Pe Observation 1

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ODU Student Observation Form

Lesson Topic: _Pickleball Volleying Teacher: _Robert Lauser__ Date: _3/4/24_

Grade: _10_________ # of students in class: _23_____

Answer the following questions/descriptions for each section:

Provide a brief description of activities in lesson and the approximate time for each activity

Coach Rob begins PE by leading all 3 classes in a dynamic stretches routine and then warmups. This lasts
about 5 minutes. After warmups, students are broken up into their respective classes and Coach Rob goes
over the cues for forehand and backhand volleying in pickleball, and discusses proper equipment
handling. After that, he allows the students to begin participating. He told me he tries to keep descriptions
short and sweet to get the students participating as quickly as possible. The explanation didn’t last more
than 3 minutes and the students were able to participate in volleying for the remaining 30 minutes of

Describe the teaching style(s) used

During his explanation of cues and equipment handling, Coach Rob uses the direct teaching method.
Also, during the activity, Coach Rob uses direct teaching method one on one with students that are using
improper form.

How does the teacher help students internalize essential knowledge? (ask questions, have student re-state
information, give examples)

Coach Rob gets the students actively participating in the activity as soon as possible.

How does the teacher encourage critical thinking through emphasizing accuracy and clarity? (Link
information to prior knowledge)

Coach Rob shows the students that the cues were similar to those of tennis, a sport they had already gone

Describe how the teacher organized and prepared the classroom prior to class.

What stop/start signals are used?

Coach Rob uses his whistle as a stop/start signal.

How are transitions between activities organized and implemented?

Coach Rob had the equipment set up during the warmups. The collection of equipment was a little slower
because he had them all return the equipment to me at the same time as I held the bag open.

How is equipment distributed and collected?

Equipment was set up before the students were ready to participate, equipment was collected by me as
the students brought it all to me.

How does the teacher help students develop a sense of comfort and order?

Coach Rob encourages communication during the volleying activity.

To what extent do students demonstrate that they feel positive about themselves, their peers, their
instructor, and the tasks they are assigned?

The students for the most part were willing to participate in the activity, knowing that they would receive
a 0 for participation for the day if they did not.

What characteristics does the teacher possess that makes the entire lesson an enjoyable, productive
experience for the students?

Coach Rob has a great relationship with the students, allowing him to convince students to participate
when they probably wouldn’t if they didn’t have that relationship.

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