Vibrationofdelaminatedcomposites Areview

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Vibration of Delaminated

Christian N. Della Composite Laminates: A Review

Dongwei Shu Fiber reinforced composite laminates are increasingly replacing traditional metallic ma-
e-mail: terials. The manufacturing process and service of the composite laminates frequently lead
to delamination. Vibration analysis is an integral part of most engineering structures. In
School of Mechanical and Aerospace the present article we provide a relevant survey on the various analytical models and
Engineering, numerical analyses for the free vibration of delaminated composites. A basic understand-
Nanyang Technological University, ing of the influence of the delamination on the natural frequencies and the mode shapes
50 Nanyang Avenue, of composite laminates is presented. In addition, other factors affecting the vibration of
Singapore 639798 the delaminated composites are discussed. Particular attention is given to composite
laminates having piezoelectric sensors and actuators, and ones subjected to axial
loadings. 关DOI: 10.1115/1.2375141兴

1 Introduction nates, while not included in the present article, provide the theo-
retical foundations upon which much later works on delamination
Fiber-reinforced composite laminates are increasingly being
vibration have been based. For a fuller perspective, the reader is
used in the construction of aerospace, mechanical, civil, marine,
referred to Kapania and Raciti 关8,9兴, Noor and Burton 关10,11兴,
automotive, and other high performance structures due to their
Reddy and Robbins 关12兴, Reddy 关13兴, Ghugal and Shimpi 关14兴,
high specific stiffness and strength, excellent fatigue resistance,
and Carrera 关15兴.
longer durability as compared to metallic structures, and their
The scope of the present article on delamination vibration com-
ability to be tailored for specific applications. Delamination, prises three parts: 共a兲 composite laminates; 共b兲 composite lami-
which is a debonding or separation between individual plies of the nates with piezoelectric sensors and actuators; and 共c兲 composite
laminate, frequently occurs in composite laminates. Delamina- laminates under axial loading. The discussion is kept on a descrip-
tions may arise during manufacturing 共e.g., incomplete wetting, tive level and for all the mathematical details the reader is referred
air entrapment兲 or during service 共e.g., low velocity impact, bird to the cited literature. Only the works in the English language are
strikes兲. They may not be visible or barely visible on the surface, reviewed in the present article.
since they are embedded within the composite structures. How-
ever, the presence of delaminations may significantly reduce the
stiffness and strength of the structures 关1,2兴 and may affect some 2 Vibration of Delaminated Composite Laminates
design parameters such as the vibration characteristics of the A considerable amount of analytical models and numerical
structure 共e.g., natural frequency and mode shape兲. Delaminations analyses have been reported for the vibration analysis of compos-
reduce the natural frequency, as a direct result of the reduction of ite laminates with delaminations. The majority of the available
stiffness, which may cause resonance if the reduced frequency is methods can be categorized into two classes.
close to the working frequency. It is therefore important to under-
stand the performance of delaminated composites in a dynamic • Region approach: the delaminated laminate is divided into
environment. sublaminates or segments and the continuity conditions are
Damage detection/structural health monitoring problems are imposed at the delamination junctions. Each of these sub-
also considered in the frameworks of vibration analysis. The use laminates is analyzed using the equivalent single layer
of the vibration characteristics is potentially an attractive form for 共ESL兲 theories 共see Refs. 关10–14兴兲.
on-line damage detection 关3兴. Comprehensive reviews on • Layerwise models: the laminate is modeled using the layer-
vibration-based damage detection methods have been presented wise theories, which are based on piecewise, layer-by-layer
by Zou et al. 关3兴 on the model-dependent delamination identifica- approximations of the response quantities in the thickness
tion methods for composite structures, Salawu 关4兴 on the natural direction 关11兴. The layerwise theories are subdivided into
frequency dependent damage-detection methods, and Doebling et two classes, the full layerwise theories and the partial layer-
al. 关5,6兴 and Sohn et al. 关7兴 on general vibration-based damage wise theories 共see Refs. 关12,13兴兲. The delamination can be
detection methods. modeled as an embedded layer or by introducing disconti-
In the present article we aim to: nuity functions in the displacement fields.

共1兲 review and classify the available mathematical models for 2.1 Region Approach—One-Dimensional Models. To illus-
the vibration of delaminated composite laminates. The dif- trate the approach for this group of methods, consider a beam with
ferent models are classified according to the fundamental a single through-width delamination, as shown in Fig. 1. The
assumptions and theories used. delaminated beam is divided into three spanwise regions: a
共2兲 compare the results of the different models, and whenever delamination region and two integral regions 共undelaminated兲.
possible, with experimental data. The delamination region is composed of two separate beam seg-
共3兲 provide a basic understanding of the influence of the ments 共delaminated layers兲, which are joined at their ends to the
delamination on the natural frequencies and mode shapes of integral beam segments. The delaminated beam can now be ana-
the composite laminates. In addition, other factors affecting lyzed as four interconnected beams. The equations of motion are
the vibration of delaminated laminates are discussed. formulated for each of the beam segments. By imposing appropri-
ate boundary conditions at the ends of the two integral beam seg-
Many theories and computational models for composite lami- ments and continuity conditions at the delamination junctions, the
vibration response of the beam can be obtained.
Since the delamination region is considered as two separate
Transmitted by Assoc. Editor Y. Narita. beam segments, there is a shift in the neutral axis of these seg-

Applied Mechanics Reviews Copyright © 2007 by ASME JANUARY 2007, Vol. 60 / 1

Fig. 1 Modeling of a beam with a single through-width delami-
nation „from Mujumdar and Suryanarayan †19‡, reprinted with
permission from Elsevier…

ments with respect to the reference axis of the integral beam seg- Fig. 3 Modeling of the delamination region for the “con-
ment. This gives rise to the coupling between the axial and flex- strained mode”: „a… deformation in the “constrained mode”; „b…
ural vibrations. Therefore, apart from the continuity conditions of contact pressure between the layers of the delamination region
transverse displacements, slopes, bending moments, and shear „from Mujumdar and Suryanarayan †19‡, reprinted with permis-
sion from Elsevier…
forces at the delamination junctions, two additional conditions, the
continuity of axial forces and displacements need to be satisfied
共Fig. 2兲. The continuity condition of axial displacement, which
produces the differential stretching of the delaminated layers, con- al. 关17兴. They modeled the beam with a through-width delamina-
tributes substantially to flexural stiffness of the delaminated beam. tion by using four Timoshenko beams. The coupling effect be-
In a review on the stiffness controlled behavior of composite tween the axial and transverse vibrations was neglected in their
laminates with delaminations presented by Mujumdar and Surya- analysis. The natural frequencies and mode shapes were then
narayan 关16兴, the earliest reported model for the vibration analysis solved by a boundary eigenvalue problem. Their results showed
of delaminated composite beams was presented by Ramkumar et that the predicted frequencies were consistently much lower than
the experimental results.
Wang et al. 关18兴 improved the model of Ramkumar et al. 关17兴
for an isotropic beam by including the effect of coupling between
the axial and transverse vibrations. The classical beam theory was
applied to each of the beams. They assumed that the delaminated
layers deformed “freely” without touching each other. This model
was referred to as the “free mode.” They found that for delami-
nated beams with a short and close to midplane delamination, the
natural frequencies were close to the experimental values. This
implied that the large discrepancy in the Ramkumar et al. model
was mainly due to the neglecting of the coupling effect.
Mujumdar and Suryanarayan 关19兴 showed that in the case of
off-midplane delaminations, the “free mode” model mode shapes
are physically inadmissible. This is because the delaminated lay-
ers were assumed to deform “freely” without touching each other,
and thus the delaminated layers will have different transverse de-
formation. To avoid this kind of incompatibility, they proposed a
model based on the assumption that the delaminated layers are
“constrained” and thus have identical transverse deformations. In
addition, the delaminated layers are assumed to be free to slide
over each other in the axial direction, except at their ends, which
are connected to the integral segments. This model was referred to
as the “constrained mode.” To “constrain” the delaminated layers,
an equal and opposite normal pressure acts on the lower surface of
the upper layer and upper surface of the lower delaminated layer
共Fig. 3兲.
Shu and Fan 关20兴 extended the “constrained mode” model for
bimaterial split beams. Their study focused on the influence of the
modulus ratio on the natural frequency of the delaminated beam.
Hu and Hwu 关21兴 extended the “constrained mode” model for
composite sandwich beams to include the transverse shear and
rotary inertia effects. They investigated the effects of the core,
Fig. 2 Deformation and stress components in the delamina-
faces and delamination on the natural frequencies of the beam,
tion region: „a… deformation and stresses with the layers free to and their corresponding mode shapes.
slide; „b… deformation and stresses when the compatibility of Tracy and Pardoen 关22兴 presented a similar “constrained mode”
axial displacement is satisfied „from Mujumdar and Surya- model to study the effect of delamination on the natural frequency
narayan †19‡, reprinted with permission from Elsevier… of a simply supported composite beam. Their model allows for

2 / Vol. 60, JANUARY 2007 Transactions of the ASME

independent axial and bending stiffnesses, and includes the effect
of contact between the delaminated layers. Experiments were per-
formed to verify their model.
Okafor et al. 关23兴 and Watkins et al. 关24兴 employed the Tracy
and Pardoen model for delamination prediction in composite
beams. A neural network based damage detection technique was
developed using the natural frequencies to predict the size and
location of the delamination. Further experiments were performed
to verify the analytical model and the accuracy of the damage
detection technique.
Valoor and Chandrashekhara 关25兴 extended the Tracy and Par-
doen model to include the effects of the transverse shear deforma-
tion and the rotary inertia. In addition, the Poisson effect was
included due to its significance in the analysis of angle-ply lami-
nated beams. The equations of motion were derived using Hamil-
ton’s principle. The natural frequencies obtained from the analyti-
cal model were used to train a backpropagation neural network to
predict the size and location of the delamination. Fig. 4 Deformation of section B between delamination and in-
The “constrained mode” model, however, failed to predict the tegral regions showing “rigid connector” and “soft connector”
opening in the mode shapes found in the experiments by Shen and „from Shu and Mai †38‡, reprinted with permission from
Grady 关26兴 and Lestari and Hanagud 关27兴. Shen and Grady 关26兴 Elsevier…
presented an analytical model based on the Timoshenko beam
theory and the cracked beam theory. Two solutions were pre-
sented; one uses the “constrained mode” assumption and includes ing the “constrained mode” assumption for delaminated honey-
the coupling effect between the axial and transverse vibrations, comb sandwich beams. The equations of motion for the delami-
and the other uses the “free mode” assumption but neglects the nated beam were derived by assuming that the shear strains in the
coupling effect. The equations of motion were derived through the faceplates and the longitudinal stresses in the core are negligible.
Hu-Washizu-Barr variational method to include the virtual work Experiments were performed on honeycomb sandwich beams
done by the inertial forces. The Galerkin procedure was used to with carbon/epoxy laminated composite faces and Nomex-aramid
determine the natural frequency and the Rayleigh-Ritz method honeycomb core to verify the validity of their model.
was used to determine the mode shape of the beam. The numerical Lee et al. 关35兴 presented an analytical solution by using the
results were verified using experimental data, which have been “free mode” assumption. The frequency equations of multiple
widely used as benchmark values by many researchers. delaminated beams were obtained by dividing the global delami-
In the investigations by Luo and Hanagud 关28–30兴, they used nated beam into beam segments and by imposing a recurrence
an analytical model based on the Timoshenko beam theory and relation from the continuity conditions on each sub-beam. These
piecewise-linear springs to simulate the “open” and “closed” be- continuity conditions were determined by assuming a constant
havior between the delaminated layers. The spring stiffness would curvature at the delamination junctions. The results of their ana-
then be equal to zero 共0兲 for the “free mode” and infinity 共⬁兲 for lytical model were verified using experimental and finite element
the “constrained mode.” They performed experiments to verify the results. Using similar assumptions, Park et al. 关36兴 presented an
results of the analytical model and proposed a neural network- analytical model using sequential operations for multiple concen-
based damage detection technique by using the dynamic response tric delaminations.
of the delaminated beam 关28兴. Shu 关37兴 presented analytical solutions to investigate the vibra-
Wang and Tong 关31兴 introduced a nonlinear anti- tion of sandwich beams with two delaminations at identical span-
interpenetration constraint model to prevent the overlapping of the wise locations 共double delaminations兲. Two assumptions were
delaminated layers during vibration. The Timoshenko beam considered, the contact mode, “free” and “constrained,” between
theory was used. The contact forces between the delaminated lay- the delaminated layers and the local deformation at the delamina-
ers were expressed as a function of the relative transverse dis- tion fronts. Shu and Mai 关38兴 investigated the local deformation
placements of the layers. Two types of functions were used, near the two fronts of delamination and identified the “rigid con-
namely, a linear spring function and a nonlinear Hertz-type func- nector” and the “soft connector” conditions 共Fig. 4兲. The cross
tion. The contact forces cause nonlinearity in the equations of section in a “rigid connector” remains perpendicular to the de-
motion, which were solved using the finite difference method. formed midplane of the beam, and thus takes account of the dif-
Luo et al. 关32兴 investigated the nonlinear vibration of composite ferential stretching between the delaminated beams. The cross-
beams with an arbitrary through the width delamination by using section of a “soft connector” remains perpendicular to the
the “free mode” assumption. Their analysis includes the effect of undeformed beam, and thus neglects the differential stretching.
the transverse shear deformation but neglects the effect of the Shu’s assumptions lead to four combinations, namely, the “rigid
rotary inertia. The equations of motion were discretized by the connector” and “constrained mode” 共RC兲, the “rigid connector”
Galerkin method using cubic B specimens as test functions. The and “free mode” 共RF兲, the “soft connector” and “constrained
natural frequency of the delaminated beam was obtained by using mode” 共SC兲, and the “soft connector” and “free mode” 共SF兲.
the incremental harmonic balance method. Other analytical solutions for composite beams with multiple
More than one delamination is usually present in composite delaminations were presented by Lestari and Hanagud 关27兴 based
laminates damaged by low velocity impact 关2兴. The available ana- on the piecewise-linear spring model 关28–30兴, and Shu and Della
lytical solutions on multiple delaminations were based on the 关39,40兴 and Della et al. 关41,42兴 based on the “free mode” and
Euler-Bernoulli beam theory. Wang et al. 关33兴 presented a model “constrained mode” assumptions.
for composite beams with multiple delaminations by using the 2.2 Region Approach—Finite Element Models
“constrained mode” assumption. Recurrence relations relating the
integrations constants between adjacent segments having a differ- 2.2.1 One-Dimensional Models. Nagesh Babu and Hanagud
ent number of delaminations were established by satisfying con- 关43兴 developed a finite element 共FE兲 model for composite beams
tinuity conditions at the delamination junctions. by using the classical laminate theory 共CLT兲 and the “free mode”
Kim and Hwang 关34兴 also presented an analytical solution us- assumption. The principle of minimum potential energy was used

Applied Mechanics Reviews JANUARY 2007, Vol. 60 / 3

Fig. 5 Delaminated beam modeled by beam finite elements
„from Zak et al. †48‡, with kind permission of Springer Science
and Business Media…

to derive the equations of motion, which was simplified to obtain

the standard eigenvalue equation. Two-noded elements with three
degrees of freedom were used. The continuity of the axial dis- Fig. 7 Schematic showing “penalty parameter/stiff spring”
placement, transverse displacement, slope, moment, and shear connections „from Campanelli and Engblom †52‡, reprinted
were satisfied at the delamination junction. with permission from Elsevier…
The following models employ the first-order shear deformation
theory 共FSDT兲.
Chakraborty et al. 关44兴 developed a model for asymmetric com-
posite beams by using the “free mode” assumption. Two nodes used in their analysis. Two-noded elements with three degrees of
and three degrees of freedom per node were used. Similar conti- freedom were used for the FSDT-based model, whereas two-
nuity conditions with the above mentioned model 关43兴 were used. noded elements with four degrees of freedom were used for the
Krawczuk et al. 关45–47兴 and Zak et al. 关48兴 used the “free TSDT-based model. For the TSDT-based model, the continuity of
mode” assumption in their studies. They used beam finite ele- the axial displacement, transverse displacement, slope, and rota-
ments with three nodes, and three degrees of freedom per node tion at the delamination junction were satisfied.
共Fig. 5兲. They relaxed the requirement of the continuity of the 2.2.2 Two-Dimensional Models—First-Order Shear Deforma-
moment and the transverse shear forces at the delamination junc- tion Theory. Campanelli and Engblom 关52兴 developed an FE
tions, thus only the continuity of the axial displacement, trans- model for laminated composite plates. The model uses eight-
verse displacement, and rotation were satisfied. The results of the noded shear deformable plate elements. Each node had six de-
FE model were verified with experiments data 关48兴. grees of freedom: three displacements and three rotations. The
Ju et al. 关49兴 presented a model for composite beams with mul- delamination region contains a stack of upper and lower elements
tiple delaminations 共Fig. 6兲. Three-noded, three degrees of free- whose interface was the location of the delamination. The upper
dom isoparametric beam elements were used to discretize the and lower elements were connected to the elements in the integral
delaminated beam. Their model includes the coupling effect be- region by using the penalty parameter approach, which is analo-
tween the axial and transverse vibrations due to the shifting of the gous to connecting the upper, lower, and middle nodes with very
midplane of the delaminated layers and the coupling effect be- stiff springs 共Fig. 7兲. Experiments were performed to verify the
tween the axial and bending stiffnesses due to nonsymmetric lami- validity of the FE model.
nate configuration of the delaminated layers. “Free mode” and Krawczuk et al. 关47兴 and Zak et al. 关48兴 used eight-noded plate
“constrained mode” analyses were presented. For the “free mode,” elements with five degrees of freedom per node 共Fig. 8兲. The
all the nodal degrees of freedom in the delamination region are continuity of the transverse displacement, axial displacements,
independent, except those at the connecting nodes at the delami- and rotations were satisfied at the delamination junctions. Their
nation junctions, whereas for the “constrained mode,” the trans- numerical results were verified with the experimental data 关48兴.
verse nodal deflections of the elements in the delamination region This model was extended by Ostachowicz and Kaczmarczyk 关53兴
are equal. for composite plates with embedded shape memory alloys that are
In the above models, the midplane of each of the sublaminates subjected to supersonic flow. Zak et al. 关54兴 improved the above
is chosen as the reference surface. Zhu et al. 关50兴 presented a mentioned model 关47,48兴 by including contact forces between the
reference surface element 共RSE兲 model where the reference sur- delaminated layers to satisfy the compatibility conditions between
face can be chosen at any position along the thickness of the
beam. Two-noded beam elements with three degrees of freedom
per node with additional three internal degrees of freedom were
used. Both the “free mode” and the “constrained mode” were
considered in their analysis.
Gummadi and Hanagud 关51兴 presented FE models based on the
FSDT and third-order shear deformation theory 共TSDT兲. The use
of the TSDT eliminates the use of the shear corrections factors,
which is important for FSDT. The “free mode” assumption was

Fig. 8 Delaminated plate modeled by finite elements „from

Fig. 6 A typical finite element mesh for a delaminated beam Krawczuk et al. †47‡, with kind permission of Springer Science
„from Ju et al. †49‡, reprinted with permission from Elsevier… and Business Media…

4 / Vol. 60, JANUARY 2007 Transactions of the ASME

Fig. 10 Kinematic assumptions of the layerwise theory: „a…
laminate; „b… displacements „from Saravanos and Hopkins †67‡,
reprinted with permission from Elsevier…

derived by introducing two artificial variables in the displacement

field to avoid the higher-order derivatives. Finite elements with
four nodes and seven degrees of freedom per node were used. The
continuity conditions at the delamination junction were satisfied
using the penalty function method. The natural frequencies were
determined using the “free mode” and “constrained mode” as-
sumptions. For the “constrained mode,” high stiffness springs
were placed between the node pairs of the two delaminated layers
Fig. 9 Finite element mesh of composite plates with rectangu-
in order that the upper and lower delaminated layers vibrate to-
lar delaminations „from Ju et al. †55‡, reprinted with permission gether without opening.
from Elsevier… 2.2.4 Three-Dimensional Models. Tenek et al. 关62兴 developed
an FE model based on the three-dimensional theory of linear elas-
ticity for composite plates. Isoparametric, trilinear, eight-node
the vertical components of displacement of the contacting nodes.
brick elements were used. Two sets of nodes were placed at the
These contact forces between two contacting nodes were modeled
interfaces between layers, one belonging to the upper layer and
using the penalty parameter approach.
the other to the lower layer. At the integral regions, these nodes
Ju et al. 关55兴 studied the composite plates with multiple embed-
were constrained to vibrate together by imposing the continuity of
ded rectangular and elliptical delaminations by using eight-noded
the displacements. At the delamination region, theses nodes were
isoparametric plate elements with five degrees of freedom per
allowed to vibrate independently 共“free mode”兲. This assumed that
node. In the delamination region, the delaminated layers are
the delaminations were infinitely thin and may appear between
meshed separately, as shown in Fig. 9, and the displacement fields
layers of the same or different fiber orientation.
were considered to be independent “free mode.” The continuity of
Yam et al. 关63兴 presented a three-dimensional finite element
axial and transverse displacements and rotations were satisfied at
model for a composite plate with an internal delamination. Eight-
the delamination junctions. Parhi et al. 关56兴 presented a similar
noded rectangular thin plate elements with three degrees of free-
analysis for multiple through-width delaminations.
dom per node were used. The displacements and their variations
Chen et al. 关57兴 used isoparametric quadrilateral curved plate
of each pair of coincident nodes of two adjacent laminae were
elements with five degrees of freedom per node. Continuity of the
assumed to be equal, except at the delamination region. Virtual
displacements and slopes were satisfied at the delamination junc-
spring elements were inserted between the delaminated layers to
tions. Virtual linear spring elements were inserted between the
allow the deformation of the layers without penetration. This
delaminated layers to prevent overlapping between the two layers.
model was employed by Wei et al. 关64兴 in combination with wave-
2.2.3 Two-Dimensional Models—Third-Order Shear Defor- let transform to detect delaminations in composite plates. The re-
mation Theory. The third-order shear deformation theory 共TSDT兲 sults of the numerical analysis were verified with experimental
of Reddy 关58兴 has been extended to model the vibration of data.
delaminated composite laminates. In these models, the displace-
2.3 Layerwise Models
ment field satisfies the condition that the transverse shear stresses
vanish on the top and bottom faces of the laminates including the 2.3.1 Full Layerwise Models. The available full layerwise
delaminated interfaces. Either conforming finite elements 共four models were based on the layerwise theory of Reddy 关65兴 and
nodes and eight degrees of freedom per node兲 or nonconforming Barbero and Reddy 关66兴. The kinematic assumptions of the Red-
finite elements 共four nodes and seven degrees of freedom per dy’s layerwise theory were modified to include the discontinuities
node兲 were used 共see Ref. 关13兴 for details兲. in the in-plane and through-the-thickness displacements induced
Chattopadhyay et al. 关59兴 presented a model for the dynamic by the delamination 共Fig. 10兲. The displacement fields are supple-
stability of composite plates with delaminations. The “free mode” mented with Heaviside unit step functions that allow discontinui-
assumption and conforming finite elements were used. The conti- ties in the displacements 关66兴.
nuity conditions at the delamination junctions were modeled using Saravanos and Hopkins 关67兴 developed an analytical model for
the penalty function approach. A similar analysis was presented by predicting natural frequencies, mode shapes, and modal damping
Radu and Chattopadhyay 关60兴. However, in their analysis, the of delaminated composite beams. Experiments were conducted on
continuity conditions at the delamination junctions were modeled composite beams with a single delamination, and the results cor-
using the transformation matrix approach. related well with the results of the analytical model. This model
The above TSDT-based models have the disadvantage of re- was employed by Chrysochoidos and Saravanos 关68兴 to assess the
quiring C1 continuity of the transverse displacement component damped dynamic response of composite beams with piezoelectric
关12,13兴. Hu et al. 关61兴 developed a model for moderately thick sensors and actuators.
composite laminates by using C0-type finite elements. This was Lee 关69兴 developed an FE model for composite beams with

Applied Mechanics Reviews JANUARY 2007, Vol. 60 / 5

multiple delaminations. The equations of motion were derived us- cross-ply facings with transverse cracks. Their solution was based
ing Hamilton’s principle. Solutions for open and closed delamina- on subdividing the representative cell between two adjacent trans-
tions were presented. verse matrix cracks into sections with and without delaminations.
The stiffness of the cell was derived as a function of the transverse
2.3.2 Partial Layerwise Models. Averill 关70兴 developed an FE matrix crack spacing and the length of the delamination and, sub-
model based on the first-order zigzag theory 关71,72兴 for moder- sequently, the natural frequency of the simply supported beam
ately thick laminated beams with multiple delaminations. The zig- was determined.
zag theory requires transverse shear stress continuity at the layer Ostachowicz and Krawczuk 关83兴 analyzed the natural fre-
interfaces and traction-free boundary conditions at the top and quency of a composite beam with delamination originating from a
bottom faces of the laminates. To model the delamination, a very transverse crack. Finite elements with two nodes and two degrees
thin layer with compliant material stiffness is placed between the of freedom per node were used. The delamination was modeled
laminae. This method is called the compliant layer concept or using the concept of strain energy release rate and by the applica-
embedded layer approach, which is valid for modeling delamina- tion of the Castigliano’s theorem.
tions provided that the delaminations remain closed.
Other zigzag models for composite plates with multiple 3 Vibration of Delaminated Composites With Piezo-
through-width delaminations were presented by Kim et al. 关73,74兴
electric Sensors and Actuators
using the first-order zigzag theory 共FOZZ兲 and Cho and Kim 关75兴
using the third-order zigzag theory 共TOZZ兲 关76,77兴. The first- The development of piezoelectric-based smart materials could
order 关73,74兴 or third-order 关75兴 shear deformation based dis- bring to reality the use of the vibration-based monitoring tech-
placement field was used to address the overall response of the niques for composite structures 关3兴. The piezoelectric materials
entire laminate and the layerwise functions were used to accom- have been a primary focus of attention in the research of smart
modate the complexity of zigzag-like in-plane deformation materials and structural systems because of their ability to trans-
through the laminate thickness. Similarly with the above full lay- form electrical energy to mechanical energy, and vice versa, that
erwise models 关66–69兴, the multiple delaminations were modeled is, to function both as sensors and actuators 关84兴. For an overview
by supplementing the assumed displacement field with Heaviside of the mechanics and computational models for composite lami-
unit step functions. These models were implemented using finite nates with piezoelectric sensors and actuators, the reader may con-
elements. sult the articles by Chee et al. 关85兴, Reddy 关86兴, Benjeddou 关87兴,
Another type of partial layerwise model using finite elements Gopinathan et al. 关88兴, and Saravanos and Heyliger 关89兴. In this
was presented by Gadelrab 关78兴. Two types of elements were section, we review the models for delaminated composite lami-
used. The first element, which represents the integral regions, is nates with piezoelectric sensors and actuators and classify them
composed of two stacked laminae. The compatibility conditions of according to the classification by Saravanos and Heyliger 关89兴. In
the axial and transverse displacements at the interface of the two addition, the different models used to study the effects of the
laminae were satisfied. However, the laminae are allowed to have debonding of the piezoelectric on the vibration of the composite
different rotations. The second element, which represents the laminates are presented.
delamination region, is composed of two laminae connected at 3.1 Delamination in the Composite Laminates
their ends. Hence, the compatibility conditions of the axial and
transverse deformations were satisfied only at their ends. 3.1.1 Uncoupled ESL Models. For these models, the region
approach was employed and the piezoelectric coupling effect was
2.4 Other Models. The earliest reported investigation on the neglected in the equations of motion. The piezoelectric effect is
vibration of delaminated composites was presented by Kulkarni modeled as an induced strain in the location of the piezoelectric
and Frederick 关79兴. They considered an isotropic clamped- element.
clamped circular cylindrical shell with a circumferentially sym- Tan and Tong 关90兴 presented an analytical model of a delami-
metric crack at the middle surface. The delamination region was nated composite beam with piezoelectric sensors. The top and
analyzed as a region of reduced bending stiffness. Although their bottom faces of the beam are bonded with a piezoelectric layer.
study was a good beginning, their results were limited to provide The “free mode” assumption was used in their analysis. A similar
specific conclusions. approach was presented for a delaminated composite beam with
In a method presented by Harrison and Butler 关80兴, the delami- piezoelectric fiber reinforced composite 共PFRC兲 sensor/actuator
nated beam is assumed to have a reduced shear rigidity. The shear 关91兴.
rigidity of the delaminated beam was estimated using a static Islam and Craig 关92兴 presented an FE model for composite
beam model. This estimated shear rigidity was incorporated to the beams with embedded piezoelectric sensors/actuators. The “free
dynamic stiffness method, which was used to determine the natu- mode” assumption and the FSDT were used in their analysis.
ral frequency and the mode shape of the beam. Based on this Two-noded isoparametric beam elements with three degrees of
method, a gradient-based optimization technique and a genetic freedom per node were used. Experiments were carried out to
algorithm were used to locate the delaminations in the composite verify the results of the model. A neural network technique was
beams. The results of their model agree well with their experimen- developed by using the frequency results to detect delamination in
tal data. the composite laminates.
Rosettos 关81兴 developed a model to study the fundamental fre- Ray and Reddy 关93兴 presented an FE model using the FSDT
quency of a slightly curved sandwich beam, which may contain a and the “constrained mode” assumption. Three-noded isoparamet-
delamination. A nondimensional variational approach was devel- ric beam elements with three degrees of freedom per node were
oped using the principle of minimum potential energy. The sand- used.
wich beam includes strain energy due to initial curvature. The two Chattopadhyay et al. 关94兴 presented an FE model for composite
equal face sheets were assumed to take on the bending and axial beams with piezoelectric actuators based on the TSDT and the
strain energies while the core takes only the shear energy. To “free mode” assumption. The piezoelectric actuators were surface
include the effect of the delamination, the shear strain energy was bonded on the composite laminates and was treated as another
considered zero at the delamination region since the shear stress is surface layer. Two-noded elements with four degrees of freedom
zero at the delamination edge. It was shown that the sensitivity of per node were used.
the natural frequency to the length of delamination is greater for Similarly, a TSDT-based FE model for composite plates with
straight beams than for initially curved beams. piezoelectric actuators was presented by Chattopadhyay et al.
Birman and Simitses 关82兴 analyzed the effects of delamination 关95兴. Conforming finite elements were used and the continuity
on the stiffness and the natural frequency of sandwich beams with conditions at the delamination junctions were satisfied using the

6 / Vol. 60, JANUARY 2007 Transactions of the ASME

transformation matrix approach. A similar approach was presented debonding between piezoelectric sensors/actuators on the behav-
by Nam et al. 关96,97兴. However, nonconforming finite elements ior of smart composite plates by using an FE model based on the
were used and the continuity conditions were satisfied using the TSDT and “free mode” assumption. The induced strain analysis
penalty approach. was used to model the piezoelectric effects. Nonconforming finite
elements were used. Continuity conditions at the delamination
3.1.2 Coupled ESL Models. For these models, the region ap- junctions were satisfied using the penalty function approach. The
proach was employed and the piezoelectric coupling effect was results of the numerical model were in good agreement with the
included in the equations of motion. Saravanos et al. 关98兴 pre- experimental data 关113兴.
sented an analytical solution for composite beams with piezoelec-
tric patches using the Euler-Bernoulli beam theory and the “free
mode” assumption. Their model was used to investigate the influ- 4 Vibration of Delaminated Beam and Plates Under
ence of the delaminations on the mode shape of the beam and Axial Compressive Loading
detect the presence, sizes, and locations of the delaminations.
Keilers and Chang 关99,100兴 presented an FE model for com- Relatively little research for the vibration of composite lami-
posite beams by using the Euler-Bernoulli beam theory and the nates under compressive axial loading have been reported. The
“constrained mode” assumption. Two-noded elements with two available models can be classified into two classes: the region
degrees of freedom were used. The piezoelectrics and delamina- approach and reduced stiffness models
tions are assumed not to occur in the same region. Experiments 4.1 Region Approach Models. Chen 关114兴 analyzed the free
were performed to verify the results of the model. This method vibration of isotropic prebuckled and postbuckled beam plates
was employed to detect delaminations in composites. Keilers with a delamination located symmetrically about the beam center.
关101兴 further extended the above model for composite plates by For the prebuckled states, the Euler-Bernoulli beam theory and
using the classical laminate theory. “constrained mode” assumption were used. For the postbuckled
Thornburg and Chattopadhyay 关102兴 developed a TSDT-based states, the “free mode” assumption was used and the transverse
FE model for composite plates with piezoelectric patches and in- shear deformation effect was included in the formulation. Results
ternal delaminations. Nonconforming finite elements were used showed that in the prebuckled region, the vibration modes were in
and the continuity at the delamination junction was enforced by phase global natural modes, while in the postbuckled state, three
means of a transformation matrix. In addition, the contact between distinct types of vibration modes were observed—near-local
the delaminated layers was investigated using fictitious springs, mode, near global mode, and general mixed mode. It was also
which was assumed to have zero stiffness under tension and stiff- found that the vibration characteristics of plates were significantly
ness proportional to the transverse modulus of the plate when influenced by long and thin delaminations.
subjected to compression. Chen et al. 关115,116兴 studied the prebuckled composite beam
3.1.3 Layerwise Models. Perel and Palazotto 关103兴 presented with an arbitrary delamination location by using an analytical
an FE model for dynamics of a composite beam with delamination model based on the classical laminate theory and “constrained
and attached piezoelectric actuators using the full layerwise mode” assumption. Their analysis includes the bending-extension
theory. The transverse shear deformation and nonlinear through- coupling due to the nonsymmetry of the delaminated layers. Ex-
thickness variation of the longitudinal displacement were consid- periments were conducted on a simply supported beam to verify
ered in their analysis. Two types of finite elements were devel- the results of the analytical model. Their study showed that the
oped: the first type of element describes the zone with natural frequency decreases with increasing compressive load. A
piezoelectric actuators attached to the beam surface. The piezo- drastic decrease in the frequency was observed when the delami-
electric effect was modeled as an induced strain in the location of nation reaches a critical length 共about 50% of the beam length兲.
the piezoelectric element. The segment covered with the piezo- Yin and Jane 关117兴 presented an analytical solution for the vi-
electric patch 共actuator兲 was assumed not to contain a delamina- bration of a postbuckled isotropic beam with a delamination lo-
tion. The second type of element describes the zone without ac- cated symmetrically about the beam center. Their formulation was
tuators and with delamination. The frequencies computed using based on the Euler-Bernoulli beam theory and the “free mode”
this method was in agreement with their experimental data. assumption. Their study showed that short delaminations, which
Goshal et al. 关104兴 developed an FE model using the first-order do not significantly degrade the overall stiffness of the beam plate,
zigzag theory for delaminated composites and smart composite have little effect on the lowest modes of vibration and their fre-
plates. A coupled piezoelectric-mechanical formulation was used quencies, while the presence of a long delamination generally
in the development of the constitutive equations to model piezo- introduces additional vibration frequencies. This model was ex-
electric composite plates. The contact problem of delaminated in- tended by Jane and Chen 关118兴 for delaminated beam plates with
terfacial surfaces was modeled using linear springs to provide an arbitrary delamination location.
accurate description of the transient behavior. The accuracy of the Chang and Liang 关119兴 presented an analytical solution for
results of the model was validated through a comparison with postbuckled delaminated isotropic beam plates. Based on the re-
experimental data. Chattopadhyay et al. 关105兴 presented a similar vised boundary conditions and governing partial differential equa-
model for composite laminates with embedded or surface piezo- tions, the natural frequencies and mode shapes of the postbuckled
electric actuators and with embedded multiple delaminations. delaminated beam plates were determined using the separation of
variables. Their results showed that the natural frequencies and
3.2 Debonding Between Piezoelectric Sensors/Actuators mode shapes were substantially affected by the changes of the size
and Composite Laminates. Tylikowski 关106兴, Tong et al. 关107兴, and location of the delaminations and the magnitude of the axial
and Sun et al. 关108兴 presented analytical models for a smart beam compression.
with a debonded piezoelectric actuator. The region approach and The above models on postbuckled beam plates 关117–119兴 ne-
classical beam theory was used. For the region with debonding, it glect the effect of the transverse shear deformation. The analytical
was assumed that there is no stress transferring between the host solutions by Chen 关114兴 and Chen and Goggin 关120兴 include the
beam and the piezoelectric actuator/sensor. transverse shear deformation effects, which were found to have a
Using similar assumptions with the above models in the deb- significant effect on the buckling load and the post-buckling
onding region, Luo and Tong 关109兴 presented a finite element deformation.
model based on the first-order shear deformation theory. The pi- Lu and Hanagud 关121兴 presented an analytical solution for
ezoelectric coupling effect was included in the equations of composite beams with two through-width delaminations subjected
motion. under axial compressive load. The “free mode” assumption and
Seeley and Chattopadhyay 关110–112兴 investigated the effects of the Timoshenko beam theory were used. The coupling of the axial

Applied Mechanics Reviews JANUARY 2007, Vol. 60 / 7

Fig. 11 Model of a delaminated plate for continuous analysis Fig. 13 Influence of modes and connectors „from Shu †37‡,
„from Chang et al. †124‡… reprinted with permission from Elsevier…

and flexural motions was considered in their analysis. Their re- with added transverse forces in the delamination region. The elas-
sults showed that the natural frequency and the mode shape were tic foundation was represented by an infinite set of parallel springs
significantly affected by long and thin delaminations. with no shear coupling between them. This model was used to
Lee et al. 关122兴 presented an analytical method for composite study a simply supported rectangular plate with a midplane
beam columns with multiple delaminations. The “free mode” as- delamination.
sumption and the Euler-Bernoulli beam theory were used. The
characteristic equation of the multiple delaminated beam columns
was obtained by dividing the global multiple delaminated beam 5 Theoretical and Experimental Results
columns into segments and by imposing recurrence relation from In this section, a comparison among the results of the different
the continuity conditions of each sub-beam column. The general models is presented. First, the results of the “free mode” model
continuity conditions were derived from the assumption of con- 关18兴 and “constrained mode” model 关19兴 are compared. Also, the
stant slope and curvature at the multidelamination tip. Experi- significance of the assumptions on the modes and connectors 关37兴
ments were conducted to verify the analytical results. are discussed. Next, the results of the analytical and FE models
are compared with experimental data. Finally, the results of the
4.2 Reduced Stiffness Models. Two methods were presented laminate theories are compared.
by Jane and Harn 关123兴 for beams with multiple delaminations.
For both methods, the delamination region was treated as a beam 5.1 Comparison Between the “Free Mode” and “Con-
with a reduced flexural stiffness. The first method is a series so- strained Mode” Models. Mujumdar and Suryanarayan 关19兴 com-
lution to the governing equations of motion, which was applied to pared the frequency results of “free mode” and “constrained
a simply supported beam. The variation of stiffness was repre- mode” models with experimental data. The experiments were car-
sented by a Fourier series. The second solution is a Ritz method, ried out on beam specimens made by bonding stainless steel strips
which was used to analyze simply supported and clamped- with a very thin adhesive layer. The delamination was simulated
clamped beams. by bonding only a part of the beams surfaces to create the delami-
Chang et al. 关124兴 presented a model for composite plates based nation of various sizes in various locations. They showed that for
on the concept of continuous analysis. The delaminated plate was midplane delaminations, the results of the two models are identi-
analyzed as a plate on an elastic foundation 共Fig. 11兲. The plate cal and in good agreement with the experimental data. For off-
was treated as a plate on a continuously distributed support, but midplane delaminations, for the fundamental frequency, the re-
sults of the two models are close with each other and are in good

Fig. 12 Effect of thickness-wise location on the fundamental

frequency of a clamped-clamped beam with a central delamina-
tion „from Mujumdar and Suryanarayan †19‡, reprinted with per- Fig. 14 Thicknesswise location of delamination in the com-
mission from Elsevier… posite beam „from Shen and Grady †26‡…

8 / Vol. 60, JANUARY 2007 Transactions of the ASME

Table 1 Analytical and experimental results „Interface 1 frequencies, Hz…

Experimental 关26兴 FSDT 关26兴 FSDT 关30兴 CLTa CLTb 关39兴

length Exp 1 Exp 2 Exp 3 Cons Free Cons Free Cons Free Cons Free

Intact 79.88 79.88 79.75 82.04 82.04 81.86 81.86 81.88 81.88 81.88 81.88
25.4 mm 78.38 79.13 77.00 80.13 67.36 81.84 81.84 80.72 80.72 80.47 80.47
50.8 mm 74.38 75.00 76.75 75.29 56.48 76.81 76.81 76.36 76.36 75.36 75.36
76.2 mm 68.25 66.25 66.38 66.94 67.64 67.64 47.90 68.17 68.17 66.14 66.13
101.6 mm 57.62 57.50 57.50 57.24 40.59 56.95 56.95 58.35 58.35 55.67 55.67

Without bending-extension coupling.
With bending-extension coupling.

agreement with the experimental data. However, for the second differential stretching, whereas the “rigid connector” takes ac-
vibration mode, the “constrained mode” results are closer to the count of the differential stretching. For a clamped-clamped beam,
experimental values. the effect of the modes is less significant for short delaminations,
For a clamped-clamped isotropic beam, the “constrained mode” whereas the effect of the connector is less significant for very long
model shows a decreasing frequency as the delamination moves delaminations 共Fig. 13兲. For a cantilever beam, the results are
towards the midplane 共Fig. 12兲. This is because the bending stiff- dominated by the connectors.
ness decreases as the delamination moves towards the midplane.
In contrast, the “free mode” model shows an increasing frequency. 5.2 Comparison With Experimental Results. As previously
Since the “free mode” model is dependent on the thinner of the mentioned, the experimental data by Shen and Grady 关26兴 have
delaminated layers, the increasing thickness increases the natural been widely used by many researchers to validate their models.
frequency 关37兴. It is further observed that the “constrained mode” The beam is made of a T300/934 graphite/epoxy cantilever beam
and “free mode” results are identical for midplane delamination. with a 关0 deg/ 90 deg兴2s stacking sequence. The dimensions of the
This is because the delaminated layers are of equal thickness and 8-ply beam are 127⫻ 12.7⫻ 1.016 mm3. The material properties
thus vibrate in a constrained manner. for the lamina are: E11 = 134 GPa, E22 = 10.3 GPa, G12 = 5 GPa,
It should be noted that in the above models, the coupling effects ␯12 = 0.33, and ␳ = 1.48⫻ 103 kg/ m3. All the delaminations are at
of the axial and transverse vibrations 共or the differential stretch- midspan and the lengths are 25.4, 50.8, 76.2, and 101.6 mm. The
ing兲 are considered. The study by Wang et al. 关18兴 on a clamped- locations of the delaminations along the thicknesswise direction
clamped beam showed that by neglecting the coupling effect, the are shown in Fig. 14.
frequencies were much lower than when coupling effect was con- A comparison of the results of the analytical solutions with the
sidered. However, the coupling effect is negligible for very long experimental data is presented in Tables 1–4, whereas the FE re-
delaminations 共greater than 80% of the beam span兲 and also for sults are presented in Tables 5–8. The results of the different mod-
the even modes of vibration. els have been shown to be in good agreement with the experimen-
Shu 关37兴 further investigated the effects of the modes 共“free” tal data, except at Interface 4 共Tables 4 and 8兲. It was shown that
and “constrained”兲 and the connectors 共“soft” and “rigid”兲 on the the experimental results are closer to the predicted frequencies
natural frequency of the beam. The “soft connector” neglects the that neglect the coupling effect. This might be an experimental

Table 2 Analytical and experimental results „interface 2 frequencies, Hz…

Experimental 关26兴 FSDT 关26兴 FSDT 关30兴 CLTa CLTb 关39兴

length Exp 1 Exp 2 Exp 3 Cons Free Cons Free Cons Free Cons Free

Intact 79.88 79.88 79.75 82.04 82.04 81.86 81.86 81.88 81.88 81.88 81.88
25.4 mm 78.38 78.38 76.63 81.39 68.78 80.86 80.86 81.00 81.00 80.58 80.58
50.8 mm 75.13 75.25 75.00 78.10 59.44 76.62 76.62 77.45 77.45 75.81 75.81
76.2 mm 64.00 70.00 69.88 71.16 51.18 68.80 68.80 70.43 70.42 67.05 67.05
101.6 mm 45.75 49.75 49.50 62.12 43.86 59.34 59.34 61.50 61.49 56.86 56.86

Without bending-extension coupling.
With bending-extension coupling.

Table 3 Analytical and experimental results „interface 3 frequencies, Hz…

Experimental 关26兴 FSDT 关26兴 FSDT 关30兴 CLTa CLTb 关39兴

length Exp 1 Exp 2 Exp 3 Cons Free Cons Free Cons Free Cons Free

Intact 79.88 79.88 79.75 82.04 82.04 81.86 81.86 81.88 81.88 81.88 81.88
25.4 mm 79.63 80.13 80.63 81.46 81.46 82.02 82.01 81.57 81.57 81.53 81.53
50.8 mm 79.50 81.88 77.88 79.93 79.93 80.79 80.74 80.25 80.23 80.13 80.09
76.2 mm 75.63 77.13 78.13 76.71 76.71 77.82 77.52 77.27 77.16 77.03 76.75
101.6 mm 73.38 73.63 70.38 71.66 71.66 73.15 71.73 72.66 72.20 72.28 70.92

Without bending-extension coupling.
With bending-extension coupling.

Applied Mechanics Reviews JANUARY 2007, Vol. 60 / 9

Table 4 Analytical and experimental results „interface 4 frequencies, Hz…

Experimental 关26兴 FSDT 关26兴 FSDT 关30兴 CLTa CLTb

length Exp 1 Exp 2 Exp 3 Cons Free Cons Free Cons Free Cons Free

Intact 79.88 79.88 79.75 82.04 82.04 81.86 81.86 81.88 81.88 81.88 81.88
25.4 mm 75.38 75.25 77.25 81.60 75.83 82.04 82.03 81.72 81.72 81.57 81.57
50.8 mm 69.38 68.00 69.38 80.38 71.88 80.95 80.87 80.75 80.73 80.33 80.31
76.2 mm 65.38 59.63 —– 77.70 67.18 78.29 77.61 78.40 78.25 77.56 77.41
101.6 mm 52.75 57.88 56.25 73.15 61.70 74.05 69.44 74.59 73.81 73.22 72.51

Without bending-extension coupling.
With bending-extension coupling.

Table 5 FE and experimental results „interface 1 frequencies, Hz…

Experimental 关26兴 FSDT 关61兴 TSDT 关61兴 TSDT 关102兴

length Exp 1 Exp 2 Exp 3 Cons Free Cons Free Free FOZZ关73兴 TOZZ 关75兴

Intact 79.88 79.88 79.75 82.00 82.00 81.87 81.87 82.11 82.13 81.90
25.4 mm 78.38 79.13 77.00 81.37 81.49 81.20
50.8 mm 74.38 75.00 76.75 76.64 76.64 76.52 76.52 76.73 77.19 76.60
76.2 mm 68.25 66.25 66.38 67.57 68.50 67.45
101.6 mm 57.62 57.50 57.50 77.01 77.01 56.56 56.56 56.89 56.94 57.78

Table 6 FE and experimental results „interface frequencies, Hz…

Experimental 关26兴 FSDT 关61兴 TSDT 关61兴 TSDT 关102兴

length Exp 1 Exp 2 Exp 3 Cons Free Cons Free Free FOZZ关73兴 TOZZ 关75兴

Intact 79.88 79.88 79.75 82.00 82.00 81.87 81.87 82.11 81.13 81.89
25.4 mm 78.38 78.38 76.63 81.42 81.49 81.25
50.8 mm 75.13 75.25 75.00 77.02 77.01 76.89 76.89 77.11 77.19 76.96
76.2 mm 64.00 70.00 69.88 68.42 68.50 68.30
101.6 mm 45.75 49.75 49.50 57.90 57.87 57.69 57.72 58.04 58.11 57.95

Table 7 FE and experimental results „interface 3 frequencies, Hz…

Experimental 关26兴 FSDT 关61兴 TSDT 关61兴 TSDT 关102兴

length Exp 1 Exp 2 Exp 3 Cons Free Cons Free Free FOZZ关73兴

Intact 79.88 79.88 79.75 82.00 82.00 81.87 81.87 82.11 82.13
25.4 mm 79.63 80.13 80.63 81.92 81.96
50.8 mm 79.50 81.88 77.88 80.56 80.61 80.50 80.45 80.65 80.74
76.2 mm 75.63 77.13 78.13 77.44 77.79
101.6 mm 73.38 73.63 70.38 72.85 71.44 72.61 71.21 71.66 73.12

Table 8 FE and experimental results „interface 4 frequencies, Hz…

Experimental 关26兴 FSDT 关61兴 TSDT 关61兴 TSDT 关102兴

length Exp 1 Exp 2 Exp 3 Cons Free Cons Free Free FOZZ关73兴

Intact 79.88 79.88 79.75 82.00 82.00 81.87 81.87 82.11 82.13
25.4 mm 75.38 75.25 77.25 81.94 81.97
50.8 mm 69.38 68.00 69.38 80.75 80.74 80.64 80.62 80.83 80.88
76.2 mm 65.38 59.63 —– 78.04 78.23
101.6 mm 52.75 57.88 56.25 73.78 72.95 73.78 72.72 73.15 73.97

10 / Vol. 60, JANUARY 2007 Transactions of the ASME

Fig. 15 Variation of natural frequency with length to thickness ratio of undelaminated
plate „from Chattopadhyay et al. †95‡…

error, as explained by Luo and Hanagud 关30兴. When the coupling frequency 共Fig. 16兲. However, for the second bending frequency
effect is neglected, the predicted frequencies are much lower than and first torsional frequency, CLT results are different from the
the experimental results 关17兴. Furthermore, the experimental re- FSDT and TSDT results, which are close to each other. However,
sults by Kim et al. 关73兴 showed that the decrease in the natural this difference decreases as the delamination length increases.
frequency is more pronounced when the delamination is closer to
the midplane than the surface, which is in contrast with the ex- 6 Effects of the Delamination on the Vibration of
perimental results by Shen and Grady 关26兴. Composite Laminates
The “free mode” and “constrained mode” model results using
CLT with and without the effect of the bending-extension cou- In this section, the effect of the delamination on the natural
pling in the bending stiffness terms is presented in Tables 1–4. It frequencies and mode shapes of the composite laminates are dis-
is shown that the bending-extension coupling further reduces the cussed. Some results from the literature are presented to illustrate
natural frequency. the points being discussed and not necessarily the only significant
contributions of the subject.
5.3 Comparison Among Laminate Theories. In the above
comparison 共Tables 1–8兲, no evident advantage of the shear de- 6.1 Size and Locations of the Delamination and Boundary
formation theories 共FSDT and TSDT兲 over the CLT can be in- Conditions. In general, delamination decreases the natural fre-
ferred since the available data is from a slender beam. Gummadi quency and causes changes to the mode shape of the composite
and Hanagud 关51兴 compared the frequency results of the CLT, laminate. This is due to the reduction of the stiffness caused by the
FSDT, and TSDT. They showed that for long delaminations, the delamination.
results of the three models are almost the same, whereas for short As previously mentioned, the presence of delamination de-
delaminations, CLT results are different from the FSDT and creases the natural frequency of the laminate. However, results by
TSDT, which are almost the same. Mujumdar and Suryanarayan 关19兴 showed that a short delamina-
Chattopadhyay et al. 关95兴 presented a more detailed comparison tion 共less than 25% of the beam length兲 does not significantly
among the frequency results of CLT, FSDT, and TSDT. They affect the fundamental and second mode frequencies of the beam
showed that for second bending frequency and first torsional fre- for all boundary conditions 共Fig. 17兲. For longer delaminations
quency of an undelaminated plate, a significant difference be- 共greater than 50% of the beam length兲, the weakening effect of the
tween the frequencies exist between the CLT and the shear defor- delamination is dependent on the boundary conditions. In fact, the
mation theories for a length to thickness ratio less than 25 共Fig. more restrained is the structure along its edges, the greater is the
15兲. In addition, they presented results for a delaminated plate effect on the natural frequency 关55兴. Other studies on composite
with length to thickness ratio of 15.7, the results of the CLT, beams and plates showed that delamination of small size do not
FSDT, and TSDT are close to each other for the first bending significantly affect the lower vibration mode frequencies 共see, for

Applied Mechanics Reviews JANUARY 2007, Vol. 60 / 11

Fig. 16 Variation of natural frequency with delamination length with plate length to
thickness ratio of 15.7 „from Chattopadhyay et al. †95‡…

Fig. 17 Effect of the delamination length on the fundamental and second mode frequen-
cies of the beam „from Mujumdar and Suryanarayan †19‡, reprinted with permission from

12 / Vol. 60, JANUARY 2007 Transactions of the ASME

Fig. 18 Changes in the natural frequencies of delaminated composite
cantilever beams: „a… fundamental frequency; „b… second bending fre-
quency; „c… third bending frequency „from Zak et al. †48‡, with kind per-
mission of Springer Science and Business Media…

example, Refs. 关22,26,55,67兴兲. sented similar observations 关62,73,126–128兴.

The experimental investigation by Zak et al. 关48兴 on cantilever However, the experimental investigation by Penn et al. 关129兴
beams and plates with a single edge delamination further verifies showed that for thick composite plates, the first six frequencies is
the results of the above studies 共Figs. 18 and 19兲. not significantly affected by delamination sizes of less than 13%
Experimental investigation of Jian et al. 关125兴 on thin unidirec- of the plate area. An experimental investigation by Hou and
tional glass-fiber composite plates with circular delamination Jeronimidis 关130兴 on circular composite plates with an impact
showed that the first seven frequencies were significantly affected induced delamination showed an increase in the natural frequency
by the midplane delamination as small as 0.34% of the plate area of the composite due to the delamination. Further experimental
共Fig. 20兲 and that the decrease in the natural frequency is more investigation showed that the increase in the frequency is due to
pronounced at higher modes. Other experiment investigations pre- the increase in the bending stiffness caused by the local thickening

Applied Mechanics Reviews JANUARY 2007, Vol. 60 / 13

Fig. 19 Changes in the natural frequencies of delaminated composite
cantilever plates: „a… fundamental frequency; „b… second bending fre-
quency; „c… third bending frequency „from Zak et al. †48‡, with kind per-
mission of Springer Science and Business Media…

in the delamination region 关131兴. • opening and closing of the delamination 共“delamination
Studies showed that delamination locations also affect the natu- breathing”兲; and
ral frequencies of the laminate. It was observed that a delamina- • contact/impact between the delaminated layers during
tion located at midplane and near the fixed end of the laminate vibration.
decreases the natural frequency most 关19,45–47,73,102兴.
Experimental investigations have shown that the presence of In the experiments by Shen and Grady 关26兴 and Lestari and
delamination causes changes to the mode shape of the composites Hanagud 关27兴, the “delamination breathing” was shown to cause
关132,133兴. Also, nonlinearities in the mode shapes have been ob- nonlinearity in the mode shapes 共Fig. 21兲. However, the “delami-
served. These nonlinearities can be caused by either or both of the nation breathing”’ has been shown to have little effect on the
following factors: natural frequencies of low vibration modes when the delamination

14 / Vol. 60, JANUARY 2007 Transactions of the ASME

Fig. 20 The effect of the delamination on the natural frequen-
cies is more pronounced at higher modes „from Jian et al.

is small. 关29,102,134兴.
Further investigations by Lestari et al. 关135兴 and Lu et al. 关136兴
showed that for long delaminations and thin delaminated layers,
the nonlinearity of the vibration mode shapes is significant. How-
ever, for short delaminations, the nonlinearity is less significant
and the nonlinear mode shapes tend to linear mode shapes.
Similarly, for short delamination and lower vibration modes,
Fig. 21 Opening mode of the delaminated beam: „a… funda-
the nonlinearity due to the impact of the delaminated layers was
mental frequency; „b… second bending frequency „from Lestari
shown to be less significant 关134兴, and becomes significant for and Hanagud †27‡, reprinted by permission of the American In-
long delamination at higher vibration modes 关102,134兴. stitute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.…
The delamination opening has been shown to be affected by the
boundary conditions. The more restrained the beams along its
edges, the larger is the delamination opening 共Fig. 22兲 关37兴.
The effect of the delamination on the strain mode shape was
investigated by Chattopadhyay et al. 关137兴. They employed their tion has been shown to be more significant than the effect of
earlier model based on the TSDT 关95兴. They showed that the multiple delaminations with comparable length located along the
strain mode shape is more sensitive to delamination as compared same axial direction 关35,49,73兴.
to the displacement mode shape. They suggested that the strain Shu and Della 关39,40兴 and Della et al. 关41,42兴 examined the
mode shape can be used as a good indicator of delamination size influence of a second delamination on the natural frequency and
and locations. Similar results were obtained by Ling et al. 关138兴 mode shape of the beam. Their studies showed that the presence
on a homogeneous clamped-clamped beam by using the “con- of a second delamination significantly influence the natural fre-
strained mode” model. The delamination has also been shown to quency and the mode shape of the beam. However, the influence
cause a significant change on the curvature mode shape of com- of a second short delamination 共less than 25% of the beam length兲
posite beams and plates 关61兴. In addition, the influence of the is less significant.
delamination on the curvature increases with an increasing vibra-
tion mode. 6.3 Debonding of Piezoelectric. The study of Tylikowski
关106兴 showed that edge debonding does not significantly decrease
6.2 Multiple Delaminations. Studies on multiple delamina- the natural frequency of the beam. In contrast, Tong et al. 关107兴
tions showed that the natural frequency decreases as the number showed that piezoelectric debonding near the clamped end of the
of delamination increases 共see, for example, Refs. beam can reduce the frequency values of the first three vibration
关35,50,55,62,69兴兲. However, the effect of a single long delamina- modes.

Applied Mechanics Reviews JANUARY 2007, Vol. 60 / 15

Fig. 22 Delamination opening increases with more restrained
at the beam edges „from Shu †37‡, reprinted with permission
from Elsevier…

Further study by Luo and Tong 关109兴 showed that edge debond-
ing decreases the first four frequencies of the smart beam. How-
ever, interior debonding hardly affects the natural frequencies.
Studies by Seeley and Chattopadhyay 关110–113兴 showed that a Fig. 23 Natural frequencies versus fiber angle for †0 / ␪‡s com-
debonding length of about 18% of the plate length significantly posites containing one and two delaminations „from Lee †69‡,
affects the natural frequency and the mode shape of the beam. reprinted with permission from Elsevier…

6.4 Delamination Around Cutouts. Ju et al. 关139兴 extended

their earlier model 关55兴 for composite plates with delaminations 7.2 Crack-Tip Singularity. Thornburg and Chattopadhyay
around circular and square cutouts. It was found that the effect of 关143兴 estimated the effect of the singularity at the delamination
the delaminations on the natural frequencies were dependent on crack tip on the natural frequency based on the difference between
the geometry of the cutout and the mode number. The mode the delamination end openings of two finite element meshes 共Fig.
shapes, however, were not significantly affected by the 24兲. Their results showed that for delamination length to laminates
delaminations. thickness ratios greater than five, the effect of the crack tip singu-
Kumar and Shrivasta 关140兴 developed an FE model for thick
square laminates with delamination around a central rectangular
cutout. The TSDT and the “free mode” assumption were used.
Their results showed that the presence of delamination around
moderate and large cutouts significantly affect the natural fre-
quency of the plate. Although the effect of the thicknesswise lo-
cation of the delamination was significant, the effect of the
delamination size was not significant for large cutouts.

7 Other Factors Affecting the Vibration of Delami-

nated Composite Laminates
7.1 Ply Orientation. Lee 关69兴 investigated the effect of the
stacking sequence on the fundamental frequency of a delaminated
cantilever composite beam, which was made of T300/5208 graph-
ite epoxy. The “constrained mode” assumption was employed. It
was observed that as the angle ␪ increases, the effect of delami-
nation on the fundamental frequency increases 共Fig. 23兲. Similar
results were obtained by Zhu et al. 关50兴.
Other studies 关74,103,141,142兴 also showed that changes to the
laminate stacking sequence affects the changes in the natural fre- Fig. 24 Deformed shape of the finite element meshes „from
quency caused by the delamination. Thornburg and Chattopadhyay †144‡…

16 / Vol. 60, JANUARY 2007 Transactions of the ASME

presented for plates with multiple delaminations 关56兴, but includes
the presence of twist. They showed that the presence of twist
further reduces the natural frequency.
Parhi et al. 关134兴 extended their earlier analysis 关56兴 for plates
and shells to include temperature and moisture effects. Their study
showed that the increase in moisture content and temperature re-
duces the natural frequencies of the plates. However, reduction of
the natural frequencies of the cylindrical and spherical shells is
less significant.

8 Concluding Remarks
The available analytical models and numerical analyses for the
free vibration of delaminated composite laminates were reviewed.
These models were classified according to the fundamental theory
and assumptions used. In addition, a comparison of the results of
some of the models was presented.
From this review, it was shown that a considerable amount of
research in this area has been undertaken in recent years. These
researches have established a basic understanding of the influence
of the delamination on the natural frequencies and the mode
shapes of the composite laminates. It is felt that the present review
article will provide useful information to the technical community
engaged in the analysis and design of composite structures and to
researchers in the field of vibration-based damage detection.

The authors would like to thank the reviewers and Professor
Yoshihiro Narita, Associate Editor of Applied Mechanics Reviews.

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Applied Mechanics Reviews JANUARY 2007, Vol. 60 / 19

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Effects on the Dynamic Behavior of Multiple Delaminated Composite Plates 142.

Christian N. Della is presently a research fellow in the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering,
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He obtained his BSc Mechanical Engineering in Saint Louis
University, Philippines, MSc Mechanical Engineering in the University of the Philippines-Diliman, and
PhD in the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, NTU. His present research interests include
delamination buckling and vibration, smart materials and structures, and structural health monitoring.
Prior to entering the PhD program, he was an instructor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at
Saint Louis University, Philippines.

DongWei Shu is presently an associate professor in the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering,
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He graduated from the Mechanics Department of Beijing
University with BSc and MSc in 1984 and 1986. He then moved to Cambridge University of UK and
obtained his PhD in Dynamic Plasticity in 1990. He followed that with one year research in BioMechanics
for Spina Bifida under a Research Fellowship in the Civil Engineering Department of the University of
Waterloo, Canada, and another one year on the delamination of composites materials in the University of
Sydney. He started his academic career with lectureship in the Materials Engineering Department of
Monash University of Melbourne. From 1993 on, he has been lecturing in the Nanyang Technological
University of Singapore. His present research interests include FEM simulation of the drop test of Seagate
micro hard disk drives, multiple delaminations in laminate composites, and strain rate effect by Split
Hopkinson Bar.

20 / Vol. 60, JANUARY 2007 Transactions of the ASME

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