Numerical Interpolation

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Numerical Interpolation

Introduction About Interpolation:

Amidst the vast expanse of data science, a fundamental numerical

technique that is frequently used to estimate unknown values based on
known data points is interpolation. Interpolation is a classical method
that plays an important role in various fields of science, engineering,
and computer-aided design. The technique of interpolation finds its
application in a multitude of fields, ranging from data analysis to image
processing to astrophysical applications. Interpolation on a discrete set
of data points is commonly used for image processing, learning,
decision making, and application in numerical hydrodynamics.

One of the basic forms of interpolation is rational interpolation, and it

plays a crucial role in the theory of numerical analysis. Deterministic,
probabilistic, and other methods are the three main categories of
interpolation techniques. (Hart et al., 2020) Numerical interpolation
methods include techniques like Laplace's equation and the use of
geometric distance by weighting functions. (Hart et al., 2020) In
scientific research and engineering applications, data interpolation has
gained immense importance. (Yi et al., 2021) As a result, determining
how to solve interpolation curves and surfaces efficiently has become
one of the most popular areas of research in computer-aided geometric
design. (Yi et al., 2021) The process of interpolation involves using
known data points to predict the value of an unknown point. The
accuracy and efficiency of interpolation techniques are necessary for
obtaining reliable results in research and engineering.

Numerical Interpolation is a mathematical technique that involves
estimating the value of a function between two known points using a
set of intermediate points. This technique is widely used in various
fields of work such as engineering, finance, computer science, and
many others. It is particularly useful in situations where it is required to
extrapolate data from limited sets of information.

The basic idea behind numerical interpolation is to create a function

that approximates the relationship between two known points. The
function can then be used to estimate the value of the function at any
point that lies between the two known points. This process is known as

Interpolation involves the use of a set of intermediate points. These

points are typically spaced evenly between the two known points. The
function that describes the relationship between these intermediate
points is called the interpolating function. The interpolating function is
usually a polynomial, and the degree of the polynomial depends on the
number of intermediate points used.

Numerical interpolation is a powerful technique used to estimate

values between known data points. It has numerous applications in
various fields, such as engineering, physics, and geology. In this essay,
we will explore three popular methods of numerical interpolation:
polynomial interpolation, spline interpolation, and other methods of
interpolation. We will discuss the definition, advantages, and
disadvantages of each method to provide a comprehensive
understanding of their applications.

There are various methods of numerical interpolation, including linear
interpolation, polynomial interpolation, cubic spline interpolation, and
many others. Linear interpolation is the most basic form of numerical
interpolation. It involves the use of a straight line to connect two known
points, and the value of the function at any intermediate point is
estimated by the position of the point on the line.

Polynomial interpolation, on the other hand, is a more complex method

of numerical interpolation. It involves the use of a polynomial function
to approximate the relationship between two known points. The
polynomial function is constructed in such a way that it passes through
all the intermediate points. The degree of the polynomial function
depends on the number of intermediate points used.

Cubic spline interpolation is another method of numerical interpolation

that is commonly used. It involves the construction of a piecewise
function that consists of multiple cubic polynomials. The cubic
polynomials are chosen in such a way that they pass through the
intermediate points and have continuous derivatives at each point.

Numerical interpolation has many practical applications, especially in

the field of engineering. For example, it can be used to estimate the
temperature at any point in a system by measuring the temperature at
two points and using numerical interpolation to estimate the
temperature at any intermediate point. The same concept applies to
other fields such as financial analysis and computer science. Numerical
interpolation has many practical applications, such as predicting future
values based on past trends or estimating missing values in datasets.
However, it should be noted that numerical interpolation can only

provide an approximation and may not always accurately represent the
true behavior of the function being analyzed.

One of the major advantages of numerical interpolation is that it

provides a simple and efficient way to estimate the value of a function
at any point between two known points. It is also relatively easy to
implement and can be used on a variety of computer platforms.

However, it is important to note that numerical interpolation is not

always accurate. The accuracy of the interpolating function depends on
the number of intermediate points used and the complexity of the
function being interpolated. In some cases, the interpolating function
may produce inaccurate results, especially if there are large fluctuations
in the data being interpolated.

Another disadvantage of numerical interpolation is that it can be

affected by outliers. Outliers are data points that are significantly
different from the other data points in the set. These outliers can lead
to inaccuracies in the interpolating function, and in extreme cases, the
function may fail to converge.

In conclusion, numerical interpolation is a mathematical technique that

involves estimating the value of a function between two known points
using a set of intermediate points. It is widely used in various fields of
work such as engineering, finance, and computer science. There are
various methods of numerical interpolation, including linear
interpolation, polynomial interpolation, cubic spline interpolation, and

many others. These methods have their advantages and disadvantages,
and the choice of method depends on the specific application. Despite
its limitations, numerical interpolation is a valuable tool that has many
practical applications.

1. Hart, L. E., Jackson, K. P., & Okeke, F.. (2020, January 1). Modern Development for the
Improvement of Accuracy of Nigerian Coordinate Transformation Process Using the
Adapted NTv2 Model: The Critical Issues of the Mathematical Algorithm.
2. Yi, Y., Tang, Z., & Liu, C.. (2021, April 26). Progressive Iterative Approximation for
Extended B-Spline Interpolation Surfaces.

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