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Pendalaman Materi UTBK-SNBT Literasi Bahasa Inggris

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TEXT 1 (B) The spinet
For a century and a half the planohas been one (C) The clavichord
of the most popular solo instruments for Western (D) The organ
music. Unlike string and wind instrument, the piano is (E) The guitar
completely self sufficient, as it is able to play both the 03. The words “a supremacy” in paragraph 2 closest
melody and its accompanying, line harmony at the same in meaning to ………
time. For this reason, it became the favorite house-
(A) a suggestion
hold instrument of the nineteenth century.
(B) an improvement
The ancestry of the piano can be traced to the
(C) a dominance
early keyboard instruments of the hfteenth and six-
(D) a development
teenth centuries - the spinet, the dulcimer, and the
(E) a project
virginal In the seventeenth century the organ, the clavi-
chord, and the harpsichord became the chief instru- 04. According to the passage, what deficiency did the
ments of the keyboard group, a supremacy they harpsichord have ...
maintained until (10) the piano supplanted them at (A) It was fragile
the end of the eighteenth century. The clavíchord’s (B) It lack variety in tone
tone was metallic and never powerful; nevertheless, (C) It sound metallic
because of the variety of tone possible to it, many (D) It could not produce strong sound
composers found the clavichord a sympathetic instru- (E) It sound classic
ment for concert use, but the character of the tone
could not be varied save by mechanical or structural 05. According to the information in the third para-
devices. graph, which of the following improvements
The piano was perfected in the early eighteenth made it possible to lengthen the tone produced
century by a harpsichord maker in Italy (though musi- by the piano?
cologists point out several previous instances of the (A) The introduction of pedals
instrument). This instrument was called a piano e (B) The use of heavy wires
forte(soft and loud), to indicate its dynamic versatility; (C) The use of felt-padded hammerheads
its strings were struck by a recoiling hammer with a (D) The metal fframe construction
feltpadded head. The wires were much heavier in the (E) The condition of pedals
earlier instruments. A series of ( mechanical improve- TEXT 2
ments continuing well into the nineteenth century,
including the introduction of pedals to sustain tone According to the controversial sunspot theory,
or to soften it, the perfection of a metal frame and great storms on the surface of the sun hurt streams
steel wire of the finest quality, finally produced an in- of solar particles into the atmosphere, causing a shift
strument capable of myriad tonal effects from the most in the weather on earth.A typical sunspot consist of a
delicate harmonies to an almost orchestral fullness of dark central umbra surrounded by a lighter penum-
sound, from a liquid, singing tone to a sharp, percus- bra of light and dark threads extending out from
sive brilliance. the centre like the spokes of a wheel. Actually, the
sunspots are cooler than the rest of the photosphere,
01. What does the passage mainly discuss? which may account for color. Typically, the tempera-
(A) The historical development of the piano ture in the sunspot umbra is about 4000 K, whereas
(B) If the quality of tone produced by Unos key- the temperature in a penumbra registers 5500 K, and
board instruments the granules outside the spot are 6000 K.Sunspot range
(C) The uses of keyboard instruments in various in size from tiny granule to complex structures with
types of compositions areas stretching for billions of square miles. About 5
(D) The popularity of the piano with composers percent of the spots are large enough so that they
(E) The use of piano can be seen without instruments; consequently, ob-
servations of sunspots have been recorded for several
02. Which of the following instruments was widely
thousand years.
used before the seventeenth century?
Sunspots have been observed in arrangements
(A) The harpsichord of one to more than on hundred spots, but they trend

Pendalaman Materi UTBK-SNBT Literasi Bahasa Inggris

to occur in pairs. There is also a mark tendency for the 10. The word extending in paragraph 1 has similar
two spots of a pair to have opposite magnetic polari- meaning with ……
ties. Furthermore, the strength of the magnetic field (A) Recuring
associated with any given sunspot is closely related to (B) curtailing
the spot‘s size.though there is no theory that com- (C) Restricking
pletely explains the nature and function of sunspots, (D) Spreading
several models attempt to relate the phenomenon to (E) Constracking
magnetic fields along the lines of longitude from the
north and south poles of the sun. TEXT 3
A renewable-energy “oasis” scheduledto be built
06. The passage mentions all of the following facts
more may serve as a proving ground for new tech-
about sunspot EXCEPT…..
nologies designed to bring green living to the
(A) A sunspot consists of a dark central umbra desert.The planned research center is part of the Sara
surrounded by a lighter penumbra of light. Forest Project which doesn’t mean it’ll be built in
(B) A sunspot cannot be seen without instrument Africa. The center is meant to be a small-scale ver-
because the large are about 5 percent of the sion of massive green complexes that project manag-
spots. ers hope to build in deserts around the globe.
(C) Sunspot stands up with dark threads extend- Experts are now examining arid sites in Austra-
ing out from the centre like the spokes of a lia, the U.S., the Middle East, and Africa that could
wheel. support the test facility. “The Sahara Forest Project is
(D) The temperature in the sunspot umbra is a holistic approach for creation of local jobs, food,
about 4000 k, whereas the temperature in a water, and energy, utilizing relatively simple solutions
penumbra registers 5700 k, and the granules mimicking design and principles from nature,” said
outside the spot are 6000 k. Frederic Hauge. For instance, special greenhouses
(E) Observation of sunspots have been done in would use hot desert air and seawater make fresh
arrangements of one to more than on hun- water for growing crops, solar energy would be col-
dred spots. lected to generate power, and algae pools would of-
07. Which of the following statement is TRUE accord- fer a renewable and easily transportable fuel supply.
ing to the passage? In addition, planting trees near the complex would
trap atmospheric greenhouse gases such as carbon
(A) Observations of sunspots have been recorded
dioxide while restoring any natural forest cover that
for several hundred years.
has been lost to drought and timber harvesting. “From
(B) There are several models of theory which ex-
my perspective as an environmentalist, this could be a
plain the nature and function of sunspots.
game changer in how we produce bio-mass for food
(C) The sunspots are hotter than the rest of the
and energy, and how we’re going to provide fresh
water for the future,” Hauge said.
(D) The temperature in the sunspot umbra is
But not all experts are as enthusiastic about
higher than the temperature in a penumbra.
the project. In terms of the reforestation plans, “try-
(E) The strength of the magnetic field associated
ing to grow trees in the Sahara desert is not the most
with any given sunspot is closely get in touch
appropriate approach,” said a forest ecologist of the
with the spot‘s size.
University of California. After all, even though it was
08. Which of the following would most likely be the literally green in the past, the Sahara was never heavily
topic of the next paragraph? forested.
(A) Theories of sunspot 11. It is clear from the passage that the author’s pur-
(B) Several theories related to the phenomenon pose of writing the passage above is to ...
to magnetic fields.
(A) Expose research to change desertinto green
(C) Phenomenon of sunspot which have ever oc-
(B) Explain advances in green technology in des-
(D) The impact of sunspot to the earth.
(E) Magnetic fields in the sunspot.
(C) Demonstrate the foresting of desert into oa-
09. What is the author‘s main purpose in the passage? ses
(A) To argue for the existence of magnetic fields (D) Describe an experiment to provide fresh wa-
in sunspot. ter
(B) To compare the umbra and penumbra in sun- (E) Show activities in the sahara forest project
spot. 12. Unlike the information in paragraph 3, paragraph
(C) To propose a theory to explain sunspot. 2 in the passage contains information on ...
(D) To criticize the old theory of sunspot.
(A) predictive studies
(E) To describe the nature of sunspot.
(B) opposite outlooks
(C) positive opinions

Pendalaman Materi UTBK-SNBT Literasi Bahasa Inggris

(D) optimistic views 16. We can understand from the passage that the
(E) strong refusals introduction of sound films —-.
13. What does the word “it” in “...which does not (A) occurred at the time of the introduction of
mean it will be built in Africa.” paragraph 1 colour films
refer to? (B) was not easy because it was not affordable
(C) made colour movies a possibility on a com-
(A) desert
mercial basis
(B) center
(D) was an important milestone in the film in-
(C) project
(D) ground
(E) was delayed until after the end of World War
(E) research
14. Which of the following is relevant with the idea
17. It is stated in the reading that —-.
of ‘a small-scale version’ (paragraph 1) de-
scribed in thepassage? (A) 1920s marked the end to the era of sound
(A) Grade XII students work in groups in the bi-
(B) the transition to colour films was not as rapid
ology laboratory.
as the transition to sound films
(B) Budi focuses his research on thephysical as-
(C) colour movies did not appear until the mid-
pects of the temple.
(C) Anita studies the chance of growing an apple
(D) television didn’t become popular until the
with little water in a pot.
(D) The project surveys the number of cars pass-
(E) colour TVs were expensive initially
ing by the bridge a day.
(E) Tina examines the relationshipbetween physi- 18. One can understand from the passage that —-.
cal fitness and learning. (A) black-and-white films are still a wonderful
15. Obviously the author views that the experts’ esti- source of entertainment
mation of success on the project mentioned in (B) the film industry fell into a serious crisis after
the passage is ... the end of World War II
(C) the’ arrival of sound films ended the popu-
(A) uncertain
larity of silent movies
(B) mistaken
(D) the introduction of colour to movies didn’t
(C) inaccurate
help the movie industry in its competition with
(D) dissimilar
(E) undeniable
(E) the public was indifferent to sound films
19. The synonym word allowedof in paragraph 1
In the 1920s, new technology allowed filmmakers is…………….
to attach to each film a soundtrack of speech, music
(A) Withhold
and sound effects synchronized with the action on
(B) Grant
the screen. These sound films were initially
(C) Reject
distinguishedby calling them talking pictures, or talk-
(D) Resume
(E) resist
The next major step in the development of cin-
ema was the introduction of color. While the addition 20. The antonym of the word distinguished in para-
of sound to film revolutionized the medium, quickly graph 1 is …..
driving out silent movies, color was adopted more (A) discern
gradually. The public was relatively indifferent to color (B) confound
photography as opposed to black-and-white. But as (C) dissimilate
color processes improved and became as affordable (D) discover
as black-and-white film, more and more movies were (E) Calm
filmed in color after the end of World War II, as the
industry in America came to view color an essential to
attracting audiences in its competition with television,
which remained a black-and-white medium until the
mid-60s. By the end of the 1960s, color had become
the norm for filmmakers.


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