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Personal Statment

As a 17-year-old from Merced, California, deeply entrenched in the vibrant Hispanic community,

I am Bryan Lupian—a young dreamer with a resolute vision. My aspiration to become a

Dermatologist stems from a profound belief in the power of quality healthcare to bridge societal

gaps. Growing up, I witnessed firsthand the transformative impact of accessible healthcare,

igniting within me a fervent desire to contribute meaningfully to this noble field. Rooted in my

Hispanic heritage are the values of compassion and community, serving as guiding stars in my

journey toward medicine. I firmly believe that every individual, regardless of background,

deserves equitable access to healthcare services. This conviction propels me to seek avenues

where I can make a tangible difference, alleviating healthcare disparities and championing

inclusivity. My journey towards realizing this vision has been multifaceted. Equipped with

essential first aid skills, including CPR and specialized techniques for individuals of all ages, I

have embraced a proactive approach to healthcare advocacy. Additionally, my academic

endeavors have seen me excel beyond expectations, having completed college-level

coursework during my first semester at El Capitan High School. This experience has not only

sharpened my intellectual acumen but has also nurtured a deep-seated curiosity for the

intricacies of medical science. As I embark on this transformative path, I am driven by an

unwavering commitment to serve and empower communities, particularly those facing

healthcare disparities. My goal is not merely to practice medicine but to be a catalyst for

change, leveraging my skills, knowledge, and cultural insights to foster a more equitable

healthcare landscape. With determination as my compass and compassion as my guiding light,

I eagerly anticipate the challenges and triumphs that lie ahead. I am ready to embrace the

responsibilities of a future dermatologist, advocating for healthcare equity and leaving an

indelible mark on the lives of those I am privileged to serve.

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