Air Pollution

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Air pollution

Atmospheric pollution is the presence in the air of small particles or secondary
gaseous products that may pose risk, damage or annoyance to people, plants
and animals that are exposed to said environment.
Starting in the year 1760, with the beginning of the industrial era, industrial
pollution began. Years later, technological evolution made it possible to refine
oil and turn it into one of the main fuels, responsible for a third of polluting

The monitoring and control of air pollution has taken on greater relevance day
by day, because, according to figures from the World Health Organization, one
in every eight deaths that occur worldwide is caused by air pollution. This
organization estimates that around ten million people die each year from the
effects of air pollution and up to eight million of those deaths are related to
particles produced by the burning of fossil fuels.
Every year the air pollution record is broken. In the year 2019, almost forty
billion tons of CO2 were reached in the atmosphere, surpassing the previous
year's record. Without effective measures, the effects of air pollution will be
disastrous for life on Earth.


Causes of air pollution

At home, the burning of fossil fuels, wood and other biomass fuels for
cooking, heating and lighting fires is the main source of pollution in the home
In industry, the main cause of pollution is the large-scale burning of fossil
fuels such as oil, coal and gas. Additionally, diesel generators are a growing
concern in off-grid areas.
One of the largest sources of air pollution are fossil fuels, such as the energy
that automobiles emit through their fuel, which emits carbon dioxide that then
rises to the atmospheric layer.


Consequences of air pollution

Among the direct consequences of air pollution, we can highlight the
development of diseases and conditions in humans, such as respiratory
infections, heart diseases, strokes and lung cancer; This is not to mention that
it causes a great impact on plants, reducing photosynthesis by 60% or with the
appearance of yellow, black or brown spots. In animals, it can cause
respiratory complications, affecting the lungs and mucous membranes that can
result in loss of smell.


Possible solutions
Reversing air pollution is everyone's task, so we will proceed to provide
possible solutions that, although they will not end environmental pollution
overnight, will be useful so that in the medium or long term we can breathe
pure air.
 Reduce plastic consumption.
 Take into account the rule of the 3 R's: recycle, reuse and reduce.
 Monitor the products we consume and opt for those whose impact on
the environment is minimal.
 Opt for energy efficiency and minimize energy consumption
 Although we cannot avoid using personal vehicles or public
transportation, try to minimize them, using them only when, for major
reasons, it is necessary.

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