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Everyland II secondary story

Have you ever heard about horror parks and amusement parks? or maybe you have

been to one? well I am going to tell you something that happened to me a long time

ago in one of those parks although this park is very different from any other and this

does not end well or at least for me and a friend because she lost something and me

well... It is better that you discover it as my story progresses.

October 29, 2007

My name is Yue. For as long as I can remember I have lived alone in this town called

Nearon, I don't remember much of the past, the only thing that I remember is the day

my parents left. I was 4 years old and my parents work as architects, I was an only

child so I had no siblings. A few days ago I met a friend whose name is Amaris.

She is a very friendly and intelligent girl. She also told me that her house was

nearby so maybe we could see each other often.

One day I was shopping because my house had run out of food and every week they

sent me money from the government which is what my parents left me, I use it for

food and other duties so I decided to go as soon as they gave it to me; On the way I

found in my mail a letter that said I was invited to an opening of a theme park this

seemed strange to me I thought to refuse until I received a call from my friend

Amaris she had also been invited and I decided to go to accompany her, it was

November 4th so I decided to prepare myself so I wouldn't be late.

4 de November, 2007:

That day we went out with amaris and when we got to the park it looked really nice

but when you really looked at it it looked scary and there was a roller coaster like ride

in it there were several people a guy named Axel and one named Michael, there

were two twins one was named Nadia and one was named Olivia and there was also
a girl who looked a little younger named emma. Then the car started to move and we

entered the park and as soon as we entered we could see a television and there was

a fence that was completely closed and Michael tried to get out but he couldn't. We

were locked in.

Then we appeared in a dark room and the TV appeared and a masked man

appeared on it saying that we had to enter separate games and by this point we had

become best friends with Amaris since she was the only one who understood me.

The man also told us that we would get some keys as the games progressed and

that at the end we would be able to use them. At the beginning I separated myself

from the others and from amaris. Then the car was separated and divided to different

places. He took me to a faraway place that was like an obstacle course that had very

dangerous things and I tried as best I could but I couldn't do much.I finished the track

as best I could and got half of the key apparently I had to get the next part of the key

in another way and it took me a long time to finish the track I didn't know how much

time had passed that track was very long and it took a long time finish it, I didn't

know how Amaris would be nor how the others were and that terrified me but I had to

continue to be able to go out with Amaris from here I still regret having accepted that

invitation and not having told her not to go to Amaris if I would have done that we

would be outside safely at this time.I decided to get the key no matter what, it didn't

matter if I didn't even know what day it was, I had to get out of here no matter what to

save Amaris and the others, so I decided to run, I realized that at the end of the track

there was a dark corridor I ran towards it and found another game but this one was

about aiming there was a gun and several bullets which I had to use to hit some

animals that seemed to be made of cardboard but every time I hit one I knocked it

down but not only that there were also a gun behind them that returned the bullet
made me also had to dodge and I did very well until I got to a point where I was

already tired and to top it off I was missing 7 animals since there were 17 so I tried to

continue the best, until a bullet hit me in the torso, I decided to take off my jacket and

tie it to the part of the bullet I knew I couldn't cure her and this was bad but I

continued anyway it didn't matter if I was tired I had to go out to at least be able to

talk to amaris she was My only friend and I really wanted her to go out and be with

her mother. I continued the game and won and I get out and there was one last

jumping test in this one I found amaris and the others but they were also hurt not as

much as me but they did have some bruises and scratches.The game began and

there was also a clock, apparently a counter of people who would pass, we were 7

but there was only for 6 so someone would have to stay although we would all try to

pass anyway. As soon as it started we all started running. The twins tried to be

together and Axel and Michael, who had apparently become good friends, ran

together. Amaris and I ran and jumped as best we could but there was a point where

we all stopped because a sign appeared ahead that said"stop for mandatory

rest"apparently they would give us a break and it was mandatory since at the

beginning they also told us that disobeying the rules would have a punishment and

not one of us had the courage to know what the punishment was, so we preferred to

obey. As soon as we stopped to rest we began to treat the wounds with a first aid kit

that appeared at the rest stop and we also started talking about everything we tried

to do after this we would go out to eat ice cream or something maybe and we

laughed a lot until the sign to leave appeared,we ran for a long time until we arrived

but apparently it was mandatory that one stay if not we would all pay the price and

we all debated until I made the decision to stay and I only saw how the twins kept

amaris away from me because she was avoiding me to stay everyone was crying
and after they left the door was closed but I didn't even regret my decision since I

saved my only friends.

The end

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