Apeta AdditionalDuties

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MAY 5, 2022
1ST YEAR O1A Ms. Eder Maen Licudan
Mr. Jhon Philip Baustista
Clinical Situations
1. A patient delivering a 24-hour urine sample to the laboratory mentions that he
or she did not save a small amount of urine voided while visiting a neighbor.

A. What should the patient be told?

Patients who indicate that they have not been able to collect a complete sample should
obtain a new sample. To obtain an accurate timed sample, it is necessary for the patient
to begin and end the collection period with an empty bladder.

B. How would this affect the test result?

Addition of urine produced before the start of the collection time or produced at the end
of the collection period will affect the accuracy of the analysis.

2. A supervisor counsels a phlebotomist because two computer entry errors on

the previous day were traced back to the phlebotomist. The phlebotomist states
that he or she did not use the computer that day.

A. How could this have occurred?

Some error in the data is just because may be some other person except authorized
a phlebotomist used the computer and entered some incorrect data.

B. How could it be avoided?

To correct this problem phlebotomists must input a secure password. The purpose of
the password is to provide computer security so that patient data is available only to
authorized personnel.

3. A phlebotomist delivers Tube No. 1 of a CSF sample to the hematology

department and Tube No. 3 to the chemistry department.

A. Will the hematology result be affected? Explain your answer.

Tube no. 3 is designed for hematology. Yes the result of hematology will not be correct
due to exchange between the tubes.

B. Will the chemistry result be affected? Explain your answer.

Tube no. 1 is designed for chemistry; yes the result of chemistry will not be correct just
because of exchange in tubes.

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