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1st Quarter/Week 1 Learning Activity Sheet (LAS)

Teacher: Ms. Jemarie Labora Pugoy

Name: _____________________________________________________________
Grade: ______________ Section: ___________________ Score: ____________

Module 1 (Week 1). Task. Essay. Explain briefly but concisely. 20 points each.
Please refer to page 4 for additional guidance.

“We learn more by looking for the answer to a question and not finding it than we do from
learning the answer itself.” -Lloyd Alexander
What does the author mean about the statement?



Module 1 (Week 2). Task. Essay. Explain briefly but concisely. 20 points each.
Please refer to page 6 for additional guidance.
1. What is research?
2. Is research important to our daily lives? If yes, how?
3. Based on your own understanding, how does research affect the lives of every individual?
How does it affect our society?

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