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R’s Proposal

What if there was a way to give you electricity anytime you needed it and from almost any you go in
your community? You would say “That would be amazing”, right? Ok, now keep imagining this same
product is also cost-efficient to make and also eco friendly? Well, you can stop imagining now, it is here,
introducing Ty’s Artificial Electric Road ‘T.E.A.R’. This product will change the playing field in green
energy as it cuts down on Carbon emission by 100 percent yet, this product can generate enough
electricity to power a town. This product will be able to perform such features since it uses piezoelectric
materials, these are materials that generate an electric charge whenever they are mechanically stressed
or deformed. It is an innovative way to generate renewable energy while utilizing existing infrastructure.

How will it work? This will simply be concrete with Lead Zirconate Titanate (PZT)- piezoelectric material.
When vehicles drive on the specialized piezoelectric material embedded in the concrete, the pressure
from the weight of the vehicles will produce electric charges. The electricity will flow to a transformer to
be broken down into smaller volts, this electricity will then flow from the transformer into the battery
for storage and distribution. Yes, the harvesting of the electricity is in this product is brilliant, since the
road usage in Guyana is infinite to motor vehicles and motorcycles as well, then the inflow of electricity
will be to great extent being great enough to power a community or even a town.

Now, let me explain how households and individual members of the community will be able to have
access to this harvested energy. For both groups it would be through the use of magsafe coils but each
built in a different way.

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