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Campus Smart Campus / East coast Session 2019-20

Topic Language and Communication Work Sheet No. 5

Class CLSP 7 B Subject Global Perspectives

Name Shriyansh Singh Date 19th February 2021

Application, Reasoning & Analytical

Section - A Direct/ Regular/ Inferential Questions Section - B Questions

Section - C HOTS Questions (Higher Order Thinking Skills)

Section A

1. Should everyone speak more than one language?

Yes, I strongly believe that everyone should achieve fluency in more than one language. I
believe so because:

1. Researchers have scientifically proven that learning multiple languages improves an

individual’s cognitive functionality.
2. Learning a new language also allows an individual to communicate with people of different
nationalities and races, thereby allowing him/her to be more culturally diversified.
3. It also opens up more job opportunities for the individual, making him/her more economically
diverse as well.




GIIS Document number

ACA-07 Effective Date: 1 January 2018

Confidential | Copyright © Global Indian International School | Version 2 1



2. Is your language a part of your identity? Explain.

Yes, in my opinion, my language plays a major role in shaping my identity and the first
impression I make on people. As an Indian, I speak Hindi as my mother tongue, a native
language of the Hindus that originated in the 17th century. Whenever I communicate with people
in Hindi, they discern the discrete and distinct vowel and consonant pronunciation that gives
them an impression that due to this way of speaking, I must be a very outgoing and confident
person. But the truth is, it’s just my language! Hence, I do believe that one’s language is a part
of their identity.




Section B

3. Should there be one world language? If so, which one?

Yes, I strongly support the implementation of one global language. This will be very beneficial
for the world as:

1. It can help resolve wars and major conflicts better as the flow of communication will be
smoother if we all speak one, unified language.
2. This can also be a stepping stone to forming one government for the entire globe.

Now, the language that should be implemented as the mandatory global language must be
English. The argument for English is very strong:


GIIS Document number

ACA-07 Effective Date: 1 January 2018

Confidential | Copyright © Global Indian International School | Version 2 2

1. All decent jobs need good English communication skills

2. 80% of the internet is in English language.
3. And English is the language of science.

These are the premises why I believe in the implementation of English as a Global




4. Should literature, music and films be in English to gain a world audience, or in a national

language to strengthen local culture?

The relationship between language and culture is deeply rooted. Language is used to
maintain and convey culture and cultural ties. Hence, I believe that locally produced
films, music and literature pieces should be made in the national language to
strengthen local culture.

But films and songs directed for an international audience must be made in English,
as English is the most widely spoken language worldwide (Including foreign,
International speakers). On top of that as a corresponding point, more people
understand English than any other language.






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ACA-07 Effective Date: 1 January 2018

Confidential | Copyright © Global Indian International School | Version 2 3










Section C

5. What are Global Languages? Why are some languages known as Global languages?
Identify the regions of the world where these languages are spoken.

A global language, is a language spoken internationally, which is learned by many

people as a second language, the most popular one being English. Although, only a
few languages obtain this achievement, mainly because for a language to become
global, it has to acclaim itself an internationally renowned spot so that more people
actually have the will to learn it.

Many reports state that no language other than English has had a global influence on
territories which aren’t really under its jurisdiction. The regions where English is
spoken are extremely diverse. Some examples can be:
Republic of Ireland, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana, The


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ACA-07 Effective Date: 1 January 2018

Confidential | Copyright © Global Indian International School | Version 2 4

Bahamas, Belize, Grenada, Barbados, the United States Virgin Islands, the
Channel Islands, Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Bermuda, Saint Vincent and the
Grenadines, the Isle of Man, the Turks and Caicos Islands, Saint Kitts and Nevis, the
Cayman Islands, Guam, Gibraltar, the British Virgin Islands, Anguilla, the Falkland
Islands, Montserrat, Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha, the British
Indian Ocean Territory, the Pitcairn Islands, and South Georgia and the South
Sandwich Islands.












6. Why is it important to keep languages alive? Find out the significance of treasuring

indigenous community’s language.


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ACA-07 Effective Date: 1 January 2018

Confidential | Copyright © Global Indian International School | Version 2 5

Languages are a vital source of culture and identity for individual communities, and for the
global community, languages are an invaluable source of information about human cognition,
and a linguistically diverse world benefits us all. Languages also allow us to convey thoughts,
feelings, ideas, earnest emotions, and many other forms of communication. Hence, keeping a
language alive is extremely fundamental.

Treasuring one’s own native language is also an important aspect as your language is generally
what forms your identity and bases your self-esteem. It also helps keep you intact and
connected to your roots and indigenous beliefs. In conclusion, languages are an often
undermined and ignored aspect of our daily lives, yet they might be the core aspect of life







GIIS Document number

ACA-07 Effective Date: 1 January 2018

Confidential | Copyright © Global Indian International School | Version 2 6

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