Businessplan, Groupno 03, BUS321 (Section 04)

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BUS321: Final Project (Summer 2021)

Business Plan for “immunity+”

Submitted by Group: 03

Section: 04

Faizah Munira Qayum 18104115

Sumaya Nazneen 17304140

Nafisa Sadaf Benazir 19204035

Mehnaz Huda 18104108

Jahanara Alve Parbonee 17104207

Submitted to
Raisa Tasneem Zaman
BRAC Business School

Date of Submission: 10th September, 2021


Executive Summary- Jahanara 03
Section 1
Company profile- Nafisa) 04
History of the business-Nafisa 04
Tagline-Nafisa 04
Mission-Nafisa 04
Vission-Nafisa 04
Location-Nafisa 04
Organogram- Mehnaz 04
Opportunity Gap-Mahnaz 05
Prototype-Nafisa 06
Feasibility Test-Jahanara 06
Product service feasibility-Jahanara 06
Industry and target market feasibility-Jahanara 10
Organizational feasibility-Jahanara 15
Section 2
Risk and challenges-Mehnaz 17
Operational plan-Jahanara 19
Business model-Jahanara 19
Promotional activities: Marketing plan-Faizah 21
Marketing segmentation-Faizah 21
Target market-Faizah 22
positioning strategy-Faizah 23
Marketing Mix of the service-Faizah 27
CPM-Nafisa 28
Section 3
Financial forcasting-Faizah 29
Assumption sheet-Faizah 30
Proforma Income statement-Faizah 32
Ratio analysis-Mehnaz 33
Break-even point- Nafisa 34
Details funding sources and composition- 36
Sensitivity analysis- Sumaya 36
Section 4
Future strategies for startup growth- Sumaya 39
KPI -Sumaya 40
Protection of Intellectual property- Sumaya 43
References 44

Executive Summery

"immunity+" is an e-commerce service that aims to give immunity-boosting meal planning and
supplementary package services to persons who are battling diseases and illnesses. This program,
which includes in-house dieticians and nutritionists, is for customers who wish to construct a
healthy yet pleasurable meal plan for themselves at a cheap cost. This program will also give
meals with organic, imported, and fresh food vegetables, fruits, herbs, and other nutritional
Because of the ongoing pandemic, a lot of people, especially ladies are getting more and more
concern to eat healthy in order to keep their and their family’s immunity strong. To provide them
a platform to fulfill their desire “immunity+” has come up with a unique business idea. This
business platform believes in quality over quantity and it’s possible to eat healthy foods which
are also tasty. The main goal of this program is to promote healthy eating practice to keep
anyone’s immunity strong.

Business Plan: immunity+

Section - 01
Company Profile:
As The CEO, the motive behind starting “immunity+” was my passion to exploit the advantages
and opportunities that I currently have and to be able to bring a fresh concept to the food
industry. I have forever been passionate about the food industry and I figured that starting off
with the promise of health and wellness will be a great boost to my self-esteem. Immunity+ will
start off with a niche target market which will be based in Dhaka, with a future goal to reach
thousands across cities in Bangladesh in near future.

History of the business: Observing the current situation of COVID-19 where everyone is
losing their near and dear ones due to low immunity and unhealthy lifestyle in general, I wanted
to be a part of the change that I wish to see in the food industry in future. We have launched with
a view to influence as many households and encourage people of all ages to consider healthy
living. We believe that preventing severe illness or diseases and avoiding large hospital bills and
the fear of losing loved ones is what really matters now.

Prevention is inexpensive than cure

Mission: immunity+ seeks to create, customize and promote the promise of a healthier life
along with great-tasting, freshly prepared and healthier everyday meals. We strive to grow our
business with utmost focus on all round physical and mental wellbeing of our clients.

Vision: We envision reaching each and every corner of Bangladeshi households and intend to
send the positive message of a healthier lifestyle and immune system to people irrespective of
age or gender. By 2025, we will:
 Be the bearer of positive change to the Bangladeshi food industry
 Expand our footprint (countrywide)
 Achieve financial stability

Location: immunity+ will start off as a cloud kitchen in Banani, and will rent a kitchen space.
All client management will be done virtually (through website queries, calls, social media
conversations, WhatsApp). Kitchen space will be expanded across cities within the year 2025.

Since Immunity+ is a startup idea and stands in the initial stage of business, we have thought of
keeping the organogram simple and basic. Since we are five group members in total, we have
decided to be in charge of each of the distinct departments where we can contribute our
knowledge and skills to the highest level. We have also distributed our individual department
keeping in mind who is comfortable in working at which department the most. We believe that
once our startup expands in the future, we would recruit other prominent individuals for the

smoother operations of our business and thus, the hierarchical levels of our organogram would
broaden in the future. Additionally, we all have agreed upon giving Nafisa Sadaf Benazir the
authority to be the CEO of the business. Since it was her business idea initially, we all believed
we would be able to consult with her about any confusion regarding any department of the
business and she would be able to guide us throughout the business plan. The following diagram
shows the organogram of our business as of now.

Figure 1: Structure of Organogram

Opportunity Gap:
The coronavirus pandemic has taken a toll on the world. Not only fitness enthusiasts, but people
who used to be careless about their health are now concerned about maintaining healthy eating
habits. It was not uncommon to witness people with severe illnesses like diabetes, heart disease,
high blood pressure and cholesterol, kidney problems, etc. have meals with no dietary plans or
balanced proportions which were extremely risky for them. Nowadays, after the pandemic has
struck our lives with severe calamity, people with these diseases have become much more
conscious as they are informed about the higher risks of getting infected with COVID-19 due to
the existence of their chronic diseases. This was the main scope where we thought of initiating
the business idea of Immunity+. After thorough research, we have found out that currently there
is a market gap in gourmet quality healthy meals and plans that are easy to follow and also
enjoyable to the taste bud of customers. Thus, the opportunity gap that we are going to address
is to offer healthy meal packages which are calorie-counted and macronutrient balanced. We
would be offering our meal plans to all age groups of people and address the importance of
building immunity and how drastically our lives can be improved by following simple meal
plans. It cannot be denied that healthy meals are found around us, even in cafes and restaurants
we can now find options to order such items. However, finding a platform with restaurant-quality
gourmet meals which are not only fresh, healthy, and tasty, but also includes an in-house
nutritionist who can customize meal plans according to the health issues of customers, such a
company is yet to be found in our country. In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic has now made

everyone concerned, and people are now keen to boost and improve their immunity so that they
can face this deadly disease. Thus, we believe that our business idea has great chances of
succeeding in the market in such circumstances.

Moreover, we believe that our business idea has all the attributes of the windows of opportunity
which are needed for any business to start off its journey.

The idea is attractive to anyone who is concerned about their health issues or their immunity in
general. Our meals would be beneficial not just for one person in the household but for anyone
and everyone in the community.

We also believe that our business idea is timely. The ongoing pandemic has given us a greater
urge to make customers aware of their immunity system and how to lead a healthy life. Once
they learn how many positive changes a healthy eating habit brings to everyone’s life, they
would continue to be cautious about it even after the pandemic ends.

We also believe in being durable in the marketplace and succeeding in the long run if we use the
appropriate marketing tools and capture the right segment of customers.

We can also prove to be reliable as we have certified dieticians, nutritionists, health consultants
who will guide our customers in the right track. Thus, this would create a strong sense of trust
towards our business, and it would be easier for the customers to rely on us.


(Please zoom in to check out the whole prototype)

Feasibility Test

Product Service Feasibility

"immunity+" is an e-commerce service that seeks to provide immunity-boosting meal planning

and supplementary package services that helps people to fight diseases and illnesses. Customers
who want to build a healthy yet enjoyable meal plan for themselves at a low cost can use this
service, which includes in-house dieticians and nutritionists. This program will also provide
organic, imported and fresh groceries in shape of a "fresh basket," which will include fresh
veggies, fruits, herbs, and other nutritious products, as well as a cook book to use it as a
direction, and will be a fantastic choice for those who want to prepare their own meals.

To check the feasibility of this business idea, we created a Google form and asked 11 question to
our respondents. We were able to collect
25 responses. Among them, when we
asked them about under which age group
they belongs to, 77.8% of people said they
are from 21-25 years age group where only
22.2% of people are from 16-20 age group.
When we asked them about their gender,
75% responses were “Female” and 25%
says that they are male.

W hat i s your gend er? We also asked them about the monthly
Male Female income to understand their buying behavior
in depth and almost 56% people said that
their monthly income is more than 50
thousand BDT where 22% of people earns
monthly around 30-50 thousand BDT and a
group of 11% people earns between 10000
BDT to 30000 BDT. The rest of the 11%
doesn’t have fixed earnings. As this is

The main targeted group for this business idea is females under the age group of 25
who have a decent amount of monthly income.

After knowing the basic information, we gradually asked them some questions relating to the
ongoing pandemic Covid-19.
How often you feel weak/tired or
When we asked them how often they have felt unproductive?
tired/weak or unproductive during this 14
pandemic. In the response we can see that 10
around 13 people feel tired, weak and 6
unproductive very often where 8 people voted 0
for “often” and only 4 people voted for Often Very often Rarely

In the next question, when we asked our
respondents if they have been affected
with covid-19 or not, 33.3% said that they
have been affected where the unaffected
people ratio was 33.3%. Despite of not
being affected, 44.4% of people claimed
to have some physical changes without any drastic symptoms.

So we can say that, during this Covid-19, a lot of people has been feeling tired and exhausted.

After that we asked our respondents that if they were affected, what kind of food they consumed
and if not, which food helped to build a strong immunity system according to them.

71.4% people said that they have consumed ginger-honey tea during that time where 85.7%
people consumed a lot of Vitamin C. 57.1% people took Zinc tablets and 42.9% took Vitamin D
tablets where on the other hand only 14.3% ate elderberry and blueberry during their Covid-19
effected time.

Those who were not affected in Covid-19 from our respondents, 57.1% believes that genetic
configuration is the reason of their strong immunity system where another 57.1

Then we asked them how many of them wants to lose or gain weight or wants to boost their
immunity system, where 66.7% people voted for “Yes”

and 11.1% voted for “No”. Rest of the 22.2% people thinks that they will consider the fact on the
taste of the food.

Now when, we asked the respondents if they agree with out motto or not, 100% agreed on the
fact that "Prevention is better than cure”.

We also asked the question in our survey that if they are interested about the idea of customizing
meal plans and have them deliver to their home where 100% of our respondents voted for “Yes,

In the same context we also asked them if they

would be interested to avail immunity boosting
packages for their whole family or not and also
in this question, 100% of the response was for

Lastly, we asked an open question to our

respondents that what they think about discount offers on family plans and in the answer, most of
them considered this to be a great idea.

We have done our survey among 25 people and they have shown great enthusiasm towards our
idea. According to our country’s perspective and market research “immunity+” going to be a
demandable service in the market.

Industry & Target Market Feasibility:

To test how favorable the external or internal environment is for our startup, we have used
Mullin’s Seven Domain Model.

1. Market Domain/Macro Level: Market Attractiveness

From a macro in other words from a large-scale perspective, this domain evaluates market
attractiveness. By taking a look at the entire market in terms of the number of consumers, the
profit, and the quantity sold, it determines how big the market is and then takes a look at market

For Our business idea “immunity+”, we going to look for

o Market Size
o Value of sales and
o Market Trends

Market size- Niche market; a targeted set of customers can be acquired since it is the culture of
Bangladeshi people to mostly prefer eating unhealthy food.

Value of sales- High value sales are possible. Customization and subscription as well as delivery
fees can be charged.

Market trends- The market is not big enough yet, but it has shown significant growth since the
last 5 years, if we consider only Dhaka. Overall, in Bangladesh, the concept of healthy lifestyle is
still frowned upon.

2. Market Domain/Micro Level: Sector Market Benefits and Attractiveness:

To identify this segment, we need look at the market on a micro level or in other words, we need
to minimize the market and its consumers.

Our aim is a Niche market who are health conscious, active people, fitness
enthusiasts/coaches/bloggers, elderly people, and people with an issue of obesity/malnutrition.
Our venture is different from competitors as we are offering many services and products under
the same roof and We are trying to create convenience and ease of access for customers. Now,
more people in Dhaka are looking to eat healthy in general and take care of their health and
overall immunity after the hit of COVID-19 pandemic. Since the introduction of lean nation BD,
more consumers have become accepting of a healthier lifestyle. If we are successful in this
market segment, we may also target a bigger audience with delicious but healthy food that our
chefs will make. We can target those who are food lovers and bring them under our healthy meal
plan subscription model. It’s a significantly large market considering the amount of food
vloggers that are currently available in Dhaka. Right now, competitors are meeting the very basic
needs of supplying healthy meals but they are not necessarily delicious or enjoyable to eat, as per
reviews gathered from consumers of lean nation and feed me.

3. Industry Domain/Macro Level: Industry Attractiveness:

To look at how attractive the industry is on a macro level, we are going to use Porter's Five
Forces to assess which factors affect the profitability of the industry.

Bargaining power of suppliers:

Suppliers with strong bargaining power might sell higher-priced or lower-quality raw materials
to their customers. This has a direct impact on the revenues of purchasing enterprises since they
must pay more for materials.

Their power is low in our case as we can easily change suppliers as per our convenience.

Bargaining power of customers:

When buyers' bargaining power is strong, they can pressure industry producers to cut prices or
improve product quality. Lower prices result in lower profits for the company, but higher-quality
products typically result in greater production expenses. Manufacturer profit margins are reduced
in both circumstances.

In our case, it's actually a mix of low-medium since it depends on the heaviness of customization
an individual prefers to do for their meal plans. So, depending on the complexity of the order, we
may be able to charge lower or higher price.

Threat of new entrants: This force is especially dangerous when consumers can quickly locate
substitute products at lower prices or of higher quality, and when they can switch from one
product or service to another for little money.

There is an average threat to new entrants because we have targeted a very niche market and
thus, it may not be a viable option for new entrants to target this part of the industry.

Threat of substitute products:

This force influences how easy or difficult it is to break into a particular market’s sector. When a
business is profitable and there are little limitations to entry, competition grows quickly. Profits
begin to decline as more companies compete for the same market share.

There is a high threat if people prefer to do their own shopping at their own terms and mostly
prefer to cook their own meals.

Competitive rivalry:

This force is a major factor of an industry's competitiveness and profitability. Firms must fight
intensely for market share in a competitive industry, resulting in low earnings.

Even though rivalry is high if considered individually, we have an advantage since we are trying
to bring healthy food + immunity boosting supplements + fresh grocery in one spot to increase
customer convenience.

4. Industry Domain/Micro Level: Sustainable Advantage:

USP analysis- All round immunity boosting services under one roof; customized convenience
delivered to doorstep. We can sustain this advantage by adding more offerings related to
boosting immunity and health. We have plans to add vaccination services for overall immunity
and also for deadly viruses like COVID-19, under our service in future.

Level of ease of duplication- Low-Medium ease of duplication. It won’t be very easy for
competitors to duplicate our products, offerings and services. We have contact with certified
foreign nutritionists who are willing to work with me for a minimum rate, which will ensure we
can provide cheaper consultation services. We also have easier access to Italian importers, which
is where I will source our supplement and groceries from. Our family owns a shipping company
so we won’t have to worry about paying high shipping charges as well.

5. Team Domain: Mission, Aspirations, Propensity for Risk:

High commitment from our side, our family, relatives and friends along with chefs, nutritionists
and our suppliers.

We want to start this venture because we want to exploit the advantages and opportunities that
we currently have, to be able to bring a fresh concept to the industry. We have forever been
passionate about the food industry and we figured that getting into the food industry with the
promise of health and wellness will be a great boost to our self- esteem. Besides, seeing the
current situation where everyone is losing their near and dear ones due to low immunity and
unhealthy lifestyle, we wanted to be a part of the change that we wish to see in the food industry
in future. Our whole team is in agreement with our views and aspirations and we are all ready to
handle the risks associated with this venture.

6.Ability to Execute on Critical Success Factors


 Preparing and delivering fresh, high-quality products

 Managing and delivering client queries and deliveries on time
 Simple cashless payment methods (bkash, bank) o Personalized service
 Keeping track of and properly following up with clients that have unique, specific
 On-demand delivery (Foodpanda, Pathao, Hungrynaki, in-house delivery)

Proper and timely communication between all departments will be key to meet Critical Success
Factors. Client satisfaction will lead to high benefits and enhance overall performance As we
will be dealing with a significantly niche market, we cannot allow any mess ups before or when
the final products reach customers because we cannot afford to lose even one client due to
production or delivery delays.


The team that we will assemble possesses high knowledge and has required skills to tackle the
operations and meet CSF’s. They also possess the right kind of attitude and energy that aligns
with mine.

7.Connectedness Up, Down and Across Value Chain

Due to personal and professional contacts, we have strong links with our vendors, chefs, and
nutritionists who will be joining our team. Furthermore, our family and friends are our largest
investors, and we have a great deal of faith in them. We'll be able to take advantage of this
opportunity quickly since we'll be able to charge less consulting costs and provide more
affordable programs. Furthermore, we will obtain our raw materials at the lowest cost possible in
comparison to our competitors, lowering our overall costs. We'd want to point out that we know
the owner of Lean Nation, which could be a problem for us at the start of our business. But, as
our Company matures, we will most likely be able to gain Lean Nation's trust by proving how
unique our initiatives are, and perhaps even making her our business partner to collaborate and
deliver greater products to market. Our start-up will focus on overall physical and emotional
wellbeing, where Lean Nation will simply focus on healthy eating. If we work together we might
have a better chance of improving Bangladesh's food economy .

Organizational Feasibility:

To identify the resources and capabilities that have potential for giving our business idea
sustainable competitive advantage, we are going to use VRIO frame work.

The convenience that our venture will provide is essential, but it is not uncommon. It's also
extremely imitable because it does not have any unique pattern. As a result, this business idea is
competitive in this sector. Though we believe that we can handle a temporary competitive edge
because of our key selling point is to achieve better immunity.

Because there is a chance that competitors may consider copying our business strategy and doing
something similar or even better than us in terms of immunity boosting when Our venture goes
live. However, we are able to maintain a competitive advantage in areas such as on-demand
foreign nutritionist/dietician consultation, low subscription fees and lower prices in general,
gourmet quality food service, and vast customization options as these features provide value, are
rare, and are difficult to imitate, and our organization is well structured around the planning,
policy making and budgeting.

Besides as we have some direct connections with international dietitians who are on board with
our startup and have agreed to collaborate on a low-fee basis. We will also be making the dishes
with two primary chefs, both of them are seasoned chefs who completed their training in
Malaysian three-star restaurants. We also manage to have a team of professional client
relationship managers and executives who will carry out the changes and keep ongoing
communication to ensure the most effective services possible.

Finally, we can claim that our company has more places where we can get a sustainable
competitive edge than areas where we cannot. If marketed right, the above-mentioned features
and resources can contribute to the success of our venture.

Section - 02
Risks and Challenges:

No matter how unique a business’s product or service is, each of them is bound to be faced with
some risks or unprecedented challenges while establishing it. The challenges that we have
observed while initiating the business idea in terms of industry, market, and team are listed

- The food industry is a highly competitive business sector in Bangladesh, especially Dhaka.
Various types of restaurants offering different cuisines are being introduced now and then.
Citizens are also very keen to try these new businesses which make these companies quite
popular in a short span of time. So, it will be quite difficult to penetrate the market with our
healthy meal plans.

-There are other trusted medical online services like - Prava Health who are offering doctor
consultancy and medication services. Such a service could be hard to compete with initially
considering our supplementation services. Customers might choose to prefer to take suggestions
from an established medical service rather than coming to us for customized meal plans.

-Even though we are trying to bring every age group of customers together under one roof, many
consumers out there still lack awareness about immunity and the importance of a healthy
immune system. Many prefer to wait for diseases or illnesses to occur to them before deciding to
do something about it and take the issue seriously. Even though some have serious chronic
diseases, they have a carefree attitude and do not even put a minimum effort to change their
eating habits. Others, especially the younger age group, simply tend to choose to have junk food
and take their health for granted. Hence, it will be a challenge for us to educate the current
market and influence them to give our products and services a chance. We will have to allocate a
high budget towards Instagram and Facebook influencers like fitness vloggers, doctors,
dieticians to promote our services and do some positive word-of-mouth marketing.

- We would need to keep a very low-profit margin initially to properly gain acceptance in the
market we are targeting.

- We would need to allocate proper budgeting techniques to advertising our services and market
the services tactfully. Advertising heavily on online platforms like Facebook and Instagram is
extremely necessary as people remain very active on these platforms nowadays. Also, promoting
our service by sending PRs to fashion influencers, makeup artists, etc. might bring fruitful results
as they have a huge number of followers on social media. However, we need to bear in mind the
huge amounts of costs that we would need to encounter and that is why we need to choose
specific influencers carefully.

-Our customer service team would need to be available 24/7 to ensure everyone trying to contact
us for emergencies can reach us on time. If our team is not available or delays responding to their
queries, there is a high chance that they would look for alternatives and shift to our rivals. Since
we are starting a new business and our customer base would remain small in the beginning, we
would not want to lose our clients and so we need to remain active, even though it might prove to
be a challenging task to do so.

- Our dieticians and in-house consultants need to be extremely careful while suggesting a meal
plan to our customers, especially to those who already possess any health issues. If by any

chance, they are provided with food items which are not suitable for them or are allergic to them,
it would create a negative impact on our business. We would fail to retain the existing customers
and capturing a new set of customers would also be difficult. Therefore, it is extremely important
to pay attention to the intricate details of individual clients.

Operational Plan:


Key Partners: Our key partners will be essential to the success of our business. We will need
the support of logistics companies in the form of strategic alliances to guarantee timely home
deliveries, similarly, our cooks and nutritionists will need to be fully supportive. We'd also need
to be connected to our raw material supplier because we'll need to prepare the meals fresh for our
customers. Not only that, but we'll need to make sure we have enough vitamins, elderberry
tablets, zinc tablets, and other supplements on hand for on-demand delivery. Finally, in order to
establish a positive brand image, we must invest in high-quality branded packaging, which Wrap
up BD can assist us. We also need to promote our idea through Facebook and Instagram as they
are the most popular social media platform nowadays. Collaboration with all of our key partners
may provide us with a competitive advantage in a highly competitive market, help us in
overcoming problems, and allow us to expand our target market in the future with the aid of
renowned names associated with our brand.

Key Activities: All of the actions we need to execute to ensure that we can achieve our value
propositions are included in our key activities. Custom meal plans, emergency services, fresh
groceries and supplement import more frequently than competitors, adding a unique list of
imported items that aren't widely available in Bangladesh, and nutritionist consultations on-
demand are just a few examples of this.

Key Resources: As our key partners offers value to the business, they are part of our key
resources. Our personal webpage, our employees including client relationship managers,
executives, and brand managers as well as our accounts and social media marketing manager, are
equally critical to the success of our project. . Because it is in their hands to preserve our services
to Bangladesh, our crew is our most valuable resource.

Value Proposition: If we can fully utilize the other 8 blocks of the business canvas, all of the
important success elements and the value proposition we outlined will provide us a persistent
competitive edge.

Customer Relationships: As this is a vital component of a business now a days, to achieve a

competitive advantage, we will have to recruit time or full - time workers who will be available
online at all hours of the day and night.

Channels: To promote this business idea so that people can accept it quickly, it needs to
promote it business both online and offline. The best channels for our venture would be online
media and websites.

Revenue streams: Placement is very important in this case otherwise the business won’t make
profit. Needs to choose correct and potential investors and sponsors.

Though with a low profit margin, we will be able to succeed through cooperation with key
partners as well as subscription and customization fees which we will charge from the customers.
Also, we can look into event sponsorships to get our brand's name out there. It will take longer
than usual, but we are confident that continuous attempts will allow us to overcome these
barriers along with selecting a specific market.

Marketing Plan:
Market Segmentation:
In order to segment the market, we needed to study the industry in which our business will
operate. Segmenting the market has manifested the needs of different groups of people and
clearly define their needs. To segment the market, we have conducted a thorough study of the
food industry in Bangladesh and decided to segment our market according to three types and
they are Geographic, Demographic and Psychographic.
i. Geographic Segmentation: Since our business is a Dhaka based business, we decided to
segment our market into North Dhaka and South Dhaka customers. North and South
Dhaka are run by two distinct city corporations and the people living in both the areas
have distinctive needs as well as culture.
ii. Demographic Segmentation: In this segment, at first, we have divided our market
according to different age groups. The age groups are 25-35 years, 35-45 years and 45+
years. The three different age groups represent the different stages of life and have
different eating habits. Then we have divided the market according to gender and the
two groups are male and female. Studies have shown that people usually have different
goals and define life differently according to their genders and this may reflect in their
eating habits. The next segment that we identified in our customer groups is the income
group. Keeping our prices in mind we decided to divide the market into three groups
according to income and they are middle class, higher middle class and rich households.

Depending on the level of income people may have a different food menu that they
wish to include in their regular diets. Because certain households are able to purchase
certain items while other people may not have the affordability to do so due to their low
income. Different groups in the demographic segment all of which have distinctive
needs and the potential to be our customers. But we shall target only a few groups from
these which will be explained in the “target market” part.
iii. Psychographic: In the psychographic segmentation we have decided to divide our
markets according to lifestyle. Here we have identified two groups of people with
different lifestyles. The first group contains people who are active and health conscious.
These are people who may or may not work in traditional 9 to 5 jobs but usually keep
themselves active during the day. They have a routine life and want to lead a healthy
lifestyle to achieve their personal goals. Their goals may include wanting to be
successful in their career or live a longer life to serve their family. The next group
identified includes people who may or may not be active but are not too much health
conscious. Sometimes they may not at all care about their health and may not live a
routine life. These are usually independent people who live according to their own
terms and do not have anybody dependent on them. They may have high career goals
but their main goals include living life to the fullest and that may sometimes lead to
them to having unhealthy eating habits. Their main goal is to enjoy life rather than living
a healthy life.

Target Market:
While it is true all of the groups identified above have the potential to be our customers
only a few of them are most likely to purchase our service more often. Therefore, it is
sensible to identify those groups and choose them as our target market so that all the
marketing activities can be designed according to those groups and rip profits from
them at the lowest cost.
i. From geographic segmentation we are going to target only North Dhaka
customers. Researches have proved that North Dhaka customers possess those
characteristics that we have identified in our target markets from the other two
segments. We are mainly going to serve the customers from Gulshan, Banani,
Uttara, Baridhara,etc. It is said mainly higher middle class to rich households of
Bangladesh live in these areas who are our target customers from the
demographic segment which shall be explained in the next part. Moreover, we
are renting our kitchen in Banani and therefore making deliveries to Banani and
all the nearby areas of North Dhaka will help to keep delivery costs low in the
initial stage of our business. The North Dhaka customers can be a hugely sized
market for us because the GDP of Bangladesh is increasing and therefore
people’s income is also increasing. As more people become rich in Bangladesh
they star settling down in the Northern part of Dhaka and mainly in areas such
as Gulshan or Banani.

ii. From age group of our demographic segment we are targeting the 35-45 years
and 45+ groups. People in these pages are vulnerable to many diseases. From
these ages people start becoming more health conscious and apply many
restrictions to their diets. Therefore, it is likely people from these ages are
going to be the largest number of our customer groups since our motto is
serving gourmet quality healthy food that increases immunity. Moreover,
people in these ages have to follow diets suggested by their doctors and
nutritionists which are mainly bland. Our food is going to be more appealing to
them because it is going to serve the same purpose of those diets by removing
blandness from food and serving gourmet quality food. These people can form
a huge market for us because due to economic growth, the living standard of
Bangladesh is improving. The health sector of Bangladesh has shown significant
improvements which have led to the changing demographics of Bangladesh
thus increasing the number of people in the older age groups. From the gender
group we are targeting mainly the females since studies have shown in
Bangladesh women are more health conscious in than men. The modeling
industry of Bangladesh contains many models falling under the above age
group who want to maintain a healthy and slim body for their careers. In
Bangladesh it is a requirement for female models to appear more attractive by
being fit and slim. Due to the changing culture in Dhaka city more women are
becoming career ambitious because they want to be independent. Such women
are our target customers due to the hectic lifestyle they live which is explained
in the next part. Therefore, we can say our market can be huge enough to be
profitable. From the income group we have targeted mainly the higher middle
class to rich household people keeping our prices in mind. The prices of our
weekly subscribers are TK 7499 (additional 399 customization fee) and the
prices of our monthly subscribers are TK 32420(additional 499 customization
fee). People should be able to earn more than TK 1lakh in order to pay such
high amounts in a weekly and monthly basis. Therefore, only the higher middle
class and rich households will be able to afford our services and we are
targeting them. This group also makes our market huge enough due to the
rising GDP of Bangladesh which is increasing the income of these households.
iii. From the two groups of psychographic segments we have targeted the group
that stays more active and are more health conscious. This is because these
people have a certain goal in life that they want to achieve and achieving these
goals may include having a healthy and fit body. As mentioned before these are
people who are very active and may or may not be doing a corporate job. For
example, a lady who works in a corporate firm may have a really busy and
hectic schedule. On a regular basis she may have to handle clients, organize
meetings with investors, sign important deals and perform many other
multitasks. With such a hectic lifestyle it may not be possible for her to cook her

own meals. She may most of the time have to depend on food from the office
canteen which is very unhealthy. Such unhealthy food can increase her
vulnerability to diseases and reduce her productivity which may hamper her
high career goals. Our business would be the best solution for such people since
our main motto is increasing immunity and reduce the susceptibility to diseases
with gourmet quality healthy food. These people can also form a huge market
for us because with the advent of social media and increasing globalization
people’s mentality in Dhaka are changing. The Bengali people of Dhaka no
longer want to lead a lazy life listening to poetries all day in the comforts of
their home. People now want to achieve something greater in life and make
themselves a valuable resource for the country and such a type of people are
increasing day by day in Dhaka

Positioning strategy:
With our tagline “Prevention is inexpensive than cure” we are already
positioning ourselves as a brand that sells food aimed to boost the immunity of
people and thus, we differentiate ourselves from all the traditional restaurants
of Bangladesh. However, the added features of our business help to
differentiate our business more with competitors who are selling similar types
of immunity boosting food items. We not only sell immunity boosting meals we
also focus on the overall mental and physical well-being of our customers,
customizing the healthy meals according to the customers’ requirements and
selling healthy food that is of gourmet quality and not bland like the traditional
healthy meals. With this tagline and with the added features we are positioning
ourselves a brand that solely focuses on the “well-being” of our customers. This
is because our meaning of “well-being” does not only include physical “well-
being” it also includes a happy customer whose life has not becoming boring
due to the restrictions of diets imposed on them. Many of the competitors who
are selling healthy immunity boosting meals fail to make the food interesting or
tasty. This causes dissatisfaction in the lives of many customers as for a lot of
people food is an important source of happiness in their daily boring and hectic
life. If these people are made to sacrifice all the tasty food and are forced to eat
bland food for the sake of maintaining a healthy life, they will very soon lose
motivation and revert to living an unhealthy life which will be bad for them in
the long run. But our business aims to boost immunity by keeping people on
track of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and stop them from losing motivation.
With our meals no “cheat-day” exists in the lives of our health-conscious
customers because we are replacing those unhealthy tasty foods with a better-
quality tasty food that boosts immunity. Moreover, we have customization
meal plan options that not only focuses on the physical needs of a customer but
also their personal preferences of making certain food item “tasty”. Ultimately

our business positions itself as business that focuses on the overall mental and
physical well-being and happiness of the customers.

Figure: Position of Immunity+ compared to the Competitors

To form the above explained position in the minds of our customers we have undertaken a
number of promotional activities listed and explained below:
i. Tri-Fold Leaflets: In the first quarter of our business we are planning to distribute trifold
leaflets to places where our target customers are found. In the tri fold leaflet, we will be
able to list all the unique features of our business and explain to the customers what we
aim to provide. We can list in details what physical problems our healthy meals are
capable of solving and how we will provide that “gourmet” quality in those healthy
meals and remove blandness. A written form of information is a very good way of
making customers remember that information for a long time. A leaflet allows the
written form of information to be explained in details which will ensure the business is
positioned the way we want in the minds of the customers. Because we will be able to
explain all the features of our meal. Also, in the first quarter of our business, positioning
using leaflet will be a good option because it is cheap. This strategy will cost TK 25000
because the cost of printing each leaflet is TK 3 and we are planning to print 5000
leaflets which brings the total to TK 25000. In addition, we will hire a graphics designer
to design the leaflets who will charge TK 10000 which brings the total to TK 25000.

ii. Facebook advertisements: We are also aiming to position our business through
Facebook advertisements in the last three quarters of our first year. We have partnered
with Facebook where Facebook will show our advertisements in the timelines of all our
relevant groups of customers. We will have two types of Facebook advertisements. One
is video advertisement which will be shown right before a customer plays any video on
Facebook. These video advertisements will have a story where we will show characters
similar to our target market and whose lives have become boring due to the restrictions
imposed by their dieticians. Then they found out about our business and their problem
of not being able to eat tasty food due to diet restrictions is solved. Through this story
we will tell how we will make our customers’ lives less boring by serving them food that
will boost immunity and that will not be bland. Moreover we will also have image
carousel advertisements popping in the newsfeed of our customers. In these
advertisements we will again highlight our tag line ““Prevention is inexpensive than
cure” and also highlight the “gourmet’ quality features of our meals that will help to
position the business in the right way. Moreover these advertisements will be promoted
more in groups or after searches that focuses on “immunity boosting tasty food”. For
example the customer searches “immunity boosting tasty food” in Facebook and after a
few minutes of searching this, Facebook will be showing our advertisements in their
newsfeed. This will indirectly communicate the message to the customers what our
business actually aims to serve. Facebook will charge $ 0.35 per click in those
advertisements and we are expecting at least 2000 clicks in those three quarters. This
means we will have to spend on an average TK 24820 per quarter behind this strategy.
iii. Trade Fare Stall: We are also planning to put a small stall of about 64 square feet in the
upcoming Dhaka International Trade Fare in the second quarter of our business year.
Trade fare is the best way to position our business in the minds of our customers
because we will be able to demonstrate all our “gourmet” quality healthy food to the
customers. Our marketing team agent will be present there and some of our best quality
healthy food which we believe to be the most appealing to the taste buds of our
customers will also be present in the stall. Our marketing agent will be explaining the
benefits of all those meal packages and giving free samples to the customers to taste for
once. In this way the customers will understand the main aim of our business and will
also get proof if our meals actually taste better or not. This strategy will cost about TK
iv. Influencer and Food Bloggers: In the last two quarters of our business we are planning
to promote our business through Instagram influencers and food bloggers. Instagram
influencers can easily influence the opinions of their followers because they are highly
revered by their followers. By giving PR to the influencers followed by our target
customers we will ask the influencers to taste some of our healthy meals and give
reviews. Their reviews will help to form an image of our business in the minds of our
customers in such a way that will position the business the way we want. Instagram
influencers and food bloggers will try our food in their review and will point out

noticeable benefits in their physics that our meals will bring. Along with that the food
bloggers will be able to explain in details why our “healthy meals” are “tasty”. This will
prove to the customers that our immunity boosting meals are actually of gourmet
quality and position the business in the right way. For this we will spend TK 20000 per
quarter in the last two quarters of our business to pay for the PR of Influencers and

Our Total promotional Budget is TK 269460. The following table is breakdown of our
promotional budget:

Promotional Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4


A4 size Tri Fold TK 25000 0 0 0


Facebook 0 24820 24820 24820


Trade Fare Stall 0 130000 0 0

Influencers and 0 0 20000 20000


The 4Ps of marketing:

i. Product: Our core product includes the immunity boosting meals that we will sell. The
actual product includes the added features to those immunity boosting meals for
example the “gourmet” quality of those meals that will stop the meals from being bland
and boring and making it more interesting to the customers. We are also delivering the
meals in an attractive packaging that helps to keep the meals warm until it reaches the
homes of the customers. It also displays our business logo and in bold letters and the
along with the tagline that will help customers constantly remind the main function of
our meals.
ii. Price: The pricing of strategy has been decided to target a certain group of customers
and keeping in mind the positional strategy of our business. In order to emphasize on
the “gourmet” quality of our meals and make the customers think that it is not just
regular immunity boosting meal and rather is of high quality with features that will give
the taste buds of the customers interesting flavors to taste, the pricing has been kept a
bit on the higher side. Our weekly subscribers will pay TK 7499 (additional 399
customization fee) and monthly subscribers will pay TK 32420(additional 499

customization fee). This pricing is in line with other gourmet quality foods sold by the
restaurants of Bangladesh and attracts the higher income group of Bangladesh.
iii. Place: We will be delivering the meals directly from our kitchen according to the
online order placed by our customers through our website. Our kitchen is based in
Banani and we will not sell through any physical shop or store.
iv. Promotion: The above mentioned promotional strategies for positioning the
business will also be our main promotional strategy. Tri fold leaflets, Facebook
advertisements, Trade Fare Stall and reviews through influencers and food bloggers will
not only position the business but will create awareness among people in such a way
that they are bound to remember our business for a longer time. Among these reviews
through Instagram Influencers and Food bloggers will help to create a buzz that might
make our business the current trend of Dhaka city. In all these strategies the features of
our products will be thoroughly explained to our customers and our busies may become
a very well known name.

Competitive Profile Matrix

CSFs Weigh immunity+ Lean Nation Olympus

t BD Dhaka
Calorie/Macronutrient counting 0.10 3 0.75 3 0.75 3 0.75

Customization Option 0.20 3 0.90 1 0.00 1 0.00

Subscription Module 0.30 4 0.80 4 0.80 3 0.80

Marketing 0.20 3 0.65 4 0.80 3 0.80

International/Restaurant Quality 0.20 4 0.90 2 0.40 4 0.90


Total 1.00 4.00 2.75 3.25

[Notes: The rating values are as follows: 1- major weakness, 2= minor weakness, 3= minor
strength and 4= major strength]

From the above CPM we can say that immunity+ could be the worthiest competitor if we
consider our direct competitors - Lean Nation BD and Olympus; where Lean Nation is the
weakest competitor.

Section – 03
Financial Forecasting:
Capacity for the first year: 1200 customers; On average the team has the capacity to serve 45
clients per month, as the business focuses most on customization and subscription-based

Fixed costs-
Kitchen rent: 50k for 2021

Website domain fee: 7k (2021) for the first month only

Buying and making the website will require a developer. Hence this figure shows the web
developer and domain fees.
Kitchen equipment maintenance fee: 10k (per year)
A maintenance fee of 10k will be charged per year for as long as I use rented cooking space.
Delivery company subscription fee: 6k per month (2021); third party delivery company
Hopper will charge a subscription fee for their service.

Variable costs-
Raw materials: 160k (2021) considering fresh groceries are bought 2x every week and
restocks are done to keep inventory full for subscribers.
Custom duty tax: 13k per month (2021)
Imported raw materials will require a custom charge at the airport and this figure assumes the
highest possible charges that may be needed
Chef's salaries: 53k per month (2021), two chefs
Marketing team fees: 5k*5 months/year (2021); occasionally hiring contractual marketers and
Influencer marketing fees: 40k (2021),
Fitness influencers and lifestyle influencers on Instagram will be sent PR to increase social
media engagement, exposure and boost sales.
Client Relationship Manager salary: 20k per month (2021)1 CRM will be promoted on a
yearly basis to bridge the gap between kitchen, operations and clients.
Brand Manager salary: 20k per month;

Brand manager will support CRM to carry out all operations smoothly and will have
responsibilities similar to HR manager and Social media manager.
Kitchen supervisor salaries: 12k per month (2021),one supervisor.

Commissions: 4220 (2021),

delivery company commission is on average 360 tk per month, considering they take 10% of
total sales
In-house delivery person salary: 10k per month (2021)
In-house delivery personnel will be kept on salary basis and most deliveries will be done by him
so that it's more cost efficient and so we can avoid paying commissions to third party delivery
Packaging costs: 7k per 5 months (2021) Packaging such as sustainable food boxes, delivery
bags, logo stickers etc. will be required to be rebought every 5 months.

Selling price per unit-

Meal plan subscriptions (weekly)
2021: 7499 (price BDT per subscription)

The base charge for a healthy meal plan subscription is mentioned above. Along with this, a
customization fee of 399 BDT will be applicable for everyone choosing to customize meal plans
fully according to their needs.
Meal plan subscriptions (monthly)
2021: 32,420 (price BDT per subscription)

The base charge for a healthy meal plan subscription is mentioned above. Along with this, a
customization fee of 499 BDT will be applicable for everyone choosing to customize meal plans
fully according to their needs.

Supplement buddy package

2021: 2000(price BDT per supplement package)

Starting off the price will be 688 tk per package but we would need to decrease the price to
capture the market for this product eventually.

Profit objective:
2021 :430180 (30 weekly subscribers per month) + 1,945,200 (10 monthly subscribers) +33,024
(supplement buddy) = 4,677,864

Considering a profit margin of 50% per weekly subscription sales and an average of 30 weekly
subscribers per month (taking at least 2 weeks’ worth of subscription) and considering 50%
profit margin per monthly subscription sales and an average of 10 monthly subscribers per
month. Additionally, considering 20% profit margin per supplement buddy sales and at least 20
sales per month.

Forecasted sales unit:

2021: 20 supplement buddy package sales per month*12 = 240 units + 40 weekly monthly
clients per month*12 = 480 units; Total 720 units

Operating profit = Net profit because we do not have any taxes or interest costs

Assumption Sheets:

Proforma Income statements:

Ratio Analysis:
Financial Ratios

Ratios Formula Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4

Gross Profit
(Gross Profit/Sales)*100% 73.47% 73.79% 73.51% 73.51%

Operating Profit (Operating

-28.71% -32.19% -29.53% -29.53%
Margin Profit/Sales)*100%
Net Profit
(Net Profit/Sales)*100% -28.71% -32.19% -29.53% -29.53%
Markup (Gross Profit/
276.88% 281.52% 277.44% 277.44%
Percentage COGS)*100%

Gross Profit Margin- Gross Profit Margin is the percentage of revenue that a company can
generate into profit. This ratio assesses the efficiency of a company to generate profit from sales
of their product or services. However, it does not provide a full picture of a company’s
profitability as the operating and direct expenses are not included. The benchmark for a good

gross profit margin varies from one industry to another. Typically, a 20% margin is said to be
high enough. The above table shows that the estimated gross profit margin for our company
remains between 73-74% in the first year. This reflects that the company is in a good position
and indicates that the company has enough cash to pay off its indirect expenses

Operating Profit Margin- The Operating Profit margin reveals how much profit a company
makes after paying for its variable expenses. It also shows how efficient a company is in
managing its expenses. Generally, higher operating profit margins are better than lower margins.
For most businesses, an operating margin higher than 15% is good enough. From the table we
can find that our company’s profit margin is quite good, reaching the highest of 33% in the
second quarter. This proves that our company is efficient enough to handle the expenses
associated with our business.

Net Profit Margin- Net profit margin measures how much net income is generated as a
percentage of revenues received. Net profit margin helps investors assess if a company's
management is generating enough profit from its sales and whether they can handle and cover
their costs well enough to maintain profit amounts. Thus, a higher net profit margin is desirable
as it proves a business’s ability to generate actual profits from their sales. Again, any value
greater than 20% is considered as a good profit margin for the business. One aspect we need to
keep in mind is that the calculations show us that both the operating profit margin and the net
profit margin are the same. Usually, the values turn out to be different for these two ratios, but
for our company it came out to be the same as we did not have any tax or interest expenses as of
the first year. We are presuming that the values of these two ratios will differ gradually after our
business operates successfully in the future.

Markup Percentage Ratio- In simple words, markup is the difference between the selling price
and the cost of goods sold for that good. Many companies use markup to set the price of the
goods. Again, a higher markup is desirable. Usually, most companies tend to charge 50%
markup on their products just to be on the safe side. Even though a percentage value cannot
exceed the limit of 100%, it varies distinctly in the case of markup percentage. The calculate
value can exceed the limit of 100%, for instance it can even be 1000%

Our percentage of markup turns out within the range of 276 to 281 percent. This means we are
charging a price which is approximately 270- 280 percent higher than our costs of the service. If
we can keep our business going at such a markup rate, the profit generated would be huge.

Break Even point Analysis:

2021 2021
Price per unit 82736 Price per unit 82736
Units sold 34.30271 Units sold 39.87779
Total Revenue 2838069 Total Revenue 3299329

Total Fixed cost 2646860 Total Fixed cost 2646860

Total Variable cost per unit 5574.16 Total Variable cost per unit 5574.16
Total Cost 2838069 Total Cost 2869145

Profit 0 Profit 430184

Quarter 1 Quarter 1
Price per unit 82736 Price per unit 82736
Units sold 7.65283 Units sold 8.974968
Total Revenue 633164.5 Total Revenue 742553

Total Fixed cost 622500 Total Fixed cost 622500

Total Variable cost per unit 1393.54 Total Variable cost per unit 1393.54
Total Cost 633164.5 Total Cost 635007

Profit 0 Profit 107546

Quarter 2 Quarter 2
Price per unit 82736 Price per unit 82736
Units sold 9.197165 Units sold 10.5193
Total Revenue 760936.6 Total Revenue 870325.1

Total Fixed cost 748120 Total Fixed cost 748120

Total Variable cost per unit 1393.54 Total Variable cost per unit 1393.54
Total Cost 760936.6 Total Cost 762779.1

Profit 0 Profit 107546

Quarter 3 Quarter 3
Price per unit 82736 Price per unit 82736
Units sold 7.844857 Units sold 9.166996
Total Revenue 649052.1 Total Revenue 758440.6

Total Fixed cost 638120 Total Fixed cost 638120

Total Variable cost per unit 1393.54 Total Variable cost per unit 1393.54
Total Cost 649052.1 Total Cost 650894.6

Profit 0 Profit 107546

Quarter 4 Quarter 4
Price per unit 82736 Price per unit 82736
Units sold 7.844857 Units sold 9.166996
Total Revenue 649052.1 Total Revenue 758440.6

Total Fixed cost 638120 Total Fixed cost 638120

Total Variable cost per unit 1393.54 Total Variable cost per unit 1393.54
Total Cost 649052.1 Total Cost 650894.6

Profit 0 Profit 107546

Sources of Funding:

Funding is an essential element of starting a business since it allows anyone to run the business.
Without any funding, a business can’t start its journey. It will be quite tough to conduct a
business without sufficient resources and as a result it’s a must to secure a good amount of funds
before starting the business. But collecting funding for a new startup idea is extremely
challenging as investors are unaware of the company's future growth or success. There are a
variety of methods from which a business might obtain finances for their company but in our
case, we have only two sources of funding.

1. Personal Fund

To start the business, during the first investment, the owner will invest around BDT 1, 00,000 as
this is a new business idea and we will need some cash initially to undertake some tasks such as
advertisements, website development, and production cost etc. If we don’t have a fund, we won't
be able to start the companies activates and since it’s a new start up, we may face difficulties to
find any investors at the very first place.

2. Funds from family & Friends

As the owner of the business idea is a student herself, she doesn’t have a huge amount of capital.
As a result, to increase our fund, what we can do is we will collect a fund approximate of

BDT 4, 00,000. This fund will help to buy raw material in mass amount as we as will help to
improve the packaging along with other stuffs.

Sensitivity Analysis:

Scenario 1 (Best Case):
Forecasted Period
Details Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Selling Unit 85000 86000 88000 90000
Price 120 140 125 120
COGS (% of Revenue) 20% 20% 20% 20%
Salary 300000 300000 300000 300000
Rent 100000.00 100000.00 100000.00 100000.00
Promotional cost 15000 100000 500000 35000
Tax rate 2% 2% 2% 2%

Scenario 2 (Worst Case):

Forecasted Period
Details Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Selling Unit 70000 75000 76000 74000
Price 100 120 95 98
COGS (% of Revenue) 30% 30% 30% 30%
Salary 400000 400000 400000 400000
Rent 200000 200000 200000 200000
Promotional cost 35000 200000 700000 55000
Tax rate 5% 5% 5% 5%

Scenario Summary for Q1

Worst case
Current Values: Best case scenario Scenario
Changing Cells:
Selling Unit 82736 85000 70000
Price 115 120 100
COGS 27% 20% 30%
Packaging Cost 1% 1% 2%
Salary 345000 300000 400000
Rent 150000 100000 200000
Promotional Cost 25000 15000 35000
Tax 3% 2% 5%
Result Cells:
Total Cost 3171364 2557000 2875000
Net profit 6152977 7490140 3918750
Revenue 9514640 10200000 7000000

Scenario Summary for Q2
Current Values: Best Case Worst Case

Changing Cells:

Selling Unit 82736 86000 75000

Price 132 140 120

COGS 26% 20% 30%

Packaging Cost 1% 1% 2%

Salary 345000 300000 400000

Rent 150000 100000 200000

Promotional Cost 154820 100000 200000

Tax 3% 2% 5%

Result Cells:

Revenue 10921152 12040000 9000000

Total cost 3656126 3028400 3680000

Net Profit 7047076 8831368 5054000

Scenario Summary for Q3

Current Values: Best Case Worst Case
Changing Cells:
Selling Unit 82736 88000 76000
Price 117 125 95
COGS 26% 20% 30%
Packaging Cost 1% 1% 2%
Salary 345000 300000 400000
Rent 150000 100000 200000
Promotional Cost 660140 500000 700000
Tax 3% 2% 5%
Result Cells:
Revenue 9680112 11000000 7220000
Total cost 3848628 3210000 3610400
Net Profit 5656539 7634200 3429120

Scenario Summary for Q4
Values: Best Case Worst Case
Changing Cells:
Selling Unit 82736 90000 74000
Price 117 120 98
COGS 26% 20% 30%
Packaging Cost 1% 1% 2%
Salary 345000 300000 400000
Rent 150000 100000 200000
Promotional Cost 44820 35000 55000
Tax 3% 2% 5%
Result Cells:
Revenue 7252000
Total cost 2975640
Net Profit 4062542

Section - 04
Future Strategies for Start-up Growth:
After starting the business startup owners must include steps to retain the business and build
considerable strategies to keep up the growth. ‘Immunity+’ can involve multiple strategies
through market penetration, expansion and product/service development to secure its growth in
the future.

 Building an open social media platform: We have to let people know about the
importance of diet for achieving the goal of a healthy and happy life. In that case, for the
sake of betterment for the people, we can open a platform such as a Facebook group or
page from where we can keep posting about the importance of diet and how they could be
benefited from our business. We can also arrange virtual seminars to let people know
how worthy our service is. Constantly making people aware about the diet and
immunity’s importance and how our company will help them to achieve the goal they’re
seeking might be a great strategy to grow our business.
 Digital marketing: Spending on the digital market can also bring us the attention we’re
looking for as well. According to one marketing data, digital marketing can speed up the
sales 12%-15% for a business, digital marketing can reach those potential customers who
were not reachable through other modes of marketing.
 Partnership: Partnership with different gyms could be a great option for us to expand
our current business. Also, in that way we can get a pool of right and sophisticated
consumers as people who go to gym, they are likely to be more conscious about diet and
will be interested about our service.
 Corporate collaboration: Collaborating with different corporate offices might be a
strategy for Immunity+ to grow its customer base since often office going people fail to
manage a healthy meal plan for them which is solely customized for them.
 Arranging Seminar: We can target universities where we’ll be arranging seminars from
where students can easily know about our service since the millennium these days. They
are cautious about the food they intake and fond of easy meal solutions for hectic
 Expanding service area: Initially we’ll be able to cover some parts of Dhaka city but
later on we can provide our service in other areas as well for more growth.
 Targeting new clients: In future we can come up with new meal plans which can be
specialized for new mothers and elderly people.
 Promotional Offer, discount: Giving discount to new subscribers and providing
different discounts for previous clients can also help the business grow passively.

KPIs For Immunity Plus’s Performance Tracking:

Month Month Month Month

Information For KPI 1 2 3 4

Total subscriber (with

customization) 42 41 44 50

Monthly Subscription Fee (with
customization) 32920 32920 32920 32920

Weekly subscription fee (with

customization) 8000 8000 8000 8000

Total Lead 2000 2000 2100 2200

Total order 70 75 80 90

Cancellation 5 4 2 1

Monthly subscriber Weekly subscriber

1 12 25

2 13 28

3 14 30

4 15 35

Months Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4

Conversion rate 4% 4% 4% 4%

MRR (for monthly
subscriber) 395040 427960 460880 493800

MRR (for weekly subscriber) 857150 960008 1028580 1200010

Total MRR 1252190 8 1489460 1693810

ARPU 29814 33853 33851 33876

CCR 12% 10% 5% 2%

months calculation for CLV 8 10 22 50

CLV 250438 346992 744730 1693810

In the above, we have shown five types of KPI, we think these KPI will be essential for tracking
our business’s progression. First one is the conversion rate. Conversion rate is when a number of
customers is turning into paying customers. For our business, at 1 month, the rate of potential

customers paying customers is 4% and it remains the same for the next months which indicates
we need to take measurable action to increase the conversion rate in the near future.

Secondly in our business there are five different plans with the option for customizing meal plan
for individual and the amount we are charging for each plan is also different that’s why for
calculating the KPI we’ve chose two plans which are likely to be more popular one is monthly
subscription with customization which is BDT 32,920 and weekly subscription which is BDT
8000 .Later for calculating MRR the weekly plans are converted to see how one weekly
subscriber is paying on a monthly basis. The MRR growth is shown through a graph below:

Thirdly we’ve calculated the ARPU (Average revenue per user) to see whether the average
revenue is increasing for each consumer, for the first month it was 29,814 which is seen to be
gradually increasing for the next few months and later on this figure will direct us to calculate
the CLV.

Lastly, the calculated CLVs are helping us to determine our marketing goals and also help us to
understand the financial return on investment for each customer so that we can make decisions

Protection of Intellectual property:

By referring to the term intellectual property, we understand those elements which are going to
make distinctive traits among other existing businesses and upcoming businesses. Also these
elements give a unique recognition and identity among all. In our cases we’re considering our
company name, the logo we use, the tagline and most importantly our recipes/menu for preparing
meals that fall under our intellectual property. Failing to Protect all these properties can lead our
business to a vulnerable situation which can eventually lose the value and the chances for
succession of our business in the long run.

Steps will be taken to protect the company’s i) Name, ii) Logo and iii) Recipes/menu:

· Including a patent for the recipe and menu for the meal, it can exclude any other company to
duplicate our exact menu. We will get a patent order under the Patent and design act,1911 for
avoiding any unwanted circumstance.

· On the other hand, to protect our ‘name and logo’ we can register for Trademark as well to
protect and keep our identity distinct from others as a trademark can protect our name and logo
from stealing and using.

Apart from taking legal action such as trademarking company and applying for patent we can
take effective protection within our business, as not only name, logo, menu can be copied the
whole idea could be copied by others if enough protection within the organization are not
created, in that contrary we will make our employee sign a confidentiality agreement so that we
can hold onto them if needed.

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