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Course Title: Leonardo da Vinci: Renaissance Polymath

Course Description: This course explores the life, works, and influence of Leonardo da Vinci,
one of the most extraordinary figures of the Italian Renaissance. Students will examine da
Vinci's achievements as a painter, sculptor, scientist, inventor, and polymath. Through lectures,
readings, discussions, and hands-on projects, participants will gain an in-depth understanding of
da Vinci's multifaceted genius and his impact on art, science, and the Renaissance period.

Week 1-2: Introduction to the Renaissance and Leonardo da Vinci

 Overview of the Italian Renaissance

 Historical context and da Vinci's early life
 Early artistic influences and apprenticeship

Week 3-4: The Art of Leonardo da Vinci

 Analysis of da Vinci's major paintings, including "The Last Supper" and "Mona Lisa"
 Techniques and innovations in painting
 Exploration of da Vinci's approach to anatomy and portraiture

Week 5-6: Scientific Inquiry and Inventions

 da Vinci's notebooks and scientific observations

 Inventions and designs: from flying machines to anatomy studies
 The intersection of art and science in da Vinci's work

Week 7-8: Engineering and Architectural Innovations

 Architectural designs and city planning

 Machines and mechanical engineering
 da Vinci's contributions to military technology

Week 9-10: Anatomy and Medical Illustrations

 da Vinci's dissections and anatomical studies

 The impact of da Vinci's anatomical drawings on medical knowledge
 Ethical considerations in Renaissance anatomy

Week 11-12: Legacy and Influence

 The impact of da Vinci on subsequent artists, scientists, and thinkers

 Exploration of modern applications of da Vinci's designs
 Final projects: student presentations on a specific aspect of da Vinci's legacy

1. Midterm Exam (30%)
2. Research Paper on a specific aspect of da Vinci's life or work (30%)
3. Class Participation and Discussions (15%)
4. Hands-on Project (15%)
5. Final Exam (10%)

Required Readings:

1. "Leonardo da Vinci" by Walter Isaacson

2. "Leonardo da Vinci: The Complete Paintings" by Frank Zollner and Johannes Nathan
3. Selections from Leonardo da Vinci's notebooks

Note: This syllabus is a general outline and can be adjusted based on the specific interests and
needs of the students and the instructor's preferences. The course may include field trips to art
museums, guest lectures, and interactive projects to enhance the students' engagement with the
subject matter.

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