Assignment 2 Ques

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ASSIGNMENT- Lightwave Networks

Problems on WDM Backbone Optical Networks

Solve the following problems from “Optical WDM Networks” Prof. B. Mukherjee Book:
1) Problem 7.5
Consider the network shown in Fig. 7.1. Let the connection requests be as follows:
B-H, A-E, B-D, D-F, B-F, C-E, C-H, A-G, A-C
Set up lightpaths to satisfy the above connection requests using at most three wavelengths
per link. Assume no wavelength conversion.

2) Problem 7.6
Consider the network in Fig. 7.1, and the following lightpaths:
(a) C-7-8-9-E
(b) A-1-5-8-9-E
(c) H-2-1-5-8-7-C
(d) B-6-7-8-9-E
(e) A-1-6-7-10-D
(f) G-3-2-1-6-B
(g) H-2-3-4-F
Color the lightpaths using the minimum number of wavelengths

3) Problem 7.7

Consider the NSFNET physical topology shown in Fig. 9.1. Remove the nodes WA, CO,
NE, and GA. Suppose the connection requests are as shown in Fig. 7.14. What is the
minimum number of wavelengths needed to satisfy all the connection requests?

4) Problem 8.4
Give a set of lightpaths which embeds a 4 x 4 Manhattan Street Network with bidirectional
links onto the NSFNET physical topology shown in Fig. 8.2. How many wavelengths are
required for this embedding?

5) Problem 8.5
For the physical NSFNET topology shown in Fig. 8.2, find a logical ring embedding
which uses only one wavelength.

6) Problem 8.6
The embedding shown in Fig. 8.6 assumes that all of the local laser filter pairs at a node
operate on different wavelengths. What are the advantages of this design? What are the

7) Problem 8.7
In Fig. 8.10, at low loads, the average delay in a network employing full WDM is more
than the average delay in a network with no WDM. Why?

8) Consider the WDM backbone network shown in Figure 1 with two transmitters and two receivers
per node and two wavelengths per fiber. Assume that the nodes do not have wavelength converters.
Long-term average traffic matrix for node pairs in the network is shown below:

0 3 4 4 5 2 1
3 0 4 2 2 1 0
3 3 0 8 6 4 1
2 2 1 0 2 2 0
5 7 3 5 0 7 7
1 4 8 4 1 0 2
0 1 4 2 2 3 0

Determine a set of lightpaths to be constructed using HLDA (i.e., Maximizing single-hop traffic
heuristic), where consider that if two traffic elements have the same value, the first traffic element
obtained in sequence (row-wise in the right direction) is selected. Show the RWA for the lightpaths.

200 300

100 90 120


160 400
Figure 1: Physical network topology

NOTE: Please consult the following two chapters from “Optical WDM Networks” Prof. B.
Mukherjee Book as Reference to the topics which were covered in the class.

Chapter 7: Routing and Wavelength Assignment and

Chapter 8: Elements of Virtual-Topology Design

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