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FUN Facts about AutoCAD (ICT 8)

CAD stand for Computer-Aided Design

One of the features of 2D CAD are Drawing lines and shapes on a flat plane.
Layers in AutoCAD are used for Organizing drawing objects.
The command line in AutoCAD is used for Typing commands and inputting values.
What does the 'Zoom' command do in AutoCAD Changes the scale of the drawing.
LINE command is used to draw a straight line in AutoCAD.
The purpose of the UCS (User Coordinate System) in AutoCAD is to define a specific coordinate system.
Absolute and relative coordinates refer to the position of objects in the drawing.
The TRIM command in AutoCAD removes unnecessary parts of objects.
The FILLET command in AutoCAD is used for creates rounded corners between two lines.
The OFFSET command in AutoCAD creates parallel lines at a specified distance.
You can measure distances in AutoCAD using the 'Distance' command.
The HATCH command in AutoCAD is used for creating gradient fills.
BLOCKS used for in AutoCAD grouping objects together.
Using the 'Insert' command, you insert a block into a drawing in AutoCAD.
Snap' and 'Grid' assist in drawing accurately in AutoCAD.
The 'Mirror' command in AutoCAD is used for creating reflections of objects across a line.
The purpose of the command line in AutoCAD is to display messages and prompts from the software.
The GoTo command is used to navigate to a specific coordinate point in AutoCAD.
You can access the Layers Properties Manager in AutoCAD through the Format menu.
Draw Toolbar in AutoCAD typically contains commands for drawing and modifying objects.
The purpose of the Viewport Toolbar in AutoCAD is to create and manage layout viewports.
CIRCLE command is used to draw a circle in AutoCAD.
The BREAK command is used to break an object into two separate objects in AutoCAD.
STRETCH command is used to stretch or shrink objects in AutoCAD.
COLOR command is used to change the color of objects in AutoCAD.
The BYLAYER property in AutoCAD specifies the color, linetype, and lineweight of an object.
The Properties panel in AutoCAD displays the properties of the selected object.

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