Roblox Instructions

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Assignment Content


1. Case: Roblox Virtual Commerce in the Metaverse from Harvard Business
2. Purchase the course pack:
3. Students are to work in their assigned groups and respond with an executive-level
PowerPoint presentation per the business case questions:
4. First, how should Roblox expand its partnerships with brands, and should Roblox
allow brands to offer immersive advertising within experiences?
5. Second, should Roblox change its economic model which was free to publish, and
adopt a "scarcity economy" whereby Roblox would allow creators to only publish
items in limited quantities and charge an upfront fee for item creation, similar to a
manufacturing fee?
6. The deck should be complex material compliant (see Course MRK718 -
Presenting Complex Material). Please make sure you review the BCQA Logic
Pyramid. Your presentation should be around 15 +/- 5 slides, excluding the
Appendix. It should include the following at a minimum:
7. First, how should Roblox expand its partnerships with brands, and should Roblox
allow brands to offer immersive advertising within experiences?
8. Second, should Roblox change its economic model which was free to publish, and
adopt a "scarcity economy" whereby Roblox would allow creators to only publish
items in limited quantities and charge an upfront fee for item creation, similar to a
manufacturing fee?
9. Background information and challenges - Cristal
10. Goals and objectives - Cristal
11. Alternatives evaluation criteria
12. Alternatives N/A
13. Alternatives assessment
14. Recommended solutions
15. Implementation plan

16. Include executive summary where applicable.
17. Include a table/list showing the work breakdown among the group members.
18. Include references and citations using the appropriate conventions.
19. Groups are assigned randomly. Please notify the instructor immediately if group
membership changes due to student status and other issues.
20. SafeAssign will examine anything you submit for possible incidents of plagiarism
and other issues.
21. All due dates are in the Toronto time zone. Please confirm the corresponding due
date/time in your local time zone.
22. To ensure that the presentation is formatted and styled per your expectation, you
might want to submit it in PDF format (instead of/in addition to PPTX or WORD
23. Example: see BlackBoard > Learning Content > Week 0 > BCQA Example Eco
Water - Allison Li.PDF.

Project management:
24. If you would like the instructor to review your work before submission, please
share a link to the work-in-progress presentation while you are working on the
case study (and grant view or comment access to the Instructor).
25. Groups are assigned randomly. Please notify the instructor immediately if group
membership changes due to student status and other issues

Supplemental reading:

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