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Rabbits are animals that are commonly found on farms. Indonesian people have known
rabbits since the 18th century. In 1972, the first cute rabbit was discovered in Indonesia,
precisely on the island of Sumatra. Rabbits belong to the class of mammals, which means
they have warm blood which they develop. They breed by giving birth or give birth to. In one
breed, rabbits can produce 4 children at once. The specialty of rabbits is that their teeth
continue to grow as long as they are still alive. Actually, rabbits can be found in various parts
of the world, such as Europe and Africa. These cute and adorable animals have a habitat and
place to live in rainforests and savannas. However, in this century, rabbits have also begun to
be cultivated for their benefits. In general, rabbits can be divided into two types, namely.
Wild rabbits and ornamental or pet rabbits. Meanwhile, according to breed, rabbits can be
divided into various types, such as anggora, guinea pig, Australian and so on. Nowadays
many people breed rabbits for their meat, the soft and tasty texture makes rabbit meat very
tasty for cooking as satay. Meat rabbits are now also available. widely circulated in the
market, from local to international markets.

In Indonesia itself, many local rabbits are found, such as Sumatran rabbits and Javanese
rabbits. Javanese rabbits are often found in forests around West Java and Central Java with
characteristic blackish brown fur. Meanwhile, Sumatran rabbits can be found with
characteristic yellowish brown fur.

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