Fatima's 1st - Science Test

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Student Name .

Subject . Science (Physics)
Year .8
Chapter . 8 I (Heat Transfer)
Date . 12 March 2024
Marks Obtained. 11 / 21

Instructor’s Remarks
1. Student’s Effort is visible; as She has well developed concepts of Heat Transfer
Techniques, but what we know and what we present on paper are two different
things; we need to be immaculate in both.
2. Fatima, since this result is below expectations, we have to go through another
test of same Chapter in the next Lesson.
1. CONDUCTION: is a type of heat transfer through physical contact due to vibration of
atoms. (1/2)

Convection: Is a type of heat transfer that happens in fluids and gases due to physical
movement of particles. (1/2)

Radiation: is a type of Heat Transfer through light waves (radiations) e.g. the Energy
that arrives Earth from the sun (Can be used for thermal imaging). (1/2)

2. Why will the air sink if it's colder around it?

Because it’s denser. (1/1)

3. Define fluid and give 3 examples?

Fluid is something that doesn't have a fixed arrangement.
Oxygen, Hydrogen, Water (2/2)

4.Why are the gases heat insulators?

Due to its particle arrangement which creates hard time to pass. And since the particles
are far away the energy & heat takes a long time to pass and loses some past of itself
during the transfer. Since the gas particles are not fixed together and are far away from
each other, the vibration of one particle (which is in fact the heat energy) cannot be
passed to the next neighboring particle due to which gases behave as insulators. Thus,
the gases can transfer Heat via Convection only and not Conduction. (0/2)

5.Use ideas about particles to show why a solid expands during heating?
Solid expands during heating. Because its particles gain energy and vibrate faster and
try occupying more space and thus moving apart which increases their overall volume.

6.Why do the dogs keep their tongues outside during summer?

It allows the saliva on the tongue to evaporate that enables the tongue to cool down &
thus regulate the body temperature. (1/2)

7. Why does the temp stop rising at its melting and boiling point?
Because the given heat is continuously getting used or let's say consumed by the
particles..to change the state from solid to liquid (in case of Melting Point) and liquid to
gas (in case of Boiling Point). (0/2)

8.If steam condenses in your hand, it’s more painful than dropping fully boiled in
your hand?
When steam hits my hand, it releases a lot of energy due to condensing into liquid
which causes pain. Also, since the steam (vapors) are at higher energy level than the
boiling liquid, thus the burning effect is more than a normal boiling liquid, thus adding
more pain.
9.How are thermal images formed?
Mention the color wise distribution of the heat emitted by the body.
The process of turning infrared radiation in to image is called as thermal imaging.
If the body is hot, it would be white and red.
If it's cool it will be green, blue, and yellow. (2/2)


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