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The pediatric article my group chose for the research article project is titled “Pediatrics in Artificial

Intelligence Era: A Systematic Review on Challenges, Opportunities, and Explainability.” We live in a

world where advanced technology is ingrained in almost all aspects of life, including healthcare. The
article reviews the rise of technology and Artificial Intelligence and its application to healthcare, as well
as outlining the pros and cons of Artificial Intelligence in relation to the healthcare of our pediatric

Not only has Artificial Intelligence (AI) been introduced into healthcare, but we have also introduced
machine learning (ML) as well. ML tools such as ChatGPT, Bard, and Glass AI 2.0 have recently been put
into action to facilitate communication between humans and machines, even in healthcare. ChatGPT can
be utilized to aid healthcare providers in decision-making and Glass AI 2.0 contains a database
formulated by physicians to create different diagnoses as well as different care plans. What does this
mean for pediatric healthcare? In pediatrics, the use of AI and ML are projected to aid in making clinical
decisions, help physicians to focus on making plans of care centered around their patients, and be the
driving force behind generating patient care that is beyond human ability. Of course, there are some
negatives when it comes to AI and ML in healthcare, including data bias, under-performance, and racial

While applying Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to the world of pediatric medicine, there is a
vast amount of ground to cover. With all of the subspecialities and areas of care within pediatrics, there
is bound to be certain areas that AI and ML serve in a more purposeful manner than others. AI and ML
have shown great promise in being successful in predicting a diagnosis of PTSD which leads to early
intervention and in cancer diagnosis where it is possible to predict the likelihood and prognosis of a
cancer occurrence in children. Additionally, AI and ML has also assisted in diagnosing metabolic
conditions, eye disorders, and behavioral disorders as well as abuse analysis. But, of course, with the
pros always come the cons. The use of AI and ML in pediatrics has shown challenges when it comes to
causing irregularities in patient data which alters patient analysis and plan of care, lack diversification
regarding ethnic and racial groups which leads to the creation of biases in diagnostic outcomes. In
addition to biases regarding race, there have also been biases found for children with chromosomal
abnormalities and genetic malformations which is due to a lack of information of the conditions.
Additionally, there have been issues with the quality of data, a general lack in variety of data, duplicate
records, and inconsistencies with the AI and ML’s interpretability of data.

Introducing AI and ML into pediatric healthcare is a highly debated topic. It almost seems inevitable that,
in at least some compacity, AI and ML will be a mainstay in pediatric medicine. Technology becomes
more evident and ingrained into our lives every day, and healthcare is no exception. We can see how
beneficial the use of AI and ML can and will be in improving the healthcare of children. With the
introduction of all new tools to improve healthcare, including AI and ML, there are always valid questions
presented to determine if the positives of the new tool benefit or detriment healthcare. Through studies,
we have seen that while AI and ML may be beneficial, it could also alter the quality of patient care. As
time goes on and more studies are conducted, we will see if AI and ML truly benefits the care of
pediatrics, or if it will cause more harm than good.

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