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Course: Anatomy and physiology


Duration: 2.5hour

Instruction: Attempt all questions.

1a Briefly explain Digestive system

1b. List and explain organs made up of Digestive system.

1c. The activities of the digestive system can be grouped under how many main heading? List and
explain them.

2a. Draw and label urinary system

2b. State the functions of these organs as follow.

a.Kidney, b. Bladder, c. Urethra, d. Ureters

2c. Name the chemical composition of urine

3a. Define muscolosckeletal system

3b. Explain the skeletal system

3c. Mention the types of bones that we have.

4a. ------- is a flexible connective tissue found in multiple organs system of the body.

4b. ------ are fibrous bands made of dense regular connective tissue which are similar in structure to

4c. Ligament are classified in to how many type? Mention them.

5a. Mention three main anatomical section of penis

5b. ------ and ----- are located inside the scrotum

5c. Explain woman reproductive system.

Section B:Objective: Attempt all questions, each questions carry equal mark
1. ----- is the process by which food is broken down in ti simple chemical compound that can be
absorbed and used as nutrients or eliminated by the body is called. (a) Esophagus (b) Digestion (c)
Mouth (d) Small intestine

2. ----- Located in the throat near the trachea it's receive food from the mouth when you swallow. (a)
Bronchae (b) Esophagus (c) Stomach (d) Large intest

3. ------- is a hollow organ or container that holds food while it is being mixed with ---- enzymes (a)
Pancreas (b) The stomach (c) Illeum (d) Colon.

4. The colon is made up of the cecum, the ascending (right) colon, the transverse (across) colon, the
ascending (left) colon, and tge sigmoidal colon, which connect to the rectum. TRUE/FALSE.

5. ------- stores and concentrate bile from the liver, and then release it in to tge duodenum in the small
intestine to help absorb and digest fats. (a) Colon (b) Gallbladder (c) Liver (d) Stomach

6.------- is the chemical factory, it's take the raw materials absorbed by the intestine and make all the
various chemical body needs to function. (a) Gallbladder (b) Liver (c) Kidney (d) Pancreas.

7. ------- From the liver secreted into tge small intestine also plays an important role in digesting fat and
some Vitamins (a) Pancreas (b) Liver (c) Kidney (d) Blood

8.The anus is the last part of the digestive system. TRUE /FALSE

9.The anus is surrounded by sphincter muscles that are important in -------- (a) Allowing control of urine
(b) Allowing control of stool (c) Allowing control of pain (d) Allowing control of hair

10. Ingestion Is the process by which digested food substances pass through the wall. TRUE /FALSE.

11. The activities of the digestive system can be grouped under how many main heading. (a) 4 (b) 5 (c)
10 (d) 7

12. The pancreas empties its secretion in to the duodenum through the major -------- (a) The bile (b)
Pancreatic duct (c) The colon (d) The bile

13. The pancreatic juice contain enzymes that digest ----- (a) fluid, blood, enzymes (b) fat, proteins,
carbohydrates (c) protein, fat and oil (d) All of the above.

14. The external anal sphincter is skeletal muscle that is controlled by somatice nerve supply from the
inferior anal branch of the Pudendal nerve which allows conscious control of defecation. TRUE / FALSE

15. defecation can also be assisted by taking a deep breath and attempting to expel the air against a
closed glottis, this is known as ----- (a) Rectosphincter reflex (b) Valsalva maneuver (c) Parasympathetic
reflex (d) External sphincter

16.Micturation is when you empty your bladder TRUE / FALSE

17. The ------ of the kidney process blood and creat urine through a process of filtration, reabsorption
and secretion (a) Tubules (b) Nephrons (c) Sphincter muscles (d) Glomerulos

18.---; and ----- Are pushed through the capillaries at high presure during the glomerular filtration (a)
Blood and urine (b) Blood and proteins (c) Blood and fat (d) Blood and carbohydrates

19. When blood is found in the urine is also called as ----- (a) Pyuria (b) Hematuria (c) PROTEINURIA (d)
All of the above

20. Erythropoeitin is a peptide hormones which regulate ------ (a) Renin (b) Erythropoiesis (c) Amino
acids (d) Protein synthesis

21. Adult body comprises of how many bones (a) 306 (b) 206 (c) 200 (d) 306

22. The prostate gland sit inferiority to the ------ (a) Testes (b) Bladder (c) urethra (d) penis

23. ------ is a fibromuscular sack located posteriotly to the penis (a) Testes (b) Scrotum (c) Vaginal (d)

24. The first step in the -------- phase is the closure of the bladder neck to prevent retrograde sage of the
seminal fluid in to the bladder. TRUE / FALSE

25. A man fertility and sexual trait depend in the normal functioning of the male ---- as well as the
hormones secrets from the brains (a) Digestive system (b) Reproductive system (c) cardio vascular
system (d) Respiratory system.

26. Estrogen is Probably well known as female sex hormones. TRUE / FALSE

27. ------ is the process of formation of female gamete (a) spermatogenesis (b) Oogenesis (c) ovogenesis
(d) All of the above

28.------ is the vital connecting organs between the maternal uterus and the fetus (a) cord (b) Placenta
(c) Blood and oxygen (d) Blood, nutrients and oxygen

29. On the 6th days as the zonal pellucida disintegrate the blastocyte hatchet following implantation to
take place TRUE / FALSE

30. The baby have is own placenta to survive at the first trimester. TRUE / FALSE.

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