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Data Protection Statement

Wob is an Intermet-based recrutment tool. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd and ts associated companies around the world
(Huawei") use this system to hold recruitment activities and provide job opportunities to applicants on a global scale. The
personal data that you will enter or have entered into this system will be used only for the recruitment purpose. Huawei will

follow applicable data protection laws to protect your personal data on a global scae.
When you apply for a position and send an application, it means that you are fully aware of and agree to the following

1. You entirely agree that Huawei has rights to collect, store, process, and transfer your personal data, including your
resume data and personal data collected in other ways, for the purpose of recruitment. The data includes, but is not

limited to, your name, gender, address, postal code, contact details, age, health, ID card No., work experience, skills,
qualifications, certificates, academic degree, job titles, and other information required for the position you applied for. lIn

special recruitment cases, you agree that Huawei can collect data about your family members for the purpose of judging

whether they would constitute a conflict of interest with Huawei; this data includes: the relationship with each family
member, as well as their names, contact numbers, employers, and jobs. The personal data we collet is used to

1.1 ldentify and contact candidates.

1.2 Evaluate candidates and make hiring decisions.
1.3 Keep recruitment-process records.
1.4 Find other potentially suitable opportunities at Huawei.
1.5 Select candidates when vacancies arise.
2. You agree that Huawei will make your personal data public to all talent recruitment departments of Huawei's associated

companies and human resources consultants hired by Huawei. You agree that these associated companies and human

resources consultants can contact you for the purpose of recruitment.

You fully understand and respect the fact that Huawei is a global company. and for this reason, you agree and
acknowledge that Huawei might, for recruitment purposes, transfer you personal data to its associated companies or

human resource consultants in other countries or regions, where the laws may not provide data protection of the same
level as the country you live in. In this case, Huawei wl take appropriate measures to protect your personal data in

compliance with this statement

do not want to submit personal data required for the
3. If youare unable to provide complete and accurate infomation, or

position you apply for, Huawei talent recruitnent departments probably cannot detemine whether you are suitable for the

position, causing you to lose the opportunity to work with Huawei.

4. You guarantee that personal data you submit is accurate and complete and contains no false, fabricated, exaggerated
or other untrue infomation. If any data you entered is inaccurate, you wil bear all the consequences resultingtherefrom
Nevertheiess, Huawei will try to provide you with ways of visiting the personal data you submitted and to provide you with
the opportunity to make corrections.

5. Uniess required or permited by laws and regulations, Huawei wil strive to keep your personal data only within the
period necessary to achieve the purpose of recruitment. You also have the right to remove your resume at any time from
the system. Once you are hired, your personal data will be saved into the Huawei human resources system and kept for
other career development and management purposes. Huawei will take reasonable organizational and technical
measures to prolect your personal data against Dreaches and unauthorized access. You agree and acknowledge that
Huawei is exempted from liability under any of the following conditions:

5.1 Disclosure of your personal data required by any govermment agency, including but not limited to tax authorities,
secuity services, the police, courts, and procurators, within their legitimate authority and following proper legal
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5.2 Data breaches caused by your sharing of your
password or account with others.
5.3 Disclosure, loss, theft, or modification of personal data caused by temporary network shut-down or other network

incidents in the event of Force Majeure, such as the Year 2000 problem, hacker attacks, computer virus attacks, and

government controls.
5.4 Data breaches caused by any website linked with this website. Huawei is not liable for legal disputes or

consequences resulting therefrom

6. You agree and acknowledge that all disputes relating to your personal data, including contract and tort disputes, shall
be govemed by the law of the People's Republic of China, and shall be exclusively setled by action at any People's Cout
in mainland China. In this context, law does not include the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Macao

Special Administrative Region, or Taiwan. If for any reason any provision or any part of this statement is invalid or not
enforceable, the remaining provisions of this statement shall remain valid. This statement shall not be deemed to be an
employment contract or offer of employment.
7. Contact Huawei: If you want to know more about Huawei, want to modify your personal data, have any questions

comments, Suggestions regarding this statement, or apply restrictions on your personal data, you can contact your local
Huawei company. You can view a detailed list of Huawei companies at.

http:/ htm, or you can email us at

Huawei Candidate Commitment

1. I will fully comply with any confidentiality agreements made with my previous employer. I will not disclose any trade

secrets (or miitary or other secret) to Huawei, nor bring them into Huawei, efther during the recruitment process or
after I begin work. If I do disclose trade (military, etc.) secrets belonging to my previous employer, I shall accept all
liability in any resulting legal or civil disputae
2. Before beginning work at Huawei, I shall end my working relationship with my previous employer. There are no legal
impediments or restrictions to my working at Huawei.
3. All personal information entered in the foms (including my application form, resume, certificates, and any other
documentsI submit during the recruitment process) is true. I agree that this information may be checked by Huawei
or a legitimate organization employed by Huawei. If this information should prove false, I will accept any action taken
by Huawei, and that I will not be eligible for employment by Huawei.
4. I will comply with Huawei's processes for new employee training and probation periods. If I am unable to meet the
company's standards during the probation period, in compliance with relevant law, Huawei may terminate our
employment relationship without compensation.
. l understand the requirements of the Huawei health check, and will complete a physical examination. If my results do
not meet the company's requirements, I agree that I will not be eligible for employment by Huawei.
6. By signing this commitment, I confim that: (1) Huawei may process my personal data, including al information which
I provide to Huawei in the course of this recruitment process, for its intemal operations and extemal compliance
functions (HR, administrative, infomation security, etc.); (2) For the purposes above, Huawei
may disclose my
personal data to its employees, partners, consultants, and other parties (including Huawei affliates). Huawei may
also need to disclose my personal data to government or regulatory authorities (e.g. tax authorities) for legal
compliance, or as part of law enforcement or other valid legal processes undertaken by government agencies, (3) As
a multinational company, Huawei operates in many different countries. This kind of global operation demands that
data is globaly available, and that data may be processed and used globaly. Itherefore agree that my personal data
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may be transferred to other countries or regons

sgraty hoon
Signahure Date 09/07/2022

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