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Neuropsychology Review


Working Memory in Pediatric Epilepsy: A Systematic Review

and Meta‑Analysis
Belinda J. Poole1,2 · Natalie L. Phillips1,2 · Elizabeth Stewart1,2 · Irina M. Harris1 · Suncica Lah1,2

Received: 20 August 2019 / Accepted: 21 February 2021

© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2021

Working memory is a multicomponent system that is supported by overlapping specialized networks in the brain. Baddeley’s
working memory model includes four components: the phonological loop, visuo-spatial sketchpad, the central executive,
and episodic buffer. The aim of this review was to establish the gravity and pattern of working memory deficits in pediatric
epilepsy. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement guided electronic
searches. Sixty-five studies were included in the review. Meta-analyses revealed significant impairments across each working
memory component: phonological loop (g = 0.739), visuo-spatial sketchpad (g = 0.521), and central executive (g = 0.560)
in children with epilepsy compared to controls. The episodic buffer was not examined. The pattern of impairments, however,
differed according to the site and side of seizure focus. This suggests that working memory components are differentially
vulnerable to the location of seizure focus in the developing brain.

Keywords Working memory · Epilepsy · Academics · Pediatric · Phonological Loop · Visuospatial Sketchpad · Central

Introduction pattern of brain activation for each working memory com-

ponent changes over development, with different patterns
Working memory is a limited-capacity system that tem- identified for children, adolescents and adults with more
porarily processes, manipulates and stores information in complex working memory tasks, such as those that require
mind (Baddeley, 1996a). The traditional working memory the manipulation of information in mind (Tau & Peterson,
model by Baddeley and Hitch (1974), was comprised of 2010). It is proposed that the neural circuits that support
three components: two temporary storage systems known working memory have prolonged maturation, with the larg-
as the phonological loop and visuo-spatial sketchpad, which est gains occurring between 5 to 19 years of age (Alloway
are coordinated by the central executive, which processes & Alloway, 2013; Gathercole et al., 2004). This is consistent
and manipulates information. In 2000, Baddeley added the with the protracted development of the dorsolateral prefron-
fourth component to the model: the episodic buffer, which tal cortex that matures by adulthood (Gibb & Kolb, 2015;
binds episodic and semantic information into integrated Teffer & Semendeferi, 2012). Thus, for complex working
chunks. memory tasks, the networks have refined by early adulthood,
Working memory components rely on a set of overlap- which allows for improved working memory capacity (Tau
ping, yet specialized and distributed brain networks that have & Peterson, 2010).
particular reliance on frontal lobe regions (see D’Esposito, Research has shown that working memory components
2007 for a review). Neuroimaging studies indicate that the have different functions and rely on different neural networks
in the brain (D’Esposito, 2007; Baddeley, 1996a). The pho-
* Suncica Lah nological loop temporarily holds speech and acoustic based information, which decays after two to three seconds without
rehearsal. This storage component is important for articu-
School of Psychology, University of Sydney, Sydney, lation and rehearsal of verbal material (Baddeley, 1996b),
NSW 2006, Australia
and for language acquisition (Baddeley, 2003). For typically
ARC Centre of Excellence in Cognition and its Disorders, developing children, the phonological loop is important for
Macquarie University, Sydney, NSW 2109, Australia

Neuropsychology Review

long term phonological learning, vocabulary learning, early thought to be an additional storage component that is coordi-
reading skills, and general math skills (Baddeley, 2012; nated by the central executive (Baddeley, 2000). Neuroimaging
Friso-van den Bos et al., 2013; Passolunghi et al., 2007). In studies have found that the episodic buffer activates anterior
neuroimaging studies, the neural networks that have been and posterior regions of the brain, with the right prefrontal
implicated in the phonological loop are the sensorimotor cir- cortex important for integrating verbal and spatial information
cuit located in the language dominant left hemisphere of the (Baddeley, 2000; Prabhakaran, Narayanan, Zhao, & Gabriel,
brain, and the inferior parietal lobe and Broca’s area (Aboitiz 2000).
et al., 2010; Smith & Jonides, 1997). The phonological loop
also relies on the posterior temporal region and ventrolateral Working Memory in Epilepsy
prefrontal cortex (Aboitiz et al., 2010).
The visuo-spatial sketchpad is considered the visual-spatial Epilepsy is characterized by recurrent unprovoked seizures
equivalent of the phonological loop, which can temporarily or epileptic discharges (Fisher et al., 2014). Working mem-
hold approximately three or four objects in mind (Baddeley, ory deficits are common in children with epilepsy (Elger
1996a; Baddeley, 2003). The visuo-spatial sketchpad is impor- et al., 2004). Working memory deficits in children with epi-
tant for spatial orientation and geographical knowledge, as it lepsy may be related to seizures themselves, but also to the
is involved in knowing how to use and manipulate objects in location of pathology or seizure focus. Seizures themselves
space (Baddeley, 2003). The visuo-spatial sketchpad has also are likely to corrupt or wipe out information from working
been implicated in early mathematical skills, such as number memory, as information is held in working memory only
writing and symbolic magnitude comparisons (Friso-van den temporarily, making it extremely vulnerable to disruption.
Bos et al., 2013; Simmons et al., 2012). In neuroimaging stud- In addition, over time, recurrent seizures may interfere with
ies, the visuo-spatial sketchpad has been found to recruit neu- the structural development and functional organization of
ral networks in the right hemisphere, with activation occurring the brain (Badawy et al., 2012; Vingerhoets, 2006). In turn,
in the inferior frontal region, occipital and superior parietal the cumulative effect of recurrent seizures may interfere with
cortex in response to spatial-based tasks, and in the inferior maturation of brain networks that support working memory,
temporal cortex in response to object-based tasks (Nagel et al., and reduce working memory capacity. Higher frequency of
2013; Smith & Jonides, 1997; Wager & Smith, 2003). seizures, longer duration of seizure disorder, and an ear-
The central executive is a domain-general component that lier age of seizure onset, which have been associated with
is involved in the attentional control over working memory an increased risk of cognitive difficulties in children with
processes. This attentional control involves focusing, dividing epilepsy (Vingerhoets, 2006), may also be associated with
and switching attention and also integrates working memory working memory deficits.
with long term memory stores (Baddeley, 2003). The central Seizures can be generalized or focal, and can also be
executive is proposed to have the largest impact on general associated with other symptoms that form an epilepsy syn-
cognition (Baddeley, 1996b) and is related to general intel- drome, such as benign epilepsy with centro-temporal spikes
ligence (Conway et al., 2003). Studies have also found that (BECTS; Berg et al., 2010; Fisher et al., 2014; Scheffer et al.,
mathematical skills, such as simple arithmetic and problem 2017). Generalized seizures arise simultaneously in both
solving accuracy, are supported by the central executive, in hemispheres (Helmstaedter & Witt, 2012; Mattson, 2003).
combination with other working memory components such As such, these seizures are likely to disrupt all components
as the phonological loop and visuo-spatial sketchpad (Cragg of working memory. A meta-analysis examining cognitive
et al., 2017; Friso-van den Bos et al., 2013; Peng et al., 2016; functioning in children and adults with generalized epilepsy
Raghubar et al., 2010; Simmons et al., 2012; Swanson & found moderate to large impairments in working memory,
Fung, 2016). Neuroimaging findings suggest that the cen- suggesting that working memory overall is vulnerable to
tral executive is dependent on the dorsolateral prefrontal generalized seizures (Loughman et al., 2014). The impact of
cortex and the parietal cortex (Curtis & D’Esposito, 2003; generalized seizures on each component of working mem-
D’Esposito, 2007). ory, however, was not examined in that meta-analysis. Focal
The most recent addition to the working memory model is seizures, on the other hand, emanate from a particular site
the episodic buffer, which binds episodic and semantic infor- (i.e. temporal, frontal) within one hemisphere of the brain
mation into integrated chunks (Baddeley, 2000). The episodic (Helmstaedter & Witt, 2012). Hence, the impact of focal
buffer is important for linking the components of working seizures on working memory could be selective, and might
memory to perception and long-term memory (Baddeley, involve one component of working memory, while sparing
2012). However, the episodic buffer is the least studied and the other components. For instance, left temporal lobe epi-
least understood component of working memory, due to a lack lepsy may result in greater disruption in phonological loop
of consensus with the conceptualization of this process (de capacity compared to right temporal lobe epilepsy, due to the
Pontes Nobre et al., 2013). Nonetheless, the episodic buffer is reliance of phonological loop networks on the left temporal

Neuropsychology Review

regions of the brain (Aboitiz et al., 2010). Among patients and severity of working memory deficits are related to
with frontal lobe epilepsy, it might be expected that the cen- (i) demographic factors such as the age at testing, and
tral executive would have the greatest impairment across (ii) other epilepsy factors such as the age of onset of sei-
epilepsy subtypes, due to the reliance of the central execu- zure disorder, duration of epilepsy, seizure frequency,
tive on the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (Baddeley, 1996b). medication, and surgical status. Furthermore, we aimed
However, due to the overlap of neural networks that sup- to determine relations between working memory and (i)
ports working memory, and the spread of focal seizures to neuroimaging results, and (ii) functional deficits (espe-
other brain regions, it is possible that multiple components cially academic difficulties) in children and adolescents
of working memory might be disrupted by the presence of with epilepsy.
focal seizures, especially as children activate diffuse rather
than specialized brain networks when performing working
memory tasks (Tau & Peterson, 2010). Method
Working memory deficits in children and adolescents
with epilepsy may have significant functional implications. Protocol Registration
Research has shown that children with epilepsy have perva-
sive difficulties in academic skills, particularly in mathematics The systematic review protocol was registered with the
(Black & Hynd, 1995; Jackson et al., 2013; Rathouz et al., International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews
2014; Seidenberg et al., 1986). Two studies that have exam- (PROSPERO; registration number CRD42016053012). The
ined academic correlates of working memory deficits in chil- Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-
dren with epilepsy found that working memory was related Analyses (PRISMA) statement and guidelines were used to
to academic problems in a mixed group of epilepsy cases conduct searches, guide data extraction, summarize evidence
(Danguecan & Smith, 2017; Fastenau et al., 2004). Fastenau and report results (Moher et al., 2009).
et al. (2004) used a composite measure of working memory
and executive functions, which included processing speed and
cognitive flexibility, and found that impairments in this Search Strategies
composite score were associated with deficits in reading, writ-
ing and mathematical performance in children with epilepsy. Databases including PsychInfo, MEDLINE and EMBASE
This finding is consistent with Danguecan and Smith (2017), were searched via OvidSP to identify eligible studies. The
who found an association between higher seizure status (the last search was conducted on the 1­ 4th of July 2020. The fol-
presence of seizures in the past 12 months) and poor verbal lowing search terms were used [(exp. Epilepsy) AND (exp.
working memory capacity (comprised of phonological loop working memory OR exp. Short Term Memory)] and all
and central executive tasks), which in turn, predicted poor search terms were exploded. Studies were limited to those
academic skills. These studies suggest that working memory that included children (0 to 18 years old), human partici-
difficulties relate to low academic outcomes in children with pants, and were published in peer-reviewed journals in the
epilepsy, including those with focal and generalized seizures. English language. The ancestry method was used to examine
These results are consistent with research on typically devel- reference lists of eligible empirical papers and also relevant
oping children, which suggests that working memory deficits reviews, which were searched to identify additional studies
are related to academic problems (Gathercole et al., 2016). for inclusion. Full text articles of additional studies that were
However, no studies have systematically examined whether identified from reviews and ancestry search were evaluated
each component of working memory is differentially impaired against inclusion/exclusion criteria.
in children with different types of epilepsy, and whether
the site or side of seizure focus in children with focal seizures Study Selection Criteria
plays a role in the pattern of working memory deficits. These
findings could assist in differential diagnosis, enable early Studies were included if they:
identification of children at risk, fine-tune neuropsychological
management of children with epilepsy and ameliorate associ- (i) reported original empirical research,
ated functional difficulties. (ii) included patients with a diagnosis of epilepsy
The primary aim of this review is to determine whether (including epilepsy syndromes) irrespective of
working memory components are impaired in children comorbidities or pre-existing conditions, such as
and adolescents with epilepsy. The secondary aim of this learning difficulties or attention-deficit/hyperactiv-
review is to determine whether working memory compo- ity disorder (ADHD),
nents are differentially impacted by site or side of epi- (iii) included children and adolescents between 0 to 18
lepsy. The final aim is to evaluate whether the pattern years of age,

Neuropsychology Review

(iv) used a standardized psychometric instrument or Selection

an experimental working memory task to conduct
an objective assessment of at least one compo- The titles and abstracts were assessed against inclusion
nent of Baddeley’s (2000) working memory model criteria by two reviewers (BP and NP or SL). If there was
(i.e., phonological loop, visuo-spatial sketchpad, insufficient information in the title and abstract to determine
central executive, or episodic buffer). When a whether the study met inclusion and exclusion criteria, or if
composite score was reported for a set of tasks the two raters disagreed, the full text article was obtained.
that measured different components of working Studies that clearly did not meet inclusion and exclusion
memory (i.e., the Digit Span subtest or the Work- criteria according to both raters were not reviewed at the
ing Memory Index Score from various versions of full-text stage. Two reviewers (BP and NP or SL) assessed
Weschler Intelligence Tests), authors were con- all full text articles against inclusion criteria and the final
tacted to provide scores for each working memory decision was determined by consensus.
component separately,
(v) reported working memory, raw or scaled, scores Data Items and Summary Measures
obtained by children with epilepsy and a neurologi-
cally healthy control group, or scaled scores obtained For each eligible article, the following data were extracted
from normative data of a standardized test battery, (i) descriptive statistics of age at testing, sample size of epi-
(vi) were published in peer-reviewed journals in the Eng- lepsy and control groups, and (ii) relevant epilepsy variables
lish language. (if reported) epilepsy diagnosis or site of seizure focus, age
of seizure onset, and duration of seizures. Data relevant to
Studies were excluded if they: outcome were also extracted from eligible articles (i) work-
ing memory task and test scores (either as means or standard
(i) were review papers or single case studies, deviations, standard scores, or t-values and p-values), (ii)
(ii) were dissertations, abstracts, or conference presenta- any academic measures (math, reading or writing), and (iii)
tions, neuroimaging findings if conducted.
(iii) did not report or provide data on the separate scores Each working memory tasks was classified by two authors
of distinct working memory components, (BP and NP; or BP and SL) according to the pre-determined
(iv) had overlapping participant samples with previous criteria. Any disagreement in classification was discussed
published studies, until a consensus was reached. The classification of tasks
(v) provided composite working memory scores (i.e. was guided by previously published meta-analyses on work-
a score that involved more than one component of ing memory (e.g. Phillips et al., 2015; Peng et al., 2016) and
working memory) rather than scores for each work- descriptions of tasks provided by Henson (2001), which
ing memory component separately, and either indi- referred to the original working memory model, and descrip-
cated that they were not able to provide the requested tions of tasks for the episodic buffer provided by de Pontes
data, or did not respond to two e-mails sent two Nobre et al. (2013). Henson pointed out that the WM model
weeks apart within four weeks of the first e-mail, differentiates between i) verbal or visuospatial information,
(vi) used a task that involved working memory but relied ii) passive and temporary storage of information or active
to a large extent on other cognitive abilities (i.e., rehearsal, and iii) maintenance and manipulation of infor-
fluid reasoning and verbal comprehension, semantic mation in mind. Tasks that measure the phonological loop
knowledge, or solving word-based problems), such and visuo-spatial sketchpad include simple span tasks that
as the Arithmetic subtest from one of the Weschler require passive storage and immediate recall of verbal or
Intelligence scales or the Picture Span subtest from visuo-spatial material in a serial manner. Examples of these
the Weschler Intelligence Scale for Children, 5­ th edi- tasks in standardized assessment batteries include verbal digit
tion (WISC-V; Weschsler, 2014; Saklofske, Weiss, and word span tasks that measure the phonological loop, or
Prifitera, & Holdnack, 2015), visuo-spatial block span tasks that measure the visuo-spatial
(vii) did not provide a working memory score (raw or sketchpad. Another measure of phonological loop relates to
scaled) for number of correct responses (i.e., reported item recognition tasks (such as the Sternberg item recogni-
reaction times, or omission or commission errors tion test) that taps into three processes – encoding, rehearsal
instead), and retrieval of material. The task involves presenting items
(viii) employed a subjective measure of working memory, to encode, followed by a delay period and probe. Measures of
such as various questionnaires. the central executive can tap into different processes, such as

Neuropsychology Review

the storage and manipulation of information in either verbal utilised, thus these studies received an NA (not applicable)
of visuo-spatial span tasks. Examples include transformation for this category.
span such as digit or visuo-spatial span recalled backwards or One star was allocated for each of the following criteria for
in a set sequence. These span tasks can be used to measure Outcome (i) ascertainment of outcome measuring at least one
central executive, as they involve switching between storage, of the four working memory components, using a validated
processing, and retrieving the material in a serial order. Mon- measure or described in enough detail to be replicated, (ii)
itoring tasks such as the n-back task are a non-span measure used the same method of measuring working memory for
of central executive and require monitoring and updating cases and controls, and (iii) same non-response rate reported
material, whilst inhibiting responses that are incorrect. Self- for cases and controls with a maximum of three stars awarded
ordered pointing tasks are a generation-based non-span task for Outcome. Studies that did not have a control group or
of central executive that require monitoring and updating second epilepsy comparison group could only be awarded a
information, whilst generating choices. Dual-tasks include maximum of one star for this category (i) ascertainment of
coordinating and switching between concurrent tasks, which outcome measuring one working memory component.
has a strong demand on working memory capacity. Finally,
tasks that measure the episodic buffer are argued to recruit Data Analysis
processes in binding and chunking information, such as a
sentence recall task (de Pontes Nobre et al., 2013). Data was analyzed using the Comprehensive Meta-Analysis
(CMA) software, version 3.3.070 (Borenstein et al., 2014).
The standardized mean difference in working memory test
Quality Analysis scores between epilepsy and control groups was measured
using Hedges’ g, as it corrects for biases in small samples
The Newcastle-Ottawa Scale (NOS; Wells et al., 2000) was that can lead to an overestimation of standardized mean dif-
used to determine the quality of each study by two inde- ferences (Borenstein, 2009). Effect sizes were interpreted
pendent reviewers (BP and NP). The NOS has been recom- as small (0.2), moderate (0.5) and large (0.8) consistent
mended by the Cochrane collaboration to assess the quality with interpreting Cohen’s d (Cohen, 1988; Perdices, 2018).
and risk of bias in observational studies and non-randomized Negative effect sizes indicated poorer performance in the
studies (Higgins & Green, 2011). The NOS uses a star sys- epilepsy group relative to control. A random effects model
tem to evaluate the quality of each paper, with a total score was used for the meta-analysis and a two-tailed signifi-
between 0 to 9 stars. A greater number of stars indicates cance level of p < .05 was used for all analyses. Heteroge-
better quality. The NOS assesses for the least risk of bias neity of working memory outcomes between studies was
across three domains: selection, comparability, and outcome. examined using the Q statistic, Tau squared ­(T2), and the
One star was allocated for each of the following criteria I2 statistic. I2 values of 25% is categorized as low, 50% is
for Selection (i) defined cases of epilepsy diagnosis using moderate, and 75% is high (Higgins & Thompson, 2002).
more than one source or record (e.g. neurologist assessment, Variation in effect size across studies is reported using pre-
electroencephalography (EEG), magnetic resonance imag- diction intervals (Borenstein et al., 2017).
ing (MRI), or other neuroimaging findings), (ii) recruited The primary analyses examined each working memory
epilepsy cases from consecutive referrals or referrals that component as a function of epilepsy type (i) focal,
are representative of the sample, (iii) selection of controls namely, temporal lobe epilepsy [TLE], which was also sub-
described either from the community or the same com- divided according to side of TLE (i.e., TLE in the left hemi-
munity as cases (e.g., hospital or school controls), and (iv) sphere, right hemisphere, and also bilateral hemispheres,
defined controls as being neurologically healthy, or with no which included studies that reported working memory
history of epilepsy or seizures. A maximum of 4 stars could results for bilateral BECTS), frontal lobe epilepsy [FLE],
be awarded for Selection. In some studies, no control group and focal epilepsies outside the frontal-temporal lobes
was used as a comparison, thus for Selection a maximum of [Extra-FLE/TLE], (ii) generalized, namely, genetic gen-
two stars was awarded for (i) adequate definition of epilepsy eralized epilepsy [GGE] previously known as idiopathic
diagnosis, and (ii) representativeness of sample. generalized epilepsy [IGE], and (iii) for all other epilepsy
One star was allocated for each of the following criteria types and syndromes combined (pooled group). The analy-
for Comparability (i) study controlled for age at test, and (ii) ses for the pooled group was not pre-specified or planned in
study controlled for any other factor with a maximum of two the pre-registration. This review included an effect size for
stars awarded for Comparability. Studies that only matched the phonological loop, visuo-spatial sketchpad and central
age received one star for comparability. In some studies, executive across epilepsy groups due to the large number of
no comparison or second epilepsy comparison group was studies that included samples of mixed epilepsy types and

Neuropsychology Review

syndromes. This analysis was reported first in the results Of the remaining 493 articles, 214 were excluded after
section, as it was more suitable to the presentation of the reviewing the titles and abstracts, as they did not meet
results, followed by subgroup analyses for the site and side inclusion criteria. The remaining 279 full text articles were
of epilepsy. obtained. After reviewing the full text articles, 214 papers
If studies reported more than one measure of a working were excluded for the following reasons (i) Studies were not
memory component, an average effect size was calculated. peer-reviewed published empirical papers (n = 56), (ii) Stud-
For studies that had more than one epilepsy group, but only ies that did not recruit predominately children and adoles-
had one control group or normative data sample, the number cents, or included data from adults in the results (n = 52),
of participants in the control group or normative data sample (iii) Studies that did not measure working memory, or used
was divided evenly across each epilepsy group to ensure that a behavioral self-report measure of WM that was not eligi-
the analyses were not over-inflated. For studies that had data ble for inclusion (n = 31), (iv) Studies that did not recruit
replicated across different publications, the initial study was participants with epilepsy (n = 8), (v) Studies were not pub-
used in the analyses. lished in the English language (n = 1), (vi) Studies that had
Meta-regressions were conducted for continuous modera- overlapping participant data from previous published papers
tor variables, including age at testing, age of onset, and dura- that were included in the meta-analysis; (n = 8), (vii) Studies
tion of seizure disorder. Funnel plots and Egger’s regression that did not include a measure of at least one component of
test were used to assess publication bias (Egger et al., 1997) working memory (i.e. phonological loop, visuo-spatial sketch-
with significant results (p <.05) indicating asymmetry is pre- pad, central executive, episodic buffer), and authors did not
sent with the studies. Duval and Tweedie’s (2000) trim and respond to a request for the specific data request within four
fill procedure was planned to correct for publication bias if weeks of contact, or were unable to provide the data requested
identified in the meta-analyses. (n = 51), (viii) Studies were excluded for “other” reasons (n =
A sensitivity analysis was conducted to examine whether the 7). Of those, six studies did not report working memory scores
pooled effect size for phonological loop, visuo-spatial sketchpad that had “number of correct responses” (i.e. reported commis-
and central executive were influenced by the risk of bias (i.e., sion and omission errors and reaction time scores). One of the
based on the selection quality criteria of the NOS). Using the six studies used an experimental measure of working memory
full scale can be problematic, as it is not clear what degree of but had no comparison group or normative data.
bias is introduced if different criteria were not met (Lundh &
Gøtzsche, 2008). Thus, a component-based approach can be Study Characteristics
more targeted to a risk of bias. The items from the Selection
criteria were deemed critical for differentiating between high The characteristics of the studies and the results of the qual-
and low quality studies. This is because study population is an ity analysis are represented in Table 1. Of the 65 studies, all
important factor to ensure generalizability of the meta-analysis were cross-sectional, with the exception of one intervention
to epilepsy populations, and that appropriate comparisons were study. Thirty-nine studies included a control group and 26
made with controls that were free from neurological disorders. studies used normative data.
Unfortunately, no threshold score distinguishes between good There were 2919 children with epilepsy across studies, 152
and poor quality studies (Wells et al., 2000), thus studies with with FLE, 357 with TLE (88 LTLE; 58 RTLE; 33 BTLE; 178
greater than 50% (i.e. three or four out of four; or two out of two) not differentiated in reported results), 36 with Extra-TLE or
items endorsed was considered High Selection quality and stud- FLE and 269 participants had IGE or GGE. The remaining
ies that received 50% or lower (i.e. one or two out of four, or one 2105 participants from 22 studies were pooled together into
out of two) were considered Low Selection quality. These analy- a mixed or other epilepsy types and areas of seizure focus.
ses were not pre-specified or planned in the pre-registration. The mean age of participants was 10.86 (SD = 1.41)
years, with a range from 8.2 to 16.5 years across studies.
The mean age of epilepsy onset was 6.32 (SD = 1.67) years,
which ranged from 0.52 months to 12 years. The mean dura-
Results tion of epilepsy was 4.59 (SD = 2) years, with a range from
0.56 months to 8 years.
Study Selection
Quality Ratings
A flow chart describing the process of study selection is
shown in Fig. 1. The search retrieved a total of 634 refer- The results of the NOS quality assessment are also pre-
ences, of which 177 were duplicates. An additional 36 refer- sented in Table 1. Across studies, epilepsy cases were mostly
ences were identified through other sources. clearly defined, with the majority of papers using more than

Neuropsychology Review

Records idenfied through Addional records idenfied

database searching PsychINFO,
through other sources
(n = 634)

Records aer duplicates removed

(n = 493)

Records screened Records excluded

(n = 493) (n = 214)

Full-text arcles assessed Full-text arcles excluded,

for eligibility with reasons

(n = 279) (n = 214)

• Not Empirical (n= 56)

• Not Child (n= 52)
Studies included in • Not WM (n= 31)
qualitave synthesis • Not Epilepsy (n= 8)
(n = 65) • Not English (n= 1)
• Other (n= 7)
• Parcipant data

• overlap (n= 8)
Studies included in • No Response/
quantave synthesis • Requested data
(meta-analysis) • unavailable (n= 51)
(n = 65)

Fig. 1  PRISMA flow diagram of study searches and selection process

one method to determine the presence of epilepsy (n= 57). children from hospital databases or a subset from a norma-
Methods used to determine epilepsy diagnosis included a tive sample group. The definition of control groups as being
neurologist review against diagnostic criteria, using imaging neurologically healthy or without a history of epilepsy or
or electroencephalography (EEG) results. Only a few studies seizures was present in most studies (n= 32).
(n= 11) recruited epilepsy cases using consecutive referrals, The majority of studies matched groups on at least one
thus there is a potential for selection bias. Of the 39 studies criterion (n = 43), and of those studies, 32 matched groups
that included a control group for comparison, 29 recruited on a second factor (e.g. gender, FSIQ, SES). All 65 studies
from community or hospital samples, ensuring representa- used at least one validated measure of working memory and/
tiveness of the control group. The remaining studies either or a well-defined description of the working memory meas-
did not provide sufficient details regarding the recruitment ure was utilized. All studies that had two groups or more (n
of control children, or retrospectively chose a subgroup of = 46) used the same working memory measure for all groups

Table 1  Study Characteristics and Quality Ratings (Risk of Bias)
Study Characteristics Quality Rating: Risk of B
­ iasa

Author (year) Study Design Sample Age at Testing: mean Age of onset: mean Duration of epilepsy: Selection Comparability Outcome
(SD) in years (SD) in years mean (SD) in years (max 4 (max 2 stars)c (max 3
stars)b stars)d

Acha et al. (2015) Cross-Sectional Dravet Syndrome (DS) DS: 11.35 (*range 0.52 (0.2) - ★★ ★ ★★
n = 8; 8-16); Controls: not
Controls n = 8 reported
Asato et al. (2011) Cross-Sectional Mixed Epilepsy (ME) ME: 12.57 (2.55); 8.35 (3.76) 3.52 (2.74) ★★★★ ★★ ★★
n = 44; Controls: 12.73
Controls n = 44 (2.62)
Total Sample 55%
Baglietto et al. (2001) Prospective Cohort BECTS n = 9; Con- BECTS: 8.9 (*range 6.76 (2.43) - ★★ ★★ ★★
Study trols n = 9 6-11); Controls:
Total sample 55% male matched
Borden et al. (2006) Cross-Sectional Mixed Epilepsy n = 31 ME: Not reported 7.00 - ★★ ★★ ★★
(ME: 38% male); (*range 6-16); Con-
Controls n = 31 trols: Not reported
Boscariol et al. (2015) Cross-Sectional Mixed Epilepsy ME: 11.56 (1.79); 4.05 (2.88) - ★★★ 0 ★★
(Rolandic + TLE) n Controls: 10.52
= 19; (1.92)
Controls n = 16;
Total Sample 63%
Braakman et al. (2013) Cross-Sectional FLE n = 32; FLE: 11.3 (1.3); Con- 4.9 (2.8) 6.1 (2.8) ★★★ ★ ★★
Controls n = 41; trols: 10.5 (1.5)
Total Sample 51%
Cimadevilla et al. Cross-Sectional GGE n = 10; GGE: 9.05 (*range 7.51 (1.1) 1.54 (1.09) ★ ★★ ★★
(2014) Control n = 10; 8-9); Controls:
Total Sample 100% Matched
Cohen (1992) Cross-Sectional LTLE n = 12; LTLE: 9.96 (3); RTLE: LTLE: 4.4 (2.69); LTLE: 5.57 (3.46); ★ ★ ★★
RTLE n = 12; 12.08 (2.78); RTLE: 5.08 (3.67) RTLE: 7.39 (3.71)
Control n = 70; Controls: Matched
Total Sample 54%
Cormack et al. (2012) Cross-Sectional TLE; LHS n = 17; LHS = 11.7 (3.2); LHS = 4.2 (2.9); - ★ ★ ★★
LDNT n = 11; RHS LDNT = 11.2 (2.8); LDNT = 5.3 (3.5);
n = 7; RDNT n = RHS = 12.5 (2.7); RHS = 3.3 (1.6);
9; Controls n = 22; RDNT = 12.8 (3.2); RDNT = 5.6 (2.9)
Total Sample 48% Controls 13.5 (3.3)
Neuropsychology Review
Table 1  (continued)
Study Characteristics Quality Rating: Risk of B
­ iasa
Author (year) Study Design Sample Age at Testing: mean Age of onset: mean Duration of epilepsy: Selection Comparability Outcome
(SD) in years (SD) in years mean (SD) in years (max 4 (max 2 stars)c (max 3
stars)b stars)d

Croona et al. (1999) Cross-Sectional BECTS n = 17 (41% BECTS: 12.5 (*range 5.5 - ★★★★ ★★ ★★
Neuropsychology Review

male); Controls n 7-14); Controls:

= 17 Matched
D’Agati et al. (2012) Cross-Sectional CAE n = 15; Controls CAE: 11.4 (2.2); 8.8 (1.74) - ★★ ★★ ★★
n = 15; Total Sample Controls 10.7 (2)
53% male
D’Alessandro et al. Cross-Sectional Benign Partial Right All Epilepsy: 10.7; - - ★★ 0 ★★
(1990) n = 11; Left n = 18; Controls 11 (*range
Bilateral n = 15; 9-13)
Controls n = 9; Total
Sample 90% male
Datta et al. Cross-Sectional BECTS n = 27; Con- BECTS: 9.9 (1.5); 7.88 (1.65) - ★★ 0 ★★
(2013) trols n = 19; Total Controls: 10.9 (1.6)
Sample 59% male
Filippini et al. Cross-Sectional BECTS n = 15; Con- BECTS: 8.8 (2.4); - - ★ 0 ★★
(2016) trols n = 15; Total Controls: 9.2 (2.5)
Sample 53% male
Gascoigne et al. Cross-Sectional IGE n = 20 10.76 (2.47) 6.09 (3.25) 4.54 (2.18) ★★★ ★ ★★
(2012) Controls n = 41
Gencpinar et al. (2016) Cross-Sectional CAE n = 19; Controls CAE: 12.22 (2.5); - 2.41 (1.21) ★★ ★★ ★★
n = 19; Total Sample Controls: 11.2 (2.53)
61% male
Germano et al. (2020) Cross-Sectional Mixed Epilepsy n = ME: 9.47 (2.07); Con- 5.5 - ★★★★ 0 ★★
35; Controls n = 22; trols: 9.92 (1.13)
Total sample 54.4%
Giordani et al. (2006) Cross-Sectional BECTS n = 200; Total BECTS: 8.2 (2.2) - - 1/2 0 ★★
Sample 58% male
Goldberg-Stern et al. Cross-Sectional BECTS n = 36; Con- BECTS: 9.53; Con- - - ★★★ ★ ★★
(2010) trols n = 15 trols: 11.2 (*range
Gonzalez et al. (2007) Cross-Sectional RTLE n = 22; RTLE: 11.41 (3.11); RTLE: 6.74 (3.65); RTLE: 4.67 (4.04); 1/2 ★★ ★★
LTLE n = 21; Total LTLE 12.75 (2.59) LTLE: 6.77 (4.51) LTLE: 5.98 (4.04)
Sample 53% male
Guimaraes et al. (2007) Cross-Sectional TLE n = 25; Controls Not reported (*range 4.6 (2.9) 8 (4.0) ★★★ 0 ★★
n = 25 7-15)

Table 1  (continued)
Study Characteristics Quality Rating: Risk of B
­ iasa

Author (year) Study Design Sample Age at Testing: mean Age of onset: mean Duration of epilepsy: Selection Comparability Outcome
(SD) in years (SD) in years mean (SD) in years (max 4 (max 2 stars)c (max 3
stars)b stars)d

Gülgönen et al. (2000) Cross-Sectional Idiopathic OLE n = OLE: 9.9 (2.96); Con- - - ★★★ ★★ ★★
21; trols: 9.9 (2.96)
Controls n = 21; Total
Sample 64% male
Hernandez et al. Cross-Sectional FLE n = 16; FLE: 11.34 (2.77); FLE: 7.77 (3.07); FLE: 3.82 (3.76); ★ 0 ★★
(2002) TLE n = 8; TLE: 12.44 (2.81); TLE: 9.06 (3.5); TLE: 3.64 (2.17);
GGE n = 8; GGE: 11.15 (2.89); GGE: 8.21 (3.54) GGE: 2.84 (2.28)
(Mixed Epilepsy sam- Controls: (*range
ple 63% male); 7-16)
Controls n = 200
Hershey et al. (1998) Cross-Sectional LTLE n = 15; LTLE: 11.24 (2.6); LTLE: 5.6 (2.9); LTLE: 5.8 (3.9); ★★★ ★★ ★★
RTLE n = 13 Controls RTLE: 11.16 (2.4); RTLE: 5.7 (3.7) RTLE: 5.5 (4.9)
n = 19; Total Sample Controls: 11.53 (2.7)
62% male
Holley et al. (2014) Cross-Sectional Mixed Epilepsy n = ME: 9.97 (2.04); Con- - - ★ ★★ ★★
23; trols: 9.29 (1.23)
Controls n = 50; Total
Sample 45% male
Holtmann et al. (2006) Cross-Sectional BECTS with ADHD BECTS: 9.7 (2.1); - - ★★ ★★ ★★
n = 16; Controls n Controls 9.4 (1)
= 16
Hrabok et al. (2014) Cross-Sectional Mixed Epilepsy n = ME: 10.88 (3.09) 5.01 (4.26) - 1/2 NA 1/1
52% male
Jambaqué et al. (2007) Prospective Cohort LTLE n = 12; LTLE: 10.8 (2.5); LTLE: 4.4 (3.7); - 1/2 0 ★★
Study RTLE n = 8; RTLE: 12.8 (1.7) *pre- RTLE: 6.7 (3.2)
Total Sample 65% operative
Jiang et al. (2014) Cross-Sectional IGE n = 42 16.5 (14-19.25 12 (10-15 median) 4 (2.5-6.16 median) ★ ★★ ★★
Controls n = 47 median)
Kernan et al. (2012) Cross-Sectional CPS n = 51; CPS: 10 (3); CAE: 9 CPS: 6 (3); CAE: 3 (2) CPS: 4 (2); CAE: 3 (2) ★★★ ★★ ★★
CAE n = 31; Controls (2); Controls: 10 (3)
n = 51; Total Sample
49% male
Kerr & Blackwell Intervention Mixed Epilepsy n = Waitlist: 10.6 (2.7); Waitlist: 4.4 (3.2); Waitlist: 6.2 (3.6); 1/2 NA 1/1
(2015) 77 (total sample at Intervention: 11.1 (3) Intervention: 5.5 Intervention: 5.7
baseline); (3.8) (2.8)
52% male
Neuropsychology Review
Table 1  (continued)
Study Characteristics Quality Rating: Risk of B
­ iasa
Author (year) Study Design Sample Age at Testing: mean Age of onset: mean Duration of epilepsy: Selection Comparability Outcome
(SD) in years (SD) in years mean (SD) in years (max 4 (max 2 stars)c (max 3
stars)b stars)d

Kadish et al. (2013) Prospective Cohort CAE and JAE n = 22; 13.3 (2.8) 8.3 (3.2) 5.0 (3.4) 0/2 NA 1/1
Neuropsychology Review

Study 50% male

Kibby et al. (2014) Cross-Sectional Focal Epilepsy; Left L: 11.13 (2.6); 5.26 (3.5) 5.54 (4.25) 2/2 ★★ ★★
(L) n = 63; R: 10.18 (2.38);
Right (R) n = 62; B: 10.57 (2.81); Con-
Bilateral (B) n = trols: 10.1 (2.47)
18; Controls n = 63;
Total Sample 54%
Kibby et al. (2019) Cross-Sectional FLE n = 27; Controls FLE: 10.98 (2.79); 5.6 (3.57) 5.42 (3.89) 2/2 ★★ ★★
n = 32; FLE 48.1% Controls: 9.97 (2.65)
Lima et al. (2017) Cross-Sectional TLE n = 19 TLE= 11.74 (2.05) TLE= 4.36 (3.16) TLE= 6.79 (3.66) ★★★ ★★ ★★
BECTS n = 20 BECTS= 10.95 (2.33) BECTS= 6.55 (2.95) BECTS= 3.26 (2.28)
Longo et al. (2013) Cross-Sectional FLE n = 19; FLE: 11.63 (2.73); FLE: 6.03 (3.15); - 1/2 ★★ ★★
TLE n = 47; TLE: 13.91 (2.64) TLE: 7.34 (4.26)
Total Sample 45%
Lopes et al. (2013) Cross-Sectional FLE n = 30 FLE=10.13 (2.73) FLE=6.40 (3.10) FLE=2.30 (3.02) ★ ★★ ★★
CAE n = 30 CAE=9.93 (2.54) CAE=6.83 (2.32) CAE=1.89 (1.50)
BECTS n = 30 BECTS=9.77 (2.43) BECTS=6.77 (2.43) BECTS=1.74 (2.20)
Lopes et al. (2014) Cross-Sectional FLE n = 30 FLE= 10.13 (2.73) FLE= 6.4 (3.1) FLE= 2.30 (3.02) ★ ★★ ★★
CAE n = 30 CAE= 9.93 (2.54) CAE= 6.83 (2.32) CAE= 1.89 (1.50)
BECTS n = 30 BECTS= 9.77 (2.43) BECTS= 6.77 (2.43) BECTS= 1.74 (2.20)
Love et al. Cross-Sectional Mixed Epilepsy n = 54 11.59 (3.34) 6.32 (3.87) 5.68 (3.82) 2/2 0 1/1
MacAllister et al. Cross-Sectional ME with ADHD-I n ME ADHD-I: 10.77 ME ADHD-I: 6.13 - 1/2 0 ★★
(2012) = 31; (3.36); ME ADHD- (3.65); ME ADHD-
ME with ADHD-C n C: 9.6 (2.69) C: 4.3 (2.69)
= 15;
Total Sample 59%
Malfait et al. (2015) Cross-Sectional BECTS n = 15 11.08 (1.33) 7.83 3.08 (0.5) ★★ ★★ ★★
Mankinen et al. (2014) Cross-Sectional TLE n = 21; TLE: 11.7 (2.1); Con- Girls: 9.5 (3.1); Boys: Girls: 2.4 (2.3); ★★★ ★★ ★★
Controls n = 21; trols: matched 8.8 (3.1) Boys: 2.7 (1.9)
Total Sample 48%

Table 1  (continued)
Study Characteristics Quality Rating: Risk of B
­ iasa

Author (year) Study Design Sample Age at Testing: mean Age of onset: mean Duration of epilepsy: Selection Comparability Outcome
(SD) in years (SD) in years mean (SD) in years (max 4 (max 2 stars)c (max 3
stars)b stars)d

Melbourne Chambers Cross-Sectional Mixed Epilepsy n = ME: 9.6 (1.7); Con- 5.5 (1.7) 3.92 ★★★★ 0 ★★
et al. (2014) 33; Controls n = 33; trols:
Total Sample 67%
Northcott et al. (2007) Cross-Sectional BECTS n = 40; Con- BECTS: 8.6; - - ★★★ ★★ ★★
trols n = 40; Total Controls: matched
Sample 60% male (*range 6-12)
Operto et al. (2019) Cross-Sectional BECTS n = 20; 75% 10.3 (1.78) - - ★★★★ 0 ★★
Piccinelli et al. (2008) Cross-Sectional Rolandic n = 20; Con- Rolandic: 10.3 (1.7); 7.9 - ★★★ ★★ ★★
trols n = 21; Total Controls 10.4 (1.8)
Sample 41% male
Reilly et al. (2015) Prospective Cohort Mixed Epilepsy n = 10.79 (*range 5-16) - - 1/2 NA 1/1
Study 69;
52% male
Rzezak et al. (2012) Cross-Sectional TLE n = 36; Controls TLE: 11.78: (2.26); 4.58 (3.34) 6.7 (3.07) ★★★ ★★ ★★
n = 28 Controls: 11.96 (2.3)
Sart et al. Cross-Sectional IPE n = 30; IPE: 10.8 (2.06); Con- 7.53 (2.18) - ★★★ ★★ ★★
(2006) Controls n = 30 trols: 10.8 (2.05)
Schaffer et al. Cross-Sectional IGE n = 33; IGE: 10.88 (1.52); *diagnosis 9.5 (0.7) 4.34 (2.2) ★★★ ★★ ★★
(2015) Controls n = 27 Controls: 10.18 (1.4)
Schouten et al. (2002) Cross-Sectional Mixed Epilepsy n = ME: 9.1 (2.7); Con- - - ★★ ★★ ★★
69; trols: 9.1 (2.8)
Controls n = 66
Sepeta et al. (2017) Cross-Sectional Mixed Epilepsy n = ME: 10.2; Controls 5.99 4.19 ★★★ ★★ ★★
70; 10.3
Controls n = 70
Sinclair et al. (2005) Cross-Sectional Posterior and Occipital 12.14 - - 2/2 NA 1/1
Lobe Epilepsy n
= 15
Stewart et al. (2018) Cross-Sectional GGE n = 22; Controls GGE: 12.82 (2.82); 6.36 (3.55) 6.17 (3.79) ★★★ ★ ★★
n = 22; Total Sample Controls: 12.43
40.9% male (2.26)
Stewart et al. (2019a, Cross-Sectional TLE n = 22; Controls TLE: 13.87 (2.21); 7.79 (4.61) 5.67 (4.1) ★★★ ★ ★★
2019b) n = 22; Total Sample Controls: 12.43
47.7% male (2.26)
van den Berg et al. Cross-Sectional FLE n = 32; 56% male FLE: 9.2 (1.6) 4.6 (2.8) 4.6 (2.7) 2/2 ★ ★★
Neuropsychology Review
Table 1  (continued)
Study Characteristics Quality Rating: Risk of B
­ iasa
Author (year) Study Design Sample Age at Testing: mean Age of onset: mean Duration of epilepsy: Selection Comparability Outcome
(SD) in years (SD) in years mean (SD) in years (max 4 (max 2 stars)c (max 3
stars)b stars)d

van Iterson & de Jong Cross-Sectional Mixed Epilepsy n = - 5.6 (3.1) 4.1 (2.8) ★★ ★ ★★
Neuropsychology Review

(2018) 327
Verly et al. (2017) Cross-Sectional BECTS n = 15 10.05 (2.03) 7.03 (1.05) - 1/2 ★★ 1/1
Vinţan et al. (2012) Cross-Sectional BECTS n = 18 8.88 (2.34) 6.97 (1.86) - ★★ ★ ★★
Welsh et al. (2012) Cross-Sectional Mixed Epilepsy n = 54 13 (3.8) - - 2/2 NA 1/1
Williams & Haut Cross-Sectional Mixed Epilepsy n = 43 11.22 (3.05) 6.6 (3.92) - 1/2 0 ★★
Williams et al. (1996) Cross-Sectional Complex Partial n 10.08 (*range 5.9 – Range: 5.6 – 7.36 - 1/2 NA 1/1
= 43 16.17)
Absence Epilepsy n
= 41
Williams et al. (1998) Cross-Sectional Mixed Epilepsy n = 79 10.2 (2.92) - - 1/2 NA 1/1
Williams et al. (2001) Cross-Sectional Mixed Epilepsy n = 65 10.4 (1.67) - - 1/2 NA 1/1
Yildiz-Coksan et al. Cross-Sectional CAE n = 19; 31.58% 11.25 - *range 4 months – 12 ★★★ ★★ ★★
2019 male years

Mixed Epilepsy epilepsy sample made up of two or more epilepsy syndromes or types of seizure focus, FLE frontal lobe epilepsy, TLE temporal lobe epilepsy (RTLE and LTLE indicates focus
to the right or left hemisphere respectively), TLE LHS temporal lobe epilepsy with left hippocampal sclerosis, TLE RHS temporal lobe epilepsy with right hippocampal sclerosis, LDNT/ RDNT
Left or Right Hemisphere Dysembryoplastic Neuroepithelial Tumors, BECTS Benign Childhood Epilepsy with Centro-Temporal Spikes (also known as Rolandic Epilepsy [RE] or Benign Par-
tial Epilepsy [BPE]), IGE idiopathic genetic epilepsy, GGE generalized genetic epilepsy, CAE Childhood Absence Epilepsy, JAE Juvenile Absence Epilepsy, CPS Complex Partial Seizures Idi-
opathic, OLE Idiopathic Occipital Lobe Epilepsy, ADHD attention deficit hyperactive disorder, ADHD-I ADHD inattentive subtype, ADHD-C ADHD-Combined subtype, IPE Idiopathic Partial
Epilepsy, Benign Partial Epilepsy
A greater number of stars within each category indicates better quality and reduced risk of bias according to the NOS. One star was allocated for each of the following criteria for Selection: (i)
adequate definition of epilepsy diagnosis, (ii) representativeness of sample, (iii) selection of controls, (iv) definition of controls; with a maximum of 4 stars. One star was allocated for each of
the following criteria for Comparability: (i) study controlled for age at test, (ii) study controlled any for other factor; with a maximum of two stars. One star was allocated for each of the follow-
ing criteria for Outcome: (i) ascertainment of outcome measuring one working memory component, (ii) same method for cases and controls, (iii) same non-response rate reported for cases and
controls; with a maximum of three stars.
In some studies, no control group was used as a comparison, thus for Selection a maximum of two stars was allocated for: (i) adequate definition of epilepsy diagnosis and (ii) representative-
ness of sample.
In some studies, no comparison or second epilepsy comparator group was utilised, thus these studies received an NA (not applicable) for this category.
For studies that did not have a control group or second epilepsy comparator group could only be awarded a maximum of one star for this category: (i) ascertainment of outcome measuring one
working memory component.

Neuropsychology Review

(either multiple epilepsy groups or control groups). No stud- sizes as a function of epilepsy group for each component of
ies included in this review reported the non-response rate for working memory.
the epilepsy and control groups.
Phonological Loop
Study Characteristics – Working Memory Measures
Children with epilepsy, pooled across all subtypes, performed
The description of each working memory task and overall significantly worse than typically developing children on
findings for each study are outlined in Table 2. measures of the phonological loop (k = 49, g = -0.739, 95%
CI -0.834, -0.643, p < .001; See Fig. 2). There was signifi-
Phonological Loop cant, moderate heterogeneity between studies in measures of
the phonological loop across epilepsy types (Q = 154.820,
Of the 49 studies that utilized a measure of the phonological df = 68, p < .001, T­ 2 = 0.069, I­ 2 = 56.078, 95% prediction
loop, most studies used a simple digit span task (n = 38), interval -1.2764, -0.2015).
other studies used the simple number-letter spans (n = 8), Further analyses according to the site of seizure focus
verbal or word spans (n = 3), sentence memory (n = 4), non- found that, relative to typically developing children, signifi-
word repetition (n = 1) and the Sternberg item recognition cant phonological loop impairments were found for children
test (SIRT; n = 1). with TLE (k = 11, g = -0.706, 95% -0.946, -0.466, p < .001),
FLE (k = 5, g = -1.233, 95% CI -1.755, -0.711, p < .001)
Visuo‑Spatial Sketchpad extra-TLE or FLE (k = 2, g = -0.479, 95% CI -0.917, -0.040,
p = .032), and GGE (k = 7, g = -0.601, 95% CI -0.852,
Of the 27 studies that utilized a measure of visuo-spatial -0.349, p = <.001). There was no significant heterogeneity
sketchpad, most studies used a simple block span recall task observed within each subgroup (ps >.05), with the excep-
tion of FLE (Q = 17.606, df = 4, p = .001, T ­ 2 = 0.259, ­I2 =
(n = 12), other studies used the finger windows task (n = 9),
77.280, 95% prediction interval -3.061, 0.595).
spatial span (n = 4), and picture locations (n= 2).
When examining the pattern of phonological loop out-
comes according to side of seizure focus, the phonological
Central Executive
loop was impaired for left TLE (k = 4, g = -0.647, 95% CI
-1.212, -0.082, p = .025) and right TLE (k = 4, g = -0.738,
The central executive was assessed using both verbal (n = 95% CI -1.113, -0.363, p < .001). Bilateral TLE resulted
41) and visuo-spatial tasks (n = 6). Of the 41 studies that in the largest impairment in the phonological loop across
utilized a verbal measure of central executive, the major- seizure focus (k = 2, g = -1.347, 95% CI -2.189, -0.505,
ity of studies used a transformation span task. One study p = .002; See Fig. 3). No significant heterogeneity was found
utilized a digit learning task. For a visuo-spatial measure of for each subgroup (ps >.05).
central executive, the majority of studies used a transforma-
tion span task, such as block span backwards (n = 4), which Visuo‑spatial Sketchpad
requires a participant to follow a visual-spatial sequence
then recount that sequence backwards. Two studies used a Children with epilepsy, pooled across all subtypes, performed
generation task. significantly worse than typically developing children on meas-
ures of the visuo-spatial sketchpad (k = 27, g = -0.521, 95% CI
Episodic buffer -0.664, -0.379, p < .001; See Fig. 4). Across epilepsy subtypes,
there was significant, moderate heterogeneity between studies
No studies examined the episodic buffer. in measures of the visuo-spatial sketchpad (Q = 100.321, df =
40, p < .001, T­ 2 = 0.101, I­ 2 = 61.802, 95% prediction interval
Meta‑Analyses -1.1923, 0.1503).
Further analyses according to the site of seizure focus
The phonological loop was the most commonly measured found significant visuo-spatial sketchpad impairments in
component of working memory (n = 49) across all epilepsy children with TLE (k = 7, g = -0.313, 95% -0.571, -0.055,
subtypes. The central executive was measured in 41 studies, p = .018), FLE (k= 2, g = -0.631, 95% -1.135, -0.127, p =
and the visuo-spatial sketchpad was measured in 27 studies .014), and GGE (k = 4, g = -0.530, 95% CI -0.900, -0.159,
across all epilepsy subtypes. p = .005), relative to typically developing children. An
The meta-analysis evaluated the magnitude and sig- insufficient number of studies measured the visuo-spatial
nificance of the differences in working memory outcomes sketchpad for children with extra-TLE or FLE. Tests of
between children with epilepsy compared to typically devel- heterogeneity were not significant for each site of epilepsy
oping children. Table 3 provides the mean weighted effect subgroup (ps >.05)

Table 2  Working Memory Outcomes in Children and Adolescents with Epilepsy
WM Component Study Epilepsy Type WM Task Findings Other factors Neuroimaging Academics

Phonological Loop Acha et al. (2015) Dravet Syndrome Verbal Span Dravet vs. Controls: No age interaction - -
Significant Dravet <
Boscariol et al. (2015) Mixed (BECTS and Nonwords Repetition Ep vs. Controls: - - -
Neuropsychology Review

TLE) Task (PPVT) Significant Ep <

Braakman et al. FLE Sternberg Item Recog- FLE vs. Controls: - Lower cerebral acti- Not examined with
(2013) nition Test (SIRT) Significant, cor- vation during SIRT WM results
rect trials FLE < but not significant
Cimadevilla et al. Mixed (mostly Digits Forward Ep vs. Controls: Not - - -
(2014) BECTS and CAE) (WISC-IV) Significant
Cohen (1992) TLE Digits Forward (CMS) Left TLE vs. Con- - - -
trols: Significant
LTLE < Controls.
Right TLE vs.
Controls: Not Sig-
Cormack et al. (2012) TLE Digits Forwards TLE vs. Controls: Not - - -
(WISC-III) Significant
Croona et al. (1999) BECTS Digits Forward BECTS vs. Controls: - - -
(WISC-III) Not Significant
D’Agati et al. (2012) CAE Digits Forwards CAE vs. Controls: - - -
(WISC-III) Not Significant
D’Alessandro et al. BECTS Digits Forward BECTS vs. Controls: - - -
(1990) (WMS) Not Significant
Filippini et al. (2016) BECTS Digits Forward BECTS vs. Controls: - - Not examined with
(TEMA) Not Significant WM results
Gascoigne et al. IGE Digits Forward IGE vs. Controls: Not - - -
(2012) (WISC-IV) Significant
Germano et al. (2020) Mixed (Mostly Digits Forward Ep vs. Controls: Ep < - - Not examined with
BECTS & CAE) (WISC-III) Controls WM results
Giordani et al. (2006) BECTS Number Letters BECTS vs. Norms: Significant interac- - -
(WRAML) Significant NL < tion seizure type vs.
Norms WRAML subtests
Gonzalez et al. (2007) TLE Digits Forward Right TLE vs. Left - - -
(WISC-III) TLE: Not Signifi-
Guimaraes et al. TLE Digits Forward TLE vs. Controls: - - -
(2007) (WISC-III) Significant TLE <

Table 2  (continued)
WM Component Study Epilepsy Type WM Task Findings Other factors Neuroimaging Academics

Gulgonen et al. (2000) Occipital Lobe Epi- Number Letters & OLE vs. Controls: NL - - -
lepsy (OLE) Sentence Memory Not Significant; SM
(WRAML) Significant OLE <
Hershey et al. (1998) TLE Verbal Span TLE vs. Controls: Not - - -
Holtmann et al. BECTS with ADHD Digit Span (WISC-III) BECTS vs. Controls: - - -
(2006) Not Significant
Hrabok et al. (2014) Mixed (mostly Gener- Digits Forward Ep vs. Norms: - - -
alized and FLE) (WISC-IV) Significant Ep <
Jiang et al. (2014) IGE Digits Forwards IGE vs. Controls: - - -
(WISC-III) Significant
IGE < Controls
Kadish et al. (2013) CAE Digits Forward CAE vs. Norms: Not - - -
(HAWIK-IV) significant
Kernan et al. (2012) CAE & CPS Digits Forward CAE vs. Controls: CAE: Younger age - -
(TOMAL) Not Significant of onset associated
CPS vs. Controls: Not with sig poor per-
significant formance on DF
Kerr et al. (2015) Mixed (mostly Gener- Digits Forward Ep vs. Norms: Sig- - - -
alized Epilepsy) (WMTB-C) nificant
Ep < Norms
Kibby et al. (2014) Mixed Focal Epilepsy Numbers Forward Focal vs. Controls: Left, right and bilat- - -
(CMS) Significant Focal < eral focus signifi-
Controls cantly impaired
Kibby et al. (2019) FLE Numbers Forward FLE vs. Controls: - - -
(CMS) FLE < Controls
Lima et al. (2017) TLE & BECTS Digits Forward BECTS vs. Controls: - - -
(WISC-III & IV) Not Significant
TLE vs. Controls: Not
Longo et al. (2013) FLE & TLE Digit Span Forward FLE vs. Controls: No correlation - -
(WISC-III; WAIS- Significant FLE < between age of
III; WPPSI-III; Controls onset and DSF
WISC-IV) TLE vs. Controls:
TLE < Controls
Lopes et al. (2013) FLE, CAE & BECTS Digits Forward FLE, CAE, BECTS Digit Span not related - -
(WISC-III) vs. Controls: Sig- to age of onset,
nificant duration or seizure
All groups < Controls frequency
Neuropsychology Review
Table 2  (continued)
WM Component Study Epilepsy Type WM Task Findings Other factors Neuroimaging Academics

Love et al. (2016) Mixed (mostly Focal Digits Forward Ep vs. Norms: BRIEF WM Impaired - -
Epilepsy) (WISC-IV; WASI- Ep < Norms
MacAllister et al. Mixed Epilepsy Digits Forward Ep with ADHD-I/C DSF not correlated - -
Neuropsychology Review

(2012) with ADHD-I or (WISC-IV/ WAIS- vs. ADHD-I/ C: with seizure fre-
ADHD-C IV) Significant Ep < quency, age of onset
ADHD or number of AEDS
Malfait et al. (2015) BECTS Digits Forward BECTS vs. Controls: - Reading and WM pre- -
(WISC-IV) BECTS < Controls dicted activation in
temporal areas for
Mankinen et al. TLE Digits Forward TLE vs. Controls: Not Age of onset associ- - -
(2014) (WISC-III) Significant ated with DSF
Melbourne-Chambers Mixed Epilepsy (Par- Digit Span Forward Ep vs. Controls: Ep < - - Not examined with
et al. (2014) tial and Generalized (WISC-R) Controls WM results
Northcott et al. (2007) BECTS Number Letters & BECTS vs. Controls: NL sig after control- - -
Sentence Memory Significant NL and ling for IQ
(WRAML) SM < Controls
Piccinelli et al. (2008) BECTS Digits Forward BECTS vs. Controls: - - Not examined with
(TEMA) Not Significant WM results
Reilly et al. (2015) Mixed (Generalized Digit Forward Ep vs. Norms: - - -
and Focal Epilepsy) (WMTB-C) Ep < Norms
Rzezak et al. (2012) TLE Digits Forward TLE vs. Controls: - - -
(WISC-III) & DSF Not Signifi-
Number Letter cant; NL Significant
(WRAML) TLE < Controls
Schaffer et al. (2015) Mixed Digits Forward Ep vs. Controls: - - -
(mostly BECTS (TOMAL) Ep < Controls
and Generalized
Schouten et al. (2002) Mixed (Generalized Word Span Forward Ep vs. Controls: Not - - Repeating a year at
and Focal Epilepsy) Significant school related to poor
word span
Sepeta et al. (2017) Mixed Focal Epilepsy Digits Forward Focal vs. Controls: - - -
(WISC-IV) Not Significant
Sinclair et al. (2005) Occipital and Parietal Digits Forward Ep vs. Norms: Ep < No change in memory - Not examined with
Lobe Epilepsy (WISC-III) Norms scores pre and post- WM results
van den Berg et al. FLE Digits Forward FLE vs. Norms: Ep < - - -
(2019) (WISC-III-NL) Norms

Table 2  (continued)
WM Component Study Epilepsy Type WM Task Findings Other factors Neuroimaging Academics

van Iterson et al. Mixed (Generalized Digits Forward Ep vs. Controls: Younger age of onset - -
(2018) and Focal Epilepsy) (WISC-III) Epilepsy < Controls and shorter duration
associated with
higher DSF
Verly et al. (2017) BECTS Number Repetition BECTS vs. Norms: - - -
Forward (CELF-4) BECTS < Norms
Welsh et al. (2012) Mixed (General- Digit Forward (WISC- Ep vs. Norms: - - -
ized and Partial IV) Ep < Norms
Williams et al. (1995) Mixed (mostly Com- Number Letter (NL) Ep vs. Norms: Sig- NL significantly more - -
plex Partial) & Sentence Memory nificant impaired than SM
(SM; WRAML) Ep < Norms
Williams et al. (1996) Partial & Absence Digits Forward Digit span low Polytherapy related to - -
Seizures (WISC-R), Number average to average greater impairment
Letter (NL) & Sen- range; NL low aver- in NL scores
tence Memory (SM; age range
Williams et al. (1998) Mixed (mostly Com- Number Letter Ep vs. Norms: - - -
plex Partial) (WRAML) Ep < Norms (border-
line – low average
Williams et al. (2001) Mixed (mostly Com- Number Letter Ep vs. Norms: - - Verbal IQ and NL sig-
plex Partial) (WRAML) Ep < Norms (low nificantly associated
average range) with academic skills
Visual Spatial Sketch- Baglietto et al. (2001) BECTS Corsi Blocks BECTS vs. Controls: - - -
pad Significant, BECTS
< Controls
Croona et al. (1999) BECTS Block Span BECTS vs. Controls: - - -
Not Significant
D’Agati et al. (2012) CAE Corsi Blocks CAE vs. Controls: - - -
Not Significant
D’Alessandro et al. BECTS Corsi Blocks BECTS vs. Controls: - - -
(1990) Not Significant
Datta et al. (2013) BECTS Corsi Blocks BECTS vs. Controls: - Not examined with Not examined with
Not Significant WM results WM results
Gascoigne et al. IGE Block Recall IGE vs. Controls: Not - - -
(2012) (WMTB-C) Significant
Giordani et al. (2006) BECTS Finger Windows BECTS vs. Norms: - - -
(WRAML) Significant BECTS
< Norms
Neuropsychology Review
Table 2  (continued)
WM Component Study Epilepsy Type WM Task Findings Other factors Neuroimaging Academics

Goldberg-Stern et al. BECTS Corsi Blocks Left, Right and Bilat- No difference in Corsi - Not examined with
(2010) eral vs. Controls: Block performance WM results
Not Significant with seizure fre-
Neuropsychology Review

Gonzalez et al. (2007) TLE Corsi Blocks Forward Right TLE vs. Left - - -
TLE: Not Signifi-
Gulgonen et al. (2000) Occipital Lobe Epi- Finger Windows OLE vs. Controls: - - Not examined with
lepsy (OLE) (WRAML) Not Significant WM results
Hershey et al. (1998) TLE Spatial Span TLE vs. Controls: Not - - -
Holley et al. (2014) Mixed (CAE, Gener- Spatial Span Ep vs. Controls: - - -
alized and Partial) (AWMA) Significant Ep <
Jambaque et al. (2007) TLE Corsi Blocks TLE vs. Norms: Not Age of onset had no - -
Significant significant impact
Kerr et al. (2015) Mixed (mostly Gener- Spatial Span Forward Ep vs. Norms: SSF significant treat- - -
alized Epilepsy) (SSF; WISC-IV Ep < Norms ment improvement
Integrated) with Cogmed
Kibby et al. (2014) Mixed Focal Epilepsy Picture Locations Right and Bilateral - - -
(CMS) Focus vs. Controls:
Significant. Left
Focus n.s.
Kibby et al. (2019) FLE Picture Locations FLE vs. Controls: Not - - -
(CMS) Significant
Lima et al. (2017) TLE & BECTS Finger Windows BECTS vs. Controls: - - -
(WRAML) Not Significant
TLE vs. Controls: Not
Lopes et al. (2014) BECTS, CAE & FLE Corsi Block Tapping FLE < Control; CAE - - -
Task vs. Controls: Not
Significant; BECTS
vs. Contols Not
Melbourne-Chambers Mixed (Partial and Corsi Block Tapping Ep vs. Controls: Not - - Not examined with
et al. (2014) Generalized Epi- Task significant WM results
Northcott et al. (2007) BECTS Finger Windows BECTS vs. Controls: - - -
(WRAML) Significant BRE <

Table 2  (continued)
WM Component Study Epilepsy Type WM Task Findings Other factors Neuroimaging Academics

Reilly et al. (2015) Mixed (Generalized Block Recall Ep vs. Norms: - - -
and Focal) (WMTB-C) Ep < Norms
Rzezak et al. (2012) TLE Finger Windows TLE vs. Controls: Not - - -
(WRAML) Significant
Sart et al. (2006) IPE Finger Windows IPE vs. Controls: Not - - Not examined with
(WRAML) Significant WM results
Vintan et al. (2012) BECTS Spatial Span (CAN- BECTS vs. Controls: - - -
TAB) Not Significant
Williams et al. (1995) Mixed (mostly Com- Finger Windows Ep vs. Norms: - - -
plex Partial) (WRAML) Ep < Norms
Williams et al. (1996) Partial & Absence Finger Windows Ep vs. Norms: - - -
Seizures (WRAML) Ep < Norms -Low
average range
Williams et al. (1998) Mixed (mostly Com- Finger Windows Ep vs. Norms: - - -
plex Partial) (WRAML) Ep < Norms (border-
line – low average
Central Executive Borden et al. (2006) Mixed (mostly Com- Sequencing (CMS) Ep vs. Controls: Not - - -
(Verbal) plex Partial) Significant
Cimadevilla et al. Mixed (mostly Digits Backward Ep vs. Controls: Not - - -
(2014) BECTS and CAE) (WISC-IV) Significant
Cormack et al. (2012) TLE Digits Backwards TLE vs. Controls: Not - - -
(WISC-III) Significant
D’Agati et al. (2012) CAE Digits Backwards CAE vs. Controls: - - -
(WISC-III) Not significant
Datta et al. (2013) BECTS Letter Number BECTS vs. Controls: - - -
Sequencing (WISC- Not Significant
Gascoigne et al. IGE Digits Backward IGE vs.Controls: Not - - -
(2012) (WISC-IV) Significant
Gencpinar et al. CAE Serial Digit Learning CAE vs. Controls: - - -
(2016) Significant CAE <
Gonzalez et al. (2007) TLE Digits Backwards Right TLE vs. Left - - -
(WISC-III) TLE: Not Signifi-
Guimaraes et al. TLE Digits Backward TLE vs. Controls: Not - - -
(2007) (WISC-III) Significant
Holley et al. (2014) Mixed (CAE, Gener- Backward Recall Ep vs. Controls: Not - - -
alized and Partial) (AWMA) Significant
Neuropsychology Review
Table 2  (continued)
WM Component Study Epilepsy Type WM Task Findings Other factors Neuroimaging Academics

Hrabok et al. (2014) Mixed (mostly Gener- Digits Backward Ep vs. Norms - - -
alized and FLE) & Letter Number Ep < Norms
Sequencing (WISC-
Neuropsychology Review

Jiang et al. (2014) IGE Digits Backward IGE vs. Controls: - - -

(WISC-III) Significant IGE <
Kadish et al. (2013) CAE Digits Backward CAE vs. Norms: Not - - -
& Letter Num- Significant
ber Sequencing
Kernan et al. (2012) CAE & CPS Digits Backward CAE vs. Controls: - - -
(TOMAL) Not Significant
CPS vs. Controls: Not
Kerr et al. (2015) Mixed (mostly Gener- Digit Span Backward Ep vs. Norms: DSB sig treatment - -
alized) (DSB; WMTB-C) Ep < Norms improvement with
Kibby et al. (2014) Mixed Focal Epilepsy Numbers Backwards Focal vs. Controls: - - -
(CMS) & Sequences Not Significant
Kibby et al. (2019) FLE Numbers Backwards FLE vs. Controls: Not -
(CMS) & Sequences Significant
Lima et al. (2017) TLE & BECTS Digits Backwards TLE vs. Controls: Not TLE < BECTS sig- - -
(WISC III & IV) Significant. nificant difference
BECTS vs. Controls:
Significant BECTS
> Controls
Longo et al. (2013) FLE & TLE Digit Span Backwards FLE vs. Controls: No correlation - -
(WISC-III; WAIS- Significant FLE < between Age Onset
III; WPPSI-III; Controls and DSB
WISC-IV) TLE vs. Controls:
TLE < Controls
Lopes et al. (2013) FLE, CAE & BECTS Digits Backwards FLE, CAE, BECTS Digit Span not related - -
(WISC-III) vs. Controls: Sig- to age of onset,
nificant duration or seizure
All groups < Controls frequency

Table 2  (continued)
WM Component Study Epilepsy Type WM Task Findings Other factors Neuroimaging Academics

Love et al. (2016) Mixed (mostly Focal Digits Backward Ep vs. Norms: BRIEF WM Impaired - -
Epilepsy) & Letter Number Ep < Norms
Sequencing (WISC-
MacAllister et al. Mixed Epilepsy Digits Backward Ep with ADHD- Negative correlation - -
(2012) with ADHD-I or (WISC-IV/ WAIS- I vs. ADHD-I with DSB and sei-
ADHD-C IV) alone: Significant; zure frequency and
Ep with ADHD-C number of AEDs
vs. ADHD-C alone: with Epilepsy +
Not Significant ADHD-C
Malfait et al. (2015) BECTS Digits Backward BECTS vs. Controls - Reading and WM pre- -
& Letter Number BECTS < Controls dicted activation in
Sequencing (WISC- temporal areas for
Mankinen et al. TLE Digits Backward TLE vs. Controls: Not - - -
(2014) (WISC-III) Significant
Melbourne-Chambers Mixed Epilepsy Digits Backward Ep vs. Controls: Not - - Not examined with
et al. (2014) (WISC-R) Significant WM results
Operto et al. (2019) BECTS Letter Number Ep vs. Norms: Not Not examined with - -
Sequencing (WISC- Significant WM results
Piccinelli et al. (2008) Rolandic Epilepsy Digits Backwards RE vs. Controls: Not - - -
(RE) (TEMA) Significant
Reilly et al. (2015) Mixed (Generalized Digit Backward & Ep vs. Norms: - - -
and Focal) Counting Recall Ep < Norms
Rzezak et al. (2012) TLE Digits Backwards TLE vs. Controls: Not - - -
(WISC-III) Significant
Schaffer et al. (2015) Mixed Digits Backwards Ep vs. Controls: - - -
(mostly BECTS and (TOMAL) Ep < Controls
Schouten et al. (2002) Mixed (Idiopathic and Word Span Backward Ep vs. Controls: Not - - -
Cryptogenic) Significant
Sepeta et al. (2017) Mixed Focal Epilepsy Digits Backward Focal vs. Controls: - - -
(WISC-IV) Not Significant
Sinclair et al. (2005) Occipital and Parietal Digits Backward Ep vs. Controls: Ep < No change in memory - Not examined with
Lobe Epilepsy (WISC-III) Controls scores pre and post- WM results
Stewart et al. (2018) GGE Digits Backwards GGE vs. Controls: - - -
(AWMA) GGE < Controls
Neuropsychology Review
Table 2  (continued)
WM Component Study Epilepsy Type WM Task Findings Other factors Neuroimaging Academics

Stewart et al. (2019a, TLE Digits Backwards TLE vs. Controls: Not WM not sig cor- - -
2019b) (AWMA) Significant related with age
of onset, duration,
seizure frequency or
Neuropsychology Review

no. of AEDs
van den Berg et al. FLE Digits Backwards FLE vs. Norms: FLE - - -
(2019) (WISC-III-NL) < Norms
van Iterson et al. Mixed (Generalized Digits Backwards Ep vs. Controls: Older age of onset - -
(2018) and Focal) (WISC-III) Epilepsy < Controls and longer duration
for children aged associated with
5 - 11 higher DSB
Verly et al. (2017) Rolandic Epilepsy Number Repetition RE vs. Norms: Not - - -
(RE) Backwards (CELF- Significant
Welsh et al. (2012) Mixed (Generalized Digit Backward Ep vs. Norms: - - -
and Partial) (WISC-IV) Ep < Norms
Williams et al. (1996) Partial & Absence Digits Backwards Ep vs. Norms: - - -
Seizures (WISC-R) Digit span scores
within the low to
low average range
Yildiz-Coksan et al. CAE Letter Number CAE vs. Controls: - - Not examined with
(2019) Sequencing CAE < Controls WM results
Central Executive Asato et al. (2011) Mixed (mostly Partial Spatial Generation Ep vs. Controls: - - -
(visuo-spatial Epilepsy) Task (CANTAB) Significant Ep <
sketchpad) Controls
Datta et al. (2013) BECTS Corsi Blocks Back- BECTS vs. Controls: - Not examined with Not examined with
wards Not Significant WM results WM results
Goldberg-Stern et al. BECTS Corsi Blocks Back- Left, Right and Bilat- No difference in Corsi - Not examined with
(2010) wards eral vs. Controls: Block performance WM results
Not Significant with seizure fre-
Gonzalez et al. (2007) RTLE & LTLE Corsi Blocks Back- Right TLE vs. Left - - -
wards TLE: Not Signifi-

Neuropsychology Review

When examining the pattern of visuo-spatial sketch-

Ep Epilepsy group, Mixed epilepsy sample made up of two or more epilepsy syndromes or types of seizure focus, Norms Normative data sample, FLE frontal lobe epilepsy, TLE temporal lobe

lent), TOMAL Test of Memory and Learning, WMTB-C Working Memory Test Battery for Children, WAIS Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, WPPSI Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of
epilepsy (RTLE and LTLE indicates focus to the right or left hemisphere respectively), BECTS Benign Childhood Epilepsy with Centro-Temporal Spikes (also known as Rolandic Epilepsy [RE]
or Benign Partial Epilepsy [BPE]), IGE idiopathic genetic epilepsy, GGE generalized genetic epilepsy, CAE Childhood Absence Epilepsy, JAE Juvenile Absence Epilepsy, CPS Complex Par-
tial Seizures Idiopathic, OLE Idiopathic Occipital Lobe Epilepsy, ADHD attention deficit hyperactive disorder, ADHD-I ADHD inattentive subtype, ADHD-C ADHD-Combined subtype, IPE
Idiopathic Partial Epilepsy, Benign Partial Epilepsy, PPVT Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, WISC Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, CMS Children’s Memory Scale, WMS Wechsler
Memory Scale; TEMA Test of Early Mathematics, WRAML Wide Range Assessment of Learning and Memory, HAWIK Hamburg-Wechsler-Intelligenztest für Kinder (German WISC equiva-

Intelligence, WASI Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence, CELF Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals, AWMA Automated Working Memory Assessment, CANTAB Cambridge
pad according to side of seizure focus, the visuo-spatial
sketchpad was not significantly impaired for left TLE (k
= 3, g = -0.265, 95% CI -0.888, 0.359, p = .406) or right

TLE (k = 3, g = -0.160, 95% CI -0.606, 0.285, p = .48).

The visuo-spatial sketchpad was significantly impaired
with bilateral TLE seizure focus (k = 2, g = -0.873, 95%

CI -1.681, -0.064, p = .034; See Fig. 5). Tests of het-

erogeneity were not significant for each side of epilepsy
subgroup (ps >.05).

Central Executive

Children with epilepsy, pooled across all subtypes, per-


formed significantly worse than typically developing

ment improvement
No significant treat-

children on measures of central executive (k = 44 g =

with Cogmed

-0.560, 95% CI -0.709, -0.411, p < .001; See Fig. 6).

Other factors

There was a significant large heterogeneity between

studies of central executive (Q = 326.685, df = 62, p <
.001, ­T 2 = 0.256, I­ 2 = 81.021, 95% prediction interval

-1.5925, 0.4725).
Further analyses according to the site of seizure focus
Ep vs. Norms: Not

found significant central executive impairments in chil-

Ep vs. Norms:

dren with TLE (k= 10, g = -0.401, 95% -0.761, -0.041, p

Ep < Norms

= .029), FLE (k = 5, g = -1.263, 95% CI -2.386, -0.139,


p= .028) and GGE (k = 11, g = -0.508, 95% CI -0.730,

Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery, BRIEF Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function

-0.286, p= .001) relative to typically developing chil-

dren. The TLE group and FLE had significant moderate
Self Ordered Pointing

ward (SSB; WISC-

Spatial Span Back-

to large heterogeneity in central executive (TLE: Q =

IV Integrated)

42.326, df = 13, p < .001, ­T2 = 0.282, ­I2 = 69.463, 95%

prediction interval -1.6968, 0.8948); FLE: Q = 77.999,
WM Task

df = 4, p < .001, ­T 2 = 1.537, ­I 2 = 94.872, 95% predic-


tion interval -5.6101, 3.0841). Visual inspection of the

funnel plot revealed an outlier (i.e. Longo et al., 2013) in
the TLE group. Removal of this study from the subgroup
analysis resulted in a significant, small effect size for
Epilepsy Type

central executive impairments (k = 8, g = -0.323, 95%

CI -0.533, -0.113, p = .003) and a reduction in heteroge-

neity, which was small and non-significant (Q = 6.145,

df = 12, p= .909, ­T 2 = 0.00, ­I 2 = 0.00, 95% prediction
interval –0.5852, -0.0608). For the FLE group, the fun-
nel plot revealed two outliers (i.e. Longo et al. 2013 and
Kerr et al. (2015)
Hernandez et al.

van den Berg et al. 2019). Removal of these studies from

the subgroup analysis resulted in a significant, small-to-
moderate effect size for central executive impairments (k

= 3, g = -0.482, 95% CI -0.874, -0.090, p = .016), and

a reduction in heterogeneity, which was small and non-
significant (Q = 0.266, df = 2, p = .875, T ­ 2 = 0.00, I­ 2 =
Table 2  (continued)

0.00, 95% prediction interval -3.0232, 2.0592).

WM Component

When examining the pattern of central executive out-

comes according to side of seizure focus, the central
executive was not significantly impaired for either left
TLE (k = 2, g = -0.342, 95% CI -0.722, 0.038, p = .078)

Neuropsychology Review

Table 3  Mean weighted effect sizes as a function of epilepsy group

Overall Epi- TLE FLE Extra-TLE/ GGE
lepsy FLE
WM Compo- Overall Left Right Bilateral

Phonological g = -0.739 g = -0.706 g = -0.647 g = -0.738 g = -1.347 g = -1.233 g = -0.479 g = -0.601

Loop 95%CI (-0.834, 95%CI (-0.946, 95%CI (-1.212, 95%CI (-1.113, 95%CI (-2.189, 95%CI (-1.755, 95%CI (-0.917, 95%CI (-0.852,
-0.643) -0.466) -0.082) -0.363) -0.505) -0.711) -0.04) -0.349)
k= 49 k= 11 k= 4 k= 4 k= 2 k= 5 k= 2 k= 7
Visuo-spatial g = -0.521 g = -0.313 g = -0.265 g = -0.160 g = -0.873 g = -0.631 - g = -0.530
Sketchpad 95%CI (-0.664, 95%CI (-0.571, 95%CI (-0.888, 95%CI (-0.606, 95%CI (-1.681, 95%CI (-1.135, 95%CI (-0.9,
-0.379) -0.055) 0.359) 0.285) -0.064) -0.127) -0.159)
k= 27 k= 7 k= 3 k= 3 k= 2 k= 2 k= 4
Central g = -0.560a g = -0.401 g = -0.342 g = -0.392 - g = -1.263 - g = -0.508
Executive 95%CI (-0.709, 95%CI (-0.761, 95%CI (-0.722, 95%CI (-0.95, 95%CI (-2.386, 95%CI (-0.73,
-0.411) -0.041) 0.038) 0.167) -0.139) -0.286)
k= 44 k= 10 k= 2 k=2 k= 5 k= 11

Cells in bold indicate a significant result (p<.05)

Adjusted effect size g = 0.805 (95%CI -0.945, -0.644) after trim and fill procedure (21 studies trimmed)

or right TLE (k = 2, g = -0.392, 95% CI -0.950, 0.167, seizure focus or with extra-TLE/FLE. Tests of hetero-
p = .169; See Fig. 7). An insufficient number of studies geneity were not significant for each side of epilepsy
measured the central executive for children with bilateral subgroup (ps >.05).

Fig. 2  Forest plot of individual and pooled effect sizes (Hedges’ g) Pooled epilepsy group effect size includes TLE studies (shown in
with 95% confidence interval for the phonological loop. Effect sizes Fig. 3). Relative weight percentage for FLE, Extra TLE/FLE, and
are organized by FLE, Extra- TLE/FLE, GGE and mixed/other. Note: GGE relate to the group summary scores, not the pooled effect size

Neuropsychology Review

Fig. 3  Forest plot of individual and pooled effect sizes (Hedges’ g) groups. Relative weight percentage for Left TLE, Right TLE and
with 95% confidence interval for the phonological loop. Effect sizes Bilateral TLE relate to the group summary scores, not the pooled
are organized by left TLE, right TLE, bilateral and mixed TLE effect size

Meta‑Regression of Moderator Variables tasks. Association between visuo-spatial sketchpad and age
at testing was not significant (p >.05).
Phonological Loop
Central Executive
Meta-regression conducted with the pooled epilepsy group
revealed a significant positive association with age of onset Meta-regression conducted with the pooled epilepsy group
and phonological loop (R = 0.0826, 95% CI 0.0091 – 0.156, indicated no significant associations between age of onset,
z = 2.22, p = .0276). Lower scores on phonological loop age at testing and duration of epilepsy disorder (ps >.05).
tasks were associated with a younger age of epilepsy onset.
No significant associations were found between age at test- Systematic Review of Other Moderator Variables
ing and duration of epilepsy (ps >.05).
Seizure Frequency
Visuo‑Spatial Sketchpad
Three studies examined the relationship between working
There was also a significant positive association with age of memory components and seizure frequency (Goldberg-Stern
onset with the visuo-spatial sketchpad (R = 0.1564, 95% CI et al., 2010; MacAllister et al., 2012, Stewart et al., 2019a,
0.0186 – 0.2942, z = 2.22, p = .0261) in the pooled epilepsy 2019b). For measures of the phonological loop, MacAllister
group. Lower scores on visuo-spatial sketchpad tasks were et al. (2012) found that the digit span forward task was not
associated with a younger age of epilepsy onset. In addition, significantly correlated with seizure frequency in children
there was also a significant negative association found with with comorbid epilepsy and ADHD. For measures of the
duration of epilepsy disorder and visuo-spatial sketchpad visuo-spatial sketchpad, Goldberg-Stern et al. (2010) found
(R = -0.0967, 95% CI -0.1901 – -0.0034, z = -2.06, p = no significant difference between Corsi Block forward perfor-
.0422). A longer duration of epilepsy disorder was asso- mance for children with benign childhood epilepsy with cen-
ciated with poorer performance on visuo-spatial sketchpad trotemporal spikes (BECTS) that had 1-3 seizures compared

Neuropsychology Review

Fig. 4  Forest plot of individual and pooled effect sizes (Hedges’ g) Note: Pooled epilepsy effect size includes TLE studies (shown in
with 95% confidence interval for the visuo-spatial sketchpad. Effect Fig. 5). Relative weight percentage for FLE and GGE relate to the
sizes are organized by FLE, Extra- TLE/FLE, GGE and mixed/other. group summary scores, not the pooled effect size

to children that had more than 3 seizures. For measures of significantly greater impairment in the number-letter task
the central executive, MacAllister et al. (2012) found a sig- compared to children with monotherapy. For measures of
nificant negative correlation between digit span backwards the central executive, MacAllister et al. (2012) found a sig-
and seizure frequency for children with epilepsy and ADHD nificant negative correlation between digit span backwards
– combined inattentive and hyperactive subtype, with higher and number of AEDs for children with epilepsy and ADHD
seizure frequency associated with poorer central executive – combined inattentive and hyperactive subtype, with higher
performance. The relationship between digits backward and number of medications associated with poorer central execu-
seizure frequency was not significant for children with epi- tive performance. The relationship between digits backward
lepsy and ADHD inattentive only subtype. Similarly, Stewart and number of AEDs was not significant for children with
et al. (2019a, 2019b) found no significant relationship between epilepsy and ADHD inattentive only subtype. Stewart et al.
digits backwards and seizure frequency for children and ado- (2019a, 2019b) found no significant relationship between
lescents with temporal lobe epilepsy. Goldberg-Stern et al. digits backwards and number of AEDs for children and ado-
(2010) found no significant difference between Corsi Block lescents with temporal lobe epilepsy.
Backwards performance for children with BECTS that had
1-3 seizures compared to children with more than 3 seizures. Surgical Outcomes

Anti‑Epileptic Drugs (AEDs) Two studies examined working memory component scores
pre and post epilepsy surgery (Jambaqué et al., 2007; Sinclair
Three studies examined the relationship between working et al., 2005). Jambaque et al. (2007) found significant
memory components and number of AEDs (MacAllister improvement post-surgery in the phonological loop and
et al., 2012; Williams et al., 1996, Stewart et al. 2019a, visuo-spatial sketchpad for children with left and right
2019b). For measures of the phonological loop, MacAllister TLE. In contrast, Sinclair et al. (2005) found no change in
et al. (2012) found that the digit span forward task was not post-operative scores in a range of memory tasks, includ-
significantly correlated with number of AEDs in children ing working memory task, for children with extra-TLE or
with comorbid epilepsy and ADHD. Williams et al. (1996) FLE (i.e., occipital and parietal lobe epilepsy) relative to
found that polypharmacy (two AEDs) was associated with pre-surgery scores.

Neuropsychology Review

Fig. 5  Forest plot of individual and pooled effect sizes (Hedges’ g) groups. Relative weight percentage for Left TLE, Right TLE and
with 95% confidence interval for the visuo-spatial sketchpad. Effect Bilateral TLE relate to the group summary scores, not the pooled
sizes are organized by left TLE, right TLE, bilateral and mixed TLE effect size

Neuroimaging phonological loop, measured with the number letter task, did
not significantly account for more variance in early academic
One study used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) skills (reading recognition, spelling, grammar and math con-
techniques to examine working memory tasks in children with ceptual skills) over and above verbal intelligence alone.
epilepsy (Braakman et al., 2013). Braakman et al. (2013)
included children with FLE and measured the SIRT (phonolog- Publication Bias
ical loop) in the scanner. Children with FLE were found to have
a global decrease in brain connectivity compared to healthy No significant publication bias was detected with Egger’s
control children. This study also found that children with FLE regression test for the phonological loop and visuo-spatial
had lower cerebral activation during the SIRT task, but this sketchpad across studies (ps= .515 - .871). Publication bias
was not significant after controlling for multiple comparisons. was significant for measures of the central executive (p =
.031). Duval and Tweedie’s (2000) trim and fill procedure,
Academic Skills and Achievement adjusted values for 21 studies and revealed an increase in the
effect size for central executive (g = -0.804, 95% CI -0.945,
Two studies examined relations between working memory -0.664, Q = 497.504).
components and academic achievements (Schouten et al.,
2002; Williams et al., 2001). Shouten et al. (2002) found that Sensitivity Analysis
children with epilepsy who had repeated a year at school and
needed special education assistance had poorer phonologi- On phonological loop measures, children with epilepsy,
cal loop (word span forward) and central executive (word pooled across all subtypes, performed significantly worse
span backwards) scores compared to control children who than typically developing children in studies that were con-
had not repeated a year and did not have special educational sidered high selection quality (k = 22, g = -0.701, 95%
assistance. In contrast, Williams et al. (2001) found that the CI -0.499, -0.903, p < .001), with significant moderate

Neuropsychology Review

Fig. 6  Forest plot of individual and pooled effect sizes (Hedges’ g) Pooled epilepsy effect size includes TLE studies (shown in Fig. 7).
with 95% confidence interval for the central executive. Effect sizes Relative weight percentage for FLE and GGE relate to the group
are organized by FLE, Extra- TLE/FLE, GGE and mixed/other. Note: summary scores, not the pooled effect size

heterogeneity found for these studies (Q = 70.312, df = 24, .677, ­T2= 0.00, I2 = 0.00, 95% prediction interval -0.6705,
p < .001, ­T2= 0.153, I2 = 65.867, 95% prediction interval -0.1835) and significant (Q = 89.468, df = 27, p < .001, ­T2=
-1.5448, 0.1428). For studies that were considered low selec- 0.124, I2 = 69.821, 95% prediction interval -1.3207, 0.2387)
tion quality, effect sizes were slightly larger in magnitude on for studies with high and low selection quality, respectively.
measures of phonological loop (k = 27, g = -0.754, 95% CI Finally, on central executive measures used in in studies
-0.649, -0.858, p < .001), but significant moderate heteroge- that were considered high selection quality children with
neity remained (Q = 83.992, df = 43, p < .001, T ­ 2= 0.045, I2 epilepsy collapsed across subtypes obtained significantly
= 48.804, 95% prediction interval -1.2044, -0.3036). lower scores relative to typically developing children (k =
On visuo-spatial sketchpad measures, children with epi- 21, g = -0.527, 95% CI -0.207, -0.847, p = .001). In this
lepsy, pooled across all subtypes, performed significantly instance, significant and large between study heterogeneity
worse than typically developing children in studies that were was found (Q = 185.042, df = 22, p < .001, T ­ 2 = 0.503, I2
considered high selection quality (k = 11, g = -0.427, 95% = 88.111, 95% prediction interval -2.0502, 0.9962). Visual
CI -0.216, -0.638, p < .001), and the effect size was slightly inspection of the funnel plot revealed a significant outlier
larger in studies that were considered low selection qual- (i.e. van den Berg et al., 2019 and Lima et al., 2017 BECTS
ity. (k = 16, g = -0.541, 95% CI -0.718, -0.365, p < .001). subgroup only). On removal of the two outliers, the effect
Heterogeneity was non-significant (Q = 9.303, df = 12, p = size decreased (k = 20, g = -0.468, 95% CI -0.299, -0.638,

Neuropsychology Review

Fig. 7  Forest plot of individual and pooled effect sizes (Hedges’ g) groups. Relative weight percentage for Left TLE and Right TLE
with 95% confidence interval for the central executive. Effect sizes relate to the group summary scores, not the pooled effect size
are organized by left TLE, right TLE, bilateral and mixed TLE

p < .001), however, significant moderate heterogeneity working memory deficits were related to demographic fac-
remained (Q = 40.161, df = 20, p = .005, ­T2 = 0.068, I2 = tors (i.e., age and testing), and (iv) other epilepsy factors
50.201, 95% prediction interval -1.0454, 0.1094). For stud- (i.e., age of onset of seizure disorder, duration of epilepsy,
ies that were considered low selection quality had a higher seizure frequency, medication, and surgical status). The final
effect size was observed on measures of central executive (k aims were to determine relations between working memory
= 23, g = -0.581, 95% CI -0.736, -0.425, p < .001). How- and (i) neuroimaging results and (ii) functional deficits (i.e.
ever, significant moderate heterogeneity remained (Q = academic difficulties in reading and mathematics) in children
141.032, df = 39, p < .001, ­T2 = 0.151, I2 = 72.347, 95% and adolescents with epilepsy.
prediction interval -1.4057, 0.2437). We found that all working memory components that were
studied (phonological loop, visuo-spatial sketchpad, central
executive) were impaired in children with epilepsy, with the
Discussion exceptions of the episodic buffer which has not been studied.
However, the patterns of impairments differed in relation
To our knowledge, this is the first meta-analysis examining to the site and side of epilepsy focus. Phonological loop
working memory outcomes in children and adolescents with impairments were found in children with focal (TLE, FLE,
epilepsy. The primary aim of this review was to (i) establish extra-TLE/FLE) and generalized epilepsy (GGE). For side
whether working memory components are impaired in chil- of epilepsy, phonological loop was significantly impaired
dren with epilepsy, (ii) determine whether working memory in left, right and bilateral TLE. Visuo-spatial sketchpad and
components are differentially impacted by site or side of central executive were selectively impaired. Visuo-spatial
epilepsy, (iii) evaluate whether the pattern and severity of sketchpad was impaired in children with bilateral TLE

Neuropsychology Review

and GGE. Central executive was impaired in children with dysfunctions found across the different sites of epilepsy,
TLE, FLE and GGE. A younger age of epilepsy onset and may provide a parsimonious account for phonological loop
longer duration of epilepsy disorder were associated with deficits found irrespective of the site of epilepsy focus.
greater impairments in visuo-spatial sketchpad. Longer dura- Unlike the phonological loop, where impairments were
tion of epilepsy disorder was associated with lower central found in every child epilepsy group, the visuo-spatial sketch-
executive. pad was differentially impaired. Deficits in the visuo-spatial
Of the three working memory components, phonological sketchpad were found in children with FLE, bilateral TLE,
loop was found most sensitive to disruption in children with and in children with GGE. However, while children with
epilepsy. Although impairments in phonological loop were bilateral TLE had large impairments in visuo-spatial sketch-
found irrespective of the site of seizure focus, the magnitude pad, children with FLE and GGE had moderate impairments
of impairments in phonological loop varied. The largest pho- in visuo-spatial sketchpad. Finding visuo-spatial sketchpad
nological loop impairments were documented in children impairment in children with FLE is at odds with previous
with FLE and bilateral TLE. Previous studies in adults have research that shown intact storage components (phonological
shown that the phonological loop relies on the left hemi- loop and visuo-spatial sketchpad) in adults with prefrontal
sphere of the brain, and recruits networks in the inferior pari- cortex lesions (see Müller & Knight, 2006). Unlike adults
etal lobe, posterior temporal region and ventrolateral pre- who have fully developed visuo-spatial sketchpad, children’s
frontal cortex (Aboitiz et al., 2010; Smith & Jonides, 1997). visuo-spatial sketchpad is still developing (Kwon et al.,
As a result, phonological loop impairments were expected 2002). Thus, it is possible that the developing visuo-spatial
to be found in patients with TLE, in particular left TLE. Sur- sketchpad involves different brain networks than the fully
prisingly, the magnitude of phonological loop impairments developed visuo-spatial sketchpad. As a result, in children,
was comparable in children with left TLE and in children the visuo-spatial sketchpad may be vulnerable to focal sei-
with right TLE. This lack of side of epilepsy focus effect zures arising from the frontal lobes, but also to generalized
on phonological loop in children with epilepsy is at odds seizures experienced by children with GGE.
with adult studies showing a left hemisphere specialization Children with unilateral TLE did not show deficits in
for phonological loop tasks. The lack of side of epilepsy visuo-spatial sketchpad irrespective of the side of epilepsy
focus effect on phonological loop in children with epilepsy, focus. This lack of significance may be due to (i) only three
however, is consistent with the developmental changes in studies providing data for this patient population and (ii)
functional organization of working memory circuitry from the task used in the studies lacking sensitivity to deficits in
childhood to early adulthood, which progress from engaging visuo-spatial sketchpad that could arise from temporal lobe
diffuse brain networks to lateralized, specialized networks in seizure focus. While the three studies used a spatial span task
completing working memory tasks (Kwon, 2010). Of note, (the Corsi Block-tapping task) to assess visuo-spatial sketch-
the magnitude of the impairment in phonological loop for pad, neuroimaging studies showed that object span tasks, but
children with bilateral TLE was almost double the mag- not spatial span tasks recruit the network that involves the
nitude of the impairment in children with unilateral TLE, inferior temporal cortex (Nagel et al., 2013; Smith & Jon-
suggesting that the temporal lobe networks are critical for ides, 1997; Wager & Smith, 2003). Given that visuo-spatial
phonological loop tasks, even in children. sketchpad impairment was observed in children with bilat-
For children with FLE, large deficits in phonological loop eral TLE, however, it is possible that visuo-spatial sketch-
were also found. This finding is consistent with adult neuro- pad is compromised when seizures impact both temporal
imaging literature that shows recruitment of the prefrontal lobes rather than only one. In regards to children with extra-
cortex in phonological loop tasks (D’Esposito, 2007). Inter- TLE or FLE, the only study that measured the visuo-spatial
estingly, children with GGE whose seizures do not emanate sketchpad revealed an impairment (Gülgönen et al., 2000).
from the frontal or temporal lobes, were also found to have Hence, the integrity of visuo-spatial sketchpad in children
moderate to large impairments in phonological loop. How- with extra-TLE/FLE requires further investigation.
ever, previous studies have provided evidence of deficits With respect to the central executive, deficits were found
in executive functioning in children and adults with GGE, for children with FLE, TLE and GGE. While the largest
including impairments in working memory (Loughman impairment in central executive was documented for chil-
et al., 2014). Finally, to our surprise, the phonological loop dren with FLE, this finding should be interpreted with cau-
was also impaired in children with extra-TLE or FLE, albeit tion as there were two outliers in the analysis (i.e., Longo
the magnitude of phonological loop impairment was smaller et al., 2013 & van den Berg et al., 2019). A removal of these
than in children with TLE and FLE. We note that functional two outliers resulted in a marked reduction in effect size,
disruption of frontal and temporal lobes has been previously which dropped from a large to a small-to-moderate deficit in
documented in patients with extra-TLE or FLE (Helmstae- central executive for children with FLE. Nevertheless, defi-
dter & Witt 2012). Thus, the frontal and temporal-type cits in central executive found in children with FLE were still

Neuropsychology Review

significant, and consistent with neuroimaging studies, which with epilepsy (Whelan et al., 2018). Nonetheless, it appears
found that in combination with the parietal cortex, the dorso- that the two slave components of phonological loop and
lateral prefrontal cortex was critical for the central executive visuo-spatial sketchpad are at greater risk with a younger
(Curtis & D’Esposito, 2003). In children with TLE, central age of epilepsy onset, whereas impairments in the central
executive impairments were smaller in magnitude than in executive are not sensitive to either age of onset or duration
children with FLE. of epilepsy.
There is emerging evidence of central executive deficits in Given that only a small number of studies reported rela-
children and adults with TLE, which may suggest that work- tions between working memory and other variables of inter-
ing memory processes are interrupted due to the propagation est (seizure frequency, AED medication, surgery outcomes,
of seizures from the temporal to the frontal lobes, or that neuroimaging findings and academic skills and achieve-
these seizures disrupt the subcortical structures that support ment), these variables were examined in systematic review
working memory, such as the hippocampus, caudate, and only. Three studies that examined the impact of seizure fre-
thalamus (see O’Muircheartaigh & Richardson, 2012; Stret- quency on working memory components gave conflicting
ton & Thompson, 2012 for a review). Another possibility is findings. Higher seizure frequency was significantly associ-
that the moderate impairment of phonological loop in chil- ated with poorer central executive performance in a mixed
dren with TLE has a detrimental effect on children to effec- group of epilepsy cases with a comorbid diagnosis of ADHD
tively utilize the central executive. For instance, a neuroim- (combined inattentive and hyperactive subtype; MacAllister
aging study found that performance on digits backwards, et al., 2012), but no correlations were found for the pho-
which was the most common measure of central executive in nological loop. In contrast, Stewart et al., (2019a, 2019b)
this review, also activated areas important for the phonologi- found no relationship between seizure frequency and cen-
cal loop (Gerton et al., 2004). The current review, however, tral executive function in children with TLE. However, that
did not reveal significant central executive deficits in chil- study found no deficits in central executive in these children,
dren with unilateral TLE. For children with GGE, whose sei- compared to typically developing children. Finally, Gold-
zures propagate rapidly and simultaneously across the cortex berg-Stern et al. (2010) found no difference in visuo-spatial
in both hemispheres (Helmstaedter & Witt, 2012; Mattson, sketchpad and central executive of children with BECTS
2003), a significant, and moderate impairment was found in that had low seizure frequency compared to children with
central executive. In summary, this review revealed that in BECTS that had high seizure frequency, and this study also
children with epilepsy the central executive is vulnerable to found no impairments in either visuo-spatial sketchpad
seizures arising outside of the frontal lobes, but is markedly or central executive relative to healthy controls. For AED
impaired in children with FLE. medication, Williams et al. (1996) found that phonological
We also examined whether other epilepsy variables, loop was impaired in children taking two AEDs compared
such as age at testing, age of epilepsy onset, and duration to children taking one AED. In another study that included
of epilepsy disorder relate to working memory using meta- children with epilepsy and comorbid ADHD, higher number
regression. Age at testing was not significantly related to any of AEDs was associated with poorer central executive, but
of the working memory components, which is unsurprising not with phonological loop (MacAllister et al., 2012).
as the majority of tasks of working memory included in this Surgery could carry a risk of decline in working mem-
review were age standardized. A younger age of epilepsy ory. Specifically, unilateral temporal lobectomy may be fol-
onset, however, was associated with greater impairments lowed by a decline in slave components (phonological loop
in the phonological loop and visuo-spatial sketchpad, but or visuo-spatial sketchpad) of the working memory system,
it was not associated with the central executive. We found as the left temporal lobe is involved with phonological loop
that longer duration of epilepsy disorder was associated with and the right temporal lobe hemisphere is important for the
greater impairments in visuo-spatial sketchpad, but not the visuo-spatial sketchpad (Smith & Jonides, 1997). To date
phonological loop or central executive. It is unclear as to only one study examined changes in phonological loop
why individual components of working memory differen- and visuo-spatial sketchpad from pre- to post- unilateral
tially relate to age of onset and duration of epilepsy disorder, temporal lobectomy (Jambaqué et al., 2007). Contrary to
as (i) the three components of working memory are found the expectation, both phonological loop and visuo-spatial
to develop linearly from six years of age until adolescence sketchpad had improved in children who underwent either
(Gathercole et al., 2004) and (ii) young age of seizure onset right or left temporal lobectomy approximately one-year
and longer duration of epilepsy were both found to be detri- post surgery. In contrast, in a study that examined changes
mental for development (Sanchez & Jensen, 2001; Whelan in working memory in children who underwent posterior
et al., 2018). For example, a longer duration of epilepsy was resection (i.e. parietal or occipital) for intractable epilepsy
associated with lower subcortical volume and cortical thick- found no change in phonological loop pre- to one-year-post-
ness in a worldwide study that involved 2149 individuals surgery (Sinclair et al., 2005). This discrepancy in findings

Neuropsychology Review

may be due not only to the differences in the site of surgery, loop and central executive composite score) moderated aca-
but also to differences in study samples. Sinclair and col- demic outcomes, specifically word reading, spelling, and
leagues included children with mild intellectual disabilities arithmetic (Danguecan & Smith, 2017). These results indi-
and variable seizure outcomes post posterior surgeries. In cate that verbal working memory likely plays a role in math-
contrast, Jambaqué and colleagues included children who ematics in children with epilepsy. Given that Danguecan and
were free of intellectual disability and were seizure free Smith (2017) used a composite measure of working memory
post-surgery, hence had greater developmental potential and a mixed epilepsy group, it is unclear whether deficits in
pre-surgery, which was released rather than disrupted by either the phonological loop or the central executive under-
seizures post-surgery. pin difficulties with mathematics in this clinical population,
Neuroimaging findings were related to working memory and what role does the visuo-spatial sketchpad have in math
data in one study only. The study included children with FLE difficulties in epilepsy. This is important, given that dif-
and healthy control children. Structural and functional MRI ferent components of working memory relate to different
were employed. Children with FLE displayed large deficit academic skills, and that this review has found that each
in phonological loop, a decreased connectivity throughout component of working memory is differentially impaired
the brain, but comparable pattern of brain activation relative across epilepsy types. Thus, further research is needed on
to healthy control children (Braakman et al., 2013). Fur- the relationship between working memory components and
ther, when cognitively impaired patients were compared specific academic skills across different epilepsy groups, in
to cognitively intact patients, a difference was found in a order to provide early identification and targeted intervention
subset of connections, namely, frontal lobe connections. No for children with epilepsy.
other studies in this review utilized neuroimaging methods
to investigate visuo-spatial sketchpad or central executive Limitations of the Literature and Current Review
components of the working memory system.
There are well-established risks of academic learning Several limitations of the current review, including the state
difficulties in children with reduced working memory the of the literature, needs to be acknowledged. A large number
general population (Gathercole et al., 2016; Gathercole & of studies were excluded from this review (n= 51), as they
Pickering, 2000). Thus, it is surprising to find only two stud- did not report separate outcomes for different working mem-
ies that examined the relationship between working memory ory components. The excluded studies typically reported a
components (phonological loop and central executive) and composite score, including both storage (phonological loop)
academic skills. One study indicated that impaired phono- and attentional control (central executive) components, as
logical loop was associated with poorer outcomes in early these studies mainly used test batteries for assessment of
academic skills (reported as a combined score of word read- intellectual skills, such as the WISC, which include subtests
ing, spelling, grammar and conceptual math skills) (Wil- that measure working memory, but do not provide separate
liams et al., 2001). This association was not significant, how- scores for phonological loop and central executive compo-
ever, when controlling for verbal intelligence. Another study nents of working memory. Of the studies that were included,
found that children with epilepsy who had repeated a year only a small number of studies examined the visuo-spatial
at school and required special educational assistance had sketchpad and no studies included in this review utilized a
poorer phonological loop and central executive, as measured measure of episodic buffer, which is an important interface
by a word span task (forward and backwards) compared to between each component of working memory and episodic
typically developing children (Schouten et al., 2002). long-term memory (Baddeley, 2000). The lack of studies
No studies included in this review examined the relation- that have examined each of the working memory compo-
ship between visuo-spatial sketchpad and central executive nents suggest that examination of working memory in epi-
and specific academic outcomes (such as reading, writing lepsy has been largely a-theoretical and the assessment of
and mathematics) in children and adolescents with epilepsy. working memory has been a side variable.
This is surprising, given that poor central executive function- Another limitation of the literature was that few studies
ing has been associated with deficits in reading and math- reported working memory outcomes separately for epilepsy
ematical skills in typically developing children (Gathercole subtypes (i.e. TLE, FLE, extra-TLE or FLE). Given that
et al., 2016; Peng et al., 2016) and in children with learning visuo-spatial sketchpad and central executive were selec-
difficulties (Alloway, 2009) and reading disabilities (Swan- tive according to site of epilepsy focus, studies that included
son et al., 2009). Nevertheless, the impact of working mem- mixed epilepsy subtypes may lack sensitivity for the dis-
ory (but not central executive specifically) on academic out- tinct pattern of working memory impairments that may be
comes in children with epilepsy has been identified, with one disrupted by location of seizure focus. For instance, in this
study (which was not included in the meta-analysis) revealed review, a small number of studies differentiated between
that verbal working memory (comprised of a phonological left, right and bilateral seizure focus in focal epilepsies. No

Neuropsychology Review

studies included in this review examined impact of side of Future Directions

seizure focus on working memory in children with FLE or
extra-TLE or FLE. Only two studies included in this review First, future studies should assess and report findings for
had seizure foci outside the temporal and frontal lobes each working memory component, including the episodic
(extra-TLE or FLE). With respect to epilepsy variables, few buffer, which has not been examined in children with epi-
studies examined the impact of seizure frequency, medica- lepsy, and establish functional correlates of working mem-
tion, or surgery status on working memory outcomes. Given ory impairments in children with epilepsy. This is important,
that age of onset and duration of seizure disorder had a sig- as studies conducted with general populations have indi-
nificant negative effect on the slave components of working cated that each component of working memory is associ-
memory, chronic and difficult to control seizures may have ated with different neural networks and functional outcomes
a negative impact on working memory, which can lead to (D’Esposito, 2007; Smith & Jonides, 1997; Wager & Smith,
greater risk of functional problems, such as academic under- 2003).
achievement. Children with chronic and difficult to control Second, future studies should be theoretically guided and
seizures also often require polypharmacy, which is known to used to test cognitive models in the developing brain. Stud-
have an adverse outcome on cognition (Vingerhoets, 2006), ies of children with epilepsy with seizure focus in different
but the impact of AEDs on each component of working brain regions can inform us which brain regions are essential
memory is less known. for development of certain working memory components.
The quality analysis indicated that there is potential for Third, future studies should further investigate relations
selection bias across studies, as most studies did not recruit between each component of working memory and aca-
participants through consecutive referrals and no studies demic achievement in children with epilepsy as for typically
reported the non-response rate for either epilepsy or control developing children, differential relations have been found
children. In this review, there was significant heterogeneity between components of working memory and academic
observed across studies, which may reflect the diverse nature underachievement. For instance, impaired reading ability
of epilepsy subtypes and syndromes, and the etiology of had a greater relationship to verbal working memory (i.e.
epilepsy that can vary substantially across cases. Sensitivity measures that comprised the phonological loop and verbal
analyses revealed that higher selection quality was associ- central executive), than visuo-spatial working memory (i.e.
ated with less heterogeneity. Whilst higher selection qual- measures that comprised the visuo-spatial sketchpad and
ity was associated with a reduction in effect size (small to central executive for visual material). Whereas math perfor-
moderate), these remained significant. In contrast, studies of mance, was related to both verbal and visuo-spatial compos-
low selection quality had slightly larger effect sizes but also ites of working memory (Gathercole et al., 2016). Further-
large and significant heterogeneity, suggesting that bias may more, there is evidence that the visuo-spatial sketchpad and
be present in those studies. central executive is important for learning and acquiring new
Regarding methodological limitations of this review, only math skills and concepts, however, the phonological loop
papers published in the English language were included. becomes more important once the skill has been learned and
Hence some relevant papers published in languages other children get older (Raghubar et al., 2010).
than English could have been missed. Unfortunately, we did The current review indicated that an earlier onset of epi-
not have resources to review papers that were not published lepsy was related to poorer phonological loop and visuo-spatial
in the English language. This review also excluded papers sketchpad, however, the potential subsequent impact of ear-
that used validated measures of working memory, but did lier epilepsy onset on arithmetic performance in these children
not report scores of “number of correct items” recalled, such remains unknown. This is important to investigate, as children
as studies that used measures that rely on reaction times or with epilepsy have been found to be at risk of academic dif-
omission and commission errors, thus limiting the review to ficulties, which tend to be particularly pronounced in math
mostly span-based measures of working memory. Finally, (Black & Hynd, 1995; Jackson et al., 2013; Rathouz et al.,
we included only peer reviewed published papers. While 2014; Seidenberg et al., 1986, Danguecan & Smith, 2017).
relevant papers from the grey literature could have been Fourth, future studies should focus on interventions for
missed, these papers have not undergone peer reviews as working memory deficits in children with epilepsy. While
yet, and may have been of more mixed quality. As a result, our review has revealed a solid body of evidence showing
this could potentially inflate publication bias of included that children with epilepsy are at risk of working memory
studies. However, given that the majority of studies in this deficits, intervention studies are almost absent. The excep-
review reported working memory results as a side variable tion is a study that evaluated efficacy of a computerized
from a large body of assessment tasks, the risk of publication working memory training (Cogmed) program in school-
bias is less likely to be over inflated. aged children with epilepsy (Kerr & Blackwell, 2015). The

Neuropsychology Review

program aims to increase working memory capacity, and academic skills (see Rowe et al, 2019 for a review). For
involves intense, repetitive, daily exercises and training to instance, only one study evaluated a classroom-based inter-
capacity. On completion of training, children in the interven- vention in children with low working memory capacity
tion group significantly greater gains in the central execu- (Elliot et al., 2010). This study found no improvement in
tive and visuo-spatial sketchpad, but not the phonological working memory capacity or gains in academic achieve-
loop, components of the working memory. The finding of ment with two classroom-based interventions for teachers.
this intervention study suggests that a computerized work- On the other hand, a more recent study found improvements
ing memory training may be useful for children with epi- in mathematics and spelling, but not reading or classroom
lepsy that have reduced visuo-spatial sketchpad and central engagement, after a working memory intervention called
executive, such as children with FLE and GGE. In contrast, ‘Memory Mates’ in typically developing children (Colmar
Cogmed working memory training may not be effective for et al., 2020). However, the efficacy of this program for chil-
children with unilateral TLE, as they have impaired pho- dren with low working memory capacity remains unknown.
nological loop, but not central executive and visuo-spatial Just recently, a proof of concept uncontrolled trial of a
sketchpad. Whilst finding that Cogmed increased capac- web-based intervention for difficulties in executive function-
ity of some working memory components in children with ing, that included but was not limited to working memory,
epilepsy is very encouraging, it is important to notice two showed an improvement in parental ratings of their children
limitations of this pioneering study. First, the study had a working memory in everyday life from pre-to post training
waitlisted controlled designed rather than a randomized (Modi et al., 2019). No objective measure of working mem-
controlled design that can be used with Cogmed delivered ory was used. While the intervention was web-based, the
to pediatric patients with neurological insults (e.g., Phillips intervention included learning modules (rather than repeti-
et al., 2016) and would provide a more robust evidence for tive practices used in many computerized working memory
intervention efficacy. Second, studies conducted with gen- interventions), and problem-solving videoconferences with
eral pediatric populations have provided conflicting evidence a therapist during which solutions to challenges that arose
in relation to gains made in working memory capacity either form deficits in executive functions in everyday life could be
generalizing to other cognitive domains or leading to gains solved. Whether parents’ reported improvements in working
in academic performance or behavioral functioning (for memory are also found on objective measures of working
reviews see Melby-Lervag & Hulme, 2013, Spencer-Smith memory is unknown. Similarly, whether improvements are
& Klingberg, 2016). In children with epilepsy, there was no also evident in children’s classrooms, social functioning, and
evidence of transfer of gains made in working memory to academic skills is also unknown.
fluid reasoning on completion of Cogmed training (Fuentes Fifth, it is important to keep in mind that the in the gen-
& Kerr, 2017). To our knowledge, no studies to date exam- eral population implications of working memory dysfunc-
ined whether increase in working memory capacity is asso- tion are not just related to academic achievement. Limited
ciated with improvements in either academic or behavioral central executive has also been related to poorer social
skills in children with epilepsy. development, including peer rejection and reduced social
Given the limited evidence of functional gains being competence (McQuade et al., 2013). Furthermore, working
made on completion of computerized working memory memory was found to be a strong predictor of one of the
training in the general pediatric population, it is important core social-cognitive skills in typically developing children:
to consider another type of working memory intervention, theory of mind (Mutter et al., 2006), which was found to be
the one that aims to alleviate functional difficulties associ- impaired in children with GGE (Jiang et al., 2014; Stewart
ated with poor working memory rather than increase work- et al., 2018) and in children with TLE (Stewart et al., 2019a,
ing memory capacity as such. This type of working memory 2019b). Hence, central executive capacity may need to be
intervention involves reducing the load on children’s work- considered in programs designed to improve social cogni-
ing memory by teaching children internal strategies and tive skills, such as cognitive behavioral intervention with
controlling environment to better match children’s working theory of mind training for children with epilepsy (Stewart
memory capacity, prevent information overload and increase et al., 2019).
the likelihood of tasks being successfully completed (Gath- Taken together, it is likely that targeted and fine-tuned
ercole & Alloway, 2008). The main techniques used involve neuropsychological assessment can provide a greater under-
teaching memory boosting strategies, using external mem- standing of the nuances of the working memory profile in
ory aides, and breaking down instructions into shorter and childhood epilepsy, with the aim to identify any risk factors
less complex chunks of information. However, this is also for academic and social skill development. Thus, early iden-
an under-researched area, as few ‘every day’ interventions tification of working memory difficulties can pave the way
of working memory have been subjected to a randomized for early interventions which will use strategies adjusted to
control trial, and has mixed evidence for improvement in each child’s working memory features.

Neuropsychology Review

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Professor Jennifer Chan, Sarah Hamilton, Dr. Dan Quintana, and Dr ogy: A Journal on Normal and Abnormal Development in Child-
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