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4 Risk management
RMMM plan tackles risks through Risk Assessment and Risk Control. Risk Assessment involves Risk Identification, Risk Analysis and Risk Prioritization; while Risk Control involves Risk Management Planning, Risk Resolution and Risk Monitoring

Scope & Purpose

The risks


plan outlines the risk management strategy adopted. We adopt a proactive approach to tackle



Risk Mitigation Monitoring and Management Plan identifies and documents the risks associated with Project. In addition to project risks and technical risks, business risks are also identified, analyzed and documented. Both generic and product-specific risks have been considered. In addition to identification, this document outlines the proactive strategy that we have adopted to avoid these risks. A contingency plan is also prepared for each risk, in case it becomes a reality. Only those risks have been treated whose probability and impact are relatively high, i.e. above a referent level.

Overview of Major Risks

Project management skills not up to the mark. Unversed to the programming language, e.g. J2EE 3. Unfamiliar to the concept of Network Protocol. estimate may drift considerably resulting in schedule overruns. developed cannot be integrated easily, requiring redesign and rework. constraint for some modules may not meet. e.g. output timing. interaction amongst group members can result in misunderstanding, which work.

1. 2.

4. 5. Hardware 6. Time 7. Improper may cause less

Given the technical experience among project members is limited, there is concern that the size

Risk Table
ST: Staff related size and experience TE: Technology to be built related PS: Product size DE: Development Environment BU: Business impact PD: Process Definition

Risk Illiterate to project management skills Unversed to programming language Unfamiliar to Concept of the project Unfamiliar to software tools Technical experience among project members is


Impact Marginal Marginal Marginal Marginal Marginal Critical

limited N/W Hardware integrated easily, requiring TE redesign and rework.

Time constraint for some modules may not meet TE Improper interaction amongst group members ST can result in misunderstanding

Critical Critical

Risk Mitigation Monitoring Management table:

Risk Lack Mitigation Monitoring project Referred the Software Review with guides Engineering books Coding programming language By doing Analysis Management Searching Internet in Searching language specification faced problems 1)Requirement gathering should be done 2)Search the web up for the concept the 1)Breaking down the tools study in members 2)Checking alternative the for for for the



management skills Unfamiliar programming language

to Scheduled studying Languages from Standard Books

Unfamiliar to the 1)Scheduled studying concept of project concepts from books 2)Discussion with

guide Unfamiliar to the Scheduled studying of Setting software tools specification of Software tools development phase technical Software in during


Study the related past Project

software tools guide Interact with internal provide case of difficulties

experience among projects and try to monitors our project and external guide in project members is learn as much from and limited their experience guidance whenever and decision making. required. the During use of the Use the alternative tools Development tools minimum tools

Development tools Choose do not work development with requirements expected

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