to the investor and adding this deceptive

Sorry bro, I haven’t introduced them to you, which I know is
not necessary but will do it fast.

Cornelus and Néhémie both were shocked, while Joe continued

Néhémie is a good friend of Cornelus, and both are doing the
same thing, but sorry guys, I haven’t brought him here for him
to sign a deal with you, but I brought him because of Ezra. She
is the talent he will investing into it.

Cornelus stood up saying to him in anger.

Joe, please is it possible you follow me out? Because we need
to talk first.

Then Joe follows him, saying to the investor.

Please, just wait for me here, I’ll be right back in just 4

He went out while Cornelus was already waiting for him there.
When he reached out, Cornelus knocked him against the wall,
saying with anger

Hey man! What has come over you? How can you just listen to a
person doing hip-hop for the first time and quickly conclude,
trying to invest in her, while I’ve been in this business for
so long?

Joe replies to him slowly

I'll explain everything to you if you leave my t-shirt first.

Cornelus let him go. while he began to say

What you don’t know is that the girl you claimed has no talent
actually does have one. Just from what she was doing, I noticed
many things, which I couldn’t see in you since you began your
career. Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten how great she was
yesterday? How talented she made everyone dance and did a lot
of shows in just 15 minutes and 35 seconds? Something you
couldn’t do in just 15 minutes. Cornelus, you have to support
me on this, and at the end of it all, maybe that’s how your own
success will come too.

Cornelus pushed him against the door, pressing hard, and said
to him with the same anger

You know what? I don’t want to see you around her at all, man.
If you do that, I’ll do something to you that you’ll regret for
the rest of your life.

Joe pushes him, saying to Cornelus in anger

Man, you aren’t scaring me at all.
Cornelus wanted to hit him, but he replies

But, my friend, I’ll let her be. Just remember, she’ll be the
one coming to me after she realizes you can’t offer her

Cornelus replies while he was going in

And who told you she is interested in music?

Joe entered, and then his investor saw him and asked,

I Hope everything is ok?

Joe with a Fake smile, answers him.

I'll explain everything to you in the car.

As he was going out, Cornelus was coming in, and the investor
said to Cornelus,

Have a nice day sir.

While going to sit down, Néhémie jumps up, laughing and asking

So just tell me, what happened between the both of you outside

On the other side, we see the pastor’s wife intending to knock

on Dorothy’s door at the same time Dorothy was about to go out.

Ezra, Come and close the door, I’m going out.

Directly, as she came to lock the door, she was surprised to

see her mom opening it and the pastor’s wife standing in front
of the door. She immediately went back inside, while Dorothy,
upon seeing that it was the pastor’s wife, became happy and
Oh‼! Mom, you’re welcome, please Come in.

After bringing her in and closing the door, she shouted to

Ezra, saying
Ezra, Guess who we have here?

Ezra pretended not to know and replied.


Pastor wife was already seated while Dorothy was replying back.

Pastor’s wife.

Ezra entered the living room, smiled toward her, and greeted
her while the pastor’s wife was saying to her.

How are you my daughter ?

Good mom.

She went back inside her room while Dorothy was also sitting on
her chair, asking Ezra to bring her a bottle of water. Ezra
went and did that, and the pastor’s wife replied.

Thank you dear.

While Ezra was returning back to her room, the Pastor’s wife
Ask Dorothy.
Mrs. Dorothy, how was your night?

Good mom, Hope yours was too?

We thank God for being here, as what I am about to share with
you concerns your daughter directly.

DOROTHY asks, with a little fear

Ezra? I hope she hasn’t done anything wrong this time. If I
find out, I will definitely reprimand her.

Drinking her water and putting down the cup of water, she says.

“No, no, she hasn’t done anything wrong. It’s just that,
listen, yesterday during my devotion with my husband, the Lord
told me that our choir girls would be in trouble if we don’t
pray for them. You know, I didn’t really explain that to my
husband clearly, so he wasn’t with me on this 100%, but I know
it’s the Lord who gave me the message. We, as women of faith,
have to fast and pray. If we don’t, they might be manipulated
by evils, especially Ezra, who has a fabulous voice. You know,
it then speaks of how the songs of children leave the enemies
of God silent. When kids sing about God and His goodness, the
devil is like, ‘I got nothing.’ Why do you think this is the
case? What is it about praise from the mouths of children that
God can use as a weapon? And what can we emulate from the way
they praise God so that we too can silence God’s enemy?

Ezra come to the living room, smiles and says to her mom.

Mom, I’m going out to buy a pen to do my homework this night.

No way, get back here Ezra.

Trying to follow her back, the Pastor’s wife hold her back
Let her go, forcing her, will push her to do what she never
mind of, better leave her go and I’m sure she'll return back.

Seating back on her chair while Ezra was already out calling
her Friend saying.
EZRA (phone)
Jennifer, are you at home? Cause I’m on way toward your House.

JENNIFER (phone)
Yea‼ I am.

While going, Cornelus, who was creating a beat for his new
song, asked Néhémie to listen to it. Néhémie listened to the
beat, shook his head, and immediately shouted with joy, saying
to Cornelus.

This really sound dope men, Come on, do not tell me you won’t
give me this

Cornelus looks at him, saying with a laugh.

Come on, bro, this beat won’t go to you but to the Queen of my
heart, whom I named the Queen of Hip Hop and R&B.

Néhémie looked at him strangely before both laughed back in

mockery. Cornelus stopped laughing and said to him.

Let’s get back to work bro.

They continued working while Ezra reached in front of

Jennifer’s house. She opened the taxi door and then closed it.
As she was going in, Jennifer came over and opened the door
while Ezra was singing a gospel song with joy. Jennifer joined
in, singing along until they finally reached the house.
Jennifer then asked her with a smile, as if she knew what was
going on.
Oh my gosh, seem as if you are in Love?

Ezra look at her smiling saying.

In love? I don’t think that is the main question you were
suppose to ask.

Both remain silent for 5 minutes before Ezra shouted back

Yea‼! I think so. Ahaaaaaa..

Jennifer holds her hand, both seated on the chair and Jennifer
asks her with curiosity.
Hope isn’t what I’m thinking?

Ezra asks her strangely saying.

Thinking? What do you mean?

I'm talking about the Guy who brought us last night into that
dirty place?

Ezra look left and right before asking her strangely.

Is your mom in?

That isn’t my answer at all.

Asking her again with a little voice.

I know that isn’t your answer to your question, but I wont
answer to it if you do not let me know if your Mum IS in or

Of course she isn’t in, she is at work today. Reply to me
without saying anything else please.

Then, Ezra smiles blushing and replies

Yep‼! I think he's the one.

Jennifer shocked, saying to her.

I knew it, but cant you see the Guy you are falling in love
with doesn’t deserve you at all? You have to change that
attitude right now.

Ezra look at her curiously asking.

What do you mean he doesn’t deserve me?

Simple and easier than that – you are a child of God, Baptiste,
and you grew up with a mom who has always shown you the way of
God. The guy in question isn’t heading in the same direction as
you are.


So, I’m afraid he might turn you to another way of living.

Which are?

Immorality, drugs, and many other bad things.

Jesus…. Stop saying that.

Stop saying what? Okay! Tell me how both of you will work it
out together? He loves night clubs, while you, you love
churches, he loves worldly songs, while you, you love Gospel
ones, who knows, maybe he's a drunker, smoker etc…. Huh? Tell
me how both of you will do it together ?

Standing up from the chair and explaining herself.

You know, if what I’m feeling for him is really what he does
feel for me, then there will be away for me to bring him back
to God.

Hello‼! Bringing Someone back to God when has never been a
Christian? Come on Ezra, that’s not how life work, if he have
in mind to be a follower of the World, even love won’t bring
him back to Christ.

You know what, lets make a deal together, if I succeed to bring
him to Christ, you reward me with 10thousand France, if not
I’ll do it back to you.
Jennifer shocked, replies

Okay! Got it.

On the other side, it was already night. We heard a knock on

Dorothy’s door. When she opened it, her ex-husband grabbed her
neck, pulling her into the room and pressing hard while she
screamed in distress. She tried to fend him off, shouting for
him to let her go. Eventually, he released her, attempting to
touch her and asking for forgiveness. She responded with tears
and anger.

Do not dare lay your dirty hand on me again ; beside, what do
you want After 21 Years you left here without saying anything
to us and even calling us on the phone.

Tears was coming out from his eyes and he was saying with a
pity voice.
I know I haven’t been there for you since 21 Years , but at
least I was calling you Time to time before I lost your number,
or you change it for me to no more calling you.

Beside, how did you know I was living here?
The problem isn’t how I found where you live since I know there
isn’t any place where you Can go too when your father has left
you this place as your heritage. I seriously need your help.

Ha‼! My help? I knew it, if it isn’t about coming here to Ask
me only for help what else will you be asking me again Mr.
Coperland? Have you forgotten you left me alone when I was
still 9months pregnant? Do you know how I got through it and
all the pain I went through?

But haven’t I asked you for forgiveness since on the phone?
Okay! I’m still sorry and right now isn’t a good Time for us to
talk about our past. Because if you don’t help me with Money
now, I promise you, you’ll hear about my death, and as a
changed woman you are, I know you won’t say no me.

You are lucky you know I was a different woman if not I
wouldn’t be chatting with you, so tell me, how much are we
talking about?

Two hundred thousand.

Shocked, she replies

What? Two hundred thousand ? Where do you want me to make such
a huge amount from in one day?

Behaving like a drug addict, he replies her.

Come on, do not tell me since twenty years you haven’t done
anything with your life to take of yourself and the child you
were carrying ?

I remind you that the child you refer to as yours is actually
ours. She is a girl who has grown up without a father, like
many others, and is now a mature woman.

One last question ,are you going to help me with the money or

And if I don’t?

I'll sit here and wait for our daughter to come back and
explain everything to her.

Dorothy was shocked and asked him with a mocking expression.

Oh really? And what are you going to said to her? A dad who
left her mom through nine months of pregnancy and just
disappeared with out any Reason, who is now coming back to ask
her mom for Money, not even five thousand but two hundred
thousands? Huh! You must be kidding.

He sat on the chair in front of her, saying.

I must be kidding, but I’m ready to say that to her, and you
know how it will traumatize her right?
Both remained silent for 2minutes before Dorothy carrying him
up from her chair, says

You know what? Stand up and leave this place before she
returns, and I promise you, I’ll look for the money very fast,
even if its to borrow it and send to you.

He became so happy, saying to her while going out from the

Oh really ? Then tell me when I can come over and collect it?

Standing in front of the door looking at her while she was

I can’t say anything to you right now, but I’ll call you when I
have the Money. So please be patient.

My patience has a limit, so I really want to know, when? One

Not at all, give me two weeks, Come on.

Okay, two weeks and Hope you'll get the money.

As she went inside, locking the door, Ezra returned from

Jennifer’s and saw her dad passing by. Noticing his disheveled
appearance, she looked at him strangely while opening the house
door. Her mom, who was drinking water, muttered to herself.
After 21 years, he comes back as if nothing happened, just to
ask me for Money.

Ezra who opened the door at that same moment heard her mom
saying 'asking for money', she asks her mom.

Asking you for Money, no way mom, do not tell me, that man I
just saw out there came here to ask you for money?

While attempting to confront the man with anger evident on her

face, her mom intervened, telling her to stop.

Noooo… I wasn’t talking about him, Come on, get back here.

Then, she came back, and held her mom’s shoulder, saying to
Mom, next time if someone like that comes back here, don’t
hesitate to call me. Also, what was the reason for his coming
here? I never knew you could have such friends around.

Come on, he isn’t a friend, he just came here because he needed
water to drink.

Water to drink? Oh well, I have nothing else to say. So mom, I
will be in my room, reading my books.

I'll be here making us some food to eat.

The next day, we see four girls performing their choir, with a
young boy leading them. Meanwhile, Ezra runs into the church,
visibly stressed, and says…
Sorry girls for the delay.

While she wanted to join the choir, the young boy named James
stops her from joining, saying.

Hey‼! You don’t have to join.

Surprised at him, she says with anger.

Says who?

Cassie stops them from doing their choir practice saying to

Ezra, please stop.

James approaches Ezra saying.

Are you the young girl who’s been missing? Listen, even if they
claim you have a good voice, which supposedly saves their
choir, they’re mistaken. Every Sunday, new members bring their
daughters and new voices join without being asked if they’re
ready to join the church. Imagine arriving late on Sunday and
rushing towards the choir to sing—how will the church perceive
Cassie Said to Ezra.
He's right Ezra, but tell us why did you came so late?

I slept late last night because I was reading my books all
night and I totally forgot that today we will be doing some
practice before Saturday. I’m sorry girls.

They have forgiven you, same for me, so join the choir.

She smiles saying.

Thank you.

Later, she returned, and they continued singing while Cornelius

walked in that direction with his friends, speaking louder and
screaming. Suddenly, Cornelius heard Ezra singing. He rushed
towards the church windows, and his friend NÉHÉMIE screamed,
asking him.

Hey‼! Where does he think he's going?

Following behind were two of his other friends. Cornelius

gestured for them to come down, and they did, before Néhémie
said to him…

No way, it’s the same girl.
Cornelus looks at Néhémie and said to him.
I suggest you all go home now. I think I’ll handle everything
here myself.

Néhémie Said to his Friends.

Guys, lets go.

Then, Cornelus remains there listening to them sing and how

James was helping them learn how to sing. When James says

Isn’t this how you were supposed to start practicing the
chorus? It looks quite different from what others have
mentioned. We’re introducing a new song to the church this
Sunday, and that’s why it’s crucial to rehearse it thoroughly
today. Let’s master it on Saturday before presenting it to God
on Sunday to lead the Spirit in the church.

While he was saying all that, Ezra was asking to Cassie with a
low voice.
Hey‼! Who really is this young men?

He's the Pastor’s nephew.

Oh‼! I see..

After James finished speaking, Jennifer replies

Okay James, I have heard you.
Everyone back to their position, we are starting from the

While singing, Jennifer saw Cornelius through the windows and

signaled Ezra multiple times to look, but Ezra wasn’t paying
attention until she grew tired of Jennifer’s disruptions.


Later, she looked through the windows, noticed it was

Cornelius, and he knew she saw him. He immediately started
making signs with his hands, and she was like, ‘Oh my God.’
James, realizing what was happening, stopped making signs with
his hands and asked them.
Keep singing, I’m coming.

Going behind the church until found himself behind Cornelus

back and saying unto him louder.


Cornelius, scared, fell down while running back when James

asked him loudly.
How can I help you?

All the choir girls who saw that laughed at Cornelius’s

foolishness. Though Cornelius didn’t go far, he hid behind
someone’s house. Afterwards, James returned to the church.
On the other side, Dorothy was on her phone, chatting with the
pastor’s wife, saying…

I don’t really know why he needs such huge amount, tell me what
I should do mom?


You promised him in two weeks right? What you are going to do
is to wait first for the two weeks to come and we will see what
he has in mind.

And what if he comes next time with a gun?


Come on, he won’t do such, just be prayerful and wait out the
two weeks. I promise you, myself and the Pastor will be there
with you the whole day.

But my problem is the gun or knife he could be bringing with


We both will be there for you. So if he wants to kill Someone
that day, he won’t have any choice than to kill us too.

As we watched the choir finishing up and everyone exchanging

greetings while leaving, we saw Ezra and James standing
outside. Her two friends, Cassie and Jennifer, came out from
the church, laughing loudly. James ran toward her, saying…
Hey sisters, please wait for me.
They stopped standing outside while James locked the door.
Cassie gazed at James as if she were in love with him, admiring
his sexy skin. Seeing Cassie in that state, Ezra understood
what was happening and changed her expression to one of
disbelief. She said to Cassie with a soft voice…

Hey girl‼ Stop that.

Cassie looks at her with a little shame saying.


I can see what your are doing.

Jennifer looking curious, asks Ezra.

What IS she doing?

While Cassie replies

Ask her.

James after locking the church came to them with a smile

Apologies for taking up your precious time, but Cassie and
Jennifer, could you spare me a few minutes to have a brief
conversation with your friend? It won’t take long, I promise.
After casting a curious glance at Ezra, she signaled with her
eyes before Jennifer addressed the man

Alright! Cassie and I will step outside to a quiet corner, so
both of you can discuss what’s on your minds.

Then they left before James looks at Ezra and Said to her.

First of all, I didn’t like the time you came today for the

She wanted to explain herself, opening her mouth, before James

cuts her off, saying

It’s alright; let’s ensure it doesn’t happen again because the
Kingdom of God is advancing forcefully, and only those who
strive enter. The reason I reached out to you is because I
genuinely love your voice. While watching you sing today, I saw
something truly amazing in you. You have a unique and powerful
gift that I believe the devil might try to exploit. Please pray
to safeguard yourself from any negative influences and be
cautious with the exceptional talent you possess.

Thanks a lot, I promise you tomorrow, I’ll start praying about

Not only praying about that, also, you need to fast for that.
Yeah, fasting and prayer is really necessary.
While they were chatting, Cornelius discreetly spied on them
from behind a house wall. When James conveyed his message to
Ezra, Ezra in turn relayed it to James.

Thanks a lot for the message. I will keep that in mind and do
everything as you just said.

He smiled at her while Cornelus was saying to himself with

Hope it isn’t what I think.

James spotted a taxi passing by, hailed it, and shared his
destination with the driver, who agreed. After getting into the
car and leaving, Cassie and Jennifer approached Ezra. Cassie,
who enjoys gossip, hurriedly ran a bit towards Ezra and quickly
shared something with him.
Oh my gosh bae, tell me what he was saying to you.

Ezra, explaining what he said to her friends

About how he noticed I sing very well, and that I have to fast
and pray for my talent..bla bla bla

Cornelus reached behind them asking Ezra jealously

What was he saying to you before both of you started smiling,
as if there is a connection between you and him?

Cassie replies
Hey! Who are you? How dare you introduce yourselves here with
such language? What kind of manner is that?

Ezra Said to Cassie.

It’s okay Cassie.

While Jennifer says to Cassie too looking at Cornelus


Bae, its like you have a short memory I guess.

Cassie became surprised at Jennifer’s word to her and she asks

with a strange face.
What do you mean by short memory?
Isn’t that the same guy we met last Sunday with his friends in
front of the church playing music for the passersby?

Ezra smiles and asks Cornelus.

Yo‼! Can you tell me what brought you here?

Holding Ezra’s hand, and trying to take her far from her
friends, he answers
Not in front of them. But I will I tell you everything.

Jennifer and Cassie were running behind them, both speaking

Hey‼! Where are you taking her to?
And Cassie own was.
Man, she isn’t your slave.

Ezra held his hands, putting it down she says to him

Just stop that and tell me your problem

He looks at Ezra’s friends strangely before Ezra looks back at

them and tells them.

Girls, another minutes please.
They act as if they were already tired of listening to that,
while Cassie replies, behaving like a kid.

Not again….

Returning to the same spot where Ezra and James were having
their private conversation, at that moment when they were going
back, Cornelius was expressing his frustration to Ezra, his
face showing a hint of anger, and his voice reflecting the same
I didn’t just like the fact that guy was talking to you as if
he were trying to ask you out on a date.

Ezra also directly replies to him with a touch of anger to make

her point clear.

Hey‼! Do not talk to me that way as if I was your..

Cornelius kissed her on the lips, intending to continue, but

she bit his lips and slapped his jaw, pushing him back. Cassie
and Jennifer, suddenly frightened, wanted to check what was
happening, but Cassie restrained Jennifer. At that very moment,
Cornelius was saying something to Ezra.

I'm really sorry.

At the same time, Ezra was also saying to him.

You better be, because I don’t really want to see you around me

She started walking away, with Cornelius still holding his

lips, trailing behind and asking for forgiveness. His friends
accompanied her while Ezra shouted at him.

Please do not follow me again and let’s end this friendship for

Cassie said to him, trying to send him away.

Did you hear what she just said?

Cornelus said to them.

What does the word “forgiveness” mean to all of you? Did your
pastor never teach you what forgiveness means in the Christian

Jennifer replies, while the three of them stopped walking.

And its also the reason you have to accept Jesus in your life.

Cornelus immediately replies.

I did that since, so it isn’t necessary that you ask me to.

Ezra came to him, sounding strange.

If you did then why that?

Nervously he replies back.

I know what I did was really stupid. I promise you and your
friends it wont repeat itself again, so please accept my

Ezra looks at her friends while Cassie was saying to her.

Don’t look at us like that; he did something wrong, and we were
supposed to correct or punish him.

Jennifer so shocked asks Cassie strangely.

Correct him? how?

By teaching him the meaning of fornication in Christian life,
and since he truly loves you, why not bring him to your mom
and ask for your hand in marriage?

Ezra replies with shock dawning on her face

Cornelus looks at them, extending his hand towards each as a
gesture of peace, saying.
Can we make peace?

Cassie immediately puts Ezra hand down when she wanted to

agree, as she says
Only if you take us to mizukishi.


Jennifer smiles with stress on her face, saying to him.

Never mind, she’s just crazy.

Cassie replies back to him saying.

Not at all, I’m not crazy, I know what I’m talking about, if
you need our forgiveness, then you have take us to the

Ezra shout to Cassie saying.

Cassie ‼‼!

As Cornelus was already lost about what she was saying, he asks
Can someone tell me what she means by mizukibishi?

It’s just like a supermarket where you can buy us things to

Oh‼ I see what she means, no problem, I’m ready to take the
three of you any where you girls want to go.

Cassie became happy saying.

Oh really!

Ezra replies with a negative face.

Sorry! We won’t go anywhere with you.

Immediately, Cassie shouted saying.


What haven’t you understood about what she said? We won’t go
anywhere with him.

Cornelius came and knelt down in front of Ezra, saying to her.

Please don’t reject my offer; it’s just going to be a short
time, and I’ll let you girls go back to your home place.

Ezra looked at Cassie, who seemed to be indicating ‘yes’

through her expression. While looking at Jennifer, who seemed
to be signaling ‘no,’ Ezra finally looked at Cornelius and
Okay fine, we will follow you.

Cassie was joyfully saying ‘yes,’ while Jennifer simply looked

at Ezra, who continued speaking.

But on one condition.

Oh no!

At that same moment, Cornelus asks Ezra .

What again this time?

We won’t stay with you more than 2hours.if you agree then deal,
we will follow you.

You Said it right, for him to not do the same thing he did to
us last night.

Cassie became curious, asking her.

What do you mean last night?
Ezra quickly said to Cassie
Cassie, have you forgotten how strange Jennifer could be

Forcing a fake smile toward Cassie, Jennifer asks Cornelus.

So are you taking us out or not?

Cornelus smiles back saying.

Yea! But this time I didn’t come here with my car. Which means
we all just have to take a taxi.

No problem, what I want is just to get myself something to eat.

Cornelius hailed a taxi, and as they began to get into it,

Cassie said to Jennifer.

I hope one day you'll tell me what happened to the two of you
last night.

They got into the taxi, Cornelius told the driver their
direction, and he took them there. Here they were, the three
of them buying things, smiling and laughing. Meanwhile, James
came out from the toilet, heading to the kitchen to drink
water. Suddenly, the pastor’s wife, reading her Bible, saw
James opening the water to drink. She asked him, with the cup
of water on his lips, a question
So tell me James, how was the girls of living stone church? Do
you think they were full of the Holy spirit today?

Putting back the cup of water on the table, he replies to the

Pastor’s wife.
To be honest with you, they are really good. However, today,
one of them came late to the choir, and all she could explain
to us is that she woke up late, despite having such a good

The pastor’s wife placed her Bible on the table, lowering her
glasses, and asked James.

I'm sure you're talking about Ezra right?

Yea! She's the one I’m talking about.

We seriously need to include her in our prayers because she’s
doing a lot of strange things that can lead her life down a
bad path.

You’re right, Mom, because I really noticed it today while I
was leading them to the choir. When you were watching her
sing, it seemed like she was thinking about something else,
but her voice was so impressive that you couldn’t imagine it.

After a few hours, Ezra and her three friends are entering
Cornelius’ studio. When Cornelius just opened the music
studio, all of them looked at it with great emotion, saying
‘wow.’ At the same time, Cornelius told them with a smile.
This is where I’m going to introduce Ezra’s talent to the world
of rap.

Turning on all the studio equipment, he asked the girls if they

wanted to listen to some of his work. They immediately shouted
with joy, while Cassie quickly said to him.

Yea, I can’t wait to listen to what you got for me.
He started with the studio beats, and Cassie, along with the
two girls, burst into laughter and amazement. After letting
them listen to many of his beats, he took a book hanging on
the wall of his studio, showing it to Ezra. With a smile, he
stopped the songs and said to her.
Is it possible for you to go in there and rap this lyrics?

When Ezra tried to take the book with the written lyrics,
Jennifer immediately took the book, curious, and asked
What is it?

Ezra shouted at her saying.

While Jennifer told her.
What’s hey???? Let me first read what this thing is saying.

She started reading the rap lyrics, saying them louder for
everyone to listen.


Even though I’m beginner, I’m already a master

I hear u can rap fast, but I can rap faster.
Pack attack if u didn't know, I own everything of yours,
including your home
I put everything on, like I put on a show
So hear, why don’t u check my flow
New shit,, no bull shit/when I’m done, I’ll have this game head
But I hear hip hops dead
Well good, its time for rap step ahead
Listen up cuz I ain't finished
I speak the truth, but I guess to you it's a foreign language
I eat posers for dinner, I spit them out like fruit
Throw em out like a poor mans garbage
White belt or black belt, novice or expert
Doesn’t matter, this is just an excerpt
The future is near, no need to fear
Jump on this bandwagon, pack your bags, this ride will never

After reading this very fast, she turns to look at Ezra and
Said to her.

Wait a minute, Hope you won’t be singing all this?

While saying that, Ezra was coming near her to take the book
before she finished her message, and Ezra told her.

Of course, I will

She went to the place where she was supposed to sing, and
Jennifer wore a depressing face. Cassie noticed and approached
Jennifer, saying to her.

Come on bae, it’s just a simple song, that’s all.

Jennifer replies her, with a dead face.

But what you’re calling a simple song consists of words that a
child of God shouldn’t utter with her lips. That’s crazy.

Cassie looks at her saying.

What’s really crazy here is watching a person like you, who
always talks about God to her friends, but remains the same
person following us wherever we go. Come on, Jennifer.

While they were speaking like that, Ezra was already rapping.
When Cassie finished saying her words, they started getting
excited about Ezra rapping. Cornelius looked at them, shaking
his head and smiling, while Cassie was there, smiling and
happy. Jennifer, on the other hand, saw it in a different, more
disgusted way.
Meanwhile, Jennifer’s mom and Cassie’s mom were both
approaching Ezra’s mom’s door. When they knocked on Ezra’s
mom’s door, she opened it, quickly looking at them strangely
and saying curiously.
Why are you both knocking my door as if it is an emergency?

Cassie’s mom shouted at Ezra’s mom saying.

Since you know why we’re here so quickly, is it possible for
you to ask our daughters to come right here, and we can go

Ezra’s mom looked at them and gave a mocking smile in reply.

Well, as you can see, your daughters aren’t here. Besides, I
thought both of you were devout Christians. I’m just surprised
at your behavior.

Both women looked at her with a shameful expression before

Jennifer’s mom spoke to Ezra’s mom with a pitiful word and

We are just sorry for our behavior.

You better be.

The problem is that it’s already 8 pm, and I know that my
daughter has never gone outside the house until this time, so
forgive us.

Ezra’s mom touched Jennifer’s mom’s shoulder, speaking to her

with a pitiful voice and face, saying.

Here’s what we’ll do: when our daughters return home, we won’t
talk to them until tomorrow morning. Both of you will bring
them here so that we can talk to them.

Cassie’s mom asks Ezra mom curiously.

Why bringing them here?

Ezra mom looks at Cassie’s mom replying

Okay! And where exactly do you want us to talk to our daughters
about their behaviors? Because if we don’t do anything very
fast, to be honest, they might find themselves doing things
which we don’t want to happen to them as it happen to us when
we were their age.

Cassie’s mom makes a cross sign with her fingers in great shock
while Jennifer’s mom was saying to Ezra’s mom.
Its okay, you weren’t suppose to remind us of our pasts. We
will be here tomorrow as you said.

7am please.

They left, and Ezra’s mom went back into the house. On the
other side, we saw Cornelius and the three girls in the car,
with Cornelius driving and saying to Ezra.

Ezra, you have what we call talent, and to be honest, if we
work together, you are going to be super rich and famous. Mark
my words

Cassie became so happy, saying to Ezra with joy.

Ezra, did you listen to what he just said, you'll become rich
and famous. I can’t wait to be your manager.

Curiously, Cornelius said to Cassie very quickly, while Ezra

and Cassie laughed louder, holding hands, and Jennifer made a
mocking face at them.

Come on girl, I am the only one to be her manager here not you,
and not anyone else.

Cassie with a surprised face asks Cornelus.

And if I may Ask, why only you?
Because it’s through me she knew she had a gift.

Immediately, Jennifer said

Hey‼! Have you forgotten she knew about her talent since
through the church before you came here with that bad Idea?

What bad Idea are you talking about Jenny?

With an angry voice, she replies

The Idea of taking you from the church to the world is that you
weren’t born with that gift to gain glory from the public, but
to impart the glory of God to the nation. The nation was
supposed to glorify God through the talent He has given you,
not for you to be glorified by the world.

Jenny ‼


Who told you she will be glorifying the public?

Do not pretend as if we don’t know what that means.
So to you, to be famous means I’ll be glorifying people? Come

Guys, let her be, because she isn’t saying anything good.

Cornelus gets to Jennifer’s place, and Cassie quickly Says to

Thank God you are home

Jennifer opened the car door while Ezra and Cornelius laughed
at Cassie’s words, who said, ‘finally, she reached.’
Meanwhile, Ezra, laughing a lot, also said to her.

Okay girl, take Care.

Jennifer locked the car door and went to knock on the house
door. Here, we see Jennifer’s mom, who was reading her Bible,
coming to open the door and immediately asking Jennifer with
an angry face.
Can you tell me why you are coming to the house at this hour?

Jennifer very scared said to her mom very slowly.

I'm sorry mom, Ezra,Cassie and I went out with a new Friend to
have a little fun at the super market.

Jennifer’s mom who was looking at her strangely says

Uhu‼ So what happened next?

So he had to..

Jennifer’s mom who became shocked, asks her with a little

When you said 'he', what exactly does that mean?

When Jennifer wanted to open her mouth, her mom asks her again.


That a man from nowhere took my daughter to nowhere until he
brought her into his house. Imagine if he was doing something
bad to you. What am I going to tell my enemies or the pastor,
huh? That I didn’t teach my daughter how she was supposed to
behave whenever she found a man approaching her.

With tears coming out from her, Jennifer replies her mom

But mom, I wasn't alone, you know I was with Cassie and Ezra.

Oh! So you think you have the same power that Ezra and Cassie
have? Wait a minute, imagine the man in question wasn’t alone
in his house when he brought the three of you in. How would
you particularly react? You know what, just go in there and
take your bath, and tomorrow morning by 6 am, you will have to
go visit Ezra and her mom.

Jennifer who became so shocked, tries to say.

But mom‼

Jennifer mom screams at her saying.

Mom what? I have already spoken and it will be so.

Jennifer ran into her room. on the other side, Cassie was
saying to Ezra and Cornelus while closing the door of the car.

Good night guys.

Cassie left, and when she reached the front door of the house,
she intended to knock. Her mom quickly opened the door,
dragging her ears, ushering her inside and saying.

Just tell me the reason why you're coming into the house so

Cassie feeling hurt says.

Aiiiiiee… But mom, allow me explain everything to you.

Her mom let go of her ears before asking Cassie with the same
angry expression on her face.

Okay! I'm listening to you, and give me all the details plus
the person who brought you here.

Cassie asks curiously

So mom, were you spying on me?

I wasn’t spying at you, but that won’t be the reason why you
won’t tell me where you are coming from just.

Mom, the person you saw right there is Ezra’s friend. He wanted
to go out with Ezra somewhere, but since we were with her, she
asked us to join. After this, the guy brought us to his house
so that we could see where he lives.

Cassie mom became calm saying.

Why didn’t you call me to let me know that you would be coming
back late?

Because I didn’t have that in mind.

Okay‼! Next Time do not forget to call me.

Okay Mom, now Can I go to bed? because I feel very tired.

Yes you Can go. But do not forget that tomorrow we will be at
Ezra’s House.

Cassie who was already going into her room came back to her mom
very shocked, asking her mom.

Ezra’s place? Why are we going there mom?

Tomorrow you'll know everything when we will get there, so you
better go to bed now.

We observe Ezra emerging from Cornelus’s car while Cornelus

addresses him.
Now that you know where I live, I would be delighted if you
could come over to my studio tomorrow so that we can record a
new song together.

Ezra smiled, putting her hands into her trousers, and spoke
with a flattering voice.
Well, I don’t really know if I will come. But it will also
depend on the time.

Cornelus began to approach her, holding her hand and speaking

with a flattering voice.
Come on Ezra, do not say no to my proposal, I promise you, when
you come tomorrow, I’ll make you something special to eat

Ezra smiles saying.

Like what?

Ezra mom opens the door of the house shouting at Ezra loudly

Ezra, what the hell are you doing there?

Immediately Ezra Said to Cornelus.

I think my mom is there, I have to go..

Okay! Good night, and do not forget to come over to my place

Ezra walked until she reached home. Upon entering, her mom
scolded her, shouting while she says

Where the hell are you coming from?

Ezra with tears coming from her eyes replies

I went out with Cassie and Jennifer just to have a little fun

Her mom shouted at her, saying in anger.

Oh, a little fun I thought the three of you became good Friends
because of the values you share? Religion, studies and good

Ezra replies with a sad voice.

But that’s what we share mom.

With anger her mom had, she swiftly grabbed Ezra’s hand,
shaking it aggressively, aiming to harm her, and said,

What a lie! I caught you holding a man’s house in front of my
house? Who the hell do you take me for?

Her mom looked at Ezra with anger while Ezra, crying,

Mom, you are hurting me, please..

Her mom looks at her curiously after two minutes before letting
go of her hand so fast and said to her while trying to calm
her anger
Go to bed now. Tomorrow morning we have lot of thing which we
need to discuss.

Immediately, Ezra ran toward her room in tears. Upon entering

her room, her mom quickly went and sat on her chair, tears
streaming down, gazing into the sky, and said to God, “…”


God, when on earth am I going to stop carrying all these
mistakes in my life? Haven’t I done enough to prove to you how
sorry I am?”

Morning came, and we observed Ezra’s mom emerging from her

room, visibly tired. Suddenly, she noticed that everything in
the house was clean. Immediately, she saw Ezra coming to the
dining table with a cup of tea and bread, ready for school.
Ezra then told her,
Good morning mom.
Her mom replies
“Good morning. Don’t worry about doing all of this; I won’t
forget what you did yesterday.

There was a knock at the door, Just as Ezra was about to open
the door, her mom swiftly told her to head to the kitchen and
open it, saying:”
Keep doing what you are doing, I’ll open the door.

Immediately, she went and opened it. Who do we see? Jenny,

Cassie, and their moms standing behind the door. Then, Ezra’s
mom opened the door for them to come in. As they entered,
Ezra’s mom carried her cup of tea and began drinking, saying to
Just have a Seat, Ezra..

We observed Ezra directing her gaze towards the living room,

while her mom said to her


Just stop what you are doing and come over here.
She came, took her seat, and Cassie immediately asked them.

May I know why we are having this meeting ?

Her mom replies

This isn’t just a meeting; we moms are here to share something
crucial about life and boys with all three of you.

Jennifer told the moms nervously.

But have you forgotten that we are supposed to be in school

Jennifer mom replies

For now, school will have to wait.

Ezra’s mom placed her cup on the small table in front of her
and said

Listen carefully. What the three of you did to us yesterday was
not good at all. We all knew that the three of you were at
church yesterday for choir practice. However, we were shocked
to learn that afterward, the three of you went somewhere else
without our permission.

Cassie Said to her

But we didn’t know that after this, we would be watching
ourselves going elsewhere.

Ezra’s mom quickly expressed this to her with a hint of anger

on her face, saying:
Will you let me finish speaking what I have in mind?

Cassie acted as if she were swallowing something while Ezra’s

mom continued speaking.


As long as the three of you are living in our house, you girls
have no reason to tell us what to do. If any of you think she
is old enough to stay in her mom’s house and obey her rules,
then she still has the freedom to leave the house and do
whatever she wants. But as long as I am alive, that won’t
happen in our home.

Jennifer’s mom continued, expressing a hint of nervousness.

Come on, girls. Have you seen any true Christians living the
way the three of you are trying to live? It’s as if you didn’t
grow up in a decent family. Yes, we know the three of us are
poor, but that doesn’t mean our poverty is supposed to bring
us down or lead us to sin.

Quickly, Cassie’s mom continued with her own message.

“This isn’t just about poverty; for me, I believe these girls
have already reached puberty age.

That’s why they have to listen to us. When we were at your age,
we were walking up and down, changing boys, and fighting along
with girls and boys, thinking what we were doing was good
because nobody was telling us that what we were doing was
right until we gave our lives to Christ. But look at you, the
three of you were born at the best moment when your moms were
already Christians. I don’t know what happened to them before
they became Christians, but I know they brought both of you
into this world when they were already Christians.

And Jennifer knows how her father asked me for a divorce
because he was against the Lord that I’m serving.

For me, accepting Jesus Christ as my personal savior was very
difficult until a young boy of twelve years old shared this
word with me from 2 Corinthians 4:16.

As for me, its after reading psalm 103: from verse 1 to the
end, that my life began to change.

Girls, don’t play with the life God has given you. Use it
truthfully, and whatever you ask Him, whether in school or any
situation you face, He will grant it to you.

That’s why, whenever you feel tempted through the flesh, always
remember this part of the prayer Jesus taught us: ‘Lead us not
into temptation, but deliver us from evil.’ Amen. This is how
all those evil temptations will bring us back to God’s way.

Beside, Cassie and Jennifer, will you both tell me who is the
Guy my daughter Ezra is walking around with ?
Cassie mom very shocked asks Ezra mom.

So you also saw the guy Yesterday right?

Yea! And I’m curious to hear what they have to Say.

Jennifer’s mom looked at her daughter, asking her curiously.

Jennifer, I think you are they right person to tell us who that
guy is.

Cassie replies
Come on, he is just a nice guy with whom we just made friends
with yesterday, that’s all.

Friendship that’s all? You speak as if you don’t know what the
guy was wrong.


Mom ! He didn’t do anything wrong to us, he just wanted to take

us to have some lunch with him, that’s all.

Lunch? As if what I cook for you doesn’t satisfy you.

That’s why we’re asking my daughter, who’s sitting here, to
tell us everything because I know she won’t lie to us. Unless
it’s now that she will start lying to her mom. So, tell us.

Jennifer very scared started saying what she knows.

Mom, what I can only say is that, Cornelus..

Cassie mom becomes shocked, saying to her.

Oh! Cornelus, you even know his name huh?

But mom, aren’t you the one who just asked me to tell you
everything ?

While Jennifer was saying all those things, Cassie was saying
in a small voice under her breathe

Since she can’t close her mouth.

Immediately, Cassie mom asks her

What did you just say?

Nothing mom.
Then, when Jennifer finished delivering her message about ‘but
mom, etc.,’ Ezra’s mom quickly said

If you’re talking about the guy I met with Ezra last night,
holding hands like people about to commit a crime, then the
three of you should give me all the details concerning him.

Ezra stood up from her chair saying to her mom nervously.

Mom, I think we are going to be really late for school if we
don’t go now.

Her mom stood up, shouting at her saying.

Can you just tell me since when you started loving going to
school that early? Sit down and tell us who that individual
is. And right now, Ezra.

She sat down, saying to her mom while her mom was also sitting
to listen to her.
CORNELUS is his name, and it isn’t that long we met. To be
honest, he isn’t a bad guy.

Oh !!! He isn’t a bad guy ? Means he even have bad behavior


No !!!! That’s isn’t what I mean.

Jennifer mom speaks to them with a calm voice saying.

Well, what I can say is this meeting is serious. I just don’t
want any of you walking with any man that you don’t know. Even
if you know him, he must be a follower of Christ and must fear
God. In any case, the three of you won’t call us mom again but

Jennifer asks her mom with curiosity on her face.

What does that mean?

Ezra’s mom replies, while Jennifer’s mom and Cassie’s mom were
standing up from their chairs.
If next time we see any of you walking around with a guy, that
day, we are going to share the payment of everything. For
example, when we pay for electricity, you girls will pay for
water. At the end of this month, you girls will start paying
the rent.

Jennifer’s mom came and hugged Ezra’s mom as a sign that she’s
going, saying to Ezra’s mom

Well said dear. Thanks for having us today.

The pleasure is mine

Then, she went out, looking back at her daughter who doesn’t
want to go, saying to her.
Are you not going to school again?

Jennifer took her bag and started following her mom, while
Cassie’s mom was also hugging Ezra’s mom saying.

Just take care

Don’t worry about that, Because God is watching to us.

Then, Cassie’s mom and Cassie started going, while Cassie Said
to Ezra’s mom.
Good bye Mrs. Dorothy.

She kissed Ezra on her jaw saying.

We will see in school


After the hug Ezra gave her, Cassie immediately went out. Then,
she looked at her mom strangely, and her mom glanced at her
curiously for 15 seconds before quickly telling her with a
nervous face

What? Don’t tell me you don’t want to go to school today? Come
on, take your things and go.

Clapping her hands, Ezra quickly said, going out from the house
Okay Mom, I’m going.

Then she left, while on the other side, we see Zach lost in
thought about what happened between him and Joe. He was showing
him twenty thousand to get information from him.

Come on, bro, what we’re doing isn’t bad, and I’m even giving
you twenty thousand for just a simple piece of information. So
please, tell me where Ezra lives.

Zach a little nervous was replies

I'm saying the truth, I don’t really know where she is, but I
know where they usually meet her.

Where I Can meet her ? Then tell me?

Her Church, yea.. that’s where Cornelus usually meet her
whenever he wants to see her.

You know what, take this money, and tomorrow, call me whenever
you get all the info about where she lives. If you give me the
real info about her address, I promise you I’ll double this

At that same moment, Cornelus shouted in front of Zach

Zach !!

Immediately, Zach jumped, looking at him, while Cornelus asked

him with a mocking face

What were you thinking? I don’t believe you were expecting to
see a ghost like that.

Néhémie, who was playing the game with Cornelus, started

laughing even louder, pointing at Zach and saying something to
Cornelus, I believe Zach is thinking about a girl, haha…
because I can’t see any other thing that could make someone
behave like that.


That’s not true.

Then what is true if that isn’t what you were thinking about.

After that, Cornelus and Néhémie continued playing their game

for two minutes until Cornelus shouted, putting up a new

Jumping from the carpet of Néhémie’s house, suddenly, while
Cornelus was seated on his chair with a lot of joy, Zach asked
him quickly.
So if I may ask, can I have Ezra’s home address?

Cornelus replies

Twenty one square street.

Zach repeated the address in his mind when suddenly, Cornelus

realized the mistake he made. He looked at Zach strangely
before jumping on him, grabbing his clothes with anger, and
asking Zach very quickly.

What are you planning to do with that address? I hope it’s not
to harm her. If that’s the case, I promise you’ll be in big
trouble with me.

Zach, who was trembling, nodded in agreement before Cornelus

shook his head. On the other side, we witnessed Ezra’s mom
drying her clothes when suddenly, her ex-husband approached
quickly, grabbing her hands and shouting at her angrily with
too much fear, saying unto her.

Dorothy, please you need to help me.

She was so afraid, trembling as she replies

Haven’t you asked me to look for it within the last two weeks?
And those two weeks haven’t yet passed.

With fear and tears welling up, he asked her

Don’t tell me you haven’t seen anything in these days? Please,
just help me with only ten thousand.

While saying that and holding her, shaking her body, Ezra, who
was coming back home with Jennifer and holding their books,
suddenly saw how her dad was shaking her mom with anger,
repeatedly saying to her.


Give it to me, please….

And Dorothy shouting at him says

I don’t have, I don’t have..

Immediately, Ezra, who saw that with a big nervous expression

on her face, ran toward her dad and hit him on the face,
shouting loudly at him.
Who the hell are you ?

After saying that, she punched him in the face. He fell and
ran out of that place, shouting louder to Dorothy as he ran.


I'll get back to you don’t worry.

Ezra Asks her mom
But mom, who was that ?

AT that same time, Jennifer was asking Ezra’s mom.

Hope you are okay Mrs. Dorothy ?

Mrs. Dorothy with a Fake smile replies to both of them saying.

Yes, everything is okay with me.

Ezra who was so stressed replies very fast

No Mom, I don’t believe you're okay, haven’t you see how the
man was shaking you up and down ? Please do tell me what he
really want.

Dorothy Said to Jennifer.


Yes Mrs. Dorothy.

I think you have to leave us talk in private please.
Jennifer looks at Ezra who make a sign with her head and face
as a confirmation for her to go home before she left.

Dorothy said to Ezra

What you witnessed here was just a mistake. You need to erase
it from your mind, forget about it completely as if it never

Ezra with a worried face quickly Said to her mom.

Come on mom, Jennifer and I just Saw how that man wanted to
kill you, you won’t tell us that it was a pure mistake. Come

Her mom looks at her, smiles and say

Beside, what was that?

With surprise on her face, she quickly asks mom

Like what?

Come on Ezra, you know what I mean, because I never thought you
how to hit someone like that.

Smiling and replying

Come on mom..ahaaaahaaaaaaa.

While laughing and looking down the street, she noticed Joe
approaching their place. She stopped laughing and said to her

Mom, please I’m going inside to rest.

Her mom smiles saying.

Okay dear.

She left her mom to continue what she was initially doing,
approached behind Joe, who was about to knock on the door, and
spoke to him quickly with an angry expression on her face.

Hey !!! What you doing there?

Joe jumps from where he were standing, scared, saying to her.

Hey !!! So how are you ?

Ezra replies

Come with me.
Holding his hand towards another part of the road, she avoided
looking at him directly before nervously and curiously asking
him face to face.
So, may I know how you found my place? I mean, who gave you the

He casually pointed towards her, speaking with an air of


I'm Joe.

She refused to greet him saying


I know who you are, but that’s not the answer to my question.

He points a finger toward her, saying

Please just wait.

He took a paper from his trousers, unfolded it, and showed it

to her. She quickly asked him with curiosity.

What’s that ?
He replies
Just read it.
She took the paper, read it and looked at him before asking

I still don’t quite understand what you’re saying. Please tell
me now before my mom notices I’m not at home.

But I thought you went to school?

Just because I go to school doesn’t mean I know how to read all
of this stuff. So, you better tell me what all this is, or you
leave me alone.

Joe took the paper back from her and read what was written,
explaining it to her.
This is a contract that states signing it will grant you the
authority to win five hundred thousand Frank CFA after
releasing your first single.

She looked at him strangely before taking back the contract and
asking him back in a peculiar manner

When you mention winning five hundred thousand France CFA for
bringing out an album first, what exactly does that mean? I
haven’t written any songs on my own yet.

Joe told her.

Don’t worry, I already have what it takes to propel you far.
Now, it will depend on you. You have to sing this
successfully, and when you’ve done it, you won’t just gain
money, but you’ll also become famous. Count on me for that.

Hmm… you know what? I’ll review this contract with my two
friends before letting you know what I think, okay?

Okay fine.

Then, he started leaving when her mom came out from where she
was to enter the house. She watched the guy going before
looking at Ezra strangely and quickly saying to her with a
nervous voice and face.
Who was that? Haven’t I told you to stop walking with such

she replies calmly.

Mom, he was just asking for 17th street.

Her mom looks at her curiously


Hummm… Are you sure of what you are saying ?

Yes mom, I am.

Her mom, who was entering, heard Ezra speaking to her before
she stopped walking.
Mom, I'm going to meet Jennifer right now, I’ll be back After 3

Her mom looks at her strangely saying

Hope this time you'll fulfill your promise?

She smiles saying

Yes mom, I promise you, I won’t stay that long.

Then she started walking while her mom continued going into the
house. After fifteen minutes, we saw Ezra knocking on
Jennifer’s door. Jennifer’s mom opened the door, looked at
Ezra strangely with an insulted expression before saying to
So Can Come in.

She entered, looked at Jennifer and Ezra reading their book,

greeted them quickly, placed the contract she was holding on
the table, and said

Hey girls, please read this.

Cassie quickly took the contract, read it aloud for everyone to

hear, and then asked Ezra.

What is this, if I may ask? Because, as you can see, I do not
really understand this.

Jennifer took it from Cassie’s hands, saying to her.

Let me read it

Cassie shouted at saying.

Hey! Not that force

Immediately, Jennifer started reading it while her mom was in

the kitchen preparing water fufu, looking at them strangely.
Jennifer finished reading it and said

Blablabla… to be honest, I myself don’t really understand all
of this, so you better explain it to us.

Ezra took the contract for her saying.

This is a contract I received from someone I know. We met a
very long time ago, and in this contract, it says the man will
write me a song. When it’s done, I’ll gain five hundred Franks
from him. If the song sells more, I could be earning even more
than that.

Immediately, Cassie, who couldn’t believe this, said to Ezra.


Oh noooooooo… Girl, Hope you haven’t signed it ?

Quickly, Jennifer turned to look at Cassie, asking her.

If I may ask why? What are you going to Say?

Curiosity dawns on Cassie face, she replies

Jenny, I can’t believe you’re saying that. I thought you were
the coolest and wisest girl among the three of us.

Yea! I am, and that's why

Bringing them close to her, she says

We have to bring it to Cornelus

While speaking slowly, Jennifer’s mom looked at them strangely

while cooking. Cassie was telling Jennifer something slowly.

But, have you all forgotten we are not supposed to see the guy
again ?

Ezra replies, speaking slowly.

Honestly, girls, I believe Jennifer is right because he knows a
lot about music and related things.
She looked at them strangely while Jennifer’s mom addressed
them with a curious expression.

Watch out, because I’m listening to what you people are saying.
Cassie stood up from her chair, saying.

Ma’am, may we have your permission to go out and photocopy our
school work before returning to enjoy the meal you’ve

Jennifer’s mom replies while smiling.

Since when have all three of you asked for my permission before
doing anything you want?

Jennifer Said to her mom.

That means, the answer is yes.

Rushing out, Ezra shouts to Jennifer’s mom saying.

Thank you so much, we won’t be long.

While they left, Jennifer’s mom smiles, saying to herself

I thank God they are now serious with their studies

Ezra held her contract in her hand, while Cassie asked them.

Hope the both of you still remember where he lives.

Jennifer halted the taxi, and all three of them got in. After
ten minutes, they reached their destination. Upon knocking on
the door, Cornelus and his close friend Néhémie are lying on
the carpet, with Zach playing a game. Cornelus opened his
eyes, spotted Zach, and asked him.

What are you waiting for to go and open the door.

He promptly rose from his chair, opened the door, and

discovered it was Ezra with her friends. He questioned them
with a skeptical expression.

What are the three of you doing here ?

Cassie pushed him beside the door as she entered with her
friends. He knocked his head slightly on the door, and he


Hey !!!

Jennifer turned back and said with a smile

Oops.. Sorry !

She turns and follows her friends into the living room before
Ezra who was behind Cassie came in front of her and said to
Cornelus, we need to talk.

Cornelus stood up, looking at Ezra with a smile on his face

Hey! What’s up girls?

At that moment, Zach arrived angrily and quickly addressed

them, while Cornelus vigorously tapped Néhémie’s legs to wake
him up.
Next time, if any of you push me like that again, I promise
I’ll hit you, regardless of your gender.

They all made faces as if what he had just said was foolish.
When Ezra looked at Cornelus’ ears, she noticed a cigarette on
them. She removed it and spoke.
I never knew you smoke

Cornelus with a shameful smile said to her.


Ahahaahahaha…. It isn’t what you think.

Cassie said to them.

We didn’t come here to see who smokes or not. We need you to
clarify something to us. Ezra…

Ezra puts down the contract on the table saying to Cornelus.

First of all, can you tell me the why you have gave my home
address to your friend Joe?

Cornelus and Néhémie wore puzzled expressions. Néhémie abruptly

stood from his reclined position, addressing them.
Simultaneously, Zach displayed a troubled expression, making
it evident to them that he was the source of the issue.
Néhémie spoke with a questioning smile.

Come on, girls. My brother here doesn’t know anything about
what you are talking about. Can we know more about that?

Then, you might want to check out the contract he just brought
to me.

Néhémie picked it up, and he began to read it with Cornelus

until he said to Cornelus.

It’s really true as we can see under his signature. But five
hundred thousand for just a single album?

Cornelus thinking said to Néhémie.

But I haven’t shown Joe or told him anything about where you
live. Then, who did? I’m sure someone might be spying on us

While he was speaking, Néhémie was thinking about that same

moment when Cornelus and he were playing PlayStation. Zach
asked Cornelus for Ezra’s address, and he quickly replied.
When Cornelus finished saying the word ‘spy,’ Néhémie said to
him curiously.

Not spying on us, but he has sent a spy because your eyes were
on her.

Quickly, NÉHÉMIE jumped, holding Zach’s neck, pressing it, and

bringing him toward Cornelus, saying to Zach in anger.

Tell us the truth, it’s you, I know it’s you.

Cornelus, very angry, took him out of Néhémie’s hand and pushed
him against the wall, attempting to hit him. Néhémie held back
his hand while Zach trembled, and Cornelus said to Néhémie…

Let me give this boy a mark on his face that he won’t forget.

Don’t do that, bro. The girls are watching. Come on, Zach, just
tell us the truth, and he’ll let you go. Isn’t it the Bible
that says the truth will set us free? So tell the truth, and
you’ll be free.

Zach screamed with fear in his voice, saying to them with

I'm the one, but I never knew he will be going to meet her.

Cornelus left him while expressing anger to Zach and pointing

his fingers at him.
Next time, if you cheat on us again, I promise you, this strong
hand will be on your face.

Cornelus took the contract and asks Ezra while sitting down.

You may all be seated. Looking at this contract, I must say
everything is right there. However, considering what he just
did, this contract won’t be signed by you. I’ll look for
something better for you.

Ezra looks at her friends strangely while Cassie quickly stood

up and said to Cornelus.

Wait a minute, how can you expect something better than this?
Can’t you see the amount written there?
Cornelus, with his head down, quickly said to Cassie with a
little nervousness.
Can you Sit?

Cassie looks at Ezra strangely and Ezra said to her.

Just sit bae.

Cassie seated, and Ezra stood up saying to Cornelus.

Cornelus, Cassie is right. This is something we need to work on
together non-stop. Have you even taken a look at the amount he
put into the contract? Come on, we don’t have to let it go.

Cornelus stood up, saying to them nervously.

This contract might be a gift from God, but we need to work

Meaning ?

Meaning, I have to be with Ezra when she signs this contract
because I know what Joe is capable of doing with you if
someone like me isn’t with you.

Ezra looked at Jennifer strangely, as she wasn’t understanding

what Cornelus was really saying, before Jennifer finally
explained to her, saying,
It simply means, he want to represent you as your manager.

No, not as her manager, but I will become her manager and make
her one of the next top rappers we’ll ever have in our days.

Ezra and her friends finally smiles, and Cornelus said

to them

(CONT'D) Lets go.

Z and Néhémie wanted to follow him, but he turned back, and

says to them
The two of you must remain here, because this is something that
concerns Ezra and I.
Néhémie shouts at him saying
But you said it’s only you and Ezra, so what does her Friends
have to do with this?

Her Friends are also part of this, so remain here with Zach
and take care of my things.
They entered the car and left. Meanwhile, Néhémie went to put
on the game and started playing with Zach.
On the other side, Cornelus knocked at Joe’s house. When Joe,
half-naked, opened the door and saw it was Cornelus, he tried
to close it, but Cornelus quickly pushed it back, saying to
him very fast.

No bro, calm down, I haven’t Come here to fight with you.

They all saw some women seated in his living room, half-naked
and smoking. Joe says to them
Bitch, pick your things and go.

They grabbed their clothes and bags, ran outside, and insulted
him as they went. Joe then told them

Please, you may have a seat
Ezra told Joe.

Sorry, but my friends and I won’t sit here

Joe says to them

“Okay! If it’s all about the contract you have, it means it’s
something we need to handle seriously. Follow me to a more
suitable place.”

They followed him to a nice spot behind his house. They sat
down, and he pulled out another cigarette from his clothes,
intending to give one to Cornelus. Cornelus took one from
behind his ears, and Joe lit both of their cigarettes. They
started smoking, and Joe asks them
So, may I know your answer to the contract ?

when Ezra opened her mouth to speak, Cornelus beats her to it

Her answer to that is yes. But before she sign anything on this
contract, we first have to be clear on one thing?

Which is?

In the contract, you said you’ll be gaining twelve percent on
what she will be selling. That is something I won’t refuse,
but only if the songs she will be doing come from you.
However, if in any case, I write songs for her, it simply
means I will be the one taking the twelve percent, and you’ll
be taking only 9 percent.

Ezra asks him in a little voice since she was seated behind
Hey !!! What are you talking about ?

At that moment, while she was speaking, Joe, who was still
contemplating, finally asked Cornelus.

And if I refuse ?


Then nothing will be sold

Joe stood up from his chair and said to him with a slight
nervous expression on his face.
Let it be so, no deal then.

Nervously, Ezra looked at Cornelus, who stood up to convince

Joe as he said,
Come on, man, you know how special this girl looks to us, and
we won’t let her leave here just like that.
What the hell are you talking about? I’m the one who gave her
the contract to sign, but these new policies you’re bringing
up again—I don’t really understand it anymore.

How many girls have you worked with, and it didn’t go as you
liked? Ashley, Greene, Benson, especially Pamela, who you
thought she would bring something good but ultimately
disappointed all of you because you refused to listen to me.
Now, I’ve brought you a bimbo, a big snake who will show many
men out there what hoes like her can really do when it’s all
about hip-hop, bro. Come, accept my deal, and let’s do this
together. Come on, Joe, come on…”

After Joe thought about it multiple times, he finally said

Okay !!! Fine, I agree.

Ezra and her Friends smiles, while Cornelus removes a Pen from
his pocket and gave it to Ezra saying.

Queen of hip hop you might sign here.

She began to sing until the song concluded. Joe then directly
addressed them.

We need to celebrate this.

He went to his fridge, took out a bottle of beer, came to give

it to them, but Jennifer looked at it and says

Sorry, but we won’t drink this, we are Christians.

Cassie and Ezra looked at each other and quickly laughed, while
Cassie mockingly said to Jennifer.
So its now you know you're a Christian? Come on girl..

They took their cups, showed them to Joe, who filled each one,
and they began to drink. Jennifer, while heading out to take a
seat, told them.

Once you’re done with that, feel free to come and see me

She left with anger evident on her face. As the evening

arrived, we witness Ezra entering the house with great joy,
laughing loudly, and kissing her mom, saying.
Mom, you won’t believe this!

Her mom very shocked asks her

Won’t believe what?


I got my first contract.

Entering her room, while her mom struggled to understand what
she was saying, Ezra lay on her bed and slept. The next
morning, which happened to be Saturday, Ezra finished
preparing breakfast for her mom, who says to her.
Morning dear ; Jesus, I can’t believe you wake up early today?

She replies
Today is Saturday mom, and I have lot of things to do with my
friends today.

Carrying her bag, she says to her mom while going out

See you in the evening mom.
Her mom shouted in reply
May the Lord be with you.

Amen mom, Amen !!!!!!

Ezra hailed a taxi and arrived at Cassie’s place, where Cassie,

who was also excited, was quickly getting ready. Cassie’s mom
smiled at her daughter, asking herself.

What is happening to her ?

They went to get Jennifer, whose mother was blessing her

daughter while Jennifer was speaking.
Mom, I seriously need your blessing.

The girls headed to Cornelus’s place. When they arrived, they

rang the bell of his house, and Cornelus opened it with a
smile, saying to them,
Welcome, follow me.
Everyone followed him into his studio, and they took their
seats. Néhémie greeted them as well. Cornelus began
manipulating his machine. Ezra made some mistakes, and
Cornelus assisted her. Meanwhile, as hours passed, Jennifer
and Cassie rushed to the choir. James noticed them and asked
Where is Ezra ?
Cassie Replies


She won’t Come today, because she is very ill.

Jennifer gave Cassie a strange look while James got everyone to

sing. As days passed, we find ourselves in a music studio,
witnessing Cassie and Jennifer happily filming a remarkable
video featuring Cornelus and Ezra.
Hours later, James headed towards Ezra’s house. Despite Ezra
missing her training and not being involved in the choir where
she used to assist every Sunday, James showed up at her house.
Ezra’s mom, leaving for the market, unexpectedly encountered
James and he quickly spoke.
Hello Mrs. DOROTHY.

Hey !!! James right ?

Yep ! It’s me.

Well, as you can see, I’m about to go out to buy something from
the market, and Ezra hasn’t returned from school yet. So, I
think you’ll have to come back later in the evening.
I didn't came to chat with her, but with you.

Okay gentleman, I’m listening.

Have you ever asked your daughter why she isn't singing in the
choir as before?

No, but for me, it’s because she is also giving opportunities
to others to sing like her.

Not at all, it’s simply because she is no longer attending the
choir practice.
Dorothy became sad, as she asks him.

And what about her Friends ?

Both are coming, but when you ask them, they always reply that
she isn’t feeling well or she is back home because she is
preparing for her exams.

Dorothy who was very curious says

But the lies both of them told you, you know what? Don’t say
much; I’ll wait for her this evening. I think she has a lot to
tell me.
James climbed on his bike and left, while Ezra was applying a
tattoo to her arms and screaming a bit from the pain.
Cornelius laughed at her. On the TV, a woman was discussing
their song. Suddenly, Ezra asked the man who was drawing the

Wait a minute, Can you adjust the volume of the TV ?

The man used his remote control to increase the volume of the
TV, and Ezra, who was so happy, screamed like…


While Cornelius was rapping his song, suddenly Ezra, filled

with joy, also performed her rap when it was her part. There
were two enthusiastic guys with tattoos, and one of them says
Oh my gosh, the bae is rapping the song as if she were the one
who created it.
Ezra, filled with joy after finishing the rap, was given a
phone by Cornelius. She exclaimed ‘wow,’ and Cornelius told
It's yours.
She took the phone and hugs him before look at the phone again

Awwww…. That's why I like you Cornelus.

While on the other side, her mom was standing in her House with
Jennifer and Cassie, and she says to them.

So both of you knew all about this, and you couldn’t find a way
to tell me, huh?

Cassie replies Mrs. DOROTHY

Ma’am, it’s not what you think. Things started moving quickly
to the point where we couldn’t anticipate that it would also
take Ezra some time.

Dorothy with anger continues asking them.

Things started happening quickly to the point where it became
unclear? What exactly did she do before she stopped attending
the choir?

Jennifer replies in a little voice.

She's doing music now.

Cassie pinches Jennifer on her back while Mrs. Dorothy says in


What did you just Say?

Cassie started to wear a menacing smile, saying…


Yes! Ezra has joined the music industry for about three weeks
now. That’s why she couldn’t join us when we were doing the
Dorothy began to laugh loudly as she says


Ahaaaaaa… Ezra is an artist now? What kind of artist has she

become? Ahaaaaaa..

She stops laughing and becoming serious, she says to them

Now I understand. Maybe she’s not going to school because of
what you all just told me.

Cassie held Jennifer’s hand, her face expressing fear, and said
to Dorothy before hurrying away


I think that’s all we have to Say to you.

They started walking quickly, and as they went, they saw Ezra
approaching. When Ezra noticed them, she screamed with joy
along with Cassie, while Jennifer looked at them strangely.
Ezra stopped jumping with Cassie, screaming, before she asked
Wait a minute, I’m sure you both watch the video ?

And Cassie very happy says to her.

That is the reason we came over to see you today.

Jennifer holds Cassie hand saying to her.

Cassie, let's go, I think Ezra have something to talk about
with her mom.

They left While Cassie replies to Ezra.

See ya..
Then, both of them left while Ezra’s mom was in the midst of
her little prayer in the living room. Suddenly, Ezra arrived
home and tried to enter her room without causing any
disturbance. Her mom, who had quickly noticed, told her with
her head down.
Where are you coming from this Time ?

Ezra turned back, looked at her, and said with a hint of fear
as her mom approached.

I was with a Friend mom.

Her mom slapped her, shouting at her, she says

Lies, because I was with your friends just before they left.

Tears filled Ezra’s eyes as her mom spoke, and with anger, Ezra
said to her mom…
And is that the reason you slapped me ?

Her mom replies with the same anger

Don’t dare me, Ezra. Tell me, what type of friends were you
with just now?
Ezra left, attempting to enter the house, while her mom held
her back by the arms, bringing her behind. Suddenly, her mom
saw the tattoo on her skin that she was hiding, expressing
great surprise with a drawn expression on her face.


Jesus…..what is this Ezra ?

Ezra replies angry

What type of questions are you asking mom ?

Excuse me? Girl, have you forgotten what the bible says about
such things in 1 Corinthian 6 verse 9 ?

Ezra replies to her mom nervously

No mom, I haven’t

Young girl, go back to the same place where you made this
happen and fix it quickly.

Ezra went inside the house saying.

Sorry mom, this IS something I won’t remove.
Her mom, walking fast behind her, pulled her back and slapped
her on the cheek. Attempting to slap her again, Ezra pushed
her onto the table, causing her to fall. Her mom immediately
felt pain in her back, and though Ezra, scared, wanted to
touch her, her mom angrily refused.

Do not touch me. From now on, you are no longer the daughter I
gave birth to. If you want to continue living here with me, we
both will start sharing expenses. I’ll pay for electricity,
and you will cover the water bill. As for the room you’re
living in, you’ll have to pay rent per month. I won’t let the
same mistake I made before giving birth to you repeat itself.

Ezra began shedding tears and left the place. She took a taxi,
informed the driver of her destination to Cornelius’ house.
Meanwhile, Cornelius was with Néhémie, Sam, and Joe, smoking,
with girls dancing in front of them. They were all in high
spirits, and Joe shouted towards Cornelius, saying…

Man, this song IS really dope, damn !!!!
Cornelus very happy replies with a smile.

You Can Say that again bro.

That’s when Ezra rang their doorbell directly. Cornelius stood

up, went to open the door, and saw Ezra crying. He quickly
took her in, saying

Hey bae, what is going on ? Why all this tears my Angel ?
Ezra replies back in the same sad voice

It’s my mom.

Cornelus so shocked, Asks her.

Is she dead ?

Surprised at Cornelus question, she says

No !!!! She just found out about the New life I’m living.
Cornelus laughs before saying.


Ahaaaaa… Come on, why are you are crying as if she is dead.

Ezra became surprised and Asks him

Sorry! So, in your opinion, what I’m currently experiencing is
considered normal to you?

Observing those women kissing each other strangely while

sitting in her chair, Cornelius also commented while seated.


Listen, Ezra or BBQ ahaaaaaa…. Well, as you can see, success in

the music industry is something only wise people achieve,
especially in the world of hip hop, which is the most
challenging place where nobody succeeds easily.

Removing one stick of cigarette, he gave it to her, she looks

at it strangely before saying to him.
Sorry !!! I can't take that.

With a convincing face, he keeps telling her.

Come on, this is just to calm your spirit, just taste it this
once, and I promise you, I wont give it to you again.
She looked at it strangely before taking it and began to smoke.
Joe and Néhémie laughed at her when she started coughing, and
Cornelius told her,


Slowly girl, slowly….

Ezra continued smoking, having fun, and days passed as she

found herself with Cornelius in shows, singing, and dancing.
People were proud of her. Meanwhile, in an interview, her mom
was at home, unwell, with Jennifer and Cassie helping her
cook. They heard Ezra speaking on TV during the interview.
Cassie increased the volume of the TV, and in the interview,
we listened to the journalist asking her

Wow, ‘Please Me’ is part of your second album, which earned you
numerous awards last year. Can you tell us the reason behind
creating ‘Please Me’?
Ezra smiling says.
I did “Please Me” for the sake of my mom. I truly wished she
would ask me to come home, but she didn’t, despite all my
efforts to make her happy. Can you imagine? After the success
of my second album, she completely refused to reconcile with
me. So, right now, I’m still asking my mom to forgive me and
start accepting my gifts.

While she was saying that, James listened to her in his house,
and others in the dens were also tuned in. The journalists then
asked again.
So Can you tell us why you chose BBQ as your stage name ?


Ahaaaaaa…..BBQ is the name I’ve chosen to proclaim to the whole

world that I am the queen bee among all female artists,
especially in rap. There is no one like me who does what I do
in our time.

Dorothy took the remote control and turns off the TV saying to
Jennifer and Cassie.

What she's saying are all dirty words.

As days passed, Ezra engaged in sex with Cornelius and

showcased herself in bars, live shows, and singing gigs. Years
later, we witnessed Dorothy returning home with groceries from
the market, pursued by paparazzi with cameras bombarding her
with numerous questions. In frustration, she directed her words
toward a TV station, saying

If your lives revolve around taking pictures of people, it
simply means none of you really knows your purpose on Earth.

She entered her house, locked the door, and Ezra, who
overheard, had tears welling in her eyes. Days passed, and
Ezra continued writing songs, promoting products for extra
income. With bodyguards and a driver, she lived in a new house
with Cornelius, inviting friends over. Everyone was happy,
enjoying good food until they saw Ezra take out a cigarette to
smoke. Jennifer, surprised, says

Hey bae, do not tell me, you’re taking that.


Come on, this isn't good for you at all, stop this please.
After taking it from her mouth, I placed it on the table. We
continued chatting, and as the days passed, Cornelius started
bringing drugs for he and Ezra to use, and they began using

One day, Dorothy visited her daughter. When the bodyguards

informed Ezra, who was waiting in the living room, she entered
with Cornelius. Ezra was already eight months pregnant, and
her mom, was very shocked and she says to Ezra
I'm sure, this must be the guy responsible for your pregnancy?
But have you forgotten what the bible Said about sexual
immorality in Galatians 5:19-21
Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality,
impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife,
jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions,
envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you,
as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not
inherit the kingdom of God.
I can't see a weeding ring on your fingers and neither have you
introduced him to me as your future husband.

Ezra replies her mom in anger.

Mom, if you came back just to judge me after four years of not
seeing or calling me, I would prefer if you leave.

Dorothy very confuse asks her daughter.


What? You are asking me to leave your House just like that?


I not only want you to leave my home but I also do not want you
to return here with such behavior.

Dorothy carried the bag she put on the table, as she says in


Fine !! As you wish Mrs. BbQ.

Immediately she left, Cornelus says to Ezra.


But bae, you weren’t supposed to do that. At least, she’s your

mom—the woman who carried you for nine months.

After hearing that, Ezra turned back and began to kiss

Cornelus, hugging him. On the other side, Dorothy stood in
front of James’s house. James opened the door, saw her crying,
and asked her to come in. Once inside, she sat down, and he
went to get a cup of water, giving it to her before he asks


What is wrong with you Mrs. Dorothy ?


It’s Ezra, can you believe she is now pregnant after all of
what we preached to her in church and all the advice I gave

James really felt pity for her and says to her


You know Mrs. Dorothy, Ezra has chosen her way of life. We
can’t force her to come back to the way she was living before.
The only thing we have to do is to pray for her so that God
can open her eyes before its to late.

We watch as days passes, Ezra returned home with a large

stomach. We witness Ezra coming back home very tired. She went
to the kitchen to drink water before heading into her room.
Suddenly, we heard a woman screaming, presumably having sex
with Cornelus. Immediately, Ezra pushed the door open and
screamed at Cornelus, saying to him.


Who the hell is she and what is she doing in my House ?

When Ezra tries to harm the girl, Cornelus quickly pushed her
against the wall. She felt pains and started screaming loudly
because she felt her baby was about to be born. Cornelus
thought she was joking and said to her with a harsh smile.


Come on, stop pretending.

The way she was screaming, the bitch who was having sex with
Cornelus notice it wasn’t a joke, but something Real, and she
says to Cornelus.


This isn't a joke, even though I’m a bitch, I’m still a woman,
let's help her out.

They both carried her, while Cornelus called his bodyguards,

who quickly came to help carry her. They rushed to the
hospital. As soon as they arrived, people who recognized them
started filming with their phones, and the news spread on
YouTube and other social media platforms.

Meanwhile, Jennifer hurried to Mrs. Dorothy’s house, who was

already asleep. Knocking on the door, Dorothy opened it and
asked Jennifer directly.

Does your mom know you left the house at this time ?

Jennifer held her hand, saying


Mrs. DOROTHY, your daughter is ready to put to birth, do follow

me now please.

They rushed towards the taxi and headed to the hospital. Ezra,
in pain during childbirth, shouted for her mom, shedding tears
until the baby was born. The doctor announced the news just as
Dorothy and Jennifer arrived. Cornelus greeted Dorothy, but
she didn’t respond because the doctor just shared the good

Everyone was happy. Meanwhile, Cassie went to her mom, who was
reading the Bible, to tell her the news. Her mom was delighted
and went with Cassie to see Ezra. Days passed, and people
gathered around Ezra with joy. Cassie’s mom asked Ezra a
joyful question.


So what will your son’s name?

Ezra carrying her son in her arms replies




Caleb ? Why that name ?


Read Numbers 13-14 and you'll know why I have chosen Caleb as
my son’s name.

Cornelus came in, saying to her.


Hey baby..

Ezra told him in anger.


Do not talk to me, please.

Jennifer’s mom knew something wasn’t right between them and she
said to Dorothy.


Oh… , Mrs. Dorothy, I think you must Ask everyone to leave the
room, so both of them can handle their problem in private.

Dorothy asked everyone to leave, while she helps Ezra put the
baby in his bed, and then she leaves the room. Ezra, feeling
angry, told Cornelus.


You think I have forgotten what I saw you doing in my own


Cornelus still tries to convince her.


I’m really sorry about that. I promise you, it won’t happen



You know what? tomorow,when I leave the hospital, I’ll prefer

to stay with my mom for the first three months, before coming
back to you.


No problem, anything you decide, I accept it.

The next day, Ezra and her mom came home, and everyone in the
church was happy to see them. They had a little party to
welcome them back. When they entered, everyone said, “We are
happy you came back to us!” People, including the pastor,
greeted them with joy. During the celebration, Dorothy’s ex,
who had been asking for money, saw her and she took him outside
to talk.


What have you come to do here after four good years?


I came back to collect the Money which I have been asking you
for four Years now. By the way, what IS going on here ?

Observing the people inside, engaged in drinking and chatting,

Dorothy responds to him.


You Said four Years and right now I can’t give you anything. So
please ,I’ll appreciate it if you could Come back tomorrow for
me to see what I can give to you.

At the same moment, Ezra was asking Cassie and Jennifer inside
the house.


Who's that ?

Both of them turned back, to look at Ezra’s dad.


Uhu ?


I don’t know, you should ask your mom.

Jennifer who wanted to stop her from going, says to her


Hey !!! Ezra wait.

Ezra got there very fast, asking her dad


Sir, may I know who you are, and why you are talking go my mom
like that?

Dorothy’s husband asks Dorothy.


Wait a minute, is she the child you had before our separation ?

Ezra, very surprised at what he said, asks her mom


What exactly is he talking about ?

Dorothy was very scared to tell the truth but finally she says


Well, Ezra as you can see, this is your dad.

Still confused, she asks her mom.


My dad? But I thought my dad died in a car accident ?

Her dad was very scared to hug her while DOROTHY was saying

I told you this because of what he made me go through all this

Ezra hugged her dad, who reciprocated, bringing tears to her

eyes. She also joined her mom, and all three of them were
crying. With joy, Ezra said to them


You know what? Follow me dad.

As they entered, Ezra grabbed a spoon from the table and

started making noise with it, while saying


Silence everyone, Silence.

They remained silent and Ezra introduced her dad to them.


Well, as you can see, this is my dad, whom I thought had died
in an accident, as my mom told me.

Everyone laughs with her.


Since I found him today, I haven’t had time to ask him all
sorts of questions because I really miss him a lot.



So as Christians that you are, what should we do to welcome him

As everyone greeted him, the celebration continued. In the

following days, Ezra, along with Joe and Cornelius, was in the
new music studio crafting songs for her latest album. This
time, she titled it “Speechless,” featuring songs about her
life and delivering positive messages to the youth. As she
sang, people danced, and she garnered more interviews. In front
of a paparazzi, someone asked her.


Why is the title of your New album speechless ?


Speechless isn’t just about my life; it also reflects the

challenges many people face during their youth. I hope the
next generation, who will take over what I do, not only uses
explicit language in their songs but also communicates
messages that inspire today’s youth to lead a more
conventional life. Unlike songs featuring explicit content or
smoking images, Speechless is a hip-hop album that portrays
the realities of life.

After saying that, she and her dad promptly left the place in
their car. Upon reaching their new, spacious mansion, James
appeared, standing nearby. She looked at him as he approached
and said


Hey !!!

He replies


Hey !!!

With a smile on her face, she asks him.


James right ?


In body and in spirit.

While Dorothy and her husband left, Ezra took a cigarette from
her pocket and began smoking, with the smoke from her cigarette
disturbing James, she asks him


So James, what do you do for a Living ?


I’m a high school teacher.


Not Bad, and do you have a girl Friend ?


No, when the right moment comes, I’ll have one..

After a lengthy conversation, days passed, and Ezra continued

working on her albums. However, tragedy struck one day when she
was killed in her car, leading to Cornelus being imprisoned.
This heartbreaking event brought everyone to tears at her
funeral. With no alternative, James had to step in and take
care of her son, Caleb. James shared the details of the story
with Caleb, and at the end of the narrative, Caleb’s mom
carried him to bed.


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