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Climate change is the biggest global issue today.

Governments and
individuals must change their behaviour dramatically to ensure a
sustainable future, even if it means imposing legal restrictions on
human activity

In the present day, with the advancement of technologies, climate

change has emerged as a critical concern that poses significant
consequences for both the natural world and human society.

There is a widespread belief that governments should implement

regulations aimed at conserving the environment and, additionally,
exercise strict control over their citizens' actions through legislation to
guarantee a sustainable future.

Although there are some who suggest that individuals have the ability to
autonomously protect their surroundings through conscious decision-
making. This essay espouses the aforementioned perspective on
government control.

In the present day, with the advancement of technologies, climate change has
emerged as a critical concern that poses significant consequences for both the
natural world and human society. There is a widespread belief that governments
should implement regulations aimed at conserving the environment and,
additionally, exercise strict control over their citizens’ actions through
legislation to guarantee a sustainable future. Although there are some who
suggest individuals have the ability to autonomously protect their surroundings
through conscious decision-making. This essay espouses the aforementioned
perspective on government control.

Firstly, it is true that the situation is difficult to manage in the absence of the
government and corporate authority. When it comes to climate change, the
government plays a crucial role in addressing the huge challenges. The reason
why it cannot be solved with engaging only industries and as well as individuals
is due to the far-reaching implementation for the environment and society, such
as global warming, air pollution, exceptional temperature, vanishing arctic sea
ice, extinct animals and so on. Governments should generate related regulations
and manage their responsibilities before the time out. In addition, it is also
necessary to pay a fine for illegal actions. In fact, there are many countries
creating environmental restrictions involving businesses and communities, and
as a result, consequently, they have made a positive impact on the environment
up to this point and will continue to do so in the future. For example, the Danish
government collaborated with companies to develop an advanced renewable
energy infrastructure, which successfully led to a reduction in carbon dioxide

Secondly, it is generally understood that environmental issues cannot be

effectively addressed just by regulatory measures. While citizens certainly
possess the right to freedom of choice, it is crucial to provide them with
education regarding the core principles of environmentalism. This is because
the environment is the only legacy given to everyone, and it should be protected
and passed on the future generations. Furthermore, one can spontaneously
preserve environments with community activities, such as collecting recycled
wastes, eco-friendly goods, less use of plastic bags and disposal goods, saving
the energy of water and electricity, taking public transportation and so on.

To sum up, environmental issues are one of today's most serious problems.
Thus, climate change is also addressed on the international agenda. This is
because the atmosphere has no boundaries between countries. Although the
majority of countries have an agreement, it is impossible to dramatically reduce
environmental problems without international coordination. It is definitely
evident that huge issues of climate change should be overcome through
government intervention and control the participation of businesses and
individuals, additionally, it is necessary to enact related laws.

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