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Unit 1: It's an emergency

1 accident : somehting bad that happens that often hurts you

2 alarm : a sound that lets you know there is danger

3 ambulance : a form of transport that takes people to hospital

4 cooker : a large machine that you use to cook food

5 electricity : a source of energy that we use to work lights and many machines

6 embarrassed : feeling uncomfortable and a little stupid

7 emergency : a serious and often dangerous event that needs immediate action

8 experiment : an investigation to test or discover something

9 explain : to tell someone about something so it is easy to understand

an activity to practise leaving a place quickly so that people know what to do if

10 fire drill :
there is a fire

11 fire engine : a large vehicle that carries fire fighters and their equipment

12 heating : equiment that makes a building warm

13 hit : to happen, or affect people, with force

14 lifeboat : a small boat carried on a large ship for use in an emergency

15 life jacket : something you wear to help you float if you fall in water

16 million : one thousand times one thousand

17 power : electricity

18 rehearse : to practise a piece of music before you perform it in front of people

19 rescue : to save someone from danger

20 rescue boat : a fast boat that is sent out to help another boat or ship in difficulty

21 smoke : a cloud of gases that rises from something that's burning

22 whisper : to speak in a very quiet voice

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