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Pick up Relic, AP cost 1

Remove the relic from the board and place it next to that model’s sheet, that model is now
considered to be carrying the relic. If the model goes out of action the relic is dropped where their
base was when they are removed.

Attack, AP cost 1,
-Chose an enemy model in line of sight and weapon's range. Roll a number d10s equal to the
Pre-Battle Sequence weapons attacks characteristic.
-Each roll that is the meets or exceeds the stat (violence or range) is deemed a hit, each that does
Ambitions not is deemed a glance.
Before each battle, choose 4 ambitions to be active, a list of ambitions and t once the goal number -Hits causes the target to suffer the higher damage of the weapon. Glances causes them suffer the
is reached, marked (x), you receive the reward. lower damage.
-Theses damages are added together and applied to the target.
Deployment -Substract the armour value of the target to the damages, (minimum 1 damage.)
All deployment is corner deployment unless stated. After a roll off players alternate placing a -In addition, the attacker may push the target 1’’ in any direction if they rolled any successes.
model touching both table edges then alternate placing a model that either touches a table edge
and another friendly model’s base or two friendly model’s bases. Sorcery
After deployment, each leader receives mana dice of a type and amount equal to their mana points
After this follow the turn order below. Casting
-Each spell has an AP cost, usually 1, and a channel value.
Turn order --Only mana dice that share the keyword blood/bone/plasm with the spell lore may be used to cast
1. Initiative Step that spell. Any mana dice can be used for the Necromancy spell lore.
Each player rolls a d10 with the highest deemed to have won the initiative roll. -Roll any amount of mana dice you have and take the highest result. If no result is higher than the
2. Gathering Step channelling value you will use the left side numbers of any ‘/’ in the spell description.
Starting with the player that won the initiative roll, take turns activating single models -If any dice match or exceed the channelling value of the spell you will use the right side of any ‘/’
until all have activated. numbers.
3. Others Step -Mana dice used in this way are discarded for the remainder of the battle.
Any NPCs then activate, each player selects one NPC and in initiative order bids any
number of mana dice to control them. If both players bid the same amount of mana dice, Arcane Backlash
or none at all, control of the NPC is decided by roll off. Players can keep bidding until If any mana dice are a 1 the spell completes as normal, then casting model suffers an arcane
they run out of mana dice and any mana dice bid are lost. backlash. Roll 1d10.
4. The turn then ends and begins again with the initiative step.
1 The caster is taken out of action and any model in 3’’ suffers 3 damage.
Actions 23 The opposing player may push the caster 5’’ in a straight line. If they touch any terrain
feature or other model, they suffer 3 damage and stop. Any model they are pushed into
contact with also suffers 3 damage. This damage is cumulative with dangerous
Move, AP cost 1, terrain/falling damage.
-move the model the amount of inches equivalent to its move characteristic, vertically or
46 The caster suffers 3 damage and any minor treasures the caster carries are discarded.
horizontally, long as the model can move to horizontal ground within their movement distance. If
they cannot then they fall 79 The caster suffers 2 damage.
-A model with the Fly keyword can will ignore all vertical distance and other models when
10 You may push the caster 3’’ as if they had the fly keyword. The caster gains a mana dice
of any type and may instantly use it as a free action to cast another spell.
-Models can move horizontally out from a ledge and choose to fall at the end of their move
Push : A push is moving the model the specified number of inches in any direction. Type AP Move Violence Range HP Cost Keywords
Out of Action : If a model is reduced to 0hp or below it is considered out of action and is removed
from the table, each removed model is replaced with a mana token of same type. Corspe 2 3 7 7 11 50 Blood
Falling : If the model cannot rest on a horizontal surface after being moved or pushed it falls Husk
directly downward. For every inch fallen the model suffers 1 damage, in addition if a model lands Skeletal 2 3 6 7 10 50 Bone
in base-to-base contact with another model that model also suffers the same amount of damage. Husk
Obscured : If a model can draw a line of sight to the target of their attack but that target is
obscured in part by the terrain feature, the attacker receives a -1 to their violence/ranged roll. Ghast 2 4 7 7 8 50 Plasm, Fly
Dangerous terrain and board edge : If a model either moves, falls or is pushed into one dangerous Husk
terrain, their movement stops and they suffer 3 damage. The board edge is deemed to be Familiar 2 5 9 - 6 40 Unique, Blood/Bone/Plasm, Fly, Beast
dangerous terrain.
Mana tokens : If any leader makes a move action or is pushed across the token they receive an Necroman 2 5 9 9 6 30 Blood/Bone/Plasm, Fly, Beast
additional mana dice of that type and the token is removed. tic
Post-Battle Sequence Small 2 4 7 - 10 60 Blood/Bone/Plasm, Beast
1. Maladies Flying 2 4 7 - 10 70 Blood/Bone/Plasm, Fly, Beast
When you leader had been taken out of action in a battle roll on the following table : beast
1. Frail reformation, -1 max hp
2. Cursed form, your opponent chooses either your move, violence or ranged and reduces it by 1 Large 2 3 8 - 15 80 Blood/Bone/Plasm, Fly, Beast
3-5. Incomplete form, choose move, violence or ranged and reduce it by 1 Beast
6-9. Pilfered, your opponent chooses one minor treasure your leader is carrying that you lose and Gigantic 2 3 7 - 25 225 Unique, Blood/Bone/Plasm, Fly
they gain horror
10. Perfect reconstitution, +1 max hp
Melee Weapon Attack Damage Rang Special Obols
2. Victory rewards
s Fail/Success e
Winner receives 20+2d10 obols and 2 rolls on the treasure table, loser receives 10+2d10 obols and
a roll on the treasure table Improvised 1h 2 1/3 1 - -
Blade 1h 3 1/3 1 +1 armour in melee 10
3. Ambitions Axe 1h 3 1/3 1 Ignore 1 armour 10
Each time you succeed check the box on your gathering sheet, once the goal number is reached, Bludgeon 1h 3 1/3 1 May push 2’’ 10
marked (x), you receive the reward. Polearm 1h 2 1/3 2 - 10
Polearm 2h 3 1/3 2 - 15
4.Visit the Bazaar Great Weapon 2 2/5 1 - 40
Markets You may purchase any number of new minions, weapons and armour rom the Dual hand 4 1/3 1 -1 to violence rolls 30
bazaar. weapons 2h
Any weapon or armour can be sold for half its value, rounding up. Claws/Fangs 2h 3 1/3 1 - 5
Any minor treasure can be sold for 10 obols. Large Claws 2h 2 2/5 1 Cannot be taken unless 40
noted on leader/minion
Soul Binder 50 obols, remove any malady from your sheet. entry
Tomb robber Roll on the treasure table and pay 30 obols to receive that item, 1 /per gathering Sling 1h 1 13 26 - 10
Bow 1h 1 14 2 12 AP cost 2 per attack 30
Wayfinders Buy a lair upgrade, 50 obols. Each lair upgrade can only be purchased once. Crossbow 2h 1 15 2 10 action 30

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