Wellness 1

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Backpack of Strengths 3
Date Lesson Title Grade Level
30 mins Wellness 1
Time in Lesson Subject Lesson #

Developed by
Kash Chowdhury


Learner Outcomes from the Program of Studies
What are the SPECIFIC outcomes to be addressed in this lesson?

• Relationship building and resolution include

o Empathy
o Forgiveness
o Compromise
o Respect

Objective in student-friendly language Assessment Strategies

What will students understand/experience/appreciate as a result of this What will I accept as evidence of learning/development? Have I employed
lesson? formative assessment? Do I make use of prior assessments in this lesson?

• Reflect on what makes them unique • Interaction

• Reflect on how everyone’s uniqueness contributes to a lively • Collected work

Resources Personalization/Differentiation
What materials/resources/technology will be required? How will you attend to the needs of ALL learners in this lesson?

• The World Needs Who You Were Made To Be- Joanna Gaines • Choose own seating
• Chart paper + markers • Movement break right after activity
o Pre-draw a backpack • Example for EALs
• Small scribe groups for EALs

Adapted from Wiggins, Grant & J. McTighe (1998)

How will you ACTIVATE prior knowledge and ENGAGE them in the lesson and how does this lesson connect to prior lessons?

• Transition to activity
o Put away books
o If you have work, make a pile at your table groups
o Waiting for quiet table groups to come join me at the gathering space
▪ Give points

Learning/Activity Sequence
How will students ENGAGE, EXPLORE, EXPLAIN, ELABORATE, and/or EVALUATE their understandings of the outcomes.

What is the TEACHER doing? What is your plan for the body of What are the STUDENTS doing? How are they engaged while
Approx. time
the lesson? What steps are taken during the lesson? you are teaching the lesson?

• Review gathering space expectations • Answer questions/share predictions

o Raising hands to talk
o Making good choices (ie. Where to sit)
• Read book 5 mins
o Ask for predictions
▪ What do you think the book is about?
o Comprehension questions during

• Quick recap of book • Answer questions

o What was the main message in the story?
o Connect
▪ We’re all different too
▪ We all have our own strengths and 2-3 mins
unique ways to approach situations
• Introduce activity
Adapted from Wiggins, Grant & J. McTighe (1998)
o We’re going to each make a backpack with the
traits that make us unique!

• Example backpack • Raise hands to contribute to backpack/answer

o The very first thing we’re going to do is write questions
our name
o What are some traits they mentioned in the
• Before sending off
o What’s the very first thing you’re going to do
before you do ANYTHING else? (Write name)
o Noise expectations

• Walk around to help anyone who might be struggling • Work on backpacks

How will you ensure students walk away with a sense of understanding the PURPOSE of the lesson and its IMPORTANCE to their learning?

• Start with purpose

• Connect to lives

Adapted from Wiggins, Grant & J. McTighe (1998)

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