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Topic: The Device

Objectives: By the end of this lesson the students should be able to:

 Describe a digital computer and give examples.

 Describe analog computers and give examples.
 Describe hybrid computers and give examples.

PRIOR LEARNING: Students have a commendable knowledge of the uses of computer


VISUAL Illustrates the basic concept of the topic, and pictures

AUDITORY Discussion and interaction with the students by explaining the topic in detail

KINAESTHETIC The students participate in an activity to identify types of device and their uses


The Device
A device is any machine or tools used for a particular purpose. It is a tool used to perform a specific function.
It is an object, machine, or piece of equipment that has been made for some special purpose. In computer
technology, a device is a unit of hardware, outside or inside the case or housing for the essential computer
(processor, memory, and data paths) that is capable of providing input to the essential computer or of receiving
output or of both.

Classes of device
 Mechanical
 Electrical
 Electronic
1. Mechanical device:
A machanical device is a physical system using power to apply forces and control movement to perform
an action. The term is commonly applied to artificial devices, such those employing engines or motors.
Examples are gears, CD or DVD drive, Floppy disk drive, Hard drive, Active heat sink, Mechanical mouse
and Optomechanical mouse.
2. Electrical Devices:
The devices which convert the current into other forms of energy or work such type of devices is known
as the electrical devices. It uses the metal for conduction. The electrical devices mainly work on the high
alternating current. The power consumption of the electrical devices is also very high. Example, The fan-
is an electrical devices which convert the electrical current in the form of rotational motions. The electric
bulb, lamp, tube light, converts the current into light.
3. Electronic Device
The devices which control the flow of electrons for performing the particular task such type of devices is
known as the electronic devices. The word electronics means the study of the behaviour of electrons
under the effect of electric field. For example,The transistor,capacitor and inductor and semiconductor.

Period 2

Differences Between Electrical and Electronics Devices

1. The electrical device changes the current into another form of energy like heat, light, etc. whereas the
electronic device controls the movement of electrons for performing the operation.
2. The electrical devices use copper and aluminium wires for the flow of electrical current whereas the
electronics devices use the semiconductor material.
3. The electrical devices mainly work on the alternating current whereas the electronics device works on
the direct current.
4. The electrical devices work on high voltages whereas the electronics devices work on low voltages.
5. The power consumption of the electrical devices is more as compared to the electronics devices.
6. The conductivity of the electrical devices is high whereas it is low for electronics devices.
7. The electrical devices do not manipulate the data whereas the electronic devices manipulate the data.
8. The electrical device directly works on the current due to which it gives the quick response.The electrons
are the only moving charge of the electronic device and hence their response time is less.
9. The fan, transformer, motor, generators are the examples of the electrical device whereas the
transistor, thyristor, microcontroller are the examples of the electronics device.
What is a device
Mention type of mechanical device


Starter: Display different type of picture and ask the student to identify the One-One
5 mins
differences between them. Intervention

Connect: Revision of the previous lesson Concept and General

5 mins Introduction of the topic by displaying pictures of different type of device Review and Evaluation

Activate Explanation and Application using Sample Questions. Individual Contribution

15 mins
and Teachers’
Demonstrate: Instruction Intervention,
5 mins Student activity: Guidance, and Correction
Students will be called out to explain
Uses of various type of device
Consolidate: Individual and Group
Evaluation Questions: as indicated in the lesson Assessment Exercise,
Plenary: Concept Clarification,
10 mins
A recap of the lesson Questions and Answer
Class Assessment
Evaluation and Correction


Mention 5 difference each between mechanical device and electronic device

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